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Showing posts with label Smackdown Results. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Smackdown Results. Show all posts

Saturday 17 November 2012

WWE Smackdown Results 11/16/12

Smackdown starts from Cleveland Ohio with Sheamus in the parking lot. He is pacing around and waiting for the Big Show. The Miz’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring to cheers from his home town crowd. The Miz says its good to be home. He welcomes people to Miz TV. He says that In 2 days the 26th annual Survivor Series will take place and he is on team Foley thanks to the fans. He asks if there was any doubt. He mentioned that he is on the poster. He says he has achieved more than any of the other Survivor Series participants. He is not going to fall in line to any team, be it Ziggler's or Mick Foley's. Miz introduces Mick Foley. Foley gets in the ring and grabs a mic. He says he appreciates Miz inviting him but he has reservations about him, right here in Cleveland Ohio. Miz asks Foley not to go for cheap pops in his home town. Foley clarifies that Miz is from Cleveland Ohio [to another cheap pop]. Foley says The Miz is like 2 different people. He talks about his book but says if Charles Dickens wrote it, it might be called the tale of 2 Miz’s. He wants to know what Miz is going to show up at Survivor Series. Foley asks if it will be the Wrestlemania main eventing, John Cena defeating, awesome inducing, self surviving superstar or the vacation taking, sitting in chairs, make up wearing, Miz, who shows up on Smackdown and raw from time to time. Miz wonders if he needs to ask. He says Really? [a few times]. He tells Foley he does not need any motivational speech. He says he is the least of Mick Foley’s problems. He says they have tag team champions that do not like each other, an apex preditor who does not play well with others and a cheap shot artist who stole his title. Foley announces his participants and out go his team. All 5 members of Team Foley are now in the ring with him. He says he wants to open up the lines of communication. No one talks. Foley asks for somebody to say something. Kane and Daniel Bryan argue as to who will speak first. Daniel Bryan says he thinks Kane wants to apologize for constantly insinuating that he is weak link of the team. Kane says he just wants to thank The Miz for being a great tag team partner. Kane says his back feels strong for not having to carry The Miz. Daniel Bryan says if not for him, Kane would be roaming basements and scaring kids. Kane says he does that anyway. They argue with each other. Kofi tries to calm them. Miz says that Kofi if the last one who should be trying to bring peace since when he went to shake his hand last week, Kofi kicked him in the face. Kofi says that unless Miz takes a couple of steps back, he will do it again. Foley says as surprising as it might be, the voice of reason might be Randy Orton. Orton says he has spat in Foley’s face many times. He says Foley threw him in to thumb tacks long ago but despite that he prefers him to anyway else in the ring. He says there is not a single member of this team he likes or trusts. He pushes the Survivor Series poster over. Ziggler’s music hits and his team show up at the top of the ramp. Ziggler tells his team to look in the ring, this is the definition of a dysfunction. He says team Ziggler has no egos. He says they are prime elite superstars united behind one charismatic leader. Del Rio is saying something to his manager. He tells Del rio to be quiet while he talks. Del Rio continues to talk. Ziggler asks him what’s wrong. Del rio says Ziggler does not have what it takes to be team later. He says only one person should be leader. Ziggler asks if he could not have mentioned this earlier in the back. Del rio says he is former a champion and should not be spoken to in this way. Ziggler says he is a future champion. Mick Foley tries to say something but Ziggler tells him to shut up. Foley says he used to run this place and he asked Booker T if he could have a free hand at making some good matches tonight, in Cleveland Ohio [pop]. Booker T said he could. Foley says Ziggler and Del Rio need to learn to get along before Survivor Series. He says it will be Ziggler and Del rio against 2 other people who need to learn to get along, The Miz and Randy Orton. Ziggler says he’s glad Miz quit his team since they have someone much better than Miz now, that is Barrett. Barrett says Ziggler is making him blush. The way he sees it, the quitter is replaced with a winner. Foley says Barrett can take on one half of the tag team champions tonight. Kane. Daniel Bryan says no no no no. Damien Sandow says that it is obvious team Foley is in disarray. You have a goat face one word wonder that is running around with an anger problem. You have Kane who is the very reason his partner is not with us. You have A braded neon mute who claims he has ability to fly. As he is about to continue Kofi interrupts and says that from a scholar he was expecting something smarter than that. Kofi tells Sandow that if he wants to question his ability then he is happy to show him first hand. Foley says his job just got made easier as the first match will be Kofi Kingston v Damian Sandow and it starts now.

Damien Sandow v Kofi Kingston

They lock up. Sandow takes Kingston down with a headlock. He keeps the headlock locked in on the grounded Kingston. Kofi Kingston fights out and whips Sandow in to ropes but Sandow takes him down on the return with a shoulder block. Sandow in to ropes ducks 2 leapfrogs from Kofi and then gets taken down with another shoulder block. Sandow slides out of the ring. He gets back in the ring and goes for a kick but Kofi catches his foot and flips him over twice. Armlock from Kofi. Knee to shoulder from Kofi and pin gets a 1 count. Sandow with head butts on Kofi Kingston, then whips him in to ropes but Kofi kicks him in to ropes and Sandow slides out again. Kofi slides out after him. Sandow slides back and Kofi goes in after him. Sandow with kicks to Kofi Kingston. He whips Kofi in to ropes and runs at him but Kofi moves, dropkicks and pins Sandow for a 2 count. Kicks to Sandow from Kofi. Cover gets a 2 count. Sandow runs at Kofi but Kofi throws him out of ring again. Suicide dive through the ropes to Sandow at ringside.

Break for don’t try this at home promo

Kofi is beating up Sandow in the turnbuckle. Sandow is back with right hands but Kofi with some of his own. Kofi with a forward flip followed by a slam for a cover and 2 count. Sandow rakes Kofi’s eyes. Sandown taunts the fans. Russian leg sweep from Sandown. Elbow drop of distain and cover gets a 2 count. Rights and lefts from Kofi. Kick from Sandow. Dropkick from Kofi Kingston. Clothesline from kofi. Leg drop from kofi. Kofi goes for trouble in paradise but Sandow backs off. Kofi off top ropes with bodyrcross but only gets a 2 count. Sandow is flipped up over on to his back as he goes off the ropes. Sandow with a roll up by the ropes for the win.

Winner: Damien Sandow

Sheamus is backstage pacing. He thinks he hears something and looks to see if Big Show has arrived but it was a false alarm and he continues to pace around.

Kaitlyn, Natalya and Layla v Aksana, Eve and Alicia Fox

Layla spanks Aksana and hits her with her ass. Alicia gets tagged in and slams Layla down by grabbing her hair. Northern lights suplex from Alicia, followed by a hair toss. Eve gets tagged in and chokes Layla on the ropes. Alicia is in and Layla makes the tag to Kaitlyn who overpowers Alicia with a big flapjack. Cover but Aksana breaks it up. Eve gets hit off the apron and Kaitlyn hits the inverted DDT for the win.

Winners: Kaitlyn, Natalya and Layla

Sheamus is shown pacing backstage again as Booker T walks over to him. He says he knows he is upset but he is putting him in awkward position. He says Big Show might not show up if Sheamus stays here. Sheamus says he will move but if tells Booker to let Big Show know that if he has any guts then he will see him in the ring. Booker says in 48 hours and he can get his hands on him but for now he needs to keep it cool. Sheamus says he can’t promise that. Booker t says if stuff gets out of hand there will be consequences and repercussions. Sheamus tells Booker he got that right and walks off.

Randy Orton and Miz v Del Rio and Ziggler

Ziggler and Miz lock up. Ziggler with a headlock. Ziggler gets cocky. Leapfrog from Miz and overhead slam on Ziggler’s return cover gets a 2 count. Ziggler right hand. kick from Miz. Rights and lefts from both men. Miz is thrown over ropes by Ziggler. Del Rio gets in to the ring and Orton is pushed off the ring apron in to barrier.

Commercial break

Ziggler has Orton in a headlock. Orton with elbows. Orton off the ropes but Ziggler with a knee to the gut on the return that takes Orton over. Ziggler with a cover gets a kick out. Del rio is in now with a kick to Orton. Kicks in the turnbuckle from Del Rio. Kick from Orton. Elbow from Orton and punches in the turnbuckle. Miz gets into the match and hits an axe handle smash from the top. Miz goes back to the top and Del Rio throws him off the rope. Del Rio makes his way into the match and beats down Miz until Miz flips him over the ropes, to the outside of the ring. Miz crawls towards Orton and makes the tag. Orton hits clothesline after clothesline and knocks Ziggler off the apron. Powerslam to Del Rio, powerslam to Ziggler. Orton with the elevated snap DDT. Miz tags himself in and hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the cover. Miz and Orton win.

Winners: Miz and Orton

Randy Orton RKO's Miz after the match is over.

Sheamus makes his way to the ring. He tells Big Show that he crossed the line. He says they had the fight of their life last month but his attack in the pub was a cowardly act. He says he’s tired of all the talking and does not want to wait till Sunday. As far as he is concerned the time for talking is over, its time to fight. Big Show’s music hits and he shows up at the top of the ramp. He says Sheamus does not get it. He is running his mouth just like last week and what is going to happen like last week, nothing except for possibly him knocking Regal out again. Big Show says Sheamus thinks he is scared of him and he is scared but he is not scared of Sheamus, he is scared of what he might do to Sheamus. He says Sheamus should thank him. Sheamus says that is the best idea he has had because he is going to get up there and thank him right now in his own way. Sheamus jumps out of the ring and makes his way up the ramp to confront Big Show but Booker t is out and gets in his way. Booker says this is not Raw, this is his show Smackdown and in 2 days he gets to take on Big show but tonight he wants him to leave the building. Sheamus says he respects him but he is not leaving, he wants to kick Big Show’s ass. Big Show walks off. Booker T says he is not asking, he is telling Sheamus to leave the building. Sheamus slowly makes his way up the ramp as he is guided off to the side by Booker.

Commercial break

Backstage Big Show tells Booker that he loves how he handled this. Booker says Big Show can cut the act but is he is glad that Big Show appreciates the way he handles business. Booker T tells Big Show he has made a match for him but he will find out who he is fighting later. Big Show asks Booker if it is against Sheamus. Booker says it’s not but tells him to remember that no one is bigger than the Show.

Kane v Barrett

Kick from Barrett. Kane off ropes but gets taken down and covered by Barrett that gets no count as Kane throws him off. Kick from Barrett. Big Kick from Kane takes down Barrett. Kane clotheslines Barrett over the top rope. He gets out and throws him back in to the ring. Top rope clothesline from Kane. Team ziggler run in to the ring as the referee calls for the bell. They beat on Kane. Daniel Bryan runs to the ring but he gets taken down quick as well. Foley calls Kingston down who runs in to the ring. Orton’s music hits and he runs to the ring. A brawl breaks out in the ring. Orton RKO’s Sandow, then RKO's Ziggler as the rest of team Ziggler are out of the ring. Miz shows up at the top of the ramp. He looks at his teammates in the ring as they star back at him.

Winner: Kane by DQ

R Truth makes his way down the ramp for commentary

Antonio Cesaro v Sin Cara

Cesaro slams Sin Cara down. Sin Cara takes him down. Cara with a huracanrana. Cesaro with a kick to the back of Cara and cover for 2 count. Suplex from cesaro. Elbow to the back. Sin cara with a springboard in to an arm drag. Headscissors take down from Cara. Kick from Cara. Huracanrana on Cesaro in to a cover that gets a 2 count. Cesaro throws Sin Cara up and hits the Swiss death. Equalizer for the 3 count.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro

Cesaro stares at R truth after the match. R truth stands on the announce table. He has a mic and asks for the attention of the people. He says with respect to little Jimmy, he wants to quote a different Jimmy. The hacksaw Jim Duggan. He starts a USA chant. The fans chant USA as Truth gets in to the ring and Cesaro climbs out.

Great Khali v Big Show

Slow start with Khali shoving Big Show. Big Show with a headbutt and some punches. Show goes for the big chop but Khali hits some chops of his own. Khali with an elbow to the head. Khali hits the brain chop and Big Show barely kicks out at two. Big Show spears Khali down. Khali goes for the Punjabi Plunge but Big Show avoids it and hits the knock out punch to cover for the 3 count.

Winner: Big Show

Sheamus’s music hits and Big Show looks around but Sheamus is not there. Big Show’s music hits again and he leaves the ring. Big Show is seen walking backstage as a reporter tries to talk to him but he frightens him off. Big Show opens the door to a bus and Sheamus jumps out of it and attacks him. He throws Big Show in the side of a car and beats away at him. Big show replies by tossing Sheamus on to the hood of a car. Sheamus gets up on to car as Big Show is walking off and jumps on to him. He slams Big Show in to another car a few times until Big Show falls to the ground. He continues to beat away. Big Show is lying on the floor. Referees go in to break it up. They pull Sheamus off as Smackdown goes off air.

Friday 16 November 2012

WWE Main Event Results 11/14/12

We are live on tape from Cleveland, Ohio and your announcers are Michael ‘Lebron Fan Club President’ Cole and The Miz.

Miz mentions that he is Cleveland’s favorite son.

Michael discusses the tag title match tonight and how Miz was involved with the participants in the match because Miz teamed with Kane to face Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow. Miz talks about how Daniel Bryan tried to mess up the chemistry between Miz and Kane.

Josh Mathews is with the Champions in the interview area. Josh asks Kane and Daniel about what happened on Monday and whether they can retain. Kane says that he am the Tag Team Champions. Daniel says that the only reason why Kane and Miz won on Monday was because he was out there. He says that Kane cannot do this without him. Kane says that Bryan tried to sabotage their teammate.

Daniel says that Kane likes to argue with him and Kane says that he doesn’t. Kane walks away and Daniel claims that he am the tag team champions. Cody and Damien attack Bryan and Cody with a gourdbuster onto one of the cases.

Cole and Miz discuss the attack and Cole suggests that Daniel Bryan’s jealousy might have affected him. Miz says that Bryan might cost his team the tag titles and he might even cost his team on Sunday.

We go to a video package looking at why Daniel Bryan and Kane are the oddest of odd couples.

Match Number One: Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow versus Daniel Bryan and Kane for the WWE Tag Team Championship

Bryan and Kane go after Sandow and Rhodes before the bell rings and Bryan sends Rhodes over the top rope with a clothesline while Kane does the same to Sandow.

Cody and Kane start things off once order is restored. Rhodes with punches and kicks followed by a side head lock. Kane with a shoulder tackle and punch. Kane sends Rhodes into the turnbuckles and then he takes Rhodes down with a side head lock take down. Kane with another shoulder tackle and then he tags in Bryan.

Bryan with kicks to Rhodes and then he sends Cody into the turnbuckles and he kicks Rhodes in the corner. Bryan sets for a surfboard but he decides to drive Cody’s knees into the mat instead. Kane tags back in and he misses Cody and accidentally punches Bryan. Kane punches Rhodes and then Bryan pushes Kane. Kane pushes back and then he picks up Bryan but Rhodes with a drop kick. Bryan goes after Rhodes while Sandow sends Kane into the ring post while the referee was focusing on the action in the ring and we go to commercial.

We are back and Sandow with a reverse chin lock on Kane. Sandow with punches and Cody tags in and they hit a double suplex and get a near fall. Kane pushes Cody into the corner but Cody with kicks to Kane. Cody goes up top for a moonsault and he catches Kane but does not cover him. Kane grabs Cody by the throat but Cody with elbows. Kane with a back body drop and Cody lands on his shoulder.

Bryan tags in and he kicks Cody in the corner. Bryan with a flying clothesline to Rhodes. Bryan gets a near fall. Sandow distracts Bryan long enough when Bryan goes up top to allow Rhodes to move out of the way on a diving head butt. Sandow tags in and he gets a near fall on Bryan. Sandow sends Rhodes to the floor and Sandow goes to the floor as well. Sandow sends Bryan into the apron and then he Irish whips Bryan into the ringside barrier.

Sandow tells Bryan to stay down while Cole points out that a count out does not help the challengers. Sandow kicks Bryan and then he drops an elbow and knee on Bryan. Sandow with an elbow to the upper chest and then he puts the ring skirt over Bryan’s head and he punches Bryan.

Sandow gets a near fall. Sandow with a body scissors as he starts to work on the injured ribs. We go to commercial.

We are back and Sandow with a waist lock on Bryan. Bryan with elbows to the head but Sandow with a knee to the midsection and Sandow gets a near fall. Sandow with knees to the arm. Sandow puts Bryan on the turnbuckles and he punches Bryan. Sandow tries for a superplex but Bryan pushes him off the turnbuckles.

Bryan with a missile drop kick to Sandow and both men are down. Kane tags in and he punches Sandow. Kane with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner and he repeats things before hitting the side slam for a near fall. Kane punches Cody and knocks him off the apron. Kane goes up top for the clothesline and he connects.

Kane sets for the choke slam and he hits it and he tags in Bryan for the diving head butt and the three count.

Winners: Daniel Bryan and Kane

After the match, Matt Striker interviews Kane and Daniel Bryan. Matt asks Bryan if him and Miz can bury the hatchet. Kane takes the mic and he tells Daniel that his answer should be yes, yes, yes.

Miz gets up from the announce table and he offers his hand to Daniel Bryan. Bryan does not want to shake it but Kane whispers something into his ear and Bryan yells ‘No’. Bryan wants a hug instead. Miz thinks about it he sits down because he is not a hugger.

We are back and it is time to take a look at the WWE Championship match at Survivor Series.

Dolph Ziggler is in the interview area. Michael asks Dolph about Damien and Cody losing earlier tonight. Dolph says that his team has a leader who won’t abandon them or quit on them. He says that their chances are AWESOME.

Dolph mentions members of Team Foley. Kofi Kingston and Miz hate each other. Daniel Bryan and Kane hate each other. Randy Orton hates everybody. Mick Foley has put together the worst team in Survivor Series history. Miz will be a loser like Mick Foley.

Miz says that Mick Foley has been a WWE Champion, just like him. Mick Foley has main evented Wrestlemania, just like him. Miz wants to know when Ziggler main evented a Wrestlemania or a pay per view.

Dolph asks Miz how his comfy chair is or his drink is. Dolph says that Miz and Michael Cole sit at the announce desk Monday Morning Quarterbacking and second guessing everything like they know something.

Dolph says that he is the best thing going in Sports Entertainment.

Miz says that Dolph acts like the briefcase makes him something, but Dolph hasn’t been able to use the briefcase to steal the World Championship. Miz says that Dolph is Vickie’s little puppet. Miz says that he will lead Team Foley to victory. There are a million captains more competent than Dolph. Captain Crunch, Captain Ron, and Captain Caveman.

Dolph says that all Miz does is talk.

Miz with a few reallys and he challenges Dolph to a match next week.

Dolph says that he will be basking in the glow of his Survivor Series victory while Team Foley act like the losers they are.

Miz calls Dolph the biggest loser there is and Dolph says that Miz is confusing him with the Cleveland Browns.

Miz tells Dolph that he is going to lose at Survivor Series and Dolph knows that he would lose next week. Miz says that he is The MIZ and . . .

Dolph says that Miz is going to lose to him in the ring.

Match Number Two: Santino Marella versus David Otunga

The match is joined in progress and Santino with a side head lock take down. Otunga with a head scissors and Santino escapes. Santino with an arm drag into an arm bar. Otunga with a punch and Santino power walks and avoids a clothesline. Santino with an arm drag into an arm bar.

Otunga with a punch and Irish whip followed by a shoulder into the corner. Otunga with knees to the midsection. Otunga with a Jericho pose for a near fall. Otunga with more knees followed by a European uppercut and Otunga gets a near fall. Otunga with an Irish whip and shoulder in the corner.

Otunga with a gutbuster for a near fall. Otunga stands on Santino’s chest and then he drops an elbow. Otunga with a running shoulder into the corner and he poses. Santino tries to kip up but he fails. Otunga misses a charge into the corner and Santino does a split followed by a hip toss and then he goes for the cobra and he unleashes its fury on Otunga and Santino gets the three count.

Winner: Santino Marella

Tuesday 13 November 2012

*SPOILERS* WWE SmackDown Tapings for 11/16/12

* SmackDown opens with The Miz hosting MizTV. His special guest is Mick Foley. All of Team Foley come out and talk about Survivor Series. Kofi Kingston keeps the peace between Kane and Daniel Bryan but argues with Miz about their history. Randy Orton says he doesn't trust anyone and out comes Team Ziggler. Alberto Del Rio wonders if Dolph Ziggler can lead them properly and they argue. Mick Foley reveals that Booker T gave him some power tonight and he books Del Rio and Ziggler vs. Orton and Miz for later.

* Damien Sandow beat Kofi Kingston.

* Layla, Kaitlyn and Natalya vs. Eve Torres, Aksana and Alicia Fox is up next. Kaitlyn's team wins when she pins Fox.

* Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater vs. Santino Marella and Zack Ryder is announced for the Survivor Series pre-show on YouTube.

* The Miz and Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio is up next. Miz and Orton won when Miz got the pin on Del Rio. After the match, Orton dropped Miz with a RKO as the crowd boo'd.

* Backstage segment with Booker T threatening Sheamus if he touches Big Show before Survivor Series.

* Sheamus comes out and is upset about Big Show attacking William Regal. Booker T comes out and says they can't fight until Sunday. Booker T holds them back and then has security take Sheamus out of the building. Booker makes Show vs. a mystery opponent for tonight's main event.

* Wade Barrett vs. Kane is next. Both Team Foley and Team Ziggler come down and a huge brawl breaks out. Orton clears the ring of everyone.

* R-Truth does commentary for Sin Cara vs. Antonio Cesaro. Cesaro wins.

* Big Show defeated The Great Khali with the knockout punch in the main event. Sheamus' music hits but he doesn't come. Show goes backstage and Sheamus jumps out of a bus and they begin brawling. Sheamus lays Show out and SmackDown ends.

WWE Monday Night RAW Results 11/12/12

- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with a tribute video for Veteran's Day with John Cena narrating. We go to a preview for tonight's show with Jerry Lawler's return, Vickie Guerrero's evidence, Brad Maddox and more. We're live from the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio. Out comes Randy Orton to kick things off.

Orton makes his way to the ring as we have Jim Ross and Michael Cole on commentary. They hype tonight's main event with John Cena vs. CM Punk. We see footage from the Falls Count Anywhere Match with Orton and Alberto Del Rio on SmackDown.

Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler

Out comes Orton's opponent Dolph Ziggler without Vickie Guerrero.

They lock up and Ziggler goes to a headlock before dropping Orton to the mat. Orton comes back and drops Ziggler from way up in the air. Orton clotheslines Dolph to the apron and slingshot suplexes him back in. Orton with a 2 count. Back and forth action until Ziggler nails a dropkick for 2. Ziggler with a neckbreaker and several elbow drops. Ziggler shows off some and drops another big elbow for 2.

Orton fights out with a big backdrop. Orton with clotheslines and a powerslam now. Orton takes Ziggler to the apron and hits the draping DDT. Orton hits the mat and the fans get hype. Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez run down for inference. Ziggler tries to attack from behi9nd but Orton rolls him up for the win.

Winner: Randy Orton

- After the match, Ricardo, Ziggler and Del Rio beat Orton down. Kofi Kingston comes down and clears the ring. Teddy Long comes out and says Vickie Guerrero is too obsessed with AJ Lee. Teddy makes Orton and Kofi vs. Ziggler and Del Rio right now.

Randy Orton and Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio

Kofi starts things off with Ziggler and here we go. They go at it with Kofi taking control. Kofi with a dropkick before we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Del Rio is in control of Kofi. Dolph comes in and goes for a neckbreaker but Kofi counters for 2. Ziggler with a neckbreaker for 2 as Orton breaks the pin. Orton and Del Rio end up coming in and a brawl breaks out. Orton powerslams Del Rio. More back and forth. Kofi tags himself in and hits a crossbody on Del Rio for 2. Kofi nails SOS on Del Rio for a close 2 as Ziggler breaks it up. Orton takes Ziggler to the floor. Ricardo distracts Kofi and Del Rio kicks him in the head in the corner for the win.

Winners: Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler

- Hype for Jerry Lawler's return tonight. Vickie Guerrero is headed to the ring as we go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Vickie Guerrero is in the ring with Dolph Ziggler. Dolph gives us the definition of a scandal. Ziggler says he's not here to hide behind Vickie, he's out here for the truth. Ziggler shows us the photos of AJ Lee and John Cena having dinner and then getting into the elevator and then AJ going into a hotel room that appears to be Cena's. Vickie speaks about AJ and the crowd boos.

Vickie talks about AJ threatening her last week. Vickie says she could have suspended her but she didn't. Vickie calls AJ to the ring so she can explain herself. Out comes AJ to a nice pop from the crowd. Vickie wants AJ to admit she had an affair with Cena. Vickie eggs her on and AJ finally admits it. She admits the truth, she says. She says she and John Cena are just friends and smiles in Vickie's face. AJ says nothing inappropriate has ever happened between them. AJ says Vickie is just jealous that on RAW 1000 AJ got the General Manager job and not Vickie. AJ says this is about her embarrassing Vickie in the ring twice and if she wanted to, she could do it again. Dolph tells Vickie it's not worth it. AJ mocks Vickie's weight. Vickie says AJ really caused a mess for herself now. Vickie says she has been sent some voicemails that will silence everyone.

A voicemail plays of Vickie talking to Cena's phone. AJ says whatever happened last night was a mistake and she's sorry, then the voicemail ends. AJ is confused. Vickie plans another message where AJ says they need to stop but when she sees Cena she loses control. Vickie laughs and AJ acts like she made the voicemails up. Vickie has another voicemail where AJ tells Cena he drives her crazy. AJ says they should be together. We come back and AJ says Vickie hacked into Cena's phone and edited the messages together. Dolph speaks up and tells her it's over - we all know something happened. Dolph mocks AJ and Cena. Cena's music hits and here he comes.

Cena is pissed but AJ gets in between he and Ziggler. AJ smacks Ziggler and Cena knocks him to the mat with a right hand. Ziggler ends up on the floor and heads up the ramp with Vickie.

- Still to come tonight, Punk vs. Cena in the main event. Also, more from Sheamus and World Heavyweight Champion Big Show. Michael Cole leads us into a Veteran's Day video.

- Back from the break and Cena is backstage with AJ. Cena says they're making AJ's life hard over something that never happened and never would happen. AJ asks about the never would happen comment and Cena changes his tune a bit. Cena nervously walks off and AJ wonders.

- We see footage from SmackDown where Big Show attacked Sheamus and William Regal in a pub.

William Regal vs. Big Show

William Regal is pissed and waits in the ring as World Heavyweight Champion Big Show makes his way out.

The bell rings and they go at it. Show drops with a headbutt and takes Regal to the corner with body blows and big chops to the chest. Show with more body shots and a headbutt in the other corner. Show with another big overhand shot. Regal tries to fight back but Show keeps control. Show scoop slams Regal. Regal rolls out of the way of a big elbow drop and finally fights back. Show grabs him for a chokeslam and nails it for the win.

Winner: Big Show

- After the bell, Show waits on Regal to get up for a knockout punch but out comes Sheamus. Sheamus ducks a punch and tackles Show. Sheamus unloads with punches then kicks and kicks Show out of the ring. Sheamus stands tall and helps Regal to his feet as Show heads up the ramp. Back to commercial.

#1 Contender's Match: Kaitlyn vs. Layla

Back from the break and the Divas go at it with several early pin attempts. WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres is on commentary. The Divas brawl and Layla with a facebuster for another pin attempt. Layla goes to the top for a crossbody but Kaitlyn catches her. Layla counters but Kaitlyn drops her with an inverted DDT for the win and the title shot at Survivor Series.

Winner and New #1 Contender: Kaitlyn

- After the match, Kaitlyn goes to ringside and has a staredown with Eve.

- Michael Cole talks about Jerry Lawler returning later tonight and we see footage from Lawler's scary night on RAW several weeks back.

- Back from the break and Jim Ross is in the ring with Michael Cole. JR calls out Jerry Lawler and he makes his way to the ring to a big pop from the crowd.

Lawler hugs Cole and Ross before taking the mic. The crowd chants his name. Lawler is overwhelmed and thanks the fans. Lawler says there was a time he didn't think he would return so for this night to happen is big. Lawler gets choked up as he talks about everyone supporting him. Lawler thanks everyone from the bottom of his heart and says it's great to be back. The music hits and out comes WWE Champion CM Punk with Paul Heyman. Lawler joins Ross and Cole on commentary.

Punk says he is glad Lawler left the ring because if he didn't, he would have beaten Lawler to death. Punk has words for the fans now. He brings up Lawler drying and coming back to life. Punk calls Lawler a zombie and says everyone knows he loves zombies. Punk goes on and says who cares about how long Lawler was dead. Punk says he has a number that means something - 358, the number of days he has been WWE Champion. Punks brings up tying Diesel as the 9th longest reigning champion in history. Punk says in one week he will be here celebrating one year because he will beat Ryback and John Cena at Survivor Series. Punk says he's glad Lawler is back and glad he will have a front row seat for Sunday. Punk tells Lawler to try and not die before Sunday. Lawler says the only thing on life support is Punk's run as WWE Champion. Punk goes to invite Lawler in the ring and Heyman starts coughing and drops to the mat. Punk throws the X symbol up and begins giving Heyman CPR, obviously mocking Lawler's incident. The crowd boos. Heyman sits up and they laugh at Lawler. Mick Foley's music hits and out he comes.

Foley comes out and they have words. Foley says he's going to let the fans pick the final member of Team Foley. Punks rips into the fans, Foley and his team. Foley yells and tells Punk to shut up. Foley is highly pissed off at Punk for mocking Lawler's incident. Foley says Cena or Ryback will take the title from Punk on Sunday. Punk says Foley doesn't matter and he doesn't belong out here because it doesn't involve him. Foley says some of it does. Foley reveals he will be the special enforcer for Punk vs. Cena tonight.

- We see Brad Maddox backstage warming up. He has a guy filming him with a handheld camera. Still to come, an eight-man tag team match. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Punk is backstage with Heyman ranting about defending his title. Punk tells Heyman to fix everything.

Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio vs. Darren Young, Titus O'Neil, Primo and Epico vs.

We go to the ring and out comes Sin Cara followed by Rey Mysterio. Everyone else is waiting in the ring. Rosa Mendes is at ringside. Titus starts with Gabriel and tags in Young for double teaming. Epico comes in and keeps control of Gabriel with a suplex and a 2 count. Ricardo Rodriguez comes down to ringside and has a note for Rosa. This upsets Primo and Gabriel takes him down. Rey comes in and goes at it with Primo. Rey drops him for 619 but Primo counters. Rey pulls Primo to the floor and moonsaults out onto him. Everyone squares off on the floor as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Titus works Rey over on the floor and brings him back in for a big press slam into a pair of backbreakers and a slam. Titus with a bearhug now. Titus drops Rey with a big shoulder and tags in Primo for a 2 count. Primo keeps Rey on the mat now. Rey finally fights back and kicks Primo in the head. Young tags in and stops Rey from tagging. Rey fights back out of the corner with a headscissors and turns it around. Rey tags in Kidd. Kidd with a dropkick on Young. Kidd takes Young to the corner and works him over. Kidd with more kicks and a dropkick for 2. Kidd comes off the top with a blockbuster on Young and Kidd is pumped. He goes for the Sharpshooter but Primo hits a Backstabber. Gabriel takes out Primo. Titus dumps Gabriel. Rey dumps Titus. Cara kicks Epico to the floor. Rey leaps out on Titus. Cara leaps out on Epico. Kidd and Young go at it in the ring now. Kidd drops Young for 619 and Rey nails it. Gabriel hits the 450 on Young for the win.

Winners: Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara

- Cole leads us into a video for the National Guard. Justin Roberts points out some Ohio National Guard members in the crowd and thanks all veterans for their service. A big "USA" chant breaks out.

- Maddox is backstage with his photographer. Paul Heyman walks up. He asks for the camera to be shut off and walks away with Maddox. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get another vignette for Fandango. We see him dancing with a woman this time.

- The Miz is backstage on the phone. He tells someone he will find a way to impact Survivor Series. Dolph Ziggler walks up and says we know it's a matter of timer before Miz begs to be on Team Ziggler. They argue when Mick Foley walks up. Foley proposes a tag match for tonight. It's going to be Kane and whoever wins the fan voting vs. Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes. Ziggler walks off. Miz and Foley agree they don't get along. Miz wants to be on the ballot for the fan voting. He says it would be awesome and Foley lets him on the ballot. The poll for Team Foley is on Twitter now - options are #WWESantino for Santino Marella, #WWEZack for Zack Ryder and #WWEMiz for The Miz.

R-Truth vs. Tensai

R-Truth heads to the ring and it's announced he will get a United States Title shot against Antonio Cesaro at Survivor Series. Out comes the United States Champion Cesaro with a mic. He says Truth has became a joke like the US. Cesaro says he will show everyone at Survivor Series. Cesaro joins commentary as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Tensai is in control of Truth. Truth fights back but Tensai chops him and throws him back to the mat for a 2 count. Tensai works on the arm now and keeps Truth on the mat. Truth fights out and kicks Tensai into the corner. Truth gets sent to the apron but fights his way in from the top for a close 2 count. Truth with the scissors kick and more kicks before hitting his finisher for the win.

Winner: R-Truth

- After the match, Cesaro gets up and takes the mic. Truth snatches the mic and says he's going to knock Cesaro's teeth out on Sunday and that's the truth. Cesaro holds up the title and they have words.

- Brad Maddox is backstage with his photographer as we go to commercial.

- Cole and Lawler run down what has happened earlier tonight.

Ryback vs. Brad Maddox

We go to the ring and out comes Brad Maddox first. He has no theme song but has his own gear. Maddox will earn a $1 million contract if he wins this match. Sirens start going off and an ambulance backs up beside the ramp. Maddox stares at it shocked as he walks to the ring. We see a video from earlier today where Maddox says tonight is the greatest of his life. He has no regrets and after tonight, nobody will ever forget the name Brad Maddox. Ryback's music hits and out he comes to a big pop.

We see footage from Hell In a Cell where Maddox screwed Ryback. EMT's bring a stretcher down to the ring as the bell rings. Maddox goes to the floor and begins getting counted out. Maddox hits the ring but quickly slides back out. Maddox comes back in and goes to leave but Ryback grabs him and throws him to the mat. Maddox begs Ryback to back off. Ryback grabs his legs and slams him on the back of his head. Ryback with another big slam. Ryback slams his head repeated on the mat now. The crowd counts with him.

Ryback slams Maddox face first now. Ryback tosses Maddox into the turnbuckles and he lands hard. Ryback with a running powerslam and a huge clothesline, sending Maddox to the floor. Ryback brings it back in the ring and nails three stiff powerbombs. The referee steps in and checks on Maddox. Ryback hits the big clothesline and goes for Shell Shocked for the win.

Winner: Ryback

- After the match, they load Maddox onto a stretcher but Ryback tips it over and destroys it. Maddox is bleeding from the mouth it looks like. He gets up and Ryback nails the big clothesline again. He carries Maddox over beside the ramp and throws him into the closed doors of the ambulance. Ryback opens the doors and tosses Maddox in.

- Still to come, Punk vs. Cena in the main event. Sheamus vs. Otunga is next. We go to commercial.

Sheamus vs. David Otunga

David Otunga waits in the ring as Sheamus makes his way out for the next match.

The bell rings and they go at it. Otunga starts off with some offense but Sheamus drops him. Otunga poses and runs his mouth. We see Aksana, Michael McGillicutty and William Regal watching backstage. Sheamus takes back control of Otunga. Sheamus with shoulder thrusts in the corner before more forearm shots. Sheamus drops a series of knees now. Sheamus hits White Noise and calls for the Brogue Kick. Sheamus waits and nails it for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

- After the match, Sheamus takes the mic and hopes Big Show is watching because that's what will happen at Survivor Series. We see backstage where Big Show is beating up William Regal. Show drops Regal with a stiff punch. Sheamus runs out of the ring as we go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Josh Mathews is backstage. They believe William Regal was injured.

- We get a support video for the excellent Wounded Warrior Project.

- Kane is walking backstage when Daniel Bryan catches up. Bryan isn't happy about Kane teaming with someone else tonight.

Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes vs. Kane and The Miz

We go to the ring and out comes the team of Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes. The pyro goes off next as one-half of the WWE Tag Team Champions Kane makes his way out. The final member of Team Foley has been revealed and it's The Miz. Out he comes to join Kane. As Miz heads to the ring, out comes Daniel Bryan to a big pop.

Back from the break and Kane suplexes Sandow for a 2 count. We see Bryan cheering on from ringside. Miz tags in and they double team Sandow for another pin attempt. Miz beats Sandow in the corner and hits the big running clothesline. 2 count for Miz. Miz tags in Kane to keep control of Sandow for another pin attempt. Sandow tags Cody and Kane brings him in. Miz gets tagged again and they double team Rhodes. Miz ends up dumping Cody to the floor and leaping out onto him. Miz brings it back in the ring but Bryan distracts him, allowing Cody to hit a Disaster Kick. Sandow comes in and they double team Miz now. Sandow with the leg sweep and big elbow drop for 2 on Miz. More back and forth from both teams. Bryan ends up going after Miz but Miz counters. The end comes when Kane chokeslams Cody for the win.

Winners: Kane and The Miz

- After the match, Bryan comes into the ring to celebrate with Miz and Kane. Obviously he's jealous of Miz.

- Cole leads us to a Tribute to the Troops video package for this year.

- Still to come, Punk vs. Cena with Foley as the Special Enforcer. Back to break.

CM Punk vs. John Cena

Back from the break and out comes Mick Foley as the Special Enforcer. WWE Champion CM Punk is out next with Paul Heyman right behind him. Finally out comes John Cena for tonight's non-title main event.

The bell rings and they lock up. Punk drops Cena first with a shoulder. Cena with a hip toss and arm drag, taking Punk to the mat. Punk ends up going to the floor to re-group as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Punk leaps from the top onto the floor and takes out Cena. Punk brings Cena back in the ring and works him over. Cena blocks a neckbreaker with a backslide for 2. Punk with a clothesline and a 2 count. Punk with another neckbreaker attempt but he takes Cena down and holds it as Foley looks on. Cena fights out but Punk takes him back down. Punk applies a sleeper hold now. Cena goes down but fights up and rams Punk to the corner. They trade shots in the middle of the ring now. Cena ducks a clothesline and starts hitting shoulders. Cena with the slam and the Five Knuckle Shuffle but it's blocked with a roll up by Punk. Punk with a swinging neckbreaker for 2. Punk hits the running knee and goes to the top. Punk misses the big elbow as Cena moves. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Punk moves. Cena hits it this time ans goes for the AA. Punk fights out with elbows and kicks Cena in the head. Punk kicks him down for another 2 count.

Punk goes for GTS but Cena slides out. Punk goes for the Anaconda Vice and locks it in. Cena gets his foot on the rope and breaks the hold. Punk springboards in from the apron but Cena dodges it and locks in the STF. Punk calls for Heyman to come in and Cena breaks the hold. Foley pulls Heyman out by his leg. Punk drops Cena with a kick to the head and covers for 2. Punk goes for GTS but Cena turns it into the STF. Punk makes it to the ropes and breaks the hold. Punk starts crawling up the ramp as Cena looks on from the ring. Ryback comes out and Cena brings Punk back to the ring. Punk goes for GTS but can't. Cena hits the AA for the win.

Winner: John Cena

- After the match, Cena turns around and Ryback is standing in the ring. They have a staredown as Heyman and an official tend to Punk on the floor. The fans start chanting "feed me more." They both pick up the WWE Title belt from the floor at the same time. Punk crawls up on the apron and reaches for it. They stare at him and he hops back to the floor. Ryback and Cena grab the title at the same time again. RAW goes off the air with them both holding it and Punk looking on in the background with his hands on hes head.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

WWE Super SmackDown Results 11/6/12

We are live, on tape, from Birmingham, United Kingdom and your announcers are Josh Mathews and JBL.

Michael Cole is in the ring and he brings out Sheamus.

Michael says that Sheamus appears angry. Last night, William Regal and Sheamus went to a pub in Birmingham. It turns out that there was an incident and we have cell phone footage. We see Big Show go Berzerker on William Regal and Sheamus.

Michael asks Sheamus about the footage. Sheamus takes the mic and he tells Michael to leave the ring at this time. Sheamus says that there is a part of him who respects Big Show for throwing stones in his environment, but he went too far attacking William Regal.

Sheamus tells Show that he is still standing. He is going to give Big Show the chance to finish what he started right now. In two weeks, it will be about the World Championship. Tonight it is about him kicking Show’s giant arse.

Big Show appears on the TitanTron and he calls Sheamus an ungrateful Ginger. Show says that he held back enough so Sheamus could appear at Survivor Series. At Survivor Series he will take out Sheamus and he will make it permanent. He will knock out Sheamus at Survivor Series. Show tells Sheamus to ask William Regal what it is like to fight him.

Sheamus challenges Show but Show says that he has no reason to come out. Sheamus says that Show’s stones are now pebbles. He wants Show to come out so he can show him.

Wade Barrett’s music plays and he tells Sheamus that he questions Sheamus’ sanity because he is looking for a fight with Big Show when he has to fight Barrett on Main Event. When he is finished with Sheamus, he will be in no condition to fight Show. If he survives, Sheamus will have received a gift from the Barrett Barrage.

Sheamus tells Barrett if Show does not want to come out to fight, why doesn’t Barrett come to the ring and fight him right now.

Barrett teases going to the ring, but he turns around and walks to the back.

We go to commercial with Miz and Kofi Kingston walking in the back.

We are back and Wade Barrett is walking. Booker tells Wade that was cute out there. Booker says that he never thought Barrett would back down from a fight. Booker says that he talked to William Regal and we have a tag match. William Regal and Sheamus versus Wade Barrett and the Big Show.

Wade thanks Booker and leaves.

Match Number One: Miz versus Kofi Kingston for the WWE Intercontinental Title

They lock up and Miz with a side head lock. Kofi with a top wrist lock into a side head lock. Miz with a reversal but Kofi with a waist lock. Miz with elbows and a knee to the midsection. Miz grabs Kofi and sends him into the turnbuckles but Kofi with a kick and then he hits a monkey flip.

Kofi clotheslines Miz over the top rope to the floor. Kofi tries for a baseball slide to the floor but Miz moves. Kofi is sent over Miz and Kofi lands on the ringside barrier. Kofi with a clothesline and he sends Miz back into the ring.

Kofi gets a near fall. Miz drops Kofi on the top rope and Kofi is down. The referee keeps Miz away from Kofi as we go to commercial.

We are back and Miz tries to hyperextend the knee with a DDT to the leg and he gets a near fall. Miz with an ankle lock and we see footage of Miz dropping Kofi’s knee on the ring steps. Miz tries for an atomic drop to the knee but Kofi with a sunset flip for a near fall. Miz with a drop kick to the knee for a near fall.

Miz with a modified standing figure four and he drops the knee to the mat. Miz with an elbow drop to the leg. Kofi kicks Miz to get out of the hold. Miz misses a splash into the ropes and Kofi with punches to Miz. Kofi with a clothesline and chops followed by the Superman punch. Kofi hobbles and sets for the Boom Drop and he hits it.

Kofi looks around and sets for Trouble in Paradise but Miz hears the booming and Miz tries for the Skull Crushing Finale but Kofi with a rollup for a near fall. Miz with a rollup of his own. Miz with a single leg crab.

Kofi tries to get to the ropes and he eventually gets there. Miz eventually releases the hold. Miz runs into a shoulder from Kofi on the apron. Kofi goes up top and Miz kicks Kofi’s leg and he falls on the top turnbuckle. Miz sets for a superplex but Kofi blocks it. Kofi with a punch to the midsection and Kofi pushes Miz to the mat. Miz with a punch to the head and he stops Kofi again.

Miz tries for the superplex again but Kofi with forearms and a head butt. Kofi with a cross body for the three count.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

After the match, Kofi celebrates in the ring while Miz wonders what he has to do to beat Kofi. Miz stares down Kofi and then he offers Kofi his hand. Kofi with a drop kick to Miz and Miz goes to the floor.

Josh mentions the issues between the team of Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio and the Prime Time Players. They will wrestle later tonight.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio versus Darren Young and Titus O’Neil

Young and Cara start things off and Young with a kick and forearm. Cara with a back flip as he comes off the ropes. Cara with a head scissors take down followed by a forearm. Young hot shots Cara and then he hits a Saito suplex and gets a near fall. Titus tags in and he connects with a European uppercut and Titus barks.

Young tags in and he kicks Cara. Young with a snap mare and reverse chin lock and cravate. Young with knees to stop Cara’s offense. Young runs into a boot and Cara with a tornado DDT from the turnbuckles and both men are down.

Titus tags in and he keeps Cara from making the tag. Cara with an enzuigiri and Rey tags in and hits a drop kick to the knees. Rey with a kick and he avoids Titus as Titus charges into the corner. Rey with punches of ten and he takes care of Young.

Rey with shoulders to Titus and he goes up top for a seated senton splash. Rey kicks Titus into the ropes and Young distracts Rey on a 619 attempt. Cara with a suicide dive. Rey tries for the 619 but Titus has freed himself from the ropes and he hits Clash of the Titus for the three count.

Winners: Titus O’Neil and Darren Young

After the match, Titus and Darren do the Millions of Dollars Dance.

Matt Striker tries to get some comments from Titus and Darren and Titus blows his whistle into the mic. Titus says that they will conduct the interview. Titus asks Darren what this victory means for the Prime Time Players. Darren says it means Millions of Dollars. Titus asks Darren what they will be getting when they win the Tag Titles. Darren says Millions of Dollars.

Titus wants to know if Matt learned from Darren. What pops into Matt’s head when they walk down the aisle. Matt says Millions of Dollars, but he gives about four hundred dollars worth of effort. Matt gives a little more to the second responds. Titus says that Matt can join them in the Millions of Dollars dance, but Matt screws it up. Titus and Darren show everyone how it is done.

We are back and it is time for the staple of Smackdown . . . The Raw Recap. This one is the Vickie Guerrero ‘THEY ARE HAVING AN AFFAIR’ segment.

Josh asks John about the footage and John says that they were busted. Josh says that Vickie has more proof so we will get to see it next week.

Teddy talks to Booker about all of the problems on Raw. Teddy wants to tell Booker that he is looking forward to the tag match we are about to see. Booker asks Teddy if Vickie could come up with a match like this. Teddy says Vickie can and Booker wants to know if he is original. Teddy changes his mind and Booker says that he does not want Teddy to suck up to him like that.

Teddy has the deer in headlights look on his face and Booker tells Teddy that he had him.

Match Number Three: Wade Barrett and Big Show versus Sheamus and William Regal

Sheamus and Regal go after Barrett and Show but then Regal and Sheamus double team Big Show. Show and Barrett go to the floor and they regroup.

Show and Barrett want Regal and Sheamus disqualified for their actions.

Sheamus wants to start and Show tags in Barrett before they officially lock up. Barrett with a kick and punch and Barrett forces Sheamus into the corner with punches. Sheamus with forearms and a side head lock take down. Sheamus with a shoulder tackle for a near fall.

Regal tags in and he kicks Barrett and connects with a European uppercut. Regal with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Sheamus tags back in and he connects with an elbow to the head. Barrett kicks Sheamus and punches him. Sheamus with a kick and punch. Sheamus blocks a hip toss and Sheamus hits a short arm clothesline for a near fall.

Regal tags in and he connects with knees to the head and a European uppercut. Sheamus tags back in and he hits a slingshot shoulder and he gets a near fall. Show complains to the referee about Regal and Sheamus. Regal tags back in and he kicks Barrett.

Barrett with a punch but Regal with a side head lock. Show with a head butt to Regal and Barrett with a clothesline. Show tags in and he kicks Regal. Show with a slam followed by an elbow drop. Show walks across Regal’s midsection. Show with a chop and Barrett with knees while Show talks to the referee.

Show with another chop across the chest. Show chokes Regal with his boot and Barrett with more knees to the head and Sheamus goes after Barrett. The referee tries to get Sheamus back into his corner.

Regal with kicks and forearms to Show but Show with a shoulder tackle to Regal. Show with a head butt to the back and he follows it with an elbow to the neck. Show with an arm bar as we go to commercial.

We are back and Barrett runs Regal into the turnbuckles. Barrett with punches to the midsection and a knee. Show tags in and he punches Regal in the midsection. Show makes sure that Sheamus cannot get involved and then Show stomps on Regal’s arm. Regal backs into the corner and Show with a head butt and chop in the corner. Show with a snap mare and boot to the head.

Barrett tags back in and he connects with a knee drop and he gets a near fall. Barrett with a front face lock. Regal with an Exploder suplex but Barrett with an Irish whip. Regal with a running forearm out of the corner and both men are down. Show and Sheamus tag in and Sheamus with two double sledges followed by two shoulders in the corner followed by a knee lift. Sheamus with a flying double sledge and he gets Show down. Sheamus goes up top and hits the shoulder tackle to take Show to the mat.

Sheamus sets for the Brogue Kick but Barrett distracts Sheamus and that allows Show to hit the spear. Regal tags in and he punches Show. Show pushes Regal away and Regal with the knee trembler but Show returns fire with the knock out punch and gets the three count.

Winners: Big Show and Wade Barrett

We take a look at last week’s Smackdown to see why we are having a Falls Count Anywhere Match between Randy Orton and Alberto Del Rio.

Alberto and Ricardo talk in the back and Matt Striker asks Alberto about whether last week was a harbinger of what is to come tonight. Alberto says that Randy had the advantage because he attacked Alberto from behind. Matt brings up the RKO from Monday. Alberto says that Randy attacked him from behind. Alberto says that there is only one predator in WWE. He will beat Randy all over the building. He will show that Randy is nothing more than a crying little girl.

Rosa stops by and she wants to wish Alberto good luck tonight.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to take a look back at Brad Maddox’s comments from Raw about why he did what he did.

Randy Orton is in the interview area and Matt asks for his response. Randy says that he will go through the curtain to fight one of the most sadistic matches of his career so Alberto calling him names won’t affect him. He is not worried about Alberto’s mouth because he can back it up. They will not just go out there an fight. They will have to get a little sick and twisted. They will have to show that they can cross a line that most people will not be able to cross. Randy says that this is one of his favorite type of matches because he can show how sick and twisted he can get.

Match Number Four: Randy Orton versus Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez) in a Falls Count Anywhere Match

Orton with a knee and punch. He sends Del Rio into the turnbuckles and then he punches Alberto. Del Rio with kicks to Orton. Del Rio with a savate kick and then Ricardo gives Del Rio a chair. Orton kicks Del Rio before he can use the chair. Del Rio stops Orton and he puts the chair in the turnbuckles.

Orton stops Del Rio from sending him into the chair and Orton with a drop kick. Del Rio tries to go into the crowd and Orton stops him and connects with a European uppercut. Orton sends Del Rio into the apron and then he connects with another European uppercut. Del Rio tells Ricardo to go under the ring and gets something. Orton tries to suplex Del Rio into the crowd but Del Rio lands on his feet.

Orton tries for the IEDDT on the ringside barrier but Del Rio gets away and he goes into the crowd. They fight through the crowd and they go into the back. Del Rio sends Randy into one of the storage cases. They go into the arena and we go to commercial.

We are back and Del Rio kicks Orton in the concourse and Del Rio gets a near fall. Del Rio gets one of the cases and tries to set it up but Orton sends Del Rio into the case and he mounts Del Rio and punches him. Orton stomps on Del Rio’s head and he gets a near fall.

They return to the seating area and Orton with a head butt and he tries for an IEDDT from the railing but Del Rio gets to his feet and he hot shots Orton and he kicks Orton and gets a near fall. Del Rio with a punch and they go into the seats. Orton with a kick and forearms.

Orton runs the laces of his boot against Del Rio’s face and he gets a near fall. Orton with a European uppercut but Del Rio with a super kick. Ricardo gives Alberto a chair and Alberto hits Orton in the back with the chair and Del Rio gets a near fall. Del Rio poses as if he was the Appix Praydador and we go to commercial.

We are back and they are just outside the ring while Ricardo puts the steps in the ring. Del Rio Irish whips Orton into the ringside barrier and he tries to get the shoulder ready for the cross arm breaker. Del Rio with a near fall. Orton punches Del Rio and they fight towards the stage. Del Rio blocks a punch and connects with a kick. Orton back body drops Del Rio onto the ramp. Orton gets a near fall.

Ricardo climbs on Orton’s back but Orton throws Ricardo off his back. Orton looks at Ricardo and he thinks about a kick and he kicks him in the ribs. Orton wants Ricardo to make a long distance call and he puts Ricardo in the phone booth and he punches Ricardo. Orton closes the phone booth.

Orton sends Ricardo back into the ring and Del Rio with a kick. Orton with three clotheslines and then Del Rio misses a clothesline. Orton with a power slam. Orton sends Del Rio into the chair that was put in the turnbuckles at the start of the match. Orton hits Del Rio in the back with the chair but Del Rio kicks out.

Orton looks around and he twists to the mat. Orton punches the mat and he tries for the RKO but Del Rio with a lungblower and he gets a near fall. Del Rio with a kick but Orton with a head butt from the apron and he thinks about suplexing Del Rio to the floor through the table. Del Rio escapes and hits an enzuigiri that forces Orton through the table. Del Rio can only get a two count on Orton.

They go back into the ring and Del Rio demands the mic. He tells Orton to stop trying to be the Apex Predator of the WWE because that spot is taken by Del Rio. He tells Orton it is time to tap out. Orton tries to fight out of the cross arm breaker and prevent it from being applied. Orton hits Del Rio with the mic and Del Rio releases the hold.

Del Rio sends Orton shoulder first into the ring post and Orton goes to the apron. Del Rio sets up the steps in the ring and Del Rio tries for the IEDDT but Orton escapes. Del Rio sends Orton into the ring steps. Del Rio picks up the chair and he wants to hit Orton with it but Randy moves and Orton with an RKO onto the stairs and Orton gets the three count.

Winner: Randy Orton

We go to credits.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

WWE Monday Night RAW Results 11/5/12

- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with a look back at last week where Team Punk vs. Team Foley was made for Survivor Series. We see footage from earlier today with The Miz and Paul Heyman backstage. Miz isn't happy about CM Punk ditching their team last week. Heyman calls it a strategic retreat. Heyman says Miz and the rest of Team Punk need to get on the same page, for their own good. Miz says Heyman and Punk are full of crap. Miz doesn't need either of them, he says. Miz quits Team Punk and walks off. We go to the RAW opening video.

- We get videos hyping the storylines with John Cena, Vickie Guerrero, AJ Lee and Brad Maddox.

Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara and R-Truth vs. Darren Young, Titus O'Neil and Antonio Cesaro

Michael Cole, joined by Jim Ross, welcomes us to RAW as Rey Mysterio makes his way out. Sin Cara and R-Truth wait in the ring. Out next comes WWE United States Champion Antonio Cesaro followed by his partners Darren Young and Titus O'Neil.

Cara starts the match off with Cesaro. Cesaro slams him first and goes to work. Cara makes a comeback and tags in Truth. They go at it and Cesaro gets the upperhand with uppercuts. Cesaro tags in Young now. Truth keeps control and tags in Mysterio. Mysterio with a leg drop for 2. Mysterio takes Young to the corner and works him over. Young turns it around and tags in Titus. Rey takes Titus down and tags in Cara for some double team kicks. Cara with a 2 count.

Truth comes back in with a dropkick and 2 count on Titus. We go to commercial and come back with Truth dropkicking Young. Cara comes back in and takes control. Cara with some offense and a tag to Rey for some double teaming. Rey goes for 619 but Cesaro tags himself in and hits a backbreaker on Rey, blocking 619. Cesaro works Rey over and tags Titus back in. Titus presses Rey high and turns it into a series of backbreakers. Titus tags in Cesaro for some double teaming on Rey. Cesaro with a big suplex for another 2 count. Cesaro keeps Rey from tagging as Truth rallies the crowd. Rey fights all three off and drops Cesaro. Rey with a DDT on Cesaro and in comes Truth. Truth and Cesaro go at it now. Truth with clotheslines. Truth takes out Young on the apron and goes back to work on Cesaro. Titus gets dumped to the floor. Truth with a jawbreaker to Cesaro but Young breaks the pin. Cara comes in and unloads on Young. Cara sends him to the floor. Cara drops Cesaro for 619 and Rey nails it. Truth gets the win on Cesaro.

Winners: Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara and R-Truth

- Still to come, Brad Maddox and Vickie Guerrero will speak. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see last week's in-ring segment with Vickie Guerrero and John Cena. Cole tells us Vickie will have more evidence tonight. We go to the ring and out comes Managing Supervisor of RAW, Vickie Guerrero.

There's tons of heat for Vickie as she heads down the ramp. Vickie says she's proud of herself. Vickie shows us recaps of the history between Cena and AJ Lee. Vickie says it didn't end with AJ and Cena getting on the same elevator. She's interrupted by John Cena's music and out he comes to a big pop.

Vickie says she runs a clean show. Cena says Vickie running a clean show is like him learning another wrestling move - it's not happening. Cena jokes on himself and then brings up all of Vickie's abuses of power. They argue some and Vickie shows us hotel security footage of AJ wearing a robe and walking down a hotel hallway. She knocks on a hotel room door, someone opens it and she walks in. It doesn't show Cena open the door. Cena says that's not evidence and means nothing. Vickie says she has more footage. There's another camera angle and we see Cena wearing a towel at the door putting a "Do Not Disturb" sign on it. Vickie says that must have been a heck of a business meeting. Cena says that footage came from two different cameras and he was hanging that sign on there just because he did not want to be disturbed. Vickie calls AJ out to the ring.

We wait but AJ doesn't come. The crowd starts chanting "we want AJ" and she appears on the big screen looking upset. AJ says Vickie doesn't want her to come out to the ring because if she has to come out and explain herself, she will give Vickie the beating of her life. AJ says then she will be fired and not able to do what she wants to do. Ziggler appears and puts his arm around AJ. He says we all know what AJ loves to do and Vickie starts laughing. Cena leaves the ring and heads to the back. Vickie thanks the fans and they boo her some more. Back to break.

- Paul Heyman is backstage talking to Wade Barrett about The Miz quitting Team Punk. Heyman says Team Punk needs someone like Barrett. Barrett says he refused Heyman last week and he's refusing him now because he doesn't trust him. Barrett goes to walk away but re-considers. Under one condition - Heyman owes him.

Daniel Bryan vs. Cody Rhodes

We go to the ring and out comes the WWE Tag Team Champions Kane and Daniel Bryan. Cody Rhodes waits in the ring and we see Damien Sandow at ringside. They lock up and go to the corner. Cody beats Bryan down and stomps away. Bryan turns it around and hits a big clothesline. Bryan with kicks now.

Bryan ends up dumping Cody to the floor. Kane stares him down until Sandow attacks from behind and takes Kane out. Bryan dives through the ropes and takes out Sandow. Cody with a Disaster Kick on Bryan. Cody brings Bryan back in the ring and hits Cross Rhodes for the win.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

- After the match, Cody takes a mic at ringside as he celebrates with Sandow. Cody says Sandow could beat Kane just as easy as he beat Bryan. Kane looks on from the ring and pulls Sandow in the ring by his hair. Sandow slides out of the ring but Kane chases him up the ramp as we go to commercial.

Kane vs. Damien Sandow

Back from the break and Kane is working Sandow over in the corner. Kane drops a big elbow and covers for 2. Kane with a backdrop and more shots in the corner. Kane keeps stopping Sandow and hits a big right followed by a big boot. Cody gets on the apron for a distraction but Bryan comes over for a brawl. Bryan chases Cody through the ring. The referee sends Cody and Bryan to the back. Sandow pleads with Kane. Kane punches him and clotheslines him in the corner. Kane with another clothesline and a big sideslam. Kane goes to the top and hits the big right hand. Kane with a chokeslam for the win.

Winner: Kane

- Still to come, Brad Maddox will speak. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Michael Cole is in the ring. He brings out suspended WWE referee Brad Maddox. Maddox gets boo'd as he comes out.

Cole shows us footage from Hell In a Cell of Maddox hitting Ryback with a low blow. Cole asks Maddox what he told the Board of Inquiry and asks if he's working with CM Punk and Paul Heyman. Maddox says no, that was all him. It was all his plan, he says. Maddox says all his life, he's wanted to be a WWE Superstar. Maddox says for years he tried to get in WWE but everyone shut the door in his face. Maddox says he's been to all the WWE events, sent tapes in and even paid $2,000 for a WWE tryout. Maddox says finally he was given a chance with a developmental contract but apparently he wasn't good enough there. Maddox wonders if that's because of his size, because he's not a freak, because he doesn't have a mo-hawk or wear a mask. The crowd chants "you can't wrestle." Maddox said officials told him he would never make it to the main roster but his dream didn't die. Maddox says he wants to be somebody. Maddox says he made a vow to himself that he would do whatever it takes to get to WWE and that's why he became a referee. Maddox says he only needed one chance to make an impact. He admits what he did was wrong and says it was all him, CM Punk had no idea. Maddox says he made an impact. Maddox yells that he's famous now and people know his name. Maddox says his dream is to be a WWE Superstar. He wants a contract and a match with Ryback. The crowd chants for Ryback. Ryback says nobody will forget him now and goes to end it but out comes Vince McMahon to a big pop.

Vince stops on the stage. He says it's one thing to be famous and it's one thing to have a death wish. Vince thinks Maddox is lying and believes Maddox is working with Punk and Heyman. Vince says he will get to the bottom of it. Vince says Maddox can have a million dollar contact if he can beat Ryback on RAW next week. Vince tells Maddox to get out of his ring. Vince goes to the back and comes back out with Vickie Guerrero. Vince asks why Vickie letting Punk hide behind his team at Survivor Series. Vince suggests Punk defend his title at Survivor Series. Vince suggests Vickie give a title shot to Ryback and she catches on. The crowd pops. Vince then suggests a Triple Threat with Cena and the match is on. Sheamus comes out and embraces Vince before heading to the ring. We go back to commercial.

Sheamus vs. The Miz

Back from the break and out comes The Miz as Sheamus waits in the ring. World Heavyweight Champion Big Show comes out for commentary. Back and forth match with Show arguing with Cole on commentary. Sheamus ends up getting Miz on the apron and beating him with the forearms to the chest before sending him to the floor. Sheamus stares down Show. Miz pushes him into the announcers table and then the ring post. Miz brings it in the ring and turns things around.

Back from the break and Miz clotheslines Sheamus in the corner. Miz with a shot off the top and a 2 count. They end up on the floor and Miz sends Sheamus into the steps. Miz brings it back in for a pin attempt. More back and forth action. Sheamus makes a comeback and unloads on Miz. Miz turns it around again but Sheamus powerslams him for 2. Sheamus with the battering ram for 2 now. Miz with offense and a pin attempt now. Sheamus counters a shot with a roll up. Miz ducks a Brogue Kick and goes for Skull Crushing Finale but Sheamus fights out. Sheamus catches Miz in White Noise and then hits the Brogue for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

- After the match, Show holds up the title at ringside as Sheamus stares back at him.

- Dolph Ziggler is pacing outside of Mr. McMahon's office. Vickie Guerrero comes out and reveals Dolph is the new leader of Team Punk at Survivor Series. Punk is out next and says Vince is just trying to screw him. Punk is upset about the Triple Threat. Punk says Vince is an ego-maniac and now Vince is getting revenge for their recent match. Vickie reveals tonight's main event is Punk and Ziggler vs. Cena and Ryback.

- They air a vignette for what appears to be a new Superstar.

- William Regal and Sheamus are backstage talking. They're going to go have a pint together.

- Cole and Ross show us the footage from Vickie Guerrero that was shown earlier tonight.

Aksana and Eve Torres vs. Layla and Kaitlyn

We go to the ring and out comes WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres. Her partner Aksana is out next as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Layla. Her partner Kaitlyn is already waiting in the ring. Aksana and Layla start things off. Aksana strikes first but Layla goes for a quick pin. Layla with another pin attempt. Eve hits the ropes and Layla goes down in the corner. Aksana works her over. Layla turns it around but gets shut down again. Eve finally comes in and chokes Layla in the corner. Eve drops an elbow and keeps Layla on the mat. They go on until Kaitlyn comes in with offense on Eve. Aksana comes back in but Layla stops her. Eve with a neckbreaker on Layla. Kaitlyn comes with an inverted DDT on Eve for the win.

Winners: Layla and Kaitlyn

- Ricardo Rodriguez is backstage with Alberto Del Rio talking about Team Punk. Del Rio bumps into Rosa Mendes before walking off to the ring. Back to commercial.

Kofi Kingston vs. Alberto Del Rio

Back from the break and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston. His opponent Alberto Del Rio is out next as Ricardo Rodriguez does the entrance. Lots of back and forth to start the match. The end finally comes when Kofi hits the Boom Drop and calls for Trouble in Paradise. Del Rio ducks it and goes for the armbreaker but Kofi hits SOS for a 2 count. Del Rio looks to put Kofi away but Randy Orton's music hits and distracts him. Kofi takes advantage and rolls Del Rio up for the win.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

- After the match, Orton comes through the crowd and lays Del Rio out with a RKO.

- Cole goes over what happened with Brad Maddox earlier.

Santino Marella and Zack Ryder vs. Primo and Epico

Ryder and Santino make their way out as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and out come their opponents Primp and Epico with Rosa Mendes. Santino and Primo start things off trading holds. Santino does some comedy before tagging in Ryder. Ryder unloads on Primo for a pin attempt. Primo turns it around and tags in Epico as they beat Ryder down in the corner.

Winners: Ryder and Santino

- We go to commercial.

Brodus Clay vs. Wade Barrett

They lock up and Clay pushes Barrett away. Barrett with a kick but Clay with a punch and kick. Clay with a knee lift and Sheeeplex on Barrett. Clay with a leg drop and he gets a near fall. Barrett with the Blackpool Slam on Clay and then he punches Clay. Barrett kicks Clay and then he connects with knees to the head.

Barrett gets a near fall. Barrett with a reverse chin lock. Barrett with a knee to the midsection. Clay with a clothesline or two. Clay with a head butt to the midsection followed by an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Clay with another Irish whip but he goes for a second splash but he misses. Barrett with a back heel kick and then it is time for the Souvenir for the three count.

Winner: Wade Barrett

- We go to commercial.

Heath Slater vs. Jey Uso

Slater plays a few chords but Jey with an uppercut and head butt. Jey with a slam. Jey with a running forearm to Slater. Slater with a kick and punches. Jey returns fire with punches. Slater with boots to Jey’s head and then he kicks Jey in the ribs. Slater with an elbow to the neck followed by a reverse chin lock.

Jey with a punch but Slater sends Jey to the mat and Slater plays a few more chords. Slater with an Irish whip to the sternum and he gets a near fall. Slater with a reverse chin lock. Jey with punches but Slater with a kick to the head for a near fall. Slater with a reverse chin lock.

Jey with an uppercut followed by a savate kick and Jey points to the turnbuckles and he goes up top but he hits Slater’s boots when he goes for the Superfly Splash and Slater with the Smash Hit for the three count.

Winner: Heath Slater

- Back to commercial.

- CM Punk and Paul Heyman come to the ring. Punk brags about beating Ryback. Punk says they had nothing to do with what Brad Maddox did. Punk goes on about his WWE Title reign and says it won't end at Survivor Series. Out comes his partner Dolph Ziggler for the main event.

CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler vs. Ryback and John Cena

John Cena is out first for his team followed by Ryback. We go to commercial.

Cena and Punk start things off. Back and forth until Ziggler comes in. Ziggler turns it around but Cena hits the bulldog. Punk comes back in and Cena keeps control. Punk takes back control and they keep Cena in their corner. Cena finally hits an Attitude Adjustment. Ziggler tags in and stops the tag. Punk comes back in for more of the same. Ryback and Punk finally come at the same time. Ryback cleans house and hits Ziggler. Ryback slams Punk and throws Ziggler into the corner before pressing him on top of Punk. Ryback clotheslines Ziggler to the floor and then clotheslines Punk. Ryback hits Shell Shocked on Punk for the win.

Winners: Ryback and John Cena

- After the match, Ryback gets the fans to chant "feed me more." Cena comes in the ring and they meet in the middle. Ryback gets the chant started again. RAW goes off the air with Ryback chanting while staring Cena down.

Saturday 3 November 2012

WWE Smackdown Results 11/2/12

With all of the controversy over Hell in a Cell and who was responsible for Brad Maddox’s actions, the affair that probably does not exist between John Cena and AJ Lee along with Vickie Guerrero’s attempt to find a conspiracy theory, and don’t forget that we have a new World Champion.

We begin with Miz in the ring for MizTV. Miz says that there are some shocking incidents going on in the WWE. Did AJ and John Cena have an affair? Vickie Guerrero thinks so. At Hell in a Cell, Brad Maddox goes Rogue to help CM Punk retain the WWE Title against Ryback. Miz talks about his first guest and the dispute over which is more powerful, the Brogue Kick or the KO Punch. You might have missed Sheamus getting knocked out and losing the World Championship.

Miz brings out the FORMER World Champion Sheamus. Sheamus comes out and he is still in a good mood.

Miz brings up that it has been seven months since he has not had the World Title. Miz says that the World Title match was incredible, but he wonders how embarrassed Sheamus feels about being a loser after being knocked out by Big Show.

Sheamus tells Miz that he could ask Miz the same question. Sheamus asks Miz how his rematch against Kofi Kingston went. He doesn’t see Miz with a title.

Miz throws out a few reallys. Miz points out that he has beaten Kofi and he will regain his Intercontinental Title. Sheamus has never beaten the Big Show and he never will.

Sheamus agrees with Miz that he hasn’t beaten Big Show. He would be lying if he did not say that getting knocked out did not humble him. He gave his best but his best wasn’t good enough. Sheamus will not walk around with his tail between his legs.

Miz interrupts the Cliched Former Champion.

Miz reminds Sheamus of what happened at Wrestlemania to lead to Sheamus losing the title. John Laurinaitis got put in power and that allowed Big Show to get his contract that brought him back to the WWE and that is how Sheamus lost the title.

Sheamus thinks about it and he wonders if he should be kicking Miz in the face.

Miz tells Sheamus that he is a guest on his show. Sheamus should not be trying to take his shame out on Miz because he could not get the job done. Sheamus says that he can beat the Big Show but he sees the doubt in Sheamus’ eyes.

Miz says that he will regain the Intercontinental Title when he faces Kofi Kingston again. He is the Miz . . .

and he is interrupted by Kofi Kingston’s music.

Kofi says that Miz is a bit disoriented. It has been a while since Miz was on the Real World, but he has lost touch with reality. How many times does he have to kick Miz in the head to knock some sense into him. Kofi wants Miz to come to grips that Kofi beat him. Then he beat Miz. Then he beat Miz on Sunday. In three weeks . . .

Miz says that he will lead his team to victory at the Survivor Series, just like he did at Wrestlemania and he will personally eliminate Kofi. He is the Miz and he is . . .

Interrupted one more time. This time it is the World Champion, the Big Show.

Show says that he does not want to hear Miz taking credit for Show’s victory. He says that he has to side with Kofi and he thinks that there is something wrong with Miz. Why is Miz interviewing the ‘former’ World Champion instead of the ‘new’ World Champion? Why is Miz asking Sheamus about being KOed instead of asking Show about what it is like to KO Sheamus.

Miz asks Show how it felt to knock out Sheamus. Show says that to describe the perfect euphoria of closing his hand into a fist.

Sheamus reminds Show that he hit Big Show with White Noise on Raw and what kind of euphoria did Show feel at that time.

Sheamus suggests that they do this right now.

Show tells Sheamus that he is being delusional again. Sheamus will get all of the Big Show that he could ever want at Survivor Series. Show says that everyone knows that he will go to the ring and KO Sheamus again. There is nothing to prove tonight so he tells Sheamus ‘No’.

Miz tries to attack Kofi in the ring but Kofi sees him coming and Kofi with a back body drop to the floor.

Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio walk in the back and then we see Darren Young and Titus O’Neil walk in a different hallway as we go to commercial.

We are back and Big Show is walking in the back and Booker T stops by to congratulate Show on his victory. Booker says that they left everything in the ring at Hell in a Cell. Booker says that in his role as General Manager of Smackdown, he has to give the fans what they want. He is going to give them Show and Miz against Kofi Kingston and Sheamus.

Match Number One: Sin Cara (with Rey Mysterio ) versus Darren Young (with Titus O’Neil )

Young slaps Cara in the back of the head and he kicks him. Cara slides through the legs and he this a head scissors take down. Cara kicks the hand and then he uses the ropes for an arm drag. Young with a clothesline and then he drops an elbow and hits a leg drop.

Young with a neck breaker for a near fall. Young with a reverse chin lock but Cara gets to his feet. Cara counters a suplex and gets a near fall with an inside cradle. Young with an elbow and kicks to Cara. Young puts Cara in the corner and he punches Cara and then he snap mares Cara into a reverse chin lock.

Cara with elbows but Young with a knee and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Cara lands on his feet. Cara with an elbow and kick to Young followed by a missile drop kick and forearms. Cara with kicks to the leg and then he hits the handspring back elbow for a near fall. Young with a kick and Cara counters an atomic drop with a rollup for a near fall.

Cara with a kick to Young. Young hits the Orange Crush gutbuster for the three count.

Winner: Darren Young

After the match, Darren and Titus do the Millions of Dollars Dance and then Titus gets a whistle and blows it. Titus tells everyone that when the country bumpkins thought that Halloween was over, D Young busted open the piƱata in the ring. This was a case of a little dog getting in the ring with a big dog. Titus says that as a good Samaritan, he will let another little dog get in the ring with a big dog (and this big dog barks).

Titus challenges Rey Mysterio and Rey is ready for a fight. Rey throws a t-shirt at Titus and Titus gets on the apron.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Titus O’Neil (with Darren Young) versus Rey Mysterio (with Sin Cara)

Rey with a kick to the leg as he stays away from Titus. Titus sends Rey into the corner but Rey with a kick and drop kick to the knees. Titus with a clothesline to Rey and he barks. Titus with a kick to the midsection. Titus with kicks to Rey and then Darren gets in a cheap shot while the referee deals with Titus. Titus puts Rey in the corner and he connects with forearms.

Rey with kicks to Titus but Titus kicks back and he picks up Rey for a slam and he gets a near fall. Titus waits for Rey to get back to his feet and he picks up Rey for a power slam but Rey escapes and he kicks Titus. Titus with a shoulder tackle and kick to Rey. Titus charges at Rey but he misses a boot into the midsection and Rey kicks Titus and then he drop kicks Titus into the ropes and Titus gets trapped in the force field on the middle rope. Young trips Rey but Sin Cara takes care of Young on the floor. Rey tries for the 619 but Titus grabs Rey’s legs and he picks up Rey and runs him into the turnbuckles. Titus sets for the charge into the corner but Titus’ shoulder makes contact with the turnbuckle and Rey gets the three count with a rollup.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

After the match, Rey and Sin Cara do the Milliones de Pesos dance.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to take a look back at the ‘most controversial moment’ in WWE history at Hell in a Cell. Let’s go to the end of the match.

Josh Mathews mentions that Brad Maddox has been suspended indefinitely. After the Board of Inquiry, Brad Maddox will be live on Raw to explain what happened.

John Layfield says that a lot of people do not think that Brad Maddox acted alone and he is one of them.

We then go to footage from Raw when we found out the members of Team Punk and Team Foley at Survivor Series.

Booker T and Teddy Long are in Booker’s office and Teddy says that everything is out of control on Raw under Vickie Guerrero. If it gets any worse, there will be a full blown mutiny.

Natalya enters the office and she says that since Eve is on the European tour, she would like a shot to step in her role.

David Otunga storms in and he wonders when Natalya learned about leadership. Teddy asks David if they taught him how to knock at Harvard. David says that if Booker needs anything, he is here for him and he is his man. Booker needs a competitor to face a returning Superstar tonight.

Otunga asks who the returning Superstar is and Booker tells him that it is the Great Khali and Otunga spits his coffee on Natalya’s clothes.

Booker tells Otunga to get his gear on because that match is tonight.

Otunga apologizes to Natalya and he tells her that her new look is an improvement. Otunga slurps from the monolith of coffee and Natalya slaps Otunga in the face and he spits coffee all over Teddy.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez make their way to the announce table to watch the next match.

Match Number Three: Randy Orton versus Wade Barrett

Del Rio comes into the ring and Orton kicks Albeto. Ricardo sends Orton into the ring post while Barrett watches. Del Rio with kicks to Orton and the referee have to take Del Rio to the back. Del Rio sends Orton into the post one more time.

We go to commercial so order can be restored and the match can officially start.

The match is joined in progress and Orton with elbows and then he clotheslines Barrett over the top rope to the floor. Orton rolls to the floor and he hits a belly-to-back suplex onto the ringside barrier. Orton with a forearm across the chest before they return to the ring.

Barrett with a big boot to Orton’s chest and Barrett with punches to Orton’s head. Barrett with a knee drop and he gets a near fall. Barrett chokes Orton in the ropes and then he puts Orton in the ropes and chokes him. Barrett with knees to the midsection and then he hits the big boot to the chest and Orton is sent to the floor.

Barrett goes to the floor and he tries to send Orton into the ring steps but Orton blocks it. Barrett blocks Orton’s attempt to send Barrett into the steps. Barrett sends Orton into the steps and they return to the ring where Barrett gets a near fall. Barrett with a reverse chin lock and Orton gets back to his feet.

Orton tries to get to the ropes but then he goes for a belly-to-back suplex to escape the hold and both men are down. Barrett with a back heel kick to Orton and Barrett with a kick to the top of the head. Barrett picks up Orton and he punches Orton in the ribs. Barrett with a short arm clothesline for a near fall.

Barrett with more kicks to Orton. Orton blocks a punch and returns fire with punches of his own. They go back and forth but Orton with a kick and he gets the advantage. Barrett with a knee to the midsection and Barrett with an elbow drop with the point of the elbow hitting the ribs that Barrett worked on for a near fall. Barrett goes to the middle turnbuckle and hits an elbow drop but Orton kicks out.

Barrett with a rear chin lock Orton gets back to his feet and he punches Barrett. Barrett with a slam and Wade goes to the turnbuckles again but Orton recovers and punches Barrett. Orton with a head butt and punches. The referee pulls Orton away but he is able to get Barrett set up for the superplex and Orton hits it but both men are down.

Orton waits to pounce on Barrett. Orton with two clotheslines and then he ducks one from Barrett. Orton with a power slam. Orton gets Barrett in the ropes and Orton hits the IEDDT. Orton looks around and he sees Del Rio on the stage before Orton can twist into RKO position. Ricardo gets on the apron and Orton punches him. Barrett with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Wade Barrett

After the match, Del Rio and Rodriguez go to the back. Orton looks at Barrett but he decides to go to the back and it looks like the evening is not over for Orton, Del Rio, and Rodriguez.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a video package about the money raised for breast cancer in October.

We go to the back where Matt Striker stops Ricardo Rodriguez and Alberto Del Rio. Matt wonders why Alberto persists in taunting Randy Orton. Alberto says that Randy is not the Viper or Apex Predator. Alberto says that Orton is a crying girl.

Unfortunately, Randy Orton was in the hallway and he sees Alberto. Alberto and Orton fight in the catering area. Alberto tries to grab a large container with coffee and he burns his hands. Orton gets something to grab the container and he tries to throw it at Del Rio but Alberto moves. Ricardo was not so fortunate and he was caught in the crossfire and he is in immense pain due to burns.

Alberto and Randy continue to fight while everyone else watches the fight. The Three Man Band enjoys some food while watching. Orton pours something else onto Ricardo and he screams and runs away.

Orton grabs a chair but Del Rio kicks Orton in the arm. Orton back body drops Del Rio through a table. Orton punches Del Rio and then he thinks about leaving but then we see other wrestlers watching the action. Orton and Del Rio fight by the dessert table but they block attempts to go into the cake. Orton throws Del Rio into another table.

Del Rio finally runs away.

Matt Striker asks Orton about what just happened and Orton sends Striker’s face into the cake.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are reminded that Jerry Lawler will return to Raw in Columbus, Ohio.

Match Number Four: Great Khali versus David Otunga

Otunga poses for Khali and he turns his back to Khali but Khali pushes Otunga into the corner. Otunga with kicks to Khali. Otunga with a drop kick to the knees and David poses. Khali with a chop to the chest and then he sends Otunga into the corner. Khali with elbows in the corner. Khali with a chop across the chest and we see Natalya watching in the back.

Khali with an Irish whip but he misses a boot in the corner. Otunga with kicks but Khali grabs Otunga. Otunga escapes and Khali with a chop to the top of the head for the three count.

Winner: Great Khali

We go to commercial.

We are back and Natalya tells Great Khali that she wanted to tell him how impressed she was by his performance. She shakes Khali’s hands and she comments on his big hands.

Match Number Five: R Truth versus Justin Gabriel

Truth wants to know what’s up and Gabriel howls. They lock up and Truth with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Truth wants to know what’s up again and Truth dances and then he punches Gabriel. Gabriel floats over in the corner and he returns fire with some dance moves. Truth with a twisting flying forearm for a near fall.

Gabriel sends Truth to the apron and Truth with a punch. Truth goes up top but Gabriel moves. Gabriel with a drop kick and he gives Truth a snap mare followed by a kick to the back for a near fall. Gabriel with a modified abdominal stretch and he gets a near fall with a rollup. Gabriel with a clothesline for a near fall.

Gabriel with a reverse chin lock on Truth but Truth gets to his feet. Gabriel with a forearm and kicks to Truth ending with a jumping back spin kick. Gabriel with a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Gabriel with a kick to the back. Gabriel with an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Gabriel misses a springboard move and Truth hits Little Jimmy for the three count.

Winner: R Truth

After the match, Truth offers his hand to Gabriel and Justin shakes it.

It is time for a Raw Rebound.

Big Show and Miz are in the dressing room and Miz talks about their time as tag team champions. Miz tells Show to follow his lead like they used to. Show says that they were a team before and they were teammates. Tonight, he is Miz’ superior. If Miz does not do what he says, he will knock Miz out. Show tells Miz to give him his championship.

We go to commercial.

We are back with an Earlier Tonight Moment when Alberto Del Rio and Randy Orton battled through catering.

We are told that next week during the ‘Live’ Smackdown, we will have a Falls Count Anywhere Match between Randy Orton and Alberto Del Rio.

Match Number Six: Miz and Big Show versus Kofi Kingston and Sheamus

Miz and Kofi start things off and Show tags himself in. Sheamus tags in and then Show goes to the apron and tags Miz in. Miz says that he has it. Miz with a kick and punches to Sheamus. Sheamus punches back and he sends Miz into the turnbuckles and then punches him again. Sheamus blocks a hip toss and hits a short arm clothesline.

Sheamus tags in Kofi and Kofi with a double sledge to the arm followed by kicks. Miz with a shoulder tackle but Kofi with a leaping back elbow and then he clotheslines Miz over the top rope to the floor. Kofi with a suicide dive onto Miz and we have a stand off as we go to commercial.

We are back and Show tags in and he slams Kofi. Show has something to say to Sheamus on the apron. Show chops Kofi across the chest and then he takes Kofi down with a waist lock and front face lock as he tells Sheamus that he will show him some wrestling. Show with a side head lock take down.

Kofi with punches but Show with a side slam to Kofi. Show tags Miz in and Miz works on the back. Miz with a running boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Miz rakes the face and applies a rear chin lock. Kofi tries to get to his feet and he punches Miz. Miz hits Reality Check and gets a near fall. Miz with a rear chin lock.

Kofi with elbows but Miz keeps Kofi from making the tag. Kofi with a rollup and then he tries to get to his corner to make the tag. Kofi kicks Miz away and tags in Sheamus. Sheamus with two running double sledges followed by a shoulder in the corner, a running knee lift and a power slam. Sheamus gets Miz on the apron and he connects with the ten forearms across the chest.

Sheamus with the fireman’s carry slam and Kofi is tagged in and he hits a springboard cross body but Show breaks up the cover. Sheamus sends Show to the floor. The referee tries to get Sheamus to the apron and he does not see Show punch Kofi when he was getting ready to punch Miz in the corner. Sheamus goes after Show but does not realize that his tag team partner is knocked out and getting pinned.

Winners: Big Show and Miz

After the match, Big Show leaves the ring and Sheamus decides that if he cannot give Big Show the Brogue Kick, he can give one to Miz. Sheamus pounds his chest and lets out a FELLA as we go to credits.
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