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Showing posts with label WWE show results spoilers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WWE show results spoilers. Show all posts

Thursday 1 November 2012

WWE Main Event 10/31/12

We are live on tape from Fayetteville, North Carolina and your announcers are Michael ‘Tarheel’ Cole and John ‘Wolfpack’ Layfield.

We start off by taking a look back at what happened during Hell in a Cell when Brad Maddox became a household name due to his low blow on Ryback and help with the cover on Ryback to help CM Punk retain the WWE Title.

Michael says that he has been suspended indefinitely and he will have a hearing before the Board of Directors.

Michael mentions that Brad Maddox tried to become a WWE Superstar but he failed. Then he decided to become a referee.

We go to footage from last week when Sin Cara was attacked by Alberto Del Rio, Darren Young, and Titus O’Neil. Randy Orton came out to make the save and then he made the challenge for a six man tag match.

We go to a video package on Alberto Del Rio. Alberto says that people talk about all of his attributes. Honesty, passion, and intelligence.

Match Number One: Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez), Darren Young, and Titus O’Neil versus Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, and Sin Cara

Rey and Young start things off. Rey tries for a kick but Young avoids it. They lock up and Young with a waist lock and front face lock. Young slaps Rey in the head and Del Rio and Titus approve. Young with a knee and forearm to the back.

Young with an Irish whip but Rey with a drop toe hold that sends Young into the turnbuckles. Cara tags in and Rey with a snap mare and then Rey and Cara with stereo kicks for a near fall. Cara with forearms to Darren followed by an enzuigiri. Orton tags in.

Orton punches Young but Young with an Irish whip. You don’t Irish whip Orton into the turnbuckles and he connects with a clothesline. Orton with some boots to Young and then he hits a suplex for a near fall. Orton with punches in the corner and Young pushes Orton out of the corner. Young avoids going into the turnbuckles and then he punches Orton. Titus tags in.

Titus with kicks and punches to Orton and Del Rio gets a shot in while the referee is not looking. Titus with a punch and snap mare followed by a leg drop and he gets a near fall. Titus with a reverse chin lock. Young tags in and they double team Orton. Titus barks and Young gets a near fall. Orton with a drop kick and he tags Rey in.

Rey with forearms to Young but Darren with a knee. Young runs Rey into the corner and he tags in Del Rio. Del Rio mocks Orton and then Del Rio with a running kick for a near fall and then he hits a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Del Rio tells Rey to tag in but Del Rio with a boot and then he applies a bow and arrow against the ring post. Del Rio remembers that he should not let Rey tag to his partners. Rey with a kick and Orton tags in.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Titus with a reverse chin lock on Orton but Orton with a belly-to-back suplex to escape. Cara tags in and he kicks Titus and connects with forearms. Cara misses the handspring back elbow but he hits a drop kick and enzuigiri. Titus sends Cara to the apron and Cara with an enzuigiri. Cara with a springboard cross body for a near fall.

Del Rio trips Cara when the referee was distracted by Young. Titus with kicks to Cara. Del Rio tags back in and he kicks Cara in the ribs and Titus with a forearm to the back before he goes to the apron. Del Rio with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Del Rio with a reverse chin lock. Cara with a sunset flip for a near fall.

Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and then he tags in Young. Young with a kick to Cara and then he sends Cara to the floor. Titus with a kick and then Darren goes to the floor. Young brings Cara back in and he kicks Cara. Titus tags back in and he kicks Cara. Titus picks Cara up by the head and then he tags Young back in. Young with a punch.

Young follows that with a reverse chin lock as they continue to prevent Cara from making the tag to his partners. Cara with elbows and forearms and then he kicks Darren in the leg and he gets a near fall. Rey with a tag and he hits a head scissors but Darren with a kick. Darren tries for a sunset flip but you don’t do that to Rey. Rey rolls through and kicks Darren.

Young sends Rey to the apron and Rey with forearms but when Rey tries for a springboard move, Young sends Rey to the floor. We have a standoff on the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Young hits a neck breaker on Rey and he gets a near fall. Del Rio tags back in and he kicks Rey. Titus with a forearm while Del Rio talks to the referee. Rey counters a power bomb and sends Del Rio into the ropes but Del Rio avoids Rey when he tries for the 619. Del Rio gets a near fall.

Titus tags back in and he chokes Rey with his boot. Titus with a kick to the ribs. Rey tries to crawl through Titus’ legs but Titus grabs Rey by the leg and pulls him back towards his corner. Titus with an Irish whip but Rey moves when Del Rio charges into the corner and Alberto hits the post and goes to the floor.

Ricardo helps Del Rio get back into the ring. Titus tags in and he hits an elbow drop to stop Rey from making the tag. Titus goes after Orton and Orton punches back. Young tags in and he gives Rey a snap mare and he applies a reverse chin lock. Rey kicks Darren in the head but he makes the tag to Titus and Titus kicks Rey. Del Rio tags in and he kicks Rey and gets a near fall.

Del Rio with a body scissors but Rey with shots to the leg to escape. Rey with a DDT to counter a slam attempt by Del Rio and both men are down. Orton tags in and he clotheslines Del Rio twice and then he clotheslines Titus. Young tries for a clothesline and Orton ducks it. Orton with a power slam to Young. Orton with a power slam to Del Rio. Orton sets for the IEDDT and he hits it. Orton looks around and twists to the mat and he prepares for the RKO but Titus and Darren attack Del Rio.

Cara with a drop kick to Titus and he kicks Darren. Rey sends Darren to the floor. Cara sends Del Rio into the ropes and Rey with a 619. Orton hits the RKO to get the three count.

Winners: Sin Cara, Randy Orton, and Rey Mysterio

After the match, Matt Striker wants to get some comments from the winning team. Rey thanks Randy for leading them to victory over Alberto Del Rio. It was more than a win. The tag team division saw that Rey and Sin Cara are here for a long run.

Sin Cara speaks in Spanish and he thanks Randy and he says that they will become tag team champions.

Randy says tonight they sent a message to Alberto Del Rio. That message was that there is only one Apex Predator in the WWE.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Josh Mathews wants to get some comments from Darren Young and Titus O’Neil and he asks about Rey and Sin Cara’s comments. Darren says that their team might have lost but Darren and Titus did not lose the match. Darren says that this ain’t the end. Titus says that he can guarantee that they are the top tag team in the WWE. They will be the next tag team champions. They will be the tag team champions at Wrestlemania 29.

Alberto Del Rio takes the mic and he says that this is not over yet. He is the Apex Predator. He tells Randy to watch his back on Friday on Smackdown.

Michael Cole talks about the ‘relationship’ between John Cena and AJ Lee. We go back to Monday night when Vickie Guerrero had absolute evidence of nothing going on between AJ and John Cena, but she still thought she had something.

Michael says that Vickie Guerrero claims that she has more evidence about the scandal. Vickie has security footage from the hotel and we will see it on Monday night. John says that there is something because Vickie wouldn’t make statements unless she had something.

Match Number Two: Wade Barrett versus Tyson Kidd

The match is joined in progress and Barrett sends Kidd into the corner and he punches Kidd in the midsection while applying a hammer lock in the corner. Barrett gets a near fall. Barrett with a rear chin lock. Kidd gets to his feet and Barrett sends Kidd back to the mat and he gets a near fall.

Barrett with a reverse chin lock. Kidd with elbows but Barrett with a knee and he tries for a belly-0to=back suplex but Kidd lands on his feet and he kicks Barrett. Kidd blocks a kick and Kidd sends Barrett’s leg into the ropes and Kidd with an enzuigiri to the back of the head. Kidd with a drop kick for a near fall. Barrett with the Blackpool Slam for a near fall.

Barrett puts Kidd on the turnbuckles and he punches Kidd. Barrett sets for a superplex but Kidd punche Barrett off the turnbuckles and uses head butts. Kidd with a missile drop kick and he gets a near fall. Barrett charges at Kidd but Kidd drops down and Barrett goes over the top rope to the floor. Kidd with a running kick to the head and Barrett has trouble getting back to his feet.

Kidd goes for a suicide dive but Barrett with a forearm and then Barrett picks up Kidd for the Souvenir and the three count.

Winner: Wade Barrett

After the match, Barrett has something to say. He says that was bloody impressive. Wade mentions that Tyson is a graduate of the Hart Family Dungeon and he beat him in less than five minutes. Barrett says that he is surprised that Sheamus lost the World Title. Since he beat Sheamus already, he is not surprised. If Sheamus had put his title on the line against him, the champion would not be Big Show, it would be Wade Barrett.

Sheamus’ music plays and he makes his way onto the stage. He tells the fella that there is a common misconception that the English and the Irish don’t get along. HE does not have a problem with the English because many of his best friends are English. He just does not like Barrett. Sheamus says that he cannot wait to step into the ring with Big Show again. While he has time to fill, he has no problem putting Barrett in his place.

Sheamus charges Barrett to a match next week and he says that it is time to fight.

Barrett thanks Sheamus for the kind words about the English. The feeling is not mutual for the Irish and he hates Sheamus more. Next week, we are not on the Emerald Isle, we are in England and he does not lose in England.

Sheamus tells Barrett there is a first time for everything. He will enjoy kicking Barrett’s arse next week, but why not fight now.

Sheamus misses a Brogue Kick and Barrett goes to the floor and heads up the ramp.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

*SPOILERS* WWE SmackDown Tapings for 11/2/12

* The Miz kicks off the show with MizTV and his guest is Sheamus. It's interrupted by Kofi Kingston and then Big Show. Sheamus wants his rematch but Show walks out. Sheamus and Kofi clear the ring of Miz. A tag match is made for later.

* Darren Young and Titus O'Neil defeated Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio

* Wade Barrett beat Randy Orton with help from Alberto Del Rio

* The Great Khali beat David Otunga

* Backstage segment with Randy Orton and Alberto Del Rio. Matt Striker gets thrown into a cake.

* R-Truth beat Justin Gabriel

* The Miz and Big Show beat Sheamus and Kofi Kingston in the main event.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

WWE Monday Night Raw Results 10/29/12

- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with still shots from the Ryback vs. CM Punk match at last night's Hell In a Cell pay-per-view.

- We're live from the Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina as Justin Roberts introduces WWE Champion CM Punk. Out comes Punk with Paul Heyman. Punk is limping and has his ribs bandaged up. Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW and he's joined by Jim Ross.

The crowd boo's Punk as he takes the mic. He says everyone thought Ryback was unbeatable. Everyone said it couldn't be done. Everyone thought Punk would be just another victim. Punk says he proved everyone wrong. Punk calls Jim Ross a buckethead and says he was wrong. Punk points out everyone in the crowd and says they were wrong. Punk has proved everyone wrong for 344 days he says. Punk says he has defeated every single hero, he's survived everything they had to offer. Punk brings up beating Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton and John Cena. Punk says Ryback isn't even in the conversation.

Punk says his win at Hell In a Cell was monumental. Punk brings up Brad Maddox attacking Ryback and says he had nothing to do with it. Punk says the only thing he's guilty of is taking advantage of a situation brought on by a WWE referee. Punk names him as Brad Maddox. Punk says Maddox was hired by AJ Lee and says that's all you need to know. Punk says he had nothing to do with what happened at Hell In a Cell. "You suck" chants from the crowd. Punk brings up beating Vince McMahon and Triple H. Punk declares that he is the best in the world and Heyman raises the WWE Title behind him. Punk says he can proudly say he looks at Ryback in a completely different way - behind him. Punk says there won't be a rematch, he's moving on. Mick Foley's music hits and out he comes.

Punk calls Foley a homeless man who has been displaced by the storm in the Northeast. Foley tells Punk to stay classy, making light of a situation like that. Foley brings up Ryback destroying Punk on top of the Cell last night. Punk says the last time we saw Foley, he was on the ground because Punk kicked his ass. Foley says he didn't come out here to embarrass Punk because Punk did a good job of doing that himself last night. Foley says he gave Punk a choice a month ago - be a Legend or be a statistic. Foley says Punk blew it. They argue about the tradition of Hell In a Cell. Punk rips into the Charlotte fans. Punk brags more about being champion for 344 days. Punk says it seems like Foley wants to do something. Punk proposes a traditional Survivor Series match - Team Foley vs. Team Punk.

Foley accepts the challenge and says Punk is on. The crowd chants for Foley now. Punk says whoever Foley picks... Ryback's music interrupts and out he comes to a nice reaction from the crowd. Ryback hits the ring as Punk and Heyman retreat through the crowd. The crowd chants "feed me more" as Ryback stands alongside Foley. We go to commercial.

Ryback vs. JTG

Back from the break and JTG is heading to the ring and doesn't look happy about it. The bell rings and Ryback stares JTG down. JTG hesitates but Ryback grabs him and slams him face first into the mat. Ryback with another big slam. Ryback misses a clothesline in the corner but connects with a big Thesz Press. Ryback slams JTG's head on the mat some more. Ryback nails the Meathook clothesline and Shell Shocked for the win.

Winner: Ryback

- Josh Mathews enters the ring and asks Ryback if he has an appetite for revenge after what happened last night. Ryback says revenge is an admission of pain and he's not hurting, he's hungry. Ryback says when he feasts again, it will be on Punk. Ryback gets a "feed me Punk" chant going.

- Still to come tonight, Sheamus will address his World Heavyweight Title loss at Hell In a Cell. Also, Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett. Back to commercial.

Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett

Back from the break and out comes Randy Orton as Wade Barrett waits in the ring. The bell rings and they lock up and go to the corner. They break and Barrett taunts Orton. Barrett with a headlock now. Orton breaks out and dropkicks him. Barrett goes to the floor but Orton follows. Barrett ducks a clothesline and goes to work on Orton's arm. The steel steps come into play and Orton slams Barrett into the announcers table. Orton brings it back in and stomps on Barrett.

More back and forth. Barrett gets hung up on the top rope and Orton boots him out to the floor as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Barrett is in control of Orton working on his arm. Orton fights back with headbutts but Barrett hits a knee to the gut. Barrett with more offense and a 2 count. Barrett goes right back to Orton's hurt arm. Barrett keeps control and goes for another pin. Barrett chokes Orton on the ropes now. Barrett has Orton hung up in the ropes and connects with a big boot to the face. Barrett with another 2 count. More offense on Orton's arm now. Orton fights out and nails two clotheslines and a powerslam. Barrett goes to the apron but Orton brings him back in with the second-rope draping DDT. Orton hits the mat and readies for the RKO. Barrett blocks it and nails Winds of Change for a 2 count. Orton ducks the Souvenir Elbow and nails the RKO for the win.

Winner: Randy Orton

- AJ Lee is backstage when Vickie Guerrero walks in. Vickie says AJ will have the chance to explain her affair with John Cena tonight. AJ says she didn't have an affair. Vickie says the Board of Directors has asked her to consider hiring AJ back as a WWE Diva. Vickie says she will determine if AJ is eligible. AJ says she does want to be a performer again. Vickie asks AJ what she considers her biggest weakness. AJ says she can become too emotionally attached to her job. Vickie asks if AJ is admitting she's crazy. Vickie wants one good reason why she should give AJ a contract when she comes back. Back to commercial.

Team Hell No vs. Darren Young and Titus O'Neil

Back from the break and out comes one-half of the WWE Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan. Kane is out next. Darren Young and Titus O'Neil wait in the ring for this non-title match. Young starts off with Bryan.

Back and forth to start the match. Bryan unloads with kicks and Kane tags himself in. They have words and Young takes advantage. Kane drops Young with a big right hand and splashes him in the corner. Bryan comes back in and dropkicks Young in the corner. Bryan and Kane yell at each other some more. Bryan turns around to a big shoulder from Titus. Titus with a scoop slam. Bryan fights back but Titus shoves him to the mat and powerslams him. Titus with a 2 count.

Young comes back in and keeps control of Bryan. Bryan fights out but Young cuts him off. Bryan dodges a backdrop and nails a clothesline. Kane tags himself in and takes Young to the corner. Kane unloads and hits a pair of splashes in the corner. Kane with a sideslam for 2. Kane goes to the top rope and comes down with a big clothesline. Titus tries to come in but Kane sends him to the floor. Young fights Kane off but Kane grabs him and nails the chokeslam. Titus comes in and Kane grabs him, sending him back to the floor. Bryan tags himself in and takes advantage, putting Young in the No Lock for the win.

Winners: Kane and Daniel Bryan

- After the match, Bryan celebrates with both titles and Kane doesn't look happy. Kane makes the ring explodes, grabs his title belt and they argue about the match.

- Still to come tonight, Sheamus will speak after his Hell In a Cell loss. We see Vickie Guerrero backstage walking and apparently she's ready to reveal her evidence. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see what happened earlier with CM Punk and Mick Foley. Cole talks about Brad Maddox and we see a clip from last month where Maddox made an error in counting a pin on Punk. Then we see stills from Hell In a Cell where Maddox screwed Ryback.

- We go to the ring and out comes Vickie Guerrero. She says she's here to reassure everyone that this is a new era on RAW. Vickie says she has been promising evidence that John Cena and AJ Lee had an affair. Vickie calls out Cena to the ring.

Cena says the only reason he is out here tonight is to clear everything up. First Vickie shows us footage from three weeks ago where Cena asked AJ out on a date in the ring. Cena says it was just a joke and everyone understood that. Vickie shows footage next from last week and we see Cena consoling AJ after she was fired as General Manager. Cena says he was just giving a friend a shoulder to cry on. Next Vickie has a still photo of Cena and AJ out having dinner somewhere. Cena says that was the business meeting dinner he told the world about last week. Cena says they were discussing his condition and when he would return to action. Vickie says Cena is pathetic and has an answer for everything. Next Vickie has footage of Cena and Vickie at a hotel elevator. AJ enters the elevator and rides up with Cena apparently. Cena looks worried now as Vickie rubs it in.

A "you are busted" chant breaks out in the crowd. Cena says he knows how it looks and Vickie laughs. Cena says AJ was going to confront Vickie and he convinced her it was a bad decision. Cena says it's just two people getting into an elevator and that's it. Cena says they got into the elevator, he walked AJ to her door and that was it. Vickie suggests that AJ let Cena into her hotel room and more happened. Vickie says it's a good thing she's in charge and starts calling AJ names. Cena cuts Vickie off and stands up for AJ. They go on and out comes Dolph Ziggler.

Ziggler comes out and says everyone has seen enough to draw their own conclusion. Cena grabs Ziggler by his collar and gets in his face. Cena tells Ziggler to never mention his and AJ's name in the same sentence again. Cena shoves Ziggler to the mat and walks off to the back.

- Still to come, Kofi Kingston vs. Antonio Cesaro. Back to commercial.

Kofi Kingston vs. Antonio Cesaro

Back from the break and out comes WWE United States Champion Antonio Cesaro. The Miz is on commentary and he doesn't look happy. Cesaro speaks but is met with "USA" chants. Cesaro says he has learned America has the fattest kids in the world. Cesaro brings up Halloween and calls it a silly American holiday. Cesaro goes on until WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston comes out for this non-title match.

The bell rings and Cesaro strikes first. They go at it and Cesaro takes it to the corner. Kofi counters and comes back with a big right hand. Kofi with another block and a kick to the head. Kofi goes to the top but Cesaro knocks him down and hits a knee to the gut. Cesaro keeps control and stomps on Kofi's chest. Cesaro with an arm submission now.

Kofi fights out and fights back. Kofi dropkicks Cesaro out to the floor. Cesaro pulls Kofi to the floor but Kofi nails a big right hand off the steel steps. Kofi and Miz have words. Cesaro attacks from behind and the brawl continues. Kofi tosses Cesaro over the announcers table and into Miz. Kofi brings Cesaro back in the ring. Miz pulls Kofi off the apron and attacks him for the DQ.

Winner by DQ: Kofi Kingston

- After the bell, Miz rolls Cesaro in the ring and they double team Kofi. R-Truth runs down and makes the save. Miz escapes the ring but Truth unloads on Cesaro and clotheslines him to the floor. Cesaro stands with Miz as Kofi stands with Truth.

- Still to come tonight, Sheamus will address his loss at Hell In a Cell. Also tonight, the teams for Survivor Series will be revealed. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Vickie walks back in on AJ. Vickie teases her about a relationship with Cena. AJ says nothing is going on and Vickie knows it. Vickie says she will put AJ on the roster if she admits she cares about Cena. AJ refuses. AJ says WWE means everything to her but Vickie is not worth lying for or hurting John. AJ walks off but Vickie calls her back. Vickie has hired AJ. Vickie says if AJ ever lays a hand on her, she's done. Vickie welcomes her back and says her first match will be against Beth Phoenix. AJ thanks her and walks off.

- There's a sitdown interview with 3MB.

Zack Ryder and Santino Marella vs. Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater

We go to the ring and out comes Santino Marella and Zack Ryder before we go to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Jinder Mahal, Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre. They have new music and new gear. Ryder starts things off with Jinder. Jinder strikes first but Ryder hits him with knees and a dropkick in the corner. More offense from Ryder and the Broski Boot. Slater comes in for a distraction. Mahal drops Ryder over the top rope and tags in Slater. Slater works over Ryder and tags back in Mahal. More offense and quick tags. Slater with a 2 count after some double teaming.

Slater beats Ryder down in the corner. Ryder counters and tags in Santino. Santino unloads on Slater and drops an elbow for a 2 count as Mahal breaks the pin. Ryder comes in and tumbles to the floor with Mahal. Santino pulls out the Cobra but Drew distracts him. Slater takes advantage but Santino hits Drew with the Cobra. Slater comes from behind and hits his finisher for the win.

Winners: Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal

- Still to come tonight, AJ vs. Beth. We go to commercial.

- It's announced Jerry Lawler will return in two weeks.

Beth Phoenix vs. AJ Lee

Beth Phoenix waits in the ring as AJ Lee makes her way out. Beth bullies AJ and tries to intimidate her to start the match. Beth shoves AJ to the mat and continues running her mouth. AJ snaps and unloads on Beth. Beth slams her hard and kicks her around. Beth takes the fight to the floor and beats AJ up some more. Beth brings it back in for a 2 count. AJ rolls Beth up for the win out of nowhere.

Winner: AJ Lee

After the match, Vickie comes out and says she expected more from AJ. Vickie re-starts the match. Beth wins with a quick Glam Slam.

Winner: Beth Phoenix

- Up next, Sheamus will speak. Back to commercial.

- We get a look back at what happened at Hell In a Cell with the referee.

- We go to the ring and out comes former World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus.

Sheamus talks about how he still has a smile on his face after losing the World Heavyweight Title. Sheamus says he is disappointed but last night, Big Show was the better man. Sheamus says it took two knockout punches to do it but Show did knock him out. Sheamus says he didn't come to WWE to always win, he came to fight. Sheamus says last night was the fight of his life. Sheamus says Show won the battle but the war is far from over. Sheamus says he is dying to get back in the ring with Show. He guarantees it won't be a fight next time, it's going to be an all out war and when it's done, he will have the World Title back. Out comes Big Show.

Show comes out all smiles and hits the ring with his World Heavyweight Title belt. Show brags about the belt looking good on him. Show says he did exactly what he said he would do at Hell In a Cell. Show rips Sheamus and the fans. Show says nobody has ever made him dig that deep and want something that bad but he realized he has no limits and there is no stopping him. Show says whatever Sheamus brings won't be good enough. Show is going to enjoy knocking the smile off his face. Show declares that Sheamus can't beat him and will never take the belt from him. Sheamus calls that a magnificent speech and scoops Show for White Noise. Sheamus nails it as the crowd pops. Sheamus backs up the ramp and stares Show down.

- Still to come tonight, the teams for Survivor Series will be revealed. Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow is up next. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Cena is backstage with AJ. He hugs her and tells her to keep her chin up. We see Vickie watching from behind a curtain. AJ walks off and Beth walks up to Vickie. Beth thanks her for re-starting the match. Vickie says if Beth would have done her job the first time she would not have had to restart it. Vickie fires Beth and walks off.

Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow

We go to the ring and out first comes Rey Mysterio followed by his partner Sin Cara. Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes are out next.

Rhodes and Mysterio start things out. They go back and forth. Rey with a dropkick to the face for a 2 count. Rhodes retreats to his corner and tags in Sandow. Rey tags in Cara. They go at it and Cara dumps Sandow in the corner. Cody comes back in and Cara unloads with kicks. Rey comes in and keeps up the attack with some double teaming on Cody. 2 count by Rey. Cody turns it around and tags in Sandow. Sandow works over Rey for another 2 count. Sandow with another tag as they keep Rey down on the mat.

Rey turns it around and tags in Cara. Rey knocks Sandow off the apron and Cara dropkicks Cody to the floor. Rey launches Cara to the apron and he moonsaults out onto Cody. Rey sentons out onto Sandow on the other side of the ring. We go to commercial.

Back from the break, Rhodes and Sandow are in control of Cara. Cody hits a long vertical suplex for a 2 count. Cody works on Cara's arm now. Sandow comes back in and continues the attack. Sandow keeps Cara from tagging and in comes Cody for some more double teaming. Cara counters Cody and rolls him up for 2. Cara with a big takedown as Rey gets the crowd hype. Rey tags and comes in off the top, taking out Cody with a senton. Rey with a big head scissors takedown and a kick to the arm. Cody comes back and tosses Rey to the floor but he lands on his feet. Cody distracts the referee and Sandow gets a cheap shot in on Rey, sending him to the floor. Sandow tags back in for more double teaming now. Sandow with a big leg sweep and the Elbow of Disdain for a close 2 count. More tags by Sandow and Rhodes as they keep Rey in their corner. Rey counters Sandow with a roll up for 2. Cody comes back in and keeps Rey down. Another 2 count by Cody. Cody with a running knee to the head and another pin attempt. More quick tags as they keep Rey from tagging. Rey blocks a double suplex and turns it into a double DDT. Rey tags in Cara and he unloads on both men with a double crossbody. Cara with a back elbow to Sandow and an enziguri kick. Cara with a 2 count on Sandow. Cara with kicks and the big arm drag now. Cara dropkicks Sandow to the floor but in comes Cody. Cara puts Cody in position for 619. Rey comes in but Cody slides to safety. They end up on the floor and Cody sends Rey into the steps. Cara corkscrews out onto Cody. Cara kicks Sandow in the head and climbs to the top. Rhodes pulls Sandow and Cara lands on the mat. Sandow hits The End for the win.

Winners: Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes

- Foley is backstage showing Kaitlyn some action on WWE '13. The game is available tomorrow. Heyman walks in and wonders why Foley isn't putting together his team. Foley says he didn't have to seek anyone out, the Superstars were lining up. Foley says his team is set. Heyman says Foley's team will have to back him up at Survivor Series because Punk has placed a target on him. Heyman says Punk's mission is to personally victimize Foley at Survivor Series. The teams will be revealed later tonight. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get another video for WWE's partnership with Susan G. Komen. We come back and Vince McMahon is on the stage with the WWE roster. He introduces some people from the foundation and John Cena is in the ring with them where everything is pink. Cena talks about the partnership and how it worked because of the WWE Universe involvement. Cena presents the foundation with a check for $1,000,000 from WWE. Dorothy Jones speaks and talks about how the money will help fight breast cancer. She thanks Cena, Vince and WWE. Cena thanks the fans and says they have provided the gift of life. Cena gives a shout out to breast cancer survivors in the crowd.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Justin Gabriel

Back from the break and out comes Alberto Del Rio as Ricardo Rodriguez begins the introduction. Justin Gabriel waits in the ring.

Del Rio strikes first and takes Gabriel to the corner. Del Rio with a suplex and a 2 count. More offense from Del Rio and another pin attempt. Gabriel turns it around and sends Del Rio across the ring. Gabriel with a clothesline out of the corner and a 2 count. Gabriel sends Del Rio out to the floor and dropkicks him back. Gabriel brings it back in the ring but Del Rio kicks him in the face. Del Rio works on the arm now.

Del Rio with a 2 count now. Del Rio goes right back to the arm. Gabriel fights out but Del Rio catches him in a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for 2. Del Rio with more offense on Gabriel's arm. Del Rio with a backdrop and another pin attempt. Gabriel tries to fight back again but Del Rio sends him to the mat. Del Rio with kicks to the back and another pin attempt. More work on Gabriel's arm now. Gabriel counters a backbreaker and kicks Del Rio in the face. Gabriel unloads with kicks. Gabriel with a nice counter and a close 2 count. Del Rio turns it around and hits the big kick in the corner. Del Rio with the cross armbreaker for the win.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

- Back from the break and Paul Heyman is in the ring. Heyman introduces himself and then brings out WWE Champion CM Punk.

Punk comes out in his gear and he's still limping from Hell In a Cell. They have a big WWE '13 banner drop from the ceiling with Punk on the cover. Heyman says this is a larger than life presentation for a larger than life personality. Heyman calls Punk the greatest WWE Champion of all time. Heyman says Punk asked him to put together Team Punk for Survivor Series. Heyman brings out the first member of Team Punk and it's The Miz.

Heyman brings out Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow next. Heyman calls the next person an almost co-captain and brings out Alberto Del Rio. Team Punk is assembled and will have Heyman and Ricardo at ringside. Punk takes the mic and tells the crowd to shut up and listen. Punk says Survivor Series will be a celebration of him holding the WWE Title for one year. Punk starts ripping Foley and out he comes.

Foley hits the ring and the crowd chants for him. Foley says he has a problem calling Punk a man. They go back and forth on the mic. Foley puts over his team. Foley brings out the first man for his team and it's Kofi Kingston. Out next comes Kane and Daniel Bryan. They join everyone else in the ring. Foley reveals the next man to be Randy Orton. Punk says their plan is to individually eliminate everyone but Foley so Punk can personally get his hands on him. Foley. Foley says that's a good plan but he's not competing. Foley will be in their corner. He brings out the final member of his team - Ryback. Ryback stares at Punk as a brawl breaks out. Ryback hits the ring as Punk leaves with Heyman. Everyone else is brawling as Ryback still stares Punk down. Punk raises the WWE Title from the stage as Ryback stands with Team Foley in the ring. The crowd chants "feed me more." Ryback levels Cody with a clothesline. Ryback lifts Cody up for Shell Shocked and nails it as Punk looks on from the stage. Ryback chants "feed me more" as RAW goes off the air.

Sunday 28 October 2012

WWE Hell In a Cell Results 28/10/12

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- The 2012 WWE Hell In a Cell YouTube pre-show kicks off with Scott Stanford and Matt Striker at ringside. They talk about tonight's pay-per-view as we see fans filing into the Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia. They talk about the AJ Lee controversy and we go to a recap video from RAW.

- Striker and Stanford plug the Twitter war between Cena and Vickie Guerrero this past week. We go to the ring where Michael Cole is. He brings out John Cena.

Cena and Cole take a seat in the ring and Cole starts talking about the AJ controversy and Vickie promising to bring evidence to RAW. Cena says Cole smells like sewage. We get the first Twitter question about Cena passing of the torch to Ryback. Cena says there is no torch but Ryback is a monster and he's looking forward to seeing what he does in the Cell. Next up is a Tout video from a fan. The fan asks Cena is he has advice for Ryback going into the Cell against CM Punk. The next Twitter question asks if Cena can beat Ryback. Cena asks the fans if they think he can beat Ryback and he gets a mixed reaction. Cena throws his hat in as the first to challenge Ryback if he wins the WWE Title tonight. Another question brings up The Rock and Cena says he wants another shot at The Rock, issuing another challenge.

They air a tout from Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler wants Cena to tell the truth about what's going on. Cena says he knows Ziggler is in the back and calls him to the ring. Cole leaves and Ziggler's music hits but out comes Vickie instead. Vickie enters the ring and says Cena is just mad because he got caught with his hands in the cookie jar. Ziggler tries to attack from behind but Cena sends him right back to the floor with a clothesline.

- More hype from Striker and Stanford for tonight's pay-per-view. We get a promo video for Big Show vs. Sheamus.

- Josh Mathews is backstage with World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus. Sheamus says tonight's match might be the biggest of his career so he's not surprised he's the underdog. Sheamus guarantees two things - he will never back down for a fight and tonight he has a Brogue Kick with Show's name on it.

- More hype for tonight including a promo video for CM Punk vs. Ryback.

- The 2012 WWE Hell In a Cell pay-per-view opens with a hype video for tonight's big matches. We're live from the Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia as the pyro goes off and Michael Cole welcomes us to Hell In a Cell. He's joined by Jim Ross and JBL. We see the Cell hanging high above the ring.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton

We go to the ring for tonight's opener as Ricardo Rodriguez begins to introduce Alberto Del Rio. Out next comes Randy Orton to a big pop.

The bell rings and Orton strikes with a knee. Orton unloads on Del Rio and takes him to the corner. Orton tosses Del Rio out to the floor and follows with a clothesline. Orton slams Del Rio's face into the announcers table and then sends him face first into the ring post. Orton brings it back into the ring and stomps away. Orton keeps control and beats Del Rio down in another corner. Ricardo distracts and Del Rio sends Orton into the ring post and then the floor. Del Rio works Orton's arm over on the floor now.

Del Rio brings it back in the ring and continues working on Orton's arm. Orton fights back but Del Rio beats him down. Del Rio goes to the top but Orton fights him off. Del Rio blocks and applies an armbreaker with the ropes. Del Rio breaks the hold and sends Orton shoulder first into the ring post. Del Rio charges with a big kick to the back and continues the assault. Del Rio with a takedown and a 2 count. Orton turns it around in the corner for a close roll up 2 count. Del Rio comes right back to work on Orton's arm and gets in a pin attempt. Del Rio goes on and uses the ropes again for another arm submission. Orton tosses Del Rio to the floor this time.

Orton makes a comeback with clotheslines. Orton goes on but Del Rio counters a powerslam with another armbreaker. Orton comes back with a backbreaker and a 2 count. Orton gets Del Rio on the apron but Del Rio blocks the draping DDT and takes back control of the match. Del Rio mocks Orton's pose and hits the mat. Del Rio goes for a RKO but Orton blocks it and hits the draping DDT on him from the apron. Orton drops down this time and sells the arm injury. Del Rio blocks the RKO with a backstabber for 2. Orton counters Del Rio now and hits a big powerslam. Orton with a 2 count. Orton stomps away in the corner now. Orton with headbutts. Orton takes Del Rio to the top. Del Rio fights him off and hits a chest stomp as Orton is upside down in the corner. Del Rio with a close 2 count. Del Rio stomps Orton and goes back to the top. Del Rio just lands on his feet in an odd move. Orton with a dropkick. Del Rio blocks a RKO and sends Orton to the corner. Orton blocks him. Ricardo pulls Orton's shoulder into the ring post. Del Rio applies the armbreaker in the middle of the ring but Orton struggles with him. Del Rio tightens the hold but Orton turns it into a close 2 count. Del Rio goes for the big kick in the corner but Orton catches him with a huge RKO for the win.

Winner: Randy Orton

- The announcers talk about the AJ Lee controversy and we see footage from the pre-show where Dolph Ziggler tried to attack John Cena. Josh Mathews is backstage with Vickie Guerrero. She says she will have photos to prove John Cena and AJ Lee had an affair. She invites AJ to come to RAW and defend herself in person. Vickie turns around to leave and in comes Paul Heyman. Heyman says CM Punk shouldn't have to face Ryback tonight. Vickie says she's not going to cancel the match and it's clear Punk is scared of Ryback. Heyman gets upset and says Punk isn't afraid of anyone. Heyman says Vickie has been doing a good job and doesn't want to mess that up.

WWE Tag Team Title Match: Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes vs. Kane and Daniel Bryan

We go to the ring and out first comes one-half of the WWE Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan. The pyro goes off and out next comes his partner Kane. The challengers Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes are out next.

Rhodes and Sandow mock the champs and cut a promo on the way to the ring. Bryan starts off with Sandow and they lock up. Bryan turns it around in the corner and unloads with kicks. They run the ropes and Bryan hits a knee to the gut and tags in Kane for some double teaming but Sandow avoids it and tags in Rhodes. Kane pulls Rhodes in and hits a big dropkick to the face for a 2 count. Kane works Cody over in the corner now. Bryan comes in for some more double teaming and a 2 count. Bryan stomps on Cody's arm and hits a big uppercut followed by more kicks in the corner.

Kane comes in and drops Cody with a boot. More offense on Cody and another 2 count. Sandow tags himself in as Cody kicks Kane in the face. Sandow stops Kane from chokeslamming Cody. Sandow takes Kane to the corner and beats him down. Cody gets in a cheap shot. Another tag to Cody and more double teaming. Quick tags for Sandow and Rhodes here. Kane fights off Sandow and Rhodes but Cody takes out his knee. More double teaming in the corner. Kane and Sandow go at it now. Sandow comes off the second rope but Kane connects with a huge right hand. Bryan tags in and clotheslines Sandow. Bryan with kicks in the corner now. More back and forth until Bryan takes Sandow down with a big clothesline. Bryan with more nasty kicks now. Sandow ducks a kick but Bryan knocks Cody off the apron and sends Sandow to the floor. Bryan runs and dives through the ropes, taking Sandow out. Bryan brings Sandow back in the ring but Cody grabs his leg. Sandow takes advantage and knocks Bryan back to the floor. Sandow brings it in the ring for 2.

Cody comes in and hits a running knee for 2. Another tag to Sandow and another pin attempt on Bryan. Sandow with more offense on Bryan and a 2 count. Cody tags back in and they continue the attack on Bryan. Bryan fights out of the corner but Cody hits another knee to the gut for a 2 count. Sandow comes back in for some more double teaming. Sandow drops knees and stomps away now. Sandow with a 2 count. Sandow with a leg sweep for the Elbow of Disdain for 2. Sandow with a headlock now. More back and forth now. Bryan goes for the No Lock but can't get it. Bryan sends Sandow into the turnbuckles and tags in Kane as Cody tags in. Kane drops Cody twice and hits a big backdrop. Kane with a clothesline in the corner, followed by another. Kane hits the big sideslam for a 2 count.

Kane goes to the top but Cody stops him. Kane sends Cody to the mat. Kane readies for a chokeslam but Bryan tags himself in. Bryan hits a big headbutt from the top but Kane breaks the count at 2. Kane and Bryan argue now. Sandow pulls Kane to the floor and they brawl. Bryan backdrops Cody to the floor and he hits Kane. Bryan runs off the apron but Cody moves and Bryan's knee hits Kane, sending him back down. Kane pulls Bryan back to the floor and they argue some more. They start shoving each other. Cody and Sandow slide and kick Kane. Cody brings Bryan in the ring and hits Cross Rhodes for 2 as Kane breaks it up. Kane beats Cody down in the corner and pulls Sandow in. Kane is going crazy as the referee tries to get him out of the ring. The referee calls for the bell.

Winners by DQ: Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes

- Kane pushes the referee off and pushes Bryan to the mat. Kane continues going crazy and chokeslams his opponents. Kane clears the ring. Bryan starts arguing with him some more until Kane makes the ring explode with pyro. They argue some more as Bryan heads to the back.

- The Miz is backstage with Josh Mathews. He talks about how doomsday is coming with Kofi Kingston as Intercontinental Champion. Miz says he will continue to be awesome and in the process, save the world.

WWE Intercontinental Title Match: The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston

We go to the ring and out first comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston. Out next comes The Miz.

The bell rings and they go at it. Miz goes for Skull Crushing Finale early and Kofi goes for Trouble In Paradise early but neither hit. Miz comes back in and takes a cheap shot. Kofi tackles him and mounts him with right hands. Kofi tosses Miz out of the ring and stops him from coming back in. Kofi works Miz over on the floor but runs into a big boot after dodging a shot into the steel steps. Miz brings it back in and covers Kofi for 2. Miz with a headlock on the mat now. Kofi tries to fight out but Miz pulls him to the mat by his hair. Miz with a kick to the face and a 2 count. Miz hits the big clothesline in the corner and goes to the top. Miz comes off the top with a big shot and gets another 2 count.

Miz charges again but Kofi hits him with a clothesline. They get up and Kofi takes control. Kofi with a dropkick, a big right hand and the Boom Drop. Kofi calls for Trouble In Paradise but Miz heads out to the floor and back in. Miz goes for a big boot but Kofi rolls him up for 2. Kofi with a huge crossbody from the corner and another 2 count. Kofi blocks a shot but goes for SOS. Miz blocks it with a neckbreaker attempt. Kofi blocks that and nails SOS for a 2 count. They go back and forth until Miz yanks Kofi to the mat by his leg. Kofi sells the leg injury as Miz stomps away.

Miz goes to work on Kofi's leg now. Miz takes off Kofi's knee pads and exposes the injured leg. Miz with more shots to Kofi's knee. Miz with a single-leg Boston Crab now. Kofi finally fights out and rolls Miz up for a close 2 count. Miz goes back to work on the leg and hits a big DDT for 2. Miz calls for the Skull Crushing Finale but Kofi blocks it for another roll up. Kofi misses Trouble In Paradise but blocks another SCF. Kofi blocks it again and kicks Miz to the floor. Miz comes right back in but Kofi hits Trouble In Paradise for the win.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

- After the match, Matt Striker interviews Kofi in the ring. He thanks The Miz for pushing a new side out of him. Kofi says he's rejuvenated and proud to be the Intercontinental Champion. Kofi is hype as he celebrates some more.

- Kane and Daniel Bryan are backstage arguing about their loss.

WWE United States Title Match: Justin Gabriel vs. Antonio Cesaro

We go to the ring and out first comes WWE United States Champion Antonio Cesaro. Cesaro comes out and cuts a promo before Justin Gabriel makes his way to the ring.

Cesaro starts off by taking Gabriel down. Gabriel fights out and they trade shots. More back and forth action. Gabriel goes to the top but Cesaro shoves him off and out to the floor. Cesaro follows and drops Gabriel over the apron. Cesaro brings it back in and drops a leg drop for a 2 count. Cesaro with a big uppercut as Gabriel tries to fight back. Cesaro with another pin attempt. Cesaro drops Gabriel with another uppercut to the head and covers for 2.

Gabriel tries to fight back again but can't get it going. Cesaro tosses him from the top turnbuckle and covers for another 2 count. Cesaro stomps on Gabriel twice and covers for another pin attempt. Gabriel with kicks to the head but Cesaro isn't having it. Cesaro keeps Gabriel grounded on the mat now. Gabriel turns it around and connects with a moonsault for a 2 count. Gabriel charges but Cesaro runs over him with a big clothesline for another 2 count. Gabriel with a pin attempt of his own for 2. More attempts by Gabriel after a big DDT. Gabriel goes to the top and misses the 450. Gabriel comes out of the corner with an inverted DDT but Cesaro kicks out at 2. Gabriel kicks through the ropes and sends Cesaro into the barrier. Gabriel springboards out to the floor but Cesaro nails a huge uppercut in mid-air. Cesaro rolls him back in the ring and hits The Neutralizer for the win.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro

- We get a promo video for Ryback.

- Vickie Guerrero is backstage talking to a crew member when Heyman walks up. Heyman says CM Punk is happy because Vickie has canceled Hell In a Cell. Vickie is confused. She says the match is still on and if they have a problem with that, they know where to go. Heyman walks off.

Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. Titus O'Neil and Darren Young

We go to the ring and out comes Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara. Out next comes Darren Young and Titus O'Neil.

Young and Cara start things off. Young slams Cara to the mat. Cara comes back with kicks and unloads, sending Young to the corner. Rey tags in now and they double team Young. Rey with a 2 count. Rey goes for 619 but Young stops him and tosses him across the ring. Young tags in Titus for some double teaming on Rey. Titus works over Rey and takes him to the corner for another tag to Young and more double teaming.

Young with pin attempts on Rey. Young keeps Rey grounded to the mat now. Rey fights out with kicks but Young takes him to the corner and tags back in Titus for more double teaming. Rey manages to tag in Cara. Cara comes in with a missile dropkick and a back elbow. Cara kicks Young and catches Titus in the face. Cara springboards in and hits a crossbody for 2. Cara with kicks now. Titus catches him and rams him back into the corner before dropping him over his knee three times. Titus tosses Cara to the side and poses with Young. Young tags back in and they double team Cara some more. Young with a big sideslam and another pin attempt. Young with a body scissors now.

They get back to their feet and Cara manages to fall on top of Young for a 2 count. Titus comes back in and continues the assault on Cara. Titus manhandles Cara again and tags in Young for some more double team moves. Young taunts Cara now. Cara fights back but Young runs over him with a clothesline. More posing by Young. Cara kicks him but Young comes right back with offense. Titus comes back in and talks trash to Cara. Cara fights back but Titus kicks him to the mat. Titus with a big suplex and a 2 count. The assault on Cara goes on and on. Cara finally tags in Rey as Young tags in. Rey unloads and hits the senton from the top. Rey with a tilt-a-whirl DDT for a 2 count. More back and forth. Cara takes out Titus on the floor. Rey ends up hitting 619 on Young and splashing him for the win.

Winners: Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara

- After the match, WWE trainers are looking at Cara at ringside. He's holding his head as Rey comes out to check on him and we see replays. Cara shakes it off and returns to the ring to celebrate with Mysterio.

- We get a promo video for tonight's World Heavyweight Title match.

World Heavyweight Title Match: Big Show vs. Sheamus

We go to the ring and out first comes the World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus to a big pop. The challenger Big Show is out next.

Tony Chimel does formal ring introductions as we get ready to go. The bell rings and they lock up. Show shoves Sheamus to the mat. Sheamus with a headlock but Show lifts him off his feet. Show with a big shoulder. They trade shots coming out of the corner now. Show turns it around and beats Sheamus down. Show with a big chop to the chest now. Show beats Sheamus down again and headbutts him. Show with more offense and another big chop to the chest.

We see Dolph Ziggler watching backstage with his Money in the Bank briefcase in hand. Show goes for another big chop but Sheamus fights back. Show turns it around and splashes Sheamus in the corner. Sheamus comes right back and takes Show's knee out. Show goes to the floor to re-group as Sheamus waits and the referee counts. Show comes back in the ring but Sheamus attacks. They go to the corner and Sheamus unloads. Sheamus spears Show back into the corner. Show grabs Sheamus out of nowhere and tosses him to the floor. Show comes to the floor and continues the attack around the ring. Show tosses Sheamus into the fan barrier and brings it back in the ring. Show works Sheamus over on the ropes now. Sheamus tries to fight back and gets to his feet. Show catches him with a big sideslam for 2.

Show continues the assault and steps on top of Sheamus. More offense by Big Show. Show steps on the jaw now as the referee counts him. Show taunts Sheamus and continues the attack. They go back to the floor and Show tosses Sheamus over the announcers table. Show brings it back in but only gets a 2 count. Sheamus fights back again but Show throws him back to the floor. Sheamus fights his way back in and hits a shoulder over the top rope. Sheamus with rights and lefts but Show runs over him with a big kick and gets another 2 count. Sheamus finally fights back with some intensity but Show grabs him in a bearhug and slows the match back down.

Sheamus fights out but lands bad on his back on the outside. Sheamus ends up on top and Show grabs him for a chokeslam. Sheamus dodges it but runs into another chokeslam for a 2 count. Show goes for the Colossal Clutch but Sheamus blocks it. show misses an elbow drop and Sheamus makes a comeback. Sheamus goes for the Cloverleaf but Show kicks him out to the floor. They end up back in the ring. Sheamus goes for a battering ram but Show catches him. Sheamus blocks it and they trade shots. Sheamus knocks Show off his feet finally. Sheamus scoops Show and nails White Noise but Show kicks out at 2. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick but Show catches him and nails the knockout punch for a close 2 count. Show readies for another knockout punch but Sheamus ducks and hits the Brogue for another close 2 count. They get up and Sheamus goes for another Brogue. Show catches him in mid-air with a knockout punch for the win and the World Heavyweight Title.

Winner and New World Heavyweight Champion: Big Show

- After the match, Show celebrates as we go to replays. We come back and Show is heading to the back while Sheamus recovers in the ring. Sheamus exits the ring holding his jaw.

- Eve Torres tries to stop Booker T backstage but he's going to check on Sheamus. Teddy Long appears and says Kaitlyn and Layla will get payback on her tonight. Zack Ryder appears and he's dressed as a witch. He says he's dressed as Eve Torres. They rag Eve and she storms off. Santino Marella comes in and he's dressed as Lady Gaga. Ron Simmons appears and lets out a "DAMN!"

- Vince McMahon is backstage on the phone with someone talking about Big Show. CM Punk appears and the crowd gives him a mixed reaction. Punk wants Vince to cancel the match with Ryback tonight. Vince asks Punk if he's lacking confidence or is intimidated by Ryback. Punk says no to both and he's not fearful of Ryback. Vince suggests Punk prove to everyone tonight that he is the best in the world. Punk walks off.

WWE Divas Title Match: Layla vs. Kaitlyn vs. Eve Torres

We go to the ring and out first comes the WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres. Out next comes Layla followed by Kaitlyn.

The bell rings and they go at it. Kaitlyn and Layla take turns with shots on Eve after bringing her back in the ring. Layla with a 2 count after more double teaming. Layla and Kaitlyn have words now. They both try to pin Eve at the same time and get a 2 count. Kaitlyn kicks Layla and they go at it. Layla with a pin attempt. They trade pin attempts now. Eve comes over and gets involved now. Eve drops Layla on her face and kicks her out to the floor.

Eve goes to work on Kaitlyn now and focuses on her leg with a submission. Eve pulls Kaitlyn back away from the ropes and keeps the attack on her leg. Layla comes back in but Eve meets her. Layla with a kick to the mouth. Layla comes in and drops Eve with another kick. Layla unloads in the corner and hits a springboard for 2. Layla goes down on her leg as does Eve, both in the split position. Kaitlyn comes over and sends Eve to the floor. Kaitlyn with a snap suplex on Layla and an armbar submission. Layla fights back but Kaitlyn lifts her up and drops her over the knee. Kaitlyn misses a clothesline and Layla kicks her down. Eve breaks the pin up at 2. Eve tosses Layla to the floor and covers for 2 as Layla comes back in and breaks it up. All three go at it now. Kaitlyn with a roll up on Eve. Kaitlyn ends up hitting a bulldog on Eve and Eve goes to the floor. Kaitlyn with offense on Kaitlyn in the corner now. Kaitlyn runs into a big boot and hits a crossbody but Kaitlyn rolls through and powerslams Layla for 2. Eve breaks the pin with a shot off the top. Eve takes advantage and covers Layla for the win.

Winner: Eve Torres

- Josh Mathews is backstage with new World Heavyweight Champion Big Show. Show says he is at the pinnacle of his career. He dares anyone in WWE to try and take the title from him.

- Matt Striker is backstage and we see Sheamus being tended to by WWE trainers in the background.

- We get a promo video for tonight's main event and see the Cell being lowered around the ring.

Hell In a Cell for the WWE Title: Ryback vs. CM Punk

Out first comes WWE Champion CM Punk with Paul Heyman right behind him. Punk shakes hands and embraces Heyman before entering the Cell. Out next comes the #1 contender Ryback to a big pop.

Ryback enters the Cell and we get official ring introductions from Justin Roberts. Ryback is introduced to a big pop and the crowd chants "feed me more." The door to the Cell is chained and locked as we get ready to go. Punk goes to the floor and stalls to start the match. Punk dodges Ryback a few times and goes to the floor. Punk manages to get one chop in from the corner but Ryback finally gets his hands on him after Punk's stalling. Ryback lifts Punk up and throws him into the ropes. Ryback with a big boot to the face. Ryback slams Punk's head on the mat now. Ryback whips Punk hard into the corner and he goes down. Ryback runs into a boot in the corner but tosses Punk across the ring. Ryback clotheslines Punk out onto the floor.

Punk tries to get out of the door but Ryback comes over and throws him into the steel. Ryback works Punk over. Punk ends up crawling under the ring. Heyman screams at Ryback. Ryback turns around and Punk sprays him with a fire extinguisher from under the ring. Punk comes up from under the ring and tackles Ryback into the Cell. Punk with knees to the gut now. Punk grabs a steel chair but Ryback kicks it into his face. Ryback throws the chair into the Cell. Ryback lifts Punk up high and throws him back in the ring. Ryback follows and lifts Punk up high again. Ryback drops Punk on his face and gets the crowd to chanting again.

Punk ducks a shot and turns it around. Punk comes in off the top and takes Ryback down. Punk goes back to the top and barely connects on the way down. Punk goes back to the top and takes Ryback to one knee. Punk goes to the top again but Ryback catches him and rams him back into the corner. Ryback with shoulder thrusts. Punk comes back with a kick to the face and both go down. Punk leaps out to the floor but Ryback doesn't go down and Punk hits the Cell. Punk with a neckbreaker on the floor but Ryback gets up. Punk goes on and Ryback blocks another neckbreaker. Punk gets caught but slides out of a hold. Punk sends Ryback shoulder first into the steel steps. Heyman cheers Punk on from outside of the Cell.

Back in the ring and Punk is on Ryback's back. Ryback powers up and out, sending Punk to the mat. Ryback with a spear in the corner but Punk moves. Punk with the high knee in the corner and a clothesline. Punk goes back to the top and nails the elbow drop. Punk goes back under the ring and brings out a kendo stick. Punk hits Ryback several times with the stick. Ryback gets up anyway and takes the shots. Ryback grabs the kendo stick and throws it away. Punk looks shocked. Ryback takes advantage and slams Punk hard. The crowd chants for Ryback. Ryback nails the big clothesline and calls for Shell Shocked. He scoops Punk up but the referee stops him. The referee low blows Ryback. Punk rolls Ryback up and the referee makes a quick 3 count to end the match.

Winner: CM Punk

- After the match, Punk and the referee try to leave the Cell but the cage is locked. Another referee is having trouble getting it open. Ryback comes out and lays the referee out on the floor. Ryback grabs Punk and throws him into the Cell wall. Ryback goes back to the referee and tosses him into the Cell wall. This is the same referee who got involved with Punk on RAW weeks ago. Ryback rolls the referee into the ring and runs him over with a clothesline. Ryback presses the referee high and throws him out of the ring and into the Cell wall. Heyman finally gets the Cell open and drags Punk out. Ryback stops him and Heyman runs away. Ryback whips Punk into the Cell but Punk leaps onto it and climbs to the very top of the Cell. Ryback climbs up after him. Ryback catches Punk on top of the Cell and lifts him for Shell Shocked. Ryback nails Shell Shocked on top of the Cell. Ryback pulls his straps down and stands tall on the Cell. The fans chant "feed me more." We go to replays. Hell In a Cell goes off the air with Ryback putting his foot down on Punk's chest on the top of the Cell.

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Saturday 27 October 2012

WWE Smackdown Results 10/26/12

Smackdown begins with Randy Orton going to the ring. He grabs a mic and says that Alberto Del Rio made a mistake messing with him and says that he is going to get the beating of his life on Sunday. Del Rio is out with a mic. He says Orton is just a snake but he is a predator. Orton tells Del Rio he is a bottomfeeder. Barrett then attacks Orton in the ring before he makes his way up the ramp.

Theodore Long confronts Barrett with Del Rio about what happened. He says Barrett will fight Orton in the main event.

Kane v Cody Rhodes

Daniel Bryan and Sandow are on commentary. Kane swings at Cody but misses. Kane kicks Cody in face. He throws him to turnbuckle and hits him with some right hands. He whips Cody in to the other turnbuckle and runs in to him, then does the same with the turnbuckle opposite and pulls him out, clotheslines him and covers for a 2 count. Kane climbs up top and hits a big top rope clothesline. Cody Rhodes elbows Kane but then gets taken down with clothesline. Kane whips him in to the turnbuckle and goes for a side slam but Cody slides out of Kane’s arm and kicks him in the mid section, then off the ropes and a kick to Kane. Dropkick off the ropes from Cody, cover gets him a 1 count. Shining Wizard by Rhodes on Kane. Springboard Dropkick off the turnbuckle by Cody gets barely a 1 count. Cody drops to the floor and pokes Kane in the eyes then kicks him in the shin to take him down. Cover gets a 2 count. Cody is hammering away on Kane now. Kane manages to whip him in to ropes. Cody drops on the return and tries to hit a right hand to the face but Kane grabs him off the floor by the throat and hits a Choke Slam for the 3 count. Kane looks at Daniel Bryan after the match.

Winner: Kane

Big Show is sitting backstage in the lockeroom. Booker T goes in and says he wants professionalism tonight in the confrontation with Sheamus. Big Show tells him to save his breath and says he has got nothing to prove to Sheamus tonight. He says he has already proved what he wanted to and he will prove it once again at HIAC. He says that Sheamus won’t do anything since he is frightened.

Miz v Yoshi Tatsu

Lock up. Amr bar, then a headlock by Miz. More kicks to the mid section as Tatsu is down. Miz off the ropes and dropkicks Tatsu out of the ring, then gets up and raises his arm. Bodyslam on tatsu on the outside. Miz drives tatsu in to apron and then throws him in to ring but keep his head on the apron, then hits his head and knees it. Miz slides in and sticks his fingers in Tatsu’s eyes and then hits some hard rights across his neck. Miz trash talks Tatsu and pulls him up by hair, then bounces from the ropes and kicks him in the face. Miz eat an elbow as he run in to turnbuckle. Tatsu with some kicks, then runs at Miz in the turnbuckle but Miz run out and knocks him down. Miz grabs Tatsu by the head and hits a snap DDT on him. Skull Crushing Finale from Miz for the 3 count.

Winner: Miz

Re caps from raw and Main event

Booker T is with Aksana, Eve, Layla and Kaitlyn. He asks Eve if she sent the text. Theodore Long walks in and says Kaitlyn was meant to fight Layla but Eve sent a message to Aksana to take her out. Long tells Eve that the jig is up and she is exposed as a liar. Booker says if this is true then he can’t have her as part of his staff. Eve says she trusts people too much and left her ipad, so someone must have used it. Booker says he doesn’t know who to believe. He says at HIAC it will be Kaitlyn v Layla v Eve in a triple threat match and tonight they will fight in a tag team match, Layla and Kaitlyn v Eve and Aksana.

Randy Orton v Barrett

They pace around the ring. Orton clotheslines Barrett out of the ring. Stomps to Barrett from Orton. Orton throws him back in the ring. He stomps on Barrett’s leg and then his head. An uppercut takes Barrett back down. Orton chokes out Barrett a while. A back suplex on Barrett from Orton and cover gets a 2 count. Punches from Barrett. Punch to the head from Orton. Kick from Orton. Now Barrett throws him in to turnbuckle. Barrett whips him in to the other turnbuckle but eats a clothesline after he goes over. Knee to face from Orton and pin for a 2 count. Orton with a big suplex and cover gets another 2 count. Barrett slides out of ring. Orton goes after him. Kick from Barrett on the outside of the ring. Barrett slams Orton on the apron. He throws Orton in to the ring but gets kicked in the gut as gets up on apron. Orton gets thrown over on to the apron and kicked in the gut that causes him to fall to ringside. Barrett goes out after him. He throws him in to turnbuckle on the outside.

Commercial break

Barrett has randy Orton in a headlock. Orton fights out of it, bounces from the ropes but takes a knee to mid section. Barrett has Orton tied up in ropes. Knees to the face in the ropes from Barrett. Kick to the face knocks Orton down and has him hung up in the ropes upside down. Barrett gets him back in the ring. Orton is thrown in to the turnbuckle and hit with a backbreaker for a 2 count. Rear chin lock from Barrett on Orton. Eventually Orton gets to his feet while still in the lock. Orton then turns around and head butts Barrett twice to break out of the hold. More head butts from Orton. Now Orton off the ropes but catches a kick to the face, followed by a cover for a 2 count. Right hands to the ribs from Barrett, then a big clothesline for a 2 count. Barrett gets up on to the second rope but Orton walks over and punches Barrett, then head butts him and hits some hard right hands. Orton climbs up to 2nd rope and hits a superplex followed by a cover that gets a 2 count. Clotheslines on Barrett till Barrett reverses but a kick to the head from Orton. Now Barrett takes Orton down and gets a 2 count. Barrett sets up for a Souvenir elbow but Orton ducks and takes him down. Orton has Barrett on the apron. He pulls him in through middle and top rope and hits a DDT. Orton now taunts his opponent. Del Rio walks down ramp to the ring with his manager staying at the top of the ramp. Barrett tries to attack a distracted Orton but Orton sees it and avoids the attack. Del Rio is up on the apron. Orton tries to get him but Del Rio jumps off. Barrett with a Souvenir elbow on Orton and gets a 3 count.

Winner: Wade Barrett

Alberto Del Rio gets in ring and kicks Orton while he’s down. He beats away on the grounded Orton. He puts Orton in the turnbuckle and goes for a big kick but he misses. Orton staggers out of the turnbuckle and catches a kick from Del Rio but stays on his feet. Del Rio sets him up but Orton reverses and goes for an RKO that Del Rio manages to avoid and quickly slides out of ring. Del Rio heads up the ramp as both men stare each other down.

Layla and Kaitlyn v Eve and Aksana

All the divas start off arguing. The ref breaks them up. Aksana and Layla brawl. Aksana with a kick. She rolls up Layla for a 2 count, then Layla with a roll through on Aksana for a 2 count. Cross body off the ropes from Kaitlyn who is tagged in. Now she does a roll up for a 2 count [do divas know any other way to pin other than a roll up or roll through?]. Kaitlyn with a weird move [might be legit but I’ve never seen it. Looked to be botched]. Kaitlyn pulls Eve’s hair by the turnbuckle. Clothesline from Aksana who starts to pull Kaitlyn’s hair and slams her head in to canvas [by her hair]. Kicks from Aksana who then drags her opponent over to Eve and Eve tags herself in. Snapmare from Eve on Kaitlyn, then a kick and cover gets a….0 count [honestly]. Eve drags Kaitlyn to the ropes and knees her. Eve with an RVD like cartwheel rolling thunder [although much crapper] but Kaitlyn gets her knees up. Eve tries to grab Kaitlyn’s foot but gets kicked for her trouble, then she hits Kaitlyn with an elbow in return. Roll up from Kaitlyn out of nowhere for a 2 count. Elbow and kick to Eve by Kaitlyn that takes Eve down again. Kaitlyn then flips Aksana up and over in to the ring from the apron. Clothesline on Eve, Aksana, then Eve again. Layla gets in to the ring and kicks Aksana right in the mid section. Layla accidently takes out Aksana with a kick and Eve knocks her out of ring before covering Kaitlyn for a 3 count.

Winners: Eve and Aksana

Raw re-cap is shown of the general manager mess....I mean situation.

Sheamus is backstage. Booker T walks up to him. He wants Sheamus to promise that he is going to keep a cool head since the Big Show promised him that he would do the same. Sheamus says that lie is bigger than the Big Show himself. Sheamus says he is not promising anything.

Daniel Bryan is warming up. Kane is there. Bryan says ‘what?’ Kane tells him he won his match and tells Bryan that it means he is not the weak link. He tells Bryan that if he loses his match then it is obvious who the tag champions ‘is.’ He says no pressure to Bryan as his [Bryan’s] music starts to play. He then gives Bryan a slap on the ass. Bryan says ‘No!’

Daniel Bryan v Sandow

On the way to the ring Bryan takes a sign from a fan, reads it, then rips it.

Kane is at the commentary table, as is Cody Rhodes who is holding an ice pack to his neck.

Both men lock up. Punches from Bryan on Sandow who slides out of ring. Bryan slides out too and hits him with some right hands on the outside. Bryan throws Sandown back in to ring. Head butt to the midsection of Bryan from Sandow who then whips Bryan in to the turnbuckle and runs in to him. He whips him in to the other turnbuckle and runs at him again but Bryan moves and kicks him in to the turnbuckle instead, then dropkicks him as he staggers out of the turnbuckle and covers for a 2 count. Bryan has Sandow in the centre of the ring and pulls away at his fingers.

Commercial break

Sandow is outside. Bryan kicks him. He throws him back in to ring. Sandown kicks Bryan down when in the turnbuckle then kicks away at Bryan and knees him by the ring. Sandow with a Russian legsweep and elbow drop. Cover gets him a 2 count. Hard right hands to the face. Sandow with a headlock. Bryan off the ropes but right in to an elbow. Sandown whips Bryan in to turnbuckle but he flips off the ropes with a moonsault and impressively lands on his feet. Bryan shouts ‘No!’ and runs at Sandow, dropkicking him in the turnbuckle. Cover gets a 2 count. Bryan throws Sandow in to turnbuckle but catches a stuff kick that sends him in to the ropes. Sandow runs at him and gets flipped over the ropes by Bryan who then does a suicide dive through ropes in to Sandown. He then pushes Cody Rhodes [who got off his seat] to the floor. Sandow takes Bryan down. Kane is out of his seat and Sandown backs off. Rhodes is back up and throws Bryan in to the ringpost and then in to the ring. Sandown slides in to the ring and hits a neckbreaker for 3 count.

Winner: Sandow

Josh is in the ring to host the confrontation between the Big Show [the largest athlete in the world, according to Josh who also says Big Show claims to have the strongest move] and Sheamus. First he introduces ‘the great white’ known as Sheamus, who makes his way to the ring. Then Big Show is introduced making his way to the ring, sporting a hooded top. There are lots of security guys standing in the ring. The security is blocking off both men, forming a line through the ring. Big Show tells Josh there is nothing self proclaimed about his KO punch. He says its stronger than the rock bottom, Stone Cold Stunner or the Attitude Adjustment. He says his punch is clearly more lethal than Sheamus’s Brogue kick. Sheamus says if Big Shows wants to believe this to feed his own ego that’s fine. He says that for it to be lethal you’ve got to actually hit someone with it. Big show says that at HIAC Sheamus is going to fail just as he did before. He shows footage from Raw a few weeks ago where Sheamus tried to hit Big Show with the Brogue kick but the Big Show just grabbed his foot and threw him out of the ring. Big Show asks Sheamus if he remembers that and says his boot did not get high enough to kick his head off his shoulders. He tells Sheamus that he does not have what is takes to Brogue kick him in the head and if he thinks he is going to kick his head off his shoulders then he is either stupid or delusional. Sheamus says there 2 things he likes, a pint of ail on a hot day and a fight. Sheamus says when the Big Show knocked down Randy Orton he was happy that he would be fighting a legendary wrestler that has dominated for the past 10 years. He says he has beaten everybody so far since Wrestlemania but Big show is a different case. He calls Big Show a mountain he is going to conquer. Big Show responds saying that he is not ready and he is afraid of the Big Show. Sheamus tells Big Show that if he has to chop him down, he will, or if it takes 10 brogue kicks to win, then do be it. Sheamus says that it won be easy but it never is. He says there was a lot of talk but he has counted the days and they are only 48 hours away from HIAC. Sheamus says the time for talking is over and the time for fighting is now [says it 3 times]. Sheamus breaks the security line and attacks the Big Show but gets pulled away by the security. Both wrestlers beat up the security guys in the ring and clear it quickly. Sheamus then goes for the Brogue kick but Big Show slides out [Brogue kick attempt looked horrible]. Sheamus Brogue kicks a security guy instead. Sheamus and the Big Show stare at each other in traditional pre PPV hype style as Smackdown goes off air.


Writer's notes


The opening match, including the commentary from both tag team partner's, was great.

JBL on commentary [yeah again. He makes it better].

Daniel Bryan's character is starting to get more and more likeable every week.


Anything to do with the divas, be it segments or the match.

Yoshi Tatsu being squashed like that.

The main event seemed a little anti climactic and it was obvious what was going to happen before it did, but that's wrestling.

Side Notes

Why is the supposed main event in the middle of the card?

Why is Big Show still being referred to as the the largest athlete in the world? 2 weeks in a row now.

Thursday 25 October 2012

*SPOILERS* WWE SmackDown Tapings for 10/26/12

Dark Match:

* Johnny Curtis defeated Sami Callihan

SmackDown, Airing Friday:

* SmackDown opens with Randy Orton cutting a promo on Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio comes out and they argue. Wade Barrett attacks Orton from behind and escapes. Teddy Long announces Barrett vs. Orton for tonight's main event.

* Kane beat Cody Rhodes with Damien Sandow and Daniel Bryan on commentary.

* Backstage segment with Big Show and Booker T.

* The Miz defeated Yoshi Tatsu.

* Booker T has gathered Eve Torres, Aksana, Layla and Kaitlyn backstage. Aksana says Eve made her attack Kaitlyn. Teddy comes in and chimes in. Booker announces Eve vs. Layla vs. Kaitlyn for Hell In a Cell and Eve & Aksana vs. Layla & Kaitlyn for tonight.

* Wade Barrett beat Randy Orton after distraction from Alberto Del Rio.

* John Cena addressing the AJ Lee controversy is announced for the Hell in a Cell Youtube pre-show.

* Backstage segment with Sheamus and Booker T.

* Damien Sandow beat Daniel Bryan with Kane and Cody Rhodes on commentary. There was a big brawl at ringside.

* Sheamus, Big Show and Josh Mathews do a face-off in the ring for Hell In a Cell. There are a dozen or so security guards around the ring. They cut promos on each other until Sheamus broke through security and attacked Show. Security got involved but Show and Sheamus cleared the ring. Sheamus went for a Brogue Kick on Show but he escaped the ring and left up the ramp laughing. Sheamus hit a Brogue on one of the guards to end the show.

To get old WWE shows results please check the archive section at the last of the page.

WWE Main Event Results 24/10/12

We are live on tape from Providence, Rhode Island and your announcers are Michael ‘Brown’ Cole and The Miz.

Michael and Miz are in the ring and they welcome everyone to the show.

Michael introduces Miz as the former Intercontinental Champion. Miz responds with a really and says that Cole should have introduced him as the man who will become the new Intercontinental Champion on Sunday at Hell in a Cell.

Michael mentions our ‘main event’ on Main Event between Dolph Ziggler and Ryback.

Miz says that Dolph is fast, agile, and incredible in the ring. Dolph is a former World Champion and the Money in the Bank briefcase holder. He faces Ryback, a dominant force, and the man who could become the new WWE Champion on Sunday at Hell in a Cell.

We go to a Ryback video package.

Cole asks if Ryback is unstoppable. Michael asks the man who lost to Ryback on Monday. Miz says that it is one thing to watch him on tape, but to stand across the ring with him and staring at him in the eyes, but there is nothing in there.

We go to a Dolph Ziggler video package. Dolph says that whether you like him or hate him, you wish you were him. He says that people are going to watch him and say that he is good. Booker says that Dolph talks a lot of trash but he backs it up in the ring. Will Sasso says that he likes watching Dolph and he says that this is amazing. He says that he does a lot of what Shawn Michaels did. David Otunga says that Dolph is so good and arrogant, but he backs it up.

Dolph says that he wants to be the best ever. One day he is going to be. He will go home as the show stealer each night.

Matt Striker is with Ryback in the interview area. Matt says that some have said that he has not earned his shot at the WWE Championship. Ryback says that they should watch what he will do to Ziggler. It is feeding time.

Josh Mathews is with Dolph Ziggler and Josh asks him for his strategy. Dolph has no comment. Josh asks about the gameplan and Dolph tells Josh not now. Ziggler tells Josh to get out of his locker room now.

Match Number One: Ryback versus Dolph Ziggler

The crowd chants ‘Feed Me More’ before the bell rings and Ziggler does not too excited about this match.

Ziggler goes to the apron but Ryback pulls him back into the ring by the hair and he sends Ziggler into the turnbuckles sternum first. Ziggler goes to the apron and Ryback brings Ziggler over the top rope by the throat. Ziggler rolls to the floor. Ryback goes to the floor and Ziggler with kicks but he tries for a leaping DDT but Ryback catches Ziggler and then drops him to the floor and sends Ziggler into the ringside barrier.

Ryback sends Ziggler back into the ring and he wants Ziggler to get up. Ryback tries for a power slam but Ziggler gets out of the hold and then he leaves the ring and runs up the ramp. Ryback follows after Ziggler and we go to commercial.

We are back and Ryback returns to the ringside area with Ziggler on his back as Ryback’s music plays. Ryback presses Ziggler over his head and sends him into the ring. Ziggler with two clotheslines and Ryback does not move. Ryback tosses Ziggler into the air and then to the mat.

Ryback circles Ziggler and then he picks up Ziggler and applies a bear hug. Ryback charges into the corner and Ziggler moves. Ryback hits the ring post with his shoulder. Ziggler with a double sledge from the turnbuckles followed by a drop kick but Ryback stays on his feet. Ryback with a power bomb and he sets up for an hits the lariat. Ryback signals that it is over and he picks up Ziggler for the marching muscle buster and the three count.

Winner: Ryback

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

On the Hell in a Cell preshow, John Cena will discuss the AJ Lee Scandal.

We go to the post match situation from Raw between CM Punk and Ryback.

Michael and Miz are back in the ring and it is time to hear from Paul Heyman. Paul is on the TitanTron.

Michael asks Paul about Ryback’s savage beating of Dolph Ziggler. Paul says that Cole’s question is based on Dolph Ziggler being in the same category as the reigning and defending WWE Champion, but Paul says that is not the case.

Paul says that some suggest that Ryback is a Punk eating carnivore. Paul says that Miz took his beating like a man instead of Dolph Ziggler who kept running away.

Miz asks Paul if Dolph losing is a sign for CM Punk on Sunday. Paul says that one has nothing to do with the other. Ryback is an athlete with unprecedented power and he does everything with bad intentions. To survive Hell in a Cell, it requires intelligence, cunning, and strategy. These are attributes that Ryback lacks. On Sunday, Punk will feed Ryback his first loss and Punk will prove that he is the best in the world.

Match Number Two: Sin Cara versus Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez)

They lock up and Del Rio backs Cara into the corner. Del Rio with kicks to Cara and the referee pulls Alberto out of the corner. Del Rio with a suplex for a near fall. Del Rio with a kick to the back. Del Rio with a knee and he tries to hip toss Del Rio out of the ring but Cara bounces off the ropes. Cara with kicks to Del Rio followed by a double jump twisting arm drag.

Cara tries for the handspring back elbow but Del Rio moves and then Del Rio sends Cara shoulder first into the ring post. Del Rio with a kick to the arm and Cara goes to the floor holding his arm. Del Rio sends Cara back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Del Rio with a key lock. Cara gets a near fall with a rollup.

Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Del Rio with another kick to Cara and Ricardo approves. Del Rio with more kicks to Cara and he applies a rear chin lock. Cara with a kick but Del Rio with an Irish whip. Cara goes to the apron and he tries for a springboard move but Del Rio pushes Cara to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Del Rio with a waist lock and he has Cara’s mask partially off but Cara gets it back on. Cara with a sunset flip for a near fall. Del Rio misses a shoulder into the corner and Alberto hits the post. Ricardo checks on Alberto. Cara with a head scissors take down followed by the handspring back elbow. Cara with an Asai DDT for a near fall.

Cara charges into the corner but Del Rio sends Cara to the apron. Cara with an enzuigiri and he tries for the swanton but Del Rio gets his knees up and then Del Rio applies the cross arm breaker and Sin Cara taps out.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

After the match, Alberto asks Randy if he is watching this. That is going to be him on Sunday at Hell in a Cell. He is going to expose Randy as what he is. A little crying girl who complains about everything.

Alberto says that he does not have to brag in a place like Providence. He does not have to sing songs about millions of dollars because he has millions of dollars. He does not have to giggle like a little boy.

Alberto is interrupted by Darren Young and Titus O’Neil. Darren asks if he heard Alberto correctly. Titus says the last time they checked, they never had a problem with Alberto and Alberto never had a problem with them.

Alberto says that he has no business with them because he is in the major league. Alberto says that he is not their enemy. That faceless little peasant from Mexico is their enemy. Alberto says that they should work together.

Alberto with a kick to Sin Cara and Darren and Titus join in. Alberto tries to pull Sin Cara’s mask off and Randy Orton makes his way to the ring.

Orton with a power slam to Young and an RKO to Titus. Randy makes sure that Darren does not feel left out and he gets an RKO for his troubles.

Randy Orton picks up Sin Cara and then he gets the mic. Randy tells Alberto that he is looking forward to seeing him on Sunday at the pay per view. He does not know how much is going to be left after Sunday but Rey Mysterio will be back next week. Why doesn’t Alberto join forces with his new best friends and face him, Sin Cara, and Rey Mysterio next week.

Orton tells Del Rio trick or treat.

Monday 22 October 2012

WWE Monday Night Raw Results 10/22/12

Tag Team Tournament Finals: Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes

Tonight's WWE RAW opens right up with Rey Mysterio making his way out to the ring for the finals of the tag team tournament. Michael Cole hypes a tweet from AJ Lee where she was called into an emergency meeting at WWE headquarters earlier. Jim Ross says AJ will be here at RAW within the hour. Out next comes Sin Cara to join Mysterio.

Out next comes the team of Rhodes Scholars - Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow. Mysterio goes at it with Rhodes and gets an early 2 count. Cody drops Rey with a right hand and tags in Sandow. Rey and Sandow go at it. Rey drops him for 619 but Cody pulls Sandow to safety. Cara and Rey splash out onto the floor and take their opponents out. We see Kane and Daniel Bryan watching backstage.

Cara tags in and gets a pin attempt on Sandow. Sandow turns it around with a pin attempt of his own. Cody tags back in and keeps up the offense on Cara with a big standing suplex. Cody with a 2 count. Sandow comes back in and takes Cara to the corner. Cody tags in for some double teaming and a stomp to the gut. Another tag to Sandow and more double teaming in the corner. Sandow with a suplex and a big knee drop to the chin. Sandow bows and the crowd boos. Sandow stops Cara from tagging and takes him back to the corner. Cody tags in for more double teaming. Rhodes keeps Cara down and taunts Mysterio. Cara comes back with a big enziguri kick as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Cara is fighting Cody back but Cody slams him to the mat and drops a knee. Sandow comes back in for more shots to Cara. Sandow drops Cara and hits another elbow drop for 2 as Mysterio breaks the pin. Cody tags back in for more double teaming on Cara. Cody takes Cara to the top but he fights back. Cara with a counter and a tornado DDT. Rey comes in off the top and takes out Cody. Sandow goes down on the floor. Rey takes Cody down with a head scissors and drops him in the corner. Rey with a moonsault and a 2 count. Rey dropkicks Cody and Sandow for 619 and nails it. Rey goes to the top and splashes Cody for 2 as Sandow jumps in front of the referee and breaks the count. Cara kicks Sandow in the head. Rey kicks Sandow to the floor. Cody comes from behind and hits Cross Rhodes on Rey for the win and title shot at Hell In a Cell.

Winners: Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow

- After the match, Kane and Daniel Bryan appear on the big screen to congratulate Rhodes and Sandow. They say "hell no" to Rhodes Scholars winning the titles. Kane makes the ring explode with pyro and his music plays as we go to commercial.

Kofi Kingston vs. Michael McGillicutty

Back from the break and The Miz has joined Cole and JR for commentary. Out comes new WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston as we see a replay of how he won the title on Main Event. McGillicutty starts the match and beats Kofi down in the corner. McGillicutty with more offense and trash talking. McGillicutty throws Kofi and takes him back to the corner.

McGillicutty continues to dominate the match and hits a backbreaker for a 2 count. They go on and Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise out of nowhere for the win.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

- We get a look back at last Monday where the contract signing for Hell In a Cell took place.

- John Cena will speak next. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see some of the NFL's New York Giants sitting at ringside.

- We go to the ring and out comes John Cena.

Cena talks about Hell In a Cell and CM Punk's reign as WWE Champion. Cena says the most truthful thing Punk has said was right before he became WWE Champion. Punk saw change and Cena says at Hell In a Cell, we will finally see change in the form of Ryback. Cena puts over Ryback and says he stands for one thing - destruction. Cena says the face of WWE will change this Sunday. CM Punk's music hits and out comes the WWE Champion with Paul Heyman.

Punk comes out and rips the NY Giants. He brags about being WWE Champion for 337 days and best in the world. Punk promises that he will walk out of Hell In a Cell still as our WWE Champion. Punk says he likes Cena's new role in WWE - being Ryback's cheerleader. Punk says Cena finally realized that he can't beat Punk. Cena says he came out to let everyone know how excited he was for Hell In a Cell. Cena says it's not that he can't beat Punk, he just wasn't allowed to. Cena says he is now officially medically cleared to wrestle. Cena says he won't mess up the title match for Sunday but wants to whoop Punk's ass tonight. Punk heads down the ramp but Heyman tries to talk him out of it. Punk makes it to the apron and Cena is ready to fight but Heyman is ranting about Punk shouldn't fight for free. Punk drops off the apron and heads back up the ramp as the crowd boos.

- More hype about AJ Lee and her emergency meeting from earlier. Also still to come tonight is Big Show vs. Kane. Back to commercial.

Justin Gabriel vs. Antonio Cesaro

Back from the break and Justin Gabriel waits in the ring as WWE United States Champion Antonio Cesaro comes out for a rematch from last week. Cesaro slides out of the ring and grabs a mic before they begin. Cesaro says something not in English and turns around to a splash from Gabriel. Gabriel brings it back in the ring but Cesaro turns it around on him. Cesaro with a big uppercut after some stomps.

Cesaro with a gutwrench slam and more offense on the mat. Cesaro with a huge high knee in the corner and another 2 count on Gabriel. More back and forth action. Cesaro throws Gabriel by the back of his head on the corner. Gabriel fights out of the corner. Gabriel counters a move and goes to the top for the 450. Cesaro hits the rope and Gabriel falls in the corner. Cesaro climbs up for a superplex but Gabriel fights him off. They trade shots on the corner and Cesaro falls to the mat. Cesaro comes right back and knocks Gabriel to the apron. Gabriel kicks Cesaro in the head and he falls to the mat again. Gabriel goes for the 450 and nails it for the non-title win.

Winner: Justin Gabriel

- We see a limousine pull up in the back and out comes Vince McMahon as the crowd pops. He has AJ Lee with her and she looks worried. They walk off and we go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Vince McMahon is in the ring with AJ Lee. Vince says AJ met with the Board of Directors earlier today about her tenure as RAW General Manager. Vince lets AJ tell the results of that meeting and hands her the mic. AJ says because of allegations that she has been fraternizing with a member of the RAW roster, she is now resigning as GM. AJ says some of her decisions may have been unorthodox and some people may consider her unstable but she thinks some people just like a crazy chick. The crowd starts chanting yes.

AJ says she has come so far and talks about growing up 15 minutes from the arena. AJ says she grew up with nothing, she's lived in cars and motels and gone from being homeless to being the boss. She thought she would always be a poor girl who made nothing of her life but the fans accepted her. AJ thanks everyone and says she has loved every second of the job. She thanks Vince for giving her the opportunity. Out comes Paul Heyman.

Heyman talks about AJ's story but says there needs to be a new General Manager of RAW. Heyman says Vince needs someone with class, education and dignity, someone who can demonstrate ruthless aggression when needed. Heyman says if the Board needs him to step in, then he will. Vince says no. He introduces someone who is not the GM and who is not the interim GM but a managing supervisor - Vickie Guerrero.

Vickie speaks as the crowd boos. Heyman suggests that Vickie's first decision as managing supervisor should be reversing Vince's decision of putting Punk into the Cell against Ryback. Heyman calls Ryback a punk eating carnivore. Vickie cuts him off and says Punk will still face Ryback at Hell In a Cell. Vickie is going to show everyone how she will do things better than Booker T on SmackDown by booking Punk vs. Sheamus at tonight's main event. Heyman says she can't do that. Vickie adds that it will be the largest Lumberjack Match in RAW history. Heyman drops his mic and walks off screaming. Vickie turns to AJ and says she knew all along AJ wasn't right for the job. Vickie goes on ripping AJ and says soon she will be the General Manager. Vickie reveals the allegations against AJ are more than fraternizing. Vickie says AJ had an affair. Vickie orders AJ backstage to pack up her things. Vickie tells AJ to leave her ring. AJ goes to leave and Vickie runs her mouth. AJ tackles Vickie and they brawl. AJ shoves Vickie out of the ring and she heads to the back screaming. AJ skips away.

- Up next is Miz vs. Ryback. Back to commercial.

Ryback vs. The Miz

Back from the break and out comes the #1 contender to the WWE Title Ryback. Out next comes The Miz.

Miz hesitates on his way down but finally enters the ring. He calls the referee over. Ryback comes over and pulls him over the top rope. The referee separates them and here we go. Miz tries to get away but Ryback tosses him out to the floor. Ryback follows but Miz goes in the ring. Ryback enters and blocks a kick. Miz tries to fight back but Ryback scoops him. Miz slides out and Ryback hits a big boot. Ryback slams his head on the mat and misses the big clothesline as Miz moves. Ryback comes right back and knocks Miz on the mat. Miz with a jawbreaker before going to the top. Ryback catches him in mid-air and slams him on the mat. Ryback nails the big clothesline as the crowd chants "feed me more." Ryback hits Shell Shocked for the win.

Winner: Ryback

- We get a video for "be a STAR" before going back to commercial.

- Eve Torres is backstage talking to someone on the phone about AJ Lee messing around with people like Zack Ryder and Primo. Kaitlyn walks up behind her and says Eve is the one who's unprofessional. Kaitlyn has proof that Eve was behind the attack on her. Eve is going to Booker T about this. Kaitlyn grabs her and tells her to stop the nice girl act. Eve smacks Kaitlyn and they start brawling. Layla runs over and gets involved until referees break it up.

- Josh Mathews is backstage with a Sheamus Brawlin' Buddy toy. The real Sheamus walks in and talks about facing CM Punk in the largest lumberjack match in WWE history tonight. Sheamus says he loves the unpredictability. Mathews asks about Hell In a Cell and in walks Big Show. Show punches the Sheamus toy and Sheamus gets mad. Show tells Sheamus he better get serious real quick because the same thing will happen to him on Sunday.

Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler

We go to the ring and out comes one-half of the WWE Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan before we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Dolph Ziggler. They lock up and trade holds. Ziggler ducks a roundhouse kick and they go to lock up again. Ziggler kicks Bryan and takes control. More back and forth action. Ziggler drops Bryan with a big dropkick and stomps some more. Bryan blocks a suplex and goes for the No Lock. They run the ropes and Bryan slams Ziggler hard on his face. Bryan with a submission now.

Ziggler beats Bryan up in the corner. Bryan turns it around and takes Ziggler to the mat for a Figure Four leglock. Ziggler makes it to the ropes and breaks the hold. Bryan unloads with kicks and fights Ziggler on the apron. Ziggler suplexes Bryan from the apron out to the floor. Bryan goes down clutching his leg as the pyro goes off and out comes Kane. A referee tends to Bryan as Kane makes his way down and we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Ziggler has Bryan on the mat as Kane watches from ringside. They fight it out and Bryan makes a comeback. Bryan hits the big dropkick in the corner and covers for 2. Bryan with kicks to the chest while Ziggler is on his knees now. They go on and Ziggler applies the sleeper. Bryan counters but Ziggler hits a big DDT for a 2 count. Ziggler misses a splash in the corner, hits the ring post and falls out to the floor. Bryan runs the ropes and dives out onto Ziggler. Ziggler runs up for a big facebuster off the top. Ziggler covers for 2. Bryan kicks Ziggler's legs out and kicks him in the face. Kane gets the crowd hype with "yes" chants but it upsets Bryan, who chants no. Ziggler attacks from behind while Bryan is distracted and gets the win.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

- After the match, Kane comes in the ring and they argue. Kane says he tried to help Bryan. Bryan shoves him. Matt Striker comes down the ramp and tries to get them to stop arguing. Striker says Vickie Guerrero sent him out because she has a surprise for them. Vickie has made up a "therapeutic game show" for tonight that Team Hell No will participate in. Striker has to host it. Their opponents for the contest tonight are Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes. Striker says the game show is up next as we go to commercial.

- We get a look back at AJ announcing her resignation earlier tonight and Vickie Guerrero being named managing supervisor.

- We go to the ring and chairs are set up and game show music is playing. This is the Newly-tag Game. Kane and Bryan are sitting in chairs while Striker is standing. Striker has Kane and Bryan introduce themselves. They end up arguing until Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow come out. Sandow asks how dare he invite them to take part in such tomfoolery. Sandow goes on and says they will not be participating. Cody says Team Hell No will get to know them when they beat them at Hell In a Cell for the titles. Sandow says you're welcome and they walk off. Kane says Striker's little game show was a total bust. Striker tries to save it and announces Team Hell No the winners by forfeit. They chase Striker out of the ring. He stops on the stage and doesn't wish them luck for Sunday. Striker backs into a pissed off Big Show. Show throws Striker across the stage and heads down.

Kane vs. Big Show

Back from commercial and they're going at it. Show hits a big spear on Kane. Kane fights back but Show beats him down in the corner as Bryan looks on from ringside. Kane fights back with right hands but Show scoop slams him. Show with another and a 2 count. Show with a bearhug now.

More back and forth. Kane fights out of the corner with right hands. Show fires back with shots of his own. Kane hits a big DDT and covers for 2. Kane comes off the top with a big shot and covers for another 2 count. Rhodes and Sandow come down the ramp for a distraction which leads to Show getting the win.

Winner: Big Show

- After the match, Rhodes and Sandow beat Bryan down at ringside and bring him into the ring. They hit Cross Rhodes on Bryan while Kane is still laid out.

- Santino Marella is backstage with AJ. He thinks she did a good job. John Cena walks up and Santino leaves. Cena says if he can ever do anything for AJ, just let him know. AJ says she did a lot of things she should have been fired for but not this. AJ brings up Vickie saying she had an affair. Cena offers to get to the bottom of it, or something. AJ says it was Cena. She didn't want to drag his name into this. Cena says they had a business dinner once and that was it... how can someone make something out of it? AJ says someone went to the Board and now it's a mess. She thinks it was Vickie. AJ starts crying and Cena hugs her. Cena says he will take care of it and we go to commercial.

- Back from the break and John Cena catches up with Vince McMahon. He's upset about the whole AJ and Vickie thing. Vince says this isn't the time or the place. Cena tells him to cut the corporate crap. Vince says there was some incriminating evidence. Cena says it was just a business dinner. Vince says Vickie getting the job is likely an interim thing but it is what it is. Vince gets in his limousine and drives off.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Zack Ryder

Alberto Del Rio is being introduced by Ricardo Rodriguez as we go back to the ring. Zack Ryder waits in the ring and gets beat down as soon as the bell rings. Del Rio unloads and applies a submission. Ryder fights out with a roll up but Del Rio drops him for a 2 count. Del Rio takes Ryder back to the mat.

Ryder looks to make a comeback with knees in the corner. Ryder misses the Broski Boot and Del Rio goes to work on his arm. Del Rio ends up getting the win with the cross armbreaker.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

- After the match, Del Rio takes the mic and addresses Randy Orton. Del Rio says he will cut Orton's head off at Hell In a Cell. Del Rio puts the armbreaker back on Ryder as Ricardo screams his name.

- Cena confronts Vickie Guerrero backstage. Cena calls her a backstabbing liar. Vickie says Cena's little girlfriend AJ can't keep business from pleasure. Cena says it was just a business dinner. Vickie says Cena asked AJ out on RAW, went out with her and now AJ got what she deserved. Vickie says Cena cost AJ her job. Cena walks off.

- Still to come, over 30 Superstars will surround the ring for the largest Lumberjack Match in history for the main event. Back to commercial.

- Josh Mathews is backstage with Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler is happy about his victory earlier but brings up the AJ situation. He says one person is really to blame for all this and that's John Cena.

- We get a hype video for Ryback vs. Punk.

- Punk is backstage with Heyman. He's not happy about tonight's main event. He says he's already missing AJ and Heyman says not to worry about her. Heyman talks about how Punk will retain the WWE Title at Hell In a Cell and gets him hype for the match.

Lumberjack Match: Sheamus vs. CM Punk

We go to the ring and over 30 Superstars begin to make their way out to ringside for tonight's main event. We go to commercials.

Back from the break and out comes WWE Champion CM Punk with Paul Heyman. The ring is surrounded by Superstars as World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus makes his way out.

The match starts and they lock up, going to the mat then the corner. Sheamus goes to the floor but the lumberjacks don't attack. Sheamus tosses Punk out now and they throw him in after he runs his mouth. Sheamus drops knees on Punk now and covers for a 2 count. Sheamus with a headlock takedown as Big Show stares at him. Sheamus keeps Punk on the mat. They get back up and Sheamus keeps control with slams and another elbow for 2.

Punk gets knocked back to the floor and rolled in by the lumberjacks. Sheamus with a neckbreaker and another 2 count. Punk goes to the apron and Sheamus beats him in the chest with forearms. Sheamus ends up on the floor and assaulted by the lumberjacks. They roll him back in and Punk covers for 2.

Back from the break and Sheamus fights back against Punk. Sheamus ends back up on the floor and the lumberjacks attack him. Other lumberjacks jump in and a fight breaks out. They roll Sheamus back in and Punk hits a neckbreaker. Punk goes to the top and comes down crashing on Sheamus as he stands up. Punk goes back to the top and takes Sheamus down with a flying forearm. They go on and Punk is back on the too. Punk steps down instead and drops a normal elbow drop. Punk hits another neckbreaker and covers for 2.

Sheamus fights out and runs over Punk twice. Sheamus with a clothesline in the corner. Sheamus puts Punk on his shoulders and rolls through. Sheamus with forearm shots to the chest on the apron again. Sheamus suplexes Punk in and covers for 2. Punk catches Sheamus with a dropkick for a 2 count. More back and forth with pin attempts. Sheamus with a superplex for 2. Punk drops Sheamus into the turnbuckles for another pin attempt. Punk drops Sheamus again and covers for another 2 count. Punk goes back to the top but misses the big elbow. Sheamus hits the Irish Curse backbreaker for 2. More action at ringside. Sheamus hits White Noise and calls for the Brogue Kick. Antonio Cesaro runs in and gets a Brogue Kick. One for Jinder Mahal also. Big Show comes up and chokeslams Sheamus. Punk covers for the win.

Winner: CM Punk

- As soon as the bell rings, Ryback's music hits and he comes out. Punk tries to leave but the lumberjacks throw him in. Ryback manhandles Punk and slams him. Punk tries to leave again but they throw him back in. Ryback with a huge slam. Punk tries to go through the crowd again but the lumberjacks throw him in. Ryback presses Punk up high and throws him into a bunch of lumberjacks at ringside. Heyman gathers with a beat up Punk on the ramp. RAW goes off the air with Ryback standing tall in the ring.

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