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Showing posts with label WWE. Show all posts

Friday 30 November 2012

WWE Monday Night RAW Results 11/26/12

- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with a look at the AJ Lee and John Cenascandalwith footage of themkissinglast weekand the locker room incident. We see Cena retaliating on Dolph Ziggler at SmackDown. The video shifts focus to CM Punk, Ryback and the NXT 3 - Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.

- We're live from the Cajundome in Lafayette, Louisiana as Ryback makes his way out. Michael Cole welcomes us and he's joined by Jerry Lawler.

Ryback vs. TitusO'Neil

Titus waits in theringas Ryback makes his way out. Titus takes Ryback to the corner early on and works him over. Ryback turns it around but Titus drops him in the corner and then hits a shoulder tackle. Titus takes Ryback down again with a big clothesline. We see Darren Young at ringside.

Ryback comes back and unloads. They end up on the floor and Ryback levels Titus. Ryback brings it back in theringbut Titus catches him with a big sitdown powerbomb for a 1 count. Titus goes for it again but Ryback catches him and tosses him into Young on the apron. Ryback slams Titus and hits the Meat-hook clothesline. Ryback hits Shell Shocked for the win.

Winner: Ryback

- After the match, Ryback takes the mic and addresses CM Punk and the NXT 3. He says he's going to stand here all damn night until he gets what he wants. Ryback gets a "Feed Me More" chant going as we go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Ryback is still in theringas security makes their way out to thering. One guy steps up to Ryback and gets tossed out of thering. Ryback faces off with the other guys until Vickie Guerrero comes out. She says she knows how Ryback feels and why he's upset. Vickie says Ryback will not be allowed to put his hands on security. She has no choice but to... Ryback interrupts her and says he wants CM Punk at TLC. He's not going anywhere until he gets the match. Vickie says she will give him the match but asks him to leave. He tells her to shut up because he wasn't finished. Ryback says he wants Punk at TLC in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match. He says there's no amount of security that can stop him from tearing theringup if he doesn't get what he wants. Vickie says he can have the match under one condition - he must leave theringso she can get on with the show. Security approaches Ryback now and he drops the mic. Ryback scares them all out of theringand they run off. Ryback gets another pop from the crowd before slapping hands with fans at ringside.

- Cole and Lawler show us footage fromlast weekwhere Rosa Mendes was sprayed with water by Hornswoggle. We see footage from earlier today where Rosa confronted Hornswoggle backstage. He tells her to calm down because it was just a joke. They start arguing when Alberto Del Rio walked up. He ripped into Hornswoggle. Del Rio added that he would be more than happy to give Rosa revenge. The Great Khali walked up and told Del Rio to leave his family alone. Del Rio backed off as Hornswoggle and Khali left together.

Alberto Del Rio vs. The Great Khali

We go to theringnow and Ricardo Rodriguez begins the introduction for Alberto Del Rio and in he comes driving a Maserati. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Khali has Del Rio in the corner. Khali connects with a big chop to the chest and we see Rosa Mendes watching from backstage. Khali with an-other big chop in the corner. Khali chops Del Rio in the back and he goes down. Del Rio counters and starts working on the legs. Del Rio dropkicks Khali's leg out and kicks him in the face. Del Rio unloads and starts working on the arm now.

Del Riocontinuesworking on the arm and gets a 2 count as we see Hornswoggle at ringside now. Del Rio hits a big kick to the arm. He charges again but Khali gets his elbow and a big boot up. Khali with a pair of clotheslines and a big overhead chop. Ricardo gets on the apron and ducks a chop. Hornswoggle bites RR in the rear end and they run away. Del Rio takes advantage and hits the armbar on Khali. Del Rio with the cross armbreaker for the win as we see Rosa cheering him on backstage.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

- Vickie Guerrero is backstage when CM Punk and Paul Heymanwalk in. Punk is upset about Vickie giving Ryback another shot at TLC. Punk says he has beat Ryback already and asks her if she knows what kind of danger she has put him in. Heyman chimes in and says maybe Vickie isn't thinking with a clear head because of the AJ Lee stuff. Heyman accuses Vickie of playing politics. She says she gave Ryback a title shot because of what happened to him at Survivor Seriesand Hellin a Cell. Punk says he has nothing to do with Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose. Vickie says Punk will face the winner of tonight's RAW Active poll - either Kane or Daniel Bryan. Fans can tweet #WWEBryan or #WWEKane to choose his opponent for tonight.

- Still to come - Cole's interview with Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see footage of Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose attacking Ryback on last week's RAW. Cole and Lawler talk about the attack. Cole leads us into his interview with them, taped earlier today.

Cole starts talking and Ambrose interrupts him first. Ambrose says if Cole has a question to ask them, just ask it. Cole asks if they are working directly for CM Punk. Ambrose says nope. Cole asks then why are they here. Rollins says that's the question Cole should be asking. Rollins says they sat down in NXT and saw things clearly - people around here answer to Vickie Guerrero and Booker T, they answer to the Board of Directors and the Board ultimatelyanswersto the fans. Rollins calls that a popularity contest and says that's wrong. Rollins says they righted the wrongs and they are a shield from injustice in WWE. Rollins says it's a coincidence that their actions have helped Punk twice so far. Ambrose talks about how it was wrong how Punk had to defend his title and says they would have done the same thing if it was Ryback or Cena in Punk'sshoes. Cole asks Reigns for comment. He says when he wants to say something, he will and that's it. Ambrose says they're not Nexus and not the nWo. He says they're about principle and honor - a shield from injustice. Ambrose declares that they are The Shield. Reigns interrupts Cole and says the interview is over because they have said enough. The NXT 3 walk off and end the interview. We go back to Cole and Lawler.

- Vickie Guerrero has a surprise for AJ Lee and John Cena later tonight. Also still to come, CM Punk vs. Kane or Daniel Bryan. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get avignettefor Fandango.

Alicia Fox vs. Tamina Snuka

Alicia Fox waits in theringas her opponent Tamina Snuka makes her way out to new theme music. A side video airs of Tamina talking about AJ Lee not knowing her place. Tamina says this match is a warning not to mess with Vickie again.

Alicia strikes first and takes Tamina to the corner, putting the boots to her. Tamina turns it around and rams Alicia back in the corner. Tamina with a big clothesline and more offense. Tamina hits a clothesline to the back of the head. Alicia tries for a small package but has no luck. Tamina with another clothesline. Tamina scoops Alicia for a big Samoan Drop and then goes up top for the Superfly Splash. Tamina covers for the win.

Winner: Tamina Snuka

- Cole shows us photos of Vince McMahon, R-Truth, The Miz, Eve Torres and Layla meeting with the Troops over the weekend.

- We see John Cena walking backstage and he's headed to thering. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes John Cena. We see footage fromlast week. He says people have been asking him all week long if AJ Lee is a good kisser. Cena goes on but is interrupted by Vickie Guerrero. Out she comes to thering.

Vickie says it is the season to give and she has a gift for Cena and AJ. She has a box handed to her in theringand it's matching bath robes for Cena and AJ. Vickie calls it a token of her appreciation. Vickie says Cena and AJ's whole world will implode and come crashing down on them. She points out how crazy AJ is to Cena. AJ runs down some of AJ's moments this year. AJ's music interrupts and out she comes.

AJ comes out and says it's true - she has had a lot of issues in the past but she's trying to learn from her mistakes and become a better person. AJ says now that she's not General Manager, she can date who she wants or do what she wants. AJ says she can do this - she touches Cena on the face and gazes in his eyes. Or she can do this - she smacks Cena on the rear, it looks like, and causes him to drop the mic. Or she can do this - she goes to kiss Cena it looks like and Vickie interrupts her. They have more words. AJ says she isn't a lovesick puppy anymore. Dolph Ziggler's music hits and out he comes now.

Ziggler comes to the ramp and says he has to interrupt this episode of Jerry Springer. Ziggler says the real story is how he tackled Cena through a bathroom wall last week and he just took it. Ziggler says then Cena hit him with a cheap shot on SmackDown and attacked him from behind. Ziggler wonders why Cena resorted to cowardly tactics. Ziggler says it hit him - he knows what's eating Cena up inside. Ziggler says last week when Cena and AJ kissed, AJ was thinking about Ziggler the entire time. Cena says that's funny. Cena gets the crowd hype and goes to fight Ziggler but Vickie stops him. Vickie says they will settle it tonight - Ziggler vs. Cena.

- Still to come tonight - Punk vs. Kane or Daniel Bryan, picked by the WWE Universe. Also tonight - Sheamus vs. Antonio Cesaro. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see footage of Washington Redskins quarterback RGIII being presented with a WWE Title replica by his teammates.

Tensai vs. Kofi Kingston

Wade Barrett makes his way out for commentary as Tensai waits in the ring. Out next comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston.

The bell rings and Tensai strikes first. Kofi leaps to the top and comes down but Tensai catches him. Kofi slides out and ducks a clothesline but gets leveled with a big elbow. Tensai drops an elbow and connects with a headbutt. Another elbow drop from Tensai and more big shots. 2 count by Tensai. Tensai keeps Kofi grounded to the mat now. Tensai beats Kofi down with chops and leg drops the arm. Tensai with an armbar submission now.

Kofi fights to his feet and out of the hold. Tensai with a knee to the face. Kofi jumps to the top and comes crashing down with a big right hand. They trade shots and Kofi hits a dropkick. Kofi with a big right hand off the ropes and Tensai goes down. Kofi hits the Boom Drop. Tensai blocks Trouble In Paradise. Tensai then blocks the kick in the corner and drops a big elbow on Kofi for 2. Tensai goes to the second rope for a big splash but Kofi moves. Kofi kicks Tensai in the head and springboards in with a big crossbody for the win.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

- After the bell, Barrett grabs the Intercontinental Title and brings it in the ring. He hands it to Kofi and walks right back out of the ring and to the back. These two will face at the TLC pay-per-view. Kofi looks on puzzled as Barrett keeps walking.

- Kane and Daniel Bryan are backstage arguing about who will win the RAW Active poll tonight. Bryan has data and shows a map of the United States on a TV screen and everyone has voted for him. Then he shows a map of the world and the whole world has voted for him, according to Bryan. Bryan says maybe Kane is winning in hell. Kane grabs him by the throat when Josh Mathews walks up. Mathews has results of the poll and the winner is Kane with 58% of the vote. It will be Kane vs. Punk tonight. Mathews informs Bryan he will face Rey Mysterio next.

Daniel Bryan vs. Rey Mysterio

Bryan rushes off to the ring for a first-time ever match against Mysterio. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Rey Mysterio is making his way out. The bell rings and they lock up. Bryan takes Rey down first and stalls some. More back and forth. Rey dumps Bryan out to the floor and leaps off the apron but Bryan moves. Bryan comes off the apron now and takes Rey down with a knee to the jaw. Bryan brings it back in and keeps control.

Bryan runs over Rey with clotheslines. Bryan throws Rey out to the floor but he lands on his feet. Rey comes back in as Bryan goes to the floor. We have a stalemate as RAW goes back to commercial.

Back from the commercial and Rey is in control now. Rey goes to the top but Bryan pushes him down. Rey gets turned upside down in the corner as Bryan kicks him and then dropkicks him in the face. More kicks from Bryan while Rey is stuck in the corner. Bryan applies a submission now. Bryan goes on and sends Rey flying out to the floor. Bryan throws Rey into the ring post and brings him back in the ring. Bryan with a 2 count. Bryan with another submission now. Rey fights out but Bryan knocks him to the mat.

Bryan takes Rey to the top for a superplex but Rey fights him off and knocks him to the mat. Rey with a seated senton and head scissors takedown. Rey runs into a kick but rolls through a pin attempt and kicks Bryan in the head for a 2 count. Rey dropkicks Bryan into position for 619 but Bryan avoids it. Bryan goes for the No Lock but Rey makes it to the ropes and breaks the hold. Bryan with more kicks and another submission attempt. Rey fights out and catapults Bryan into position for 619. Rey does 619 around the ring post and goes to the top for the big splash. Rey covers for the win.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

- Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez are backstage when Rosa Mendes walks up. She thanks Del Rio for beating Khali earlier. Del Rio tells her whatever she needs, winks at her and walks off.

- Still to come, Sheamus vs. Cesaro later tonight.

- Josh Mathews is backstage with Dolph Ziggler. Mathews asks about his match with John Cena tonight. Ziggler says he can't wait to see the look on AJ's face when he beats up her boyfriend tonight. Back to commercial.

- Cole and Lawler show us footage of AJ Lee storming into the locker room last week and confronting Dolph Ziggler, leading to Cena and Ziggler brawling. Another recap video with what happened on SmackDown between the two.

Dolph Ziggler vs. John Cena

We go to the ring and out comes Dolph Ziggler. John Cena is out next. The bell rings and they lock up. They run the ropes and Cena arm drags Ziggler and takes him to the mat. They break and lock up again. Cena applies a headlock and they run the ropes again. Cena counters and hits a hip toss and a headlock takedown. Ziggler turns it around and hits a jawbreaker as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Cena is down outside of the ring. During the break, Ziggler whipped him into the steel steps. Ziggler brings it back in the ring now and unloads on Cena with right hands. Ziggler shows off and does sit ups. Cena scrambles and covers Dolph for 2. Ziggler breaks it and clotheslines Cena. Ziggler drops a bunch of elbow drops and shows off some more before missing the final elbow. Cena comes back with shoulders and the backdrop. Dolph blocks the five Knuckle Shuffle and hits a huge flying DDT for a 2 count.

More back and forth. Ziggler applies a sleeper hold. Ziggler keeps it locked and Cena goes down to one knee. Cena fights up and applies the STF. Ziggler breaks it and hits a big dropkick. Ziggler climbs to the top and hits a crossbody but Cena rolls through and goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Ziggler counters and drops Cena for a close 2 count. They trade right hands and kicks now. Ziggler rolls Cena up for 2. Cena ducks a clothesline and slams Ziggler. Cena goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but his knee gives out and he goes down. Cena goes to the floor and ringside doctors check on him, playing off the injury from last week. Ziggler takes the cover off the turnbuckle as the referee isn't looking. AJ runs down and stops him. They argue when Vickie comes down. She brings AJ off the apron and they have words now. The referee tries to get Vickie to leave and has his back turned. Dolph swings the briefcase at Cena but he ducks and nails the Attitude Adjustment for the win.

Winner: John Cena

- After the bell, Cena hits the turnbuckles to celebrate and AJ enters the ring. Cena turns around to AJ smiling at him. They meet in the middle of the ring and Cena puts his hand out. She takes it but brings him in for a big kiss. They make out again and we go to replays. Cena and AJ raise their hand and bow to the fans before leaving together.

- Still to come tonight, Punk vs. Kane. We see Sheamus walking backstage. Back to commercial.

Sheamus vs. Antonio Cesaro

Back from the break and out come Sheamus. WWE United States Champion Antonio Cesaro is out next for this non-title match.

The bell rings and they lock up. Cesaro takes Sheamus down first and they lock up again. Sheamus with a headlock and a big shoulder. Sheamus takes Cesaro to the mat with a headlock. Back and forth action now. Sheamus comes out of the corner and runs over Cesaro. Sheamus with a suplex and a 1 count. They trade shots and Sheamus goes to the apron. He drops Cesaro back over the top rope and comes back in but Cesaro kicks him to the floor. Sheamus pulls Cesaro out to the floor and throws him into the fan barrier. Sheamus gets dropped over the steel steps as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Cesaro is in control now. They get up and trade shots. Sheamus with a pair of clotheslines. Sheamus rams Cesaro back in the corner but Cesaro comes out with a big clothesline for a close 2 count. Cesaro hits a big gutwrench slam for another pin attempt. Sheamus goes on and hits the forearm shots from the apron. Sheamus launches himself in with the big shoulder and then the Irish Curse backbreaker for 2. More back and forth. Cesaro slides out of White Noise and Sheamus scoop slams him for 2. More back and forth. Cesaro scoops Sheamus high and drops him with a big slam for 2. Sheamus ends up on top. He comes down with the battering ram but Cesaro stops him in mid-air with a huge uppercut. Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer but Sheamus counters. Sheamus barely his a Brogue Kick and sends Cesaro to the floor.

The referee begins to count Cesaro out as Big Show comes out to the ramp with a chair. Cesaro is counted out.

Winner by Count Out: Sheamus

- Big Show turns around and heads to the back from the ramp but Sheamus grabs a mic. Sheamus dares Show to use that chair he's holding. Sheamus wants to retire Big Show at TLC. Sheamus continues and Show gets pissed. Show destroys the steel chair and walks off to the back as Sheamus looks on.

- Still to come, Punk vs. Kane. Back to commercial.

Damien Sandow vs. Zack Ryder

Back from the break and out comes Damien Sandow with a mic. Sandow cuts a promo as he heads to the ring his opponent is Zack Ryder.

Back and forth action to start the match. Sandow works Ryder over on the apron and rushes back in for a 2 count. Sandow stomps away at Ryder's ribs and covers for another 2 count. Sandow with a headlock now. Sandow keeps control and drops the Elbow of Disdain for another pin attempt. More offense from Sandow. Ryder fights back with knees to the jaw and a missile dropkick from the top. Ryder with a big right hand in the corner. He goes for the Broski Boot but Sandow rolls to the floor. Ryder decks him anyway and brings it back in the ring. Ryder goes to the top but Sandow knocks him off. Sandow with the neckbreaker for the win.

Winner: Damien Sandow

- Mathews is backstage with Paul Heyman for comments. Heyman brings up Punk passing Randy Savage on the all-time WWE Champion list. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and for the second time tonight they show Michael Cole's interview with Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.

Kane vs. CM Punk

We go to the ring and out comes one-half of the WWE Tag Team Champions Kane. Out next comes WWE Champion CM Punk with Paul Heyman.

Kane takes Punk to the corner but Punk turns it around and chops him. Kane just gets upset and they meet in the middle of the ring. Punk with kicks and forearm shots. Punk takes it back to the corner but Kane turns it around. Kane beats Punk down. Kane continues the assault in the corner as Heyman looks on. Punk kicks Kane in the face and fires back with chops and forearm shots. Kane counters a move and drops Punk over the top rope. Kane clotheslines him out to the floor as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Punk is in control, working on Kane's leg. Kane ends up on the floor and Punk suicide dives through the ropes and takes him out. Punk brings it back in the ring and stomps on Kane in the corner. Punk with the high knee in the corner. He hits a second knee in the corner and goes for a third but Kane runs over him with a big right hand. Kane takes Punk back to the corner and works him over. Kane with a sideslam and a 2 count. Kane goes to the top and comes crashing down with a right hand as the crowd pops. Kane calls for the chokeslam but Punk ducks it and hits a swinging neckbreaker for 2.

Kane turns it around and hits the chokeslam. He goes for the pin but Heyman puts Punk's foot on the bottom rope. Kane goes for the Tombstone piledriver as Heyman screams at ringside. Punk slides out as roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose appear in the crowd. Punk nails GTS for the win.

Winner: CM Punk

- The Shield make their way to ringside now as Punk looks on from the ring. They surround the ring and enter as Kane gets to his feet. Punk backs into the corner. Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns attack Kane and beat him down as Punk looks on and sneaks out of the ring. Daniel Bryan runs down to save his partner but The Shield beat him down also. They kick Bryan out of the ring and go back to Kane. Ryback's music hits and out he comes to a big pop. Punk leaps over the barrier and runs through the crowd. Ryback hits the ring but The Shield beat on him. He fights them off and unloads. Ryback powerbombs Rollins and hits the big clothesline on Ambrose and Reigns. Punk attacks Ryback from behind but Ryback fights him off. Ryback goes to powerbomb Punk but Reigns spears him. The Shield go back to beating on Ryback now. They do the triple powerbomb as Punk leaves the ring and looks on. Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose stand over Ryback and look at Punk. Punk looks to be entering the ring as we go to replays. The Shield leave through the crowd as Punk's music hits and he poses over Ryback with the WWE Title. RAW goes off the air.

Saturday 24 November 2012

WWE Smackdown Results 11/23/12

The voice over man is on so it must be time for Smackdown and this week it takes place from Grand Rapids MI.

The Miz is in the ring welcoming the audience to his show. He says he has a lot of questions for the person about to be on his show and introduces John Cena. Miz starts asking Cena personal questions and also asks Cena about his injury. Cena says he thought he was going to get tough questions so Miz says he think Cena and AJ might have been friends before but there is something more between them now. Miz wants Cena to give him answers as AJ hits the ring. AJ says Cena does not have to answer anything. Miz asks if they are in love? Dolph Ziggler interrupts at the top of the stage. He says Cena is a good guy but AJ is a bad egg. He says ifit was not for AJ kissing him then he could not be set up. He says if she did not burst in to men’s lockeroom then Cena might not have gone and messed his knee up. He tells Cena that if he was him he would have feelings for AJ too. He would hate her guts. Vickie comes out on to the stage. She tells Cena his girlfriend needs to learn how to take care of her impulses. She says Dolph is right. AJ is a pitiful, sad and weak woman. She says Dolph knows how to kiss a woman that is powerful and authoritative. Cena says that’s a lie since there is no medical proof that she is a woman. Vickie says she’s all woman. Dolph says they have a professional relationship. He says if he kissed AJ it would bring out the real woman in her. Dolph says Cena and AJ deserve each other. They are 2 weak losers. Cena disagrees. He says Dolph and Vickie are the ones who deserve each other. One enjoys eating a lot of nuts and the other is looking to find his. Cena wishes them a good day.

Ryback v Darren Young [with Titus O Neil on commentary]

Right hand from Young. Another right hand. Ryback throws him in to the turnbuckle. Young with some punches. Ryback tosses him across the ring. Ryback runs at him in the turnbuckle but takes an elbow to the face. Right hands from Young as he bounces off ropes right in to a kick from Ryback. Ryback slams Young head first in to the floor. Young rolls out of the ring. Titus o Neil blows his whistle at Ryback at ringside. Young runs at Ryback but takes a right hand. Ryback runs in to Young in the turnbuckle. Young staggers out and gets clotheslined down. Big slam on Young. Ryback gets pumped by the crowd. Big clothesline. Ryback raises young to his feet. Shell Shocked gets him the 3 count.

Winner: Ryback

O Neil has a mic. He gets in to the ring. He asks Ryback if he is out of his mind. He says Young is valued at millions and he might have hurt him. He blows his whistle at Ryback again frantically. Ryback kicks him in the gut and hits a Shell Shocked on him for his trouble.

R Truth v Antonio Cesaro [non title]

Cesaro has a mic on stage. He says judging by the obese faces, bloated bellies and greased up fingers they must have enjoyed thanks giving recently. He says it’s a stupid US holiday that celebrates gorging yourself and laziness. He says luckily they have him as their US champ.

Kick to the gut from Cesaro. Suplex by Cesaro. Bodyslam from Cesaro followed by a double footed jump on to Truth’s gut. Truth locks in a waist lock. Cesaro fights out. Truth fights back with right hands as Truth goes off the ropes and hits a clothesline. Dropkick on Cesaro. Truth goes for a suplex but it is reversed by Cesaro who goes for a Neutralizer but R Truth backdrops him and hits a jumping STO for the 3 count.

Winner: R Truth

Sheamus is walking backstage. Booker T walks up to him and tells him he can’t go to the lockeroom. He says he hit the Big Show with a chair at least 30 times. Sheamus says Big Show deserved it. Booker says he cannot let him compete tonight. Sheamus is not happy. Booker says at Survivor Series Big Show got disqualified on purpose so at TLC they will be having a chair match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Sheamus is now satisfied. Booker then invites Sheamus to watch the show from some VIP seats. Sheamus says it sounds good and asks if Big Show is going to be competing tonight. Booker says he is and it is against Kane and Daniel Bryan in a 2 on 1 match.

Sin Cara is walking backstage.

Sin Cara v Del Rio

Alberto Del Rio is introduced by his personal ring announcer Ricardo Rodriguez as he shows up in his expensive car.
Del Rio goes for Sin Cara but Cara moves and he falls out of the ring through the ropes. Sin Cara takes him and Ricardo Rodriguez out on the outside. Back breaker back in the ring by Alberto Del Rio gets him a 1 count. Kick to the gut from Del Rio. Del Rio throws Cara in to the turnbuckle and Cara falls out to ringside.

commercial break

Del Rio has Sin Cara in a chin lock. Cara fights out and rolls Del Rio up for a 2 count. Del rio knocks Cara down with a right hand and throws him in to turnbuckle. Kicks to back by Del Rio. Del Rio works on Cara’s back. Elbow to the back by Del Rio. Cara elbows Del Rio off the ropes. Hurricanrana by Cara gets a 2 count. Another kick to the gut from Del Rio. Del Rio off the ropes with a kick to the face on Cara. Suplex by Del Rio gets him a 2 count. Del Rio runs at Sin Cara in the turnbuckle but Sin Cara moves. Big slam from Del Rio for a 2 count. Kick to Sin Cara. Del Rio almost pulls his mask off. Headbutt from Del Rio. Kick from Sin Cara. High kick from Sin Cara and a cross body off the ropes for a 2 count. Tajiri like handspring elbow off the ropes takes Del Rio down. Cara goes up top but Del Rio takes him down off the top of the turnbuckle and locks in an armbreaker.
Sin Cara taps.

Winner: Del Rio

Kane is sitting backstage looking at his title. Daniel Bryan walks in and tells Kane to stay out of his way tonight. Bryan says long before he teamed with Kane he beat Big Show in 45 seconds. Kane asks him if he thinks that it will happen again. Bryan says yes. Kane says no. Kane says he and Big Show used to be tag team champs but even then, Big Show whined a lot. He says Bryan and Big Show have got a lot in common. He says they should team up and call themselves ‘Team No Show.’ Bryan asks if Kane says this because he did not invite him to his house for Thanksgiving. Kane says maybe. Bryan says he would not have liked it. It was vegan Turkey. Bryan says if they win, he can go to his house for Christmas. Kane asks if he can beat up Santa Claus. Bryan says sure.

Big Show v Kane and Daniel Bryan

Kick from Bryan. More kicks from Bryan to the thighs. Big chop from Show on the ropes. Regal and Sheamus watch on from the sky box. Kick to the face from Big Show. Bryan gets thrown head first in to the turnbuckle. Headbutt to the arm of Bryan. Big Show goes for a Chokeslam but Bryan fights and Big Show throws him to the floor. Kick from Big Show. Kicks from Bryan to Big Show’s legs. Headbutt to Bryan takes him down. Big Show punishes the arm of Bryan some more. Big Show climbs on to the 2nd rope. He goes for an elbow drop but Bryan moves. Kane offers a tag but Bryan does not want the tag from Kane. He kicks away at Big Show who is on his knees. Kick to head from Bryan and cover but he gets thrown off at 2. Chokeslam attempt by Big Show but Bryan has his arm around Big Show’s neck. Big Show throws him off. He runs at Bryan in the turnbuckle. Bryan jumps on to him and manages to lock in a sleeper hold. Bryan is on Big Show’s back with a sleeper. Big Show is fading away. He falls back on to Bryan to break the hold. Kane wants a tag and this time Bryan tags him in. Kane runs in to Big Show at the turnbuckle and then hits a kick to the leg and kick to face for the cover and 2 count. Kane climbs the turnbuckle. Big clothesline knocks Big Show off his feet. Kane sets up for the Chokeslam but Big Show fights out and throws Kane in to turnbuckle but takes a DDT on the return. Kane sets up for another Chokeslam as Big Show is trying to stagger to his feet but gets tagged out by Bryan who runs in and locks in the No Lock. Kane climbs out of the ring looking bemused. He walks off. Big Show reverses the No Lock, grabs Bryan and hits him with a Chokeslam for the 3 count.

Winner: Big Show

Kane walks back and gets in to the ring. He looks at Bryan on the floor. Big Show runs at Kane and Kane ducks a KO punch from the Big Show. Both have each other by the throats. Bryan attacks Shows legs and Kane kicks him out of the ring.

Kane looks at Bryan in the ring as Big Show grabs a mic on the stage. He looks up at Sheamus watching from his suite and congratulates him. He says at TLC they have a chairs match. Big Show asks Sheamus if he thought about the fact that a giant might have a chair in his hands this time. Sheamus is shouting back from his sky box as Big Show heads backstage.

Barrett makes his way to the ring. He goes on commentary.

Kofi Kingston v Sandow [Intercontinental title]

Lock up. Sandow is hammering away at Kingston. Suplex by Sandow and a kick out. Kick from Kingston to Sandown. Kingston clotheslines Sandow over the top rope. Sandoown slams Kingston in to the turnbuckle from the apron.

commercial break

Sandow has got Kingston in an armlock. Kick from Sandown. Kingston with a kick to the face. Elbow of distain from Sandow. Cover gets 2. Now Kingston and Sandow are viciously trading punches. Sandow rakes the eyes. Sandow has Kingston in a headlock. Hard right hand from Sandow. Hard shot across the neck of Kingston on the apron. Kick from Kingston takes both men out. Sandow drives Kingston in to apron. They both slide back in. Sandow kicks away at Kingston by the ropes. Crossbody from Kingston to Sandow followed by a cover for a 2 count. Sandow with a roll up gets 2. Kingston with his signature Boom Drop. Trouble in paradise for the 3 count.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

This means that Barrett will be fighting Kofi for IC title. So Barrett gets on to the announcers table. He congratulates Kofi but says Kofi’s best won’t be enough to beat him. Barrett says that Kofi will just be another victim of his Barrett Barrage.

Ziggler v Randy Orton

Orton with a knee to the gut. He hammers away at Ziggler in the corner. Ziggler goes for legs but Orton kicks him. Kick from Orton. Now Ziggler has got Orton in the corner and hammers away. Dropkick from Orton gets a 2 count. Orton grabs Ziggler’s hair on the apron and hits a suplex to bring him in to the ring. Cover for a 2 count from Orton. Kick from Ziggler and a big slam. Ziggler and Orton hammer away. Orton throws his opponent out of the ring. Ziggler tries to escape in to the crowd as Orton knocks him over the barrier.

commercial break

Orton has Ziggler in a headlock. Hard elbows from Ziggler. Orton with a back suplex and cover gets 2 count. Orton sticks his foot right in Ziggler’s face. Drop toe hold on Ziggler in to the bottom rope. Ziggler falls to the outside. He shoves Orton in to the announcers table. Dropkick from Ziggler on Orton. Ziggler slides in. Orton gets in too but takes a kick to the face. Zigglers hammers down on Orton with rights and lefts. Elbow drop from Ziggler gets a 2 count. Headlock from Ziggler. Orton fights out of the headlock with some punches to the gut. Orton goes to whip Ziggler in to the ropes but gets whipped in to the turnbuckle. Ziggler runs at him but Orton goes for a roll up and gets a 2. Clothesline from Ziggler gets a 1 count. Headlock from Ziggler. Orton fights out. Big DDT from Orton gets a 2 count. Ziggler climbs the ropes. Orton attacks him up top. Orton goes up top. Superplex from Orton. Cover gets a 2 again. Clotheslines from Orton. Orton puts Ziggler on to ropes feet first and hits a DDT. Orton does his viper taunt and prepares for the RKO but Ziggler stuns him with a roll up for the 3 count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Ricardo Rodriguez slides in to the ring and gets an RKO. Del Rio is on the apron. Orton calls him in but Del Rio decides to back off. Meanwhile John Cena attacks Ziggler at the top of ramp and locks in an STF. Referees run out to break it up as Smackdown goes off air.

reported by Wojciech Zdrojkowski


[The following comments are my own opinion on this week's Smackdown show]

It was nice to see Cena make an appearance on Smackdown, even if he did not actually wrestle. Nice to see Vickie Guerrero too [oddly enough]. This week's Smackdown was actually not that bad. No Teddy Long, no diva segments or diva match makes for a pretty decent Smackdown. Unfortunately if they were going to bring something over to Smackdown that is not normally there, it had to be the horrible Cena/AJ angle, but it didn't take up too much of the show so it was tolerable.

It also looks like they will be continuing the Del Rio v Randy Orton fued that is starting to be tiresome. The matches between them are not bad, but the fued itself is not particularly 'gripping' to be honest. Also not keen on the idea of champions losing in a non title match. If you are the champ and you lose, surely you should lose the title? What is the point of having to beat the champion, only to get a shot at his title to have to beat him again? If you get my drift. Like I said though, it was not so bad generally.

WWE Main Event Results 11/21/12

A video hyped the Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler match…The opening video aired, followed by the pyro, and Michael Cole and JBL checked in on commentary at ringside. Miz was already in the ring and started to cut a promo, but Dolph Ziggler's music hit and he came to the ring. He said he was Mr. Money in the Bank and the sole survivor at Survivor Series. He said he was too big to be backstage and talk to Matt Striker's mustache.

Ziggler ran Miz down and said he was better than Miz. Miz started to run through his list of accomplishments, but Ziggler cut him off and said they had heard it all before. Miz said because it was true. He said when he won the Money in the Bank match, he cashed it in successfully, whereas Ziggler carried the briefcase around like it was a blanket. Miz said there was no question where he belonged in history. Ziggler said that was the point, Miz was history, he was the future.

They continued to go back and forth and Miz said Ziggler was scared because when he failed to cash in the briefcase successfully, all he would have is an old broad, a teal t-shirt, and bad hair dye. He said that was Ziggler;s legacy. Ziggler slapped Miz. Miz dropped his mic and Ziggler tossed the briefcase away. The ref got in the ring between them and Miz said, "Ring the bell," to the ref…

The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler

The bell rang and Ziggler went after Miz. Miz ducked and knocked Ziggler from the ring…[C]

Back from commercial, Miz was still in control and hit Ziggler with a left hand for a near fall. Miz kicked Ziggler with the toe of his boot several times, but Ziggler caught the foot and slammed Miz to take control.

Miz reversed a whip and they did a nice ropes series before Miz caught a drop kick attempt and shot Ziggler into the corner. He rolled up for two in a really nice series of moves. Miz hit his backbreaker, but Ziggler shoved away on the neckbreaker and hit a drop kick for two. Ziggler locked in a rest hold. Miz pushed off on the ropes and tossed Ziggler over the top rope for both men to sell into the break…[C]

Back from commercial, Ziggler worked a body scissor on Miz. A cut in video showed Ziggler throwing Miz into the railings during the break. Miz rained punches on Ziggler to escape, but Ziggler hit a clothesline for a near fall. Ziggler landed his elbow series for another near fall. The live crowd is really into this match.

Ziggler loosened the top turnbuckle cover, but didn't take it off because the ref caught him. Miz hooked a small package for two, but Ziggler dropped another elbow and hooked his headstand headlock. Miz fought out and both guys ran the ropes. They hit crossbodies on each other and both sold…[C]

Back from commercial, Ziggler hit the Fameassor for two and both guys sold exhaustion. Miz suddenly hulked up and hit his backbreaker/neckbreaker combo for two that the live crowd popped big for. Miz charged at Ziggler in the corner. Dolph kicked him in the face and rolled him up with his feet on the ropes for leverage. The ref saw it and stopped the count. Ziggler argued, letting Miz hit a side effect for another near fall.

Ziggler came right back with a sleeper in the middle of the ring. Miz sold it for a moment, then stood and drove Ziggler back into the corner. Ziggler sat in the corner and Miz rained punches on him until the ref stopped him. He hit his clothesline in the corner and followed with a top rope chop. He went for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Ziggler blocked and they battled around. Miz scored a roll up for two, but Ziggler pooped up in the corner with the loose buckle cover and snatched it off. Miz ran in. Ziggler moved. Miz hit the exposed buckle, and Ziggler followed the Zig Zag for the win…

Dolph Ziggler defeated The Miz at 25:34.

Post-match, Striker tried to interview Ziggler, but Ziggler took the mic and told him to beat it. Ziggler said he just proved he was better than anybody in the locker room, and he was just getting started. He said he wasn't done with John Cena either. He said Miz wanted to talk about history, but anybody who messes with him is just that, history. He closed with, "Show…off," and left the ring…Wade Barrett vs. Justin Gabriel was hyped for next…[C]

Wade Barrett made his ring entrance. Justin Gabriel was already in the ring…

Wade Barrett vs. Justin Gabriel
Barrett started fast and beat up Gabriel, but Gabriel came right back with a cross body for two. Gabriel missed a springboard moonsault, and Barrett followed with his spinning side slam for two. Gabriel came right back and hit the moonsault for two, but Barrett knocked him off the top rope and hit the Bull Hammer for the win…Post-match, Cole hyped John Cena being in the Main Event next week, and said they would announce the opponent next…[C]

A video hyped the Soup WWE special on E! tonight…A video recapped "The Kiss" and Ziggler's attack from Raw, as well as the locker room bit later. Cena was hyped for Miz TV on Smackdown…Damien Sandow made his entrance to the stage and cut a promo, saying he would get to finally rid the WWE of its biggest delinquent, John Cena. He said Cena was a hypocrite and was a disease that must be purged from WWE by his hand. He said John Cena was WWE's ultimate false idol. He closed with, "Your welcome," and the announce team hyped the match for next week…

Wednesday 21 November 2012

WWE Monday Night Raw 11/19/12

- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with a look back at the Survivor Series pay-per-view with teasers for the top matches. All this and more on tonight's RAW.

- We're live from Wright State University's Nutter Center in Dayton, Ohio as Ryback makes his way out to the ring to kick off RAW.

Michael Cole is joined by Jerry Lawler on commentary as Ryback hits the ring to a big pop. Ryback says he was about to feast on the WWE Title but CM Punk employed three men to take food out of his mouth. Ryback says his hunger cannot be suppressed. Ryback says Punk and his three men are his prey. Ryback calls them all out to the ring right now for a fight. He says if they don't come, he will tear the damn place apart until he finds each one of them. Ryback gets a "Feed Me More" chant going.

Vickie Guerrero comes out and says he won't be tearing anything up. She says he had two chances at the WWE Title and blew it. She threatens him with a fine or suspension if he causes chaos tonight. Vickie says she likes how Ryback destroys people and wants to see how big his appetite really is. Out comes Tensai.

Tensai vs. Ryback

The bell rings and they go right at it. Ryback with right hands, taking Tensai to the corner. Tensai whips him but Ryback comes back and knocks Tensai to the mat. Tensai gets a cheap shot in and then a clothesline. Tensai with a splash in the corner and headbutts, beating Ryback down to one knee. Ryback with a Thesz Press and now he slams Tensai's head into the mat. Tensai fights back and powerbombs Ryback. Tensai with a backsplash and barely a 1 count.

They go on and Ryback catches Tensai with a big slam. Tensai fights back but Ryback slams him again. Ryback nails the big Meathook clothesline, sending Tensai out to the floor. Ryback follows and throws Tensai into the fan barrier. Ryback says he wants Punk. Ryback brings it back in the ring and hits another Meathook clothesline. Ryback goes for Shell Shocked and nails it for the win.

Winner: Ryback

- Sheamus is seen backstage yelling at the referee who counted the pin in the World Heavyweight Title match.

- Still to come tonight, CM Punk will have a celebration for his 365th day as WWE Champion. Kofi Kingston and Wade Barrett are headed to the ring as we go to commercial.

Kofi Kingston vs. Wade Barrett

Back from the break and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston. Wade Barrett is out next. Barrett wants a shot at the IC Title and he may get it if he can get this win.

Kofi strikes first with kicks. He ducks a clothesline and goes for the headlock. Barrett knocks Kofi down. Kofi plays leap frog and takes Barrett out with an elbow. 2 count by Kofi. Barrett fights back with shots to the ribs and beats Kofi down. Kofi ends up mounting Barrett in the corner with right hands. Kofi with a 2 count now. Kofi runs into an elbow in the corner. Barrett takes him to the corner and drops him with an elbow. Barrett with kicks to the ribs now. The referee backs him off but he goes right back to it.

More back and forth action. Kofi with kicks coming out of the corner. Barrett takes him back down for a 1 count. The referee keeps having to back Barrett off and warn him. Barrett with a neckbreaker and a 2 count. Kofi fights back but Barrett clotheslines him out to the floor. Barrett stands tall in the ring as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Barrett is still in control of Kofi. Barrett with a tight headlock now. Kofi tries for a comeback but Barrett drops him with a knee to the gut. They go to the floor and Barrett slams Kofi's face into the steel steps. Barrett brings it back in the ring for a few pin attempts. Barrett keeps Kofi grounded on the mat now. Kofi fights up and rolls Barrett up for 2. Kofi with a heel kick that sends Barrett to the floor.

Barrett comes back in and Kofi unloads on him with a bunch of high impact moves. Kofi hits the Boom Drop. Barrett grabs his leg next but Kofi fights him off. Barrett catches him with the big tilt-a-whirl sideslam for a close 2 count. Barrett gets kicked in the eye now. Kofi with a crossbody from the top for 2. Kofi nails SOS for another 2 count. Barrett with a mule kick and a eye rake on the top rope. Barrett nails the Bullhammer elbow for the non-title win.

Winner: Wade Barrett

- Cole and Lawler talk about Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns debuting at Survivor Series to attack Ryback. We go to a video about Brad Maddox.

- Paul Heyman is walking backstage with a big CM Punk poster. He's excited about tonight's celebration. Heyman knocks on Punk's door and out he comes to a pop from the crowd. Heyman says he will throw a celebration tonight that will go down for the ages... Matt Striker walks up and interrupts. He wants comments about the controversial Survivor Series ending and Punk's affiliation with Rollins, Ambrose and Reigns. Punk threatens to hurt Striker. Striker asks about Ryback and Punk says what about him. Heyman says tonight is a celebration and everyone is invited, even Ryback. Punk doesn't seem sure about that and wants to talk to Heyman privately. We go back to commercial.

Kaitlyn vs. Aksana

Back from the break and Kaitlyn is in the ring with Aksana. The bell rings and Aksana begs her to back off. Kaitlyn rushes her into the ropes. The end up on the floor and Aksana drops Kaitlyn on her head. Aksana brings it back in the ring and covers for a 1 count. Aksana mounts her and roughs her up, then slams her face into the mat. Aksana with a submission on the turnbuckles and more offense.

Kaitlyn fights back but Aksana whips her hard into the corner. Aksana crawls over and smacks Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn shoves her off and kicks her in the gut. Kaitlyn fights back and tosses Aksana across the ring twice by her hair. Kaitlyn with a shoulder tackle and another toss across the ring. Kaitlyn puts Aksana on her shoulders and hits the gut buster for the win.

Winner: Kaitlyn

- Still to come tonight, Orton vs. Del Rio in a 2 of 3 Falls Match. Back to commercial.

Brodus Clay vs. Antonio Cesaro

Back from the break and R-Truth is on commentary. He says he's out here to scout. Out first comes Brodus Clay with Cameron and Naomi. Out next comes WWE United States Champion Antonio Cesaro for a non-title match.

The bell rings and they lock up. Clay takes it to the corner and works Cesaro over. Clay with knees to the gut and elbows. Cesaro fights back with a headbutt and rights and lefts. Cesaro brings Clay to one knee and knocks him over with a clothesline. Cesaro with a chest stomp and a headlock now.

Clay fights back and headbutts Cesaro down. Clay with a big splash in the corner. Clay goes for the second rope splash out of the corner but Cesaro moves. Cesaro goes to the second rope with an uppercut. Cesaro manages to drop Clay with the Neutralizer for the win.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro

- After the match, Cesaro stares down Truth and taunts him before we go to replays.

- We get a video looking at John Cena being honored for his 300th wish with the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

- Vickie Guerrero is backstage talking with a man and a woman. She thanks them for being here tonight and tells them to breathe. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a look back at the segment with AJ Lee and Vickie Guerrero at Survivor Series. They show the attack from Tamina Snuka also.

- Justin Roberts introduces the Managing Supervisor of RAW and out comes Vickie Guerrero with a man and a woman right behind her.

Vickie starts talking and gets heavily boo'd. She says some people still respect authority, like Tamina Snuka. Vickie says for weeks, AJ has made a fool of herself, John Cena and the fans with her lies. Vickie has eye witnesses with her. The first is Whitney Smith, the woman who came out with her. Whitney is a waitress at a hotel restaurant in Sacramento, California. Vickie says this is where AJ and Cena had their alleged business dinner. The woman tells her story and says Cena and AJ requested a private table in the corner. She says they were being very touchy feely, whispering in each others ears and looking in their eyes. The next eye witness is Doug Brady. He's a parking attendant. He says he saw Cena and AJ sit in a parked car for about an hour, parked next to a family. The man says the father complained but out comes AJ Lee to interrupt.

AJ comes to the ring and is tired of what Vickie's been doing every week. AJ says if she wants to fire her, then go ahead and do it. If not, then do everyone a favor and shut the hell up. Vickie says while AJ was busy kissing Cena in the car, Mr. Brady was taking photos with his phone. Vickie says if anyone takes offense to nudity, walk out now or cover your kids eyes. Vickie goes to show us the evidence but John Cena comes out to a big reaction from the crowd. The eye witnesses leave the ring as Cena comes down.

Cena says this is all garbage, a load of crap because Vickie is trying to get people talking. Cena says he will show us how to get people talking. Cena tells AJ he hopes she doesn't mind and begins to makeout with her. Cena goes back to talking to Vickie but AJ turns him around and continues the makeout session. They get into it until Dolph Ziggler attacks from behind. They brawl and Cena dumps Ziggler out of the ring. Cena chases him up the ramp and to the back. AJ looks on from ringside stunned.

- Still to come tonight, Damien Sandow vs. Sheamus. Randy Orton is shown walking backstage and his match with Del Rio is next. Back to commercial.

2 of 3 Falls Match: Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton

Back from the break and Ricardo Rodriguez is doing the introduction as Alberto Del Rio makes his way to the ring. Randy Orton is out next to a big pop.

Orton goes to work and clotheslines Del Rio for a 2 count. Del Rio kicks him down in the corner and turns it around. Del Rio with a big kick to the back and a 2 count. Orton turns it around and hits a nice standing dropkick. More back and forth action in the corner. The fans chant RKO as Del Rio suplexes Orton for another pin attempt. Orton ducks a clothesline and takes back control. Orton with a suplex and more stomps. Del Rio fights back with a kick and hits an armbar. Orton gets thrown to the floor and comes back in with Del Rio working on the arm. Del Rio slams the arm over and over into the ringpost as the referee backs him off. The referee rings the bell and disqualifies him. The first fall goes to Randy Orton. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Orton fights back at Del Rio but Del Rio kicks him to the mat for a 2 count. Orton fights out with a backdrop and hits a pair of clotheslines. Orton with the powerslam. Del Rio counters and applies the cross armbreaker. Orton taps out. The second fall goes to Alberto Del Rio.

Del Rio takes his time breaking the hold. The bell rings again and here we go as Orton holds his arm. Del Rio takes him to the corner and works on the arm. Orton manages a roll up for 2. More back and forth action. Orton with a backbreaker and a close 2 count after Ricardo provides a distraction. Del Rio blocks the RKO but Orton drops him anyway. Del Rio blocks it again and locks the cross armbreaker in. Orton fights out for a 2 count. Del Rio misses the kick in the corner and Orton nails the RKO for the win.

Winner: Randy Orton

- Cole hypes the celebration for CM Punk to come later tonight. Cole and Lawler talk about what just happened with AJ Lee and John Cena kissing, then Dolph Ziggler's attack. We see John Cena rolled his ankle jumping out of the ring. Cena is backstage with AJ and a trainer. The trainer is taping up his leg as we go back to commercial.

The Great Khali vs. Primo and Epico

Back from the break and The Great Khali is in the ring as are his opponents Primo and Epico. Hornswoggle's music hits and out he comes with a bouquet of flowers. He stands at ringside as the match begins.

Hornswoggle shows the flowers to Rosa Mendes and approaches her as Khali knocks Epico to the mat. Hornswoggle goes over and squirts water out of the flowers, hitting Rosa in the face. She starts screaming. Khali chops Primo and hits the Punjabi Plunge on Epico for the quick win.

Winner: The Great Khali

- After the match, Hornswoggle and Khali dance in the ring.

- A WWE crew member is backstage preparing with Paul Heyman for the big celebration tonight. They have everything Heyman asked for except balloons. Heyman gets upset and yells that he wants balloons.

- The Miz is walking backstage as we go back to commercial.

David Otunga vs. The Miz

Back from the break and out comes David Otunga. His opponent The Miz is out next to a decent reaction from the crowd.

The bell rings and Otunga strikes first. Otunga takes Miz to the corner and stomps away. Miz fires back but Otunga kicks him in the chin. Otunga throws Miz shoulder first into the corner and drops him with a leg sweep for a pin attempt. Otunga with another slam and a big elbow drop. Otunga hits another elbow and covers for 2. Otunga clubs Miz in the back of the head and keeps him on the mat.

Otunga continues with a shoulder and a clothesline for another 2 count. Otunga with big forearm shots to the chest now. Otunga with another big clothesline for 2. Otunga with a bunch of knees and more offense. Miz tries to fight back but gets dropped and covered for another pin attempt. Otunga hops on his back and applies a big headlock, bringing Miz down to the mat. Miz finally makes a comeback and works Otunga over in the corner. The referee backs him off but Miz goes right back with the running clothesline. Miz goes to the top and comes down with a double ax handle shot. Miz goes for Skull Crushing Finale and nails it for the win.

Winner: The Miz

- We see footage from Big Show vs. Sheamus at Survivor Series where the referee went down and Show took advantage. Then we see how Show won and Sheamus beating him with a chair after the match. Up next is Sheamus vs. Sandow. Back to commercial.

- After the break, we see footage from earlier tonight where Ryback had words for Punk, Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns but they didn't come out but Vickie Guerrero did.

Sheamus vs. Damien Sandow

We go to the ring and out comes Sheamus with a steel chair in hand. Sheamus takes the mic before the match and says before, it was about he and Big Show battling for the World Heavyweight Title but then Show made it personal by attacking him from behind and knocking out William Regal. Sheamus says Show stooped to a new low at Survivor Series last night. Sheamus says he isn't smiling anymore. He calls Big Show out for a fight. Big Show's music hits and out he comes to the stage. Show limps and has a mic in his hand.

Show says they have nothing to settle. Show says he told Sheamus he would knock him out and win the World Title, and he did. Show tells Sheamus to shut his mouth and listen. They argue about the World Title and Show calls Sheamus barbaric. Damien Sandow's music hits and out he comes.

The bell rings and they go at it. Sheamus takes him to the corner and Sandow goes to the ropes. Sheamus drops Sandow and he rolls out to the apron and then back in. Sandow with a cheap shot and a headlock. Sheamus runs over him with a shoulder and Sandow retreats back to the floor. Sandow comes back in and takes control. Sheamus fights back out of the corner and beats Sandow down. Sheamus with a big knee to the jaw. Sheamus drops Sandow again and drops knees, sending him to the apron. Sheamus hits a suplex for a 2 count. Sheamus stands on Sandow's arm and drops a knee onto it. Sheamus tosses Sandow out of the ring by his beard as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Sandow took control during the break. He sends Sheamus out to the floor and follows. Sandow works him over and brings it back in the ring for a 2 count. Sandow with more stomps and right hands. 2 count by Sandow. Sandow with more offense and another pin attempt. Sandow wails away on the apron. He comes back in, takes his knee pad off and drops a knee on Sheamus. Sandow with a headlock now. Sandow slams Sheamus again and drops on him with more rights. Sheamus keeps trying to fight back but Sandow stops him. Sandow with a side Russian leg sweep. He goes for the Elbow of Disdain but Sheamus stops him and hits the Irish Curse backbreaker.

Sheamus with a high knee and forearm shots to the chest on the apron. Sheamus goes to the top and comes down with the battering ram. Sheamus hits White Noise and then the Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

- Vickie Guerrero is backstage with Tamina Snuka when AJ Lee walks in. Vickie asks if they have met. AJ says she plans on getting to know Tamina real well in the near future. AJ wants to talk about what happened earlier. AJ laughs at her about her makeout session with Cena. AJ gets upset but Tamina puts her arm in between them. AJ says Cena is hurt and asks what Vickie is going to do about it. Vickie says nothing. AJ says if Vickie won't, then she will and walks off. Back to commercial.

- Cole and Lawler hype Heyman's celebration for Punk later tonight. They mention Ryback has been invited.

- AJ Lee is backstage looking for someone and Layla is try9ing to talk her out of it. AJ finds a room and Layla tells her not to go in there. AJ tells Layla to leave her the hell alone and walks in to the locker room where a bunch of Superstars are. She walks to Dolph Ziggler and asks him who the hell he thinks he is. Dolph cuts her off. He says girls like her are a dime a dozen - she came from nothing and will never be anything. Ziggler rips into AJ and calls her desperate, pathetic. Ziggler says she's nothing more than a shell of a woman now. Ziggler calls her sad, weak and pitiful. He tells her to face it - she's just trash. Dolph sits back down and AJ wails away on him. Cena comes over and pulls her off but Ziggler and Cena start brawling. Ziggler kicks out Cena's knee that is wrapped. Ziggler crashes Cena through the bathroom stall and unloads on him. Other Superstars pull Ziggler off but he leaps back on Cena. AJ and a referee come to check on Cena and call for a doctor. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see what just happened with Dolph, AJ and Cena in the locker room. Josh Mathews is backstage and says doctors earlier diagnosed Cena with a possible torn meniscus and says he was rushed into the trainers room after the brawl with Dolph.

Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio vs. Kane and Daniel Bryan

We go to the ring and out first comes Sin Cara followed by his partner Rey Mysterio. Darren Young and Titus O'Neil are on commentary. Out next comes one-half of the WWE Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan followed by his partner Kane.

Cole reveals that Rey and Cara will be the new #1 contenders if they win this match. Cara and Kane start the match off going at it. Cara kicks Kane in the head and springboards in. Kane runs him over and Bryan tags himself in. Bryan hits Cara with kicks in the corner. Bryan misses a knee off the top and Cara takes back control. Cara with the big arm drag and tag to Mysterio fort some double teaming. Rey with a 2 count.

More back and forth. Kane comes back in and Rey kicks at his legs. Rey knocks Bryan off the apron and drops Kane for 619. Kane slides to the floor but Rey kicks him. Rey runs off the apron and hits a senton on Kane on the floor. Bryan leaps off the apron and drops Rey with a knee. Cara laps out and takes Bryan out. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Kane is in control of Cara after a big boot. Kane with the sideslam for a 2 count. Bryan comes back in for a bit of double teaming. Bryan with a surfboard submission now. He breaks it and kicks away. Bryan keeps control and applies a Clutch. Cara breaks out but Bryan drops a knee in his back. Bryan drops a knee over his face now and whips Cara into the corner. Cara hits him with a kick and a DDT out of the corner. Rey and Kane come in at the same time. Rey dropkicks Kane and covers for a pin attempt. More back and forth. Cara comes in and kicks Bryan to the floor. Cara leaps out onto him as Rey goes to the top. Rey comes down but Kane knocks him out in mid-air. Kane covers for a close 2 count. Rey goes back to the top but Kane catches him on the way down again. The match ends when Titus O'Neil and Darren Young interfere. Cara and Bryan end up setting PTP up for 619 and Rey nails it. Kane hits a double chokeslam and that's it for Titus and Young.

- Punk and Heyman are backstage. Heyman thanks Punk for letting him throw this celebration tonight. Heyman wants this to be a night that makes it all worth it to Punk. Heyman guarantees that nobody will tarnish the night for Punk. Heyman tells Punk his celebration awaits and we go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see what's happened with AJ Lee, John Cena and Dolph Ziggler tonight.

- We go to the ring and it's covered in black and a big red X. Paul Heyman is there and behind him are two posters of CM Punk and one looking at his title reign. The crowd boo's Heyman and he tells them not to because he is here tonight for a man who has been WWE Champion for 365 days. Heyman mocks the fans and Jerry Lawler. He says fans cry for the return of the Attitude Era but when he and Punk give them a little bit of it, they don't really like it. Heyman says this is a celebration of 365 glorious days for the best in the world. Heyman brings out WWE Champion CM Punk.

Punk takes the mic and names Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Bret Hart, The Undertaker, The Rock and says they all couldn't do it - 365 days as WWE Champion. We see a video looking back at Punk's year as WWE Champion.

Punk says tonight isn't just about honoring the past year, it's about looking forward to the future and recognizing his place in history - the top. Punk says he won't stop til July 2018 on an episode of WWE Main Event when he passes Bruno Sammartino as the longest reigning champion of all-time. Heyman talks about Sammartino and says he deserves to be in the Hall of Fame but says Sammartino could have never beat Punk. Heyman says truth be told, Hulk Hogan could never beat CM Punk. Heyman says Steve Austin couldn't beat Punk on his best day. Heyman says it will be proven at the Royal Rumble that not even The Rock can beat CM Punk. Punk thanks Heyman for setting all this up tonight. Punk talks about the odds being stacked against him at Survivor Series and here comes Ryback.

Ryback heads to the ring but is cut off by Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. He fights them off and hits the ring. They stop him again and the fight continues. Punk hides in the corner as Ryback brawls with the three NXT stars. They drag him out of the ring and beat him down at ringside. The announce table is cleared and they powerbomb him through it, just like at Survivor Series. Heyman looks on from the floor and they look up to Punk in the ring. Punk goes to the floor where Ryback is laid out on top of the destroyed table. Punk yells that he is the best in the world as Heyman applauds him. RAW goes off the air with Punk standing over Ryback.

*Spoilers* WWE Smackdown 23/11/12

- Thanks to Danny and Elsa for the following WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight's tapings in Grand Rapids, Michigan:

* The Miz kicks off this week's SmackDown with another episode of MizTV. He actually gets a decent reaction. Miz talks about Dolph Ziggler and brings out his guest - John Cena.

The segment ends up interrupted when AJ Lee and then Dolph Ziggler comes out. We see recaps of the segments at RAW and then out comes Vickie Guerrero and she's upset. Vickie promises it's not over for AJ and Cena.

* Ryback squashed Darren Young. Titus O'Neil, who was on commentary, came in to confront Ryback after the match but got hit with Shell Shocked.

* R-Truth defeated Antonio Cesaro in a non-title match.

* Still to come is Big Show vs. Team Hell No plus Kofi Kingston vs. Damien Sandow.

* Alberto Del Rio beat Sin Cara by submission. Cara's blue lighting was back for this match.

* Big Show defeated Kane and Daniel Bryan in a Handicap Match after Team Hell No were arguing. Kane and Bryan ended up taking Show out after the match. Sheamus and William Regal were shown watching the match from a sky box in the crowd.

* Kofi Kingston beat Damien Sandow in another strong match. Wade Barrett, who was on commentary, cut a promo after the match and declared that the Intercontinental Title will soon be his.

* It's announced Michael Cole will interview Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins on RAW.

* Dolph Ziggler defeated Randy Orton with a roll up in the main event. Ziggler got the roll up after blocking a RKO. Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez ran in and Orton hit RR with a RKO. Del Rio escaped. On the ramp, John Cena came out and attacked Ziggler from behind. Cena put Ziggler in the STF to end it.

Monday 19 November 2012

WWE Survivor Series PPV Results 11/18/12

- The 2012 WWE Survivor Series pre-show kicks off with Matt Striker and Scott Stanford on commentary as fans file into the Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana. They talk about Team Foley vs. Team Ziggler and we see footage of the Cody Rhodes injury on Main Event

- We go backstage with Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett, Damien Sandow, Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez. Ziggler has found a replacement for Cody and in comes David Otunga. Everyone groans but Ziggler tries to hype them up. Del Rio agrees everyone should respect Dolph but says everyone knows he will be eliminated early. Del Rio says then everyone will follow him. They start arguing. Ziggler tries to get them hype again but has no luck.

- We get a video looking at the Big Show vs. Sheamus feud.

Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal vs. Zack Ryder and Santino Marella

We go to the ring and out comes 3MB - Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre. Out next come their opponents Zack Ryder and Santino Marella.

Ryder starts things off with Mahal. Ryder goes down first but comes back with a big arm drag takedown. Santino tags in and takes control. Jinder turns it around and tags in Slater. Slater comes in but Santino arm drags him. Ryder comes back in and goes at it with Slater. There's a moment where it appears Drew is supposed to hit Ryder but hits Slater. Something odd there. Jinder comes back in and gets a 2 count on Ryder. Another tag to Slater as they keep control of Ryder.

Santino comes back in and unloads on Slater. He goes for the Cobra but Jinder distracts him and Slater lays him out. Slater throws the Cobra out of the ring and Drew stomps on it. More offense from Slater and a tag to Jinder. Jinder unloads on Santino and hits a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Slater comes back in for some double teaming. Santino tries for a double clothesline but misses. Slater covers for 2. Slater with a headlock now. Mahal comes back in and keeps Santino grounded by their corner. Santino turns it around and in comes Ryder. Ryder unloads on Mahal and hits a dropkick from the top. Ryder with a big right in the corner. Ryder knocks Slater off the apron and hits the Broski Boot on Mahal. Ryder covers for a 2 count as Slater breaks the pin. Santino comes in but Slater tosses him out. Slater kicks Santino into the barrier. Ryder hits the Ruff Ryder on Slater and knees to Mahal. McIntyre hits Ryder with his cast and Jinder covers for the win.

Winners: Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal

- We get a look at the AJ Lee and Vickie Guerrero storyline. AJ is bringing evidence against Vickie to Survivor Series tonight.

- Striker and Stanford hype tonight's United States Title Match. Josh Mathews is backstage with R-Truth. Mathews asks Little Jimmy if he likes Truth's chances tonight. Truth asks if Mathews is talking to an imaginary person or something. Truth says the only person here is the one who will shut Antonio Cesaro's mouth. Truth says he will bring the US Title back to the US. Mathews mentions Truth denying the existence of Little Jimmy. Truth comes back and says Jimmy was just in the bathroom. Apparently Little Jimmy walks up and Truth makes Mathews apologize to him.

- We get a promo video for tonight's WWE Title match.

- The 2012 WWE Survivor Series pay-per-view kicks off with a look back at previous Survivor Series events. The video goes to tonight's matches and CM Punk's WWE Title reign.

- We're live from the Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana as the pyro goes off. Michael Cole welcomes us to Survivor Series. He's joined by JBL and Jerry Lawler.

Traditional Survivor Series Match: Brodus Clay, Justin Gabriel, Tyson Kidd, Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. Darren Young, Titus O'Neil, Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara and Tensai

We go to the ring for a bonus match. Out comes Brodus Clay with Naomi and Cameron. Out next comes the team of Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd. Their last two partners are out next - Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio. Tensai is out first for his team. Epico and Primo are out next with Rosa Mendes. Finally, Darren Young and Titus O'Neil are out as we get ready to go.

Epico and Kidd start the match off. They trade holds and go to the mat. Kidd with a pair of headlock takedowns. More back and forth on the mat. Epico escapes to the mat. Kidd goes to the apron but Epico trips him and he falls face first. Epico comes back in and Kidd takes him down. Gabriel comes in with a 2 count on Epico. Gabriel with a standing moonsault and another 2 count. Kidd tags back in and they double team Epico. 2 count by Kidd. Rey comes in and dropkicks Epico for a 2 count. Epico turns it around and tags in Young. Rey counters but Young tosses him into the corner. Rey trips him and dropkicks him in the corner. Cara comes in and they double team Young. Cara with a 2 count. Primo tags in and goes at it with Cara. Cara with several big moves and 2 counts. Tensai comes in and slams Cara twice. Tensai with a big shoulder and leg drop on the arm. Titus tags in and keeps the attack on Cara.

Titus beats up Cara and Primo comes back in. Primo with offense and a 2 count before going to a Clutch. Cara fights out but Primo stops him from tagging. Tensai comes back in and keeps control of Cara. Tensai knocks Rey off the apron but Clay hits him. Cara with an enziguri. Clay comes in and splashes Tensai in the corner. Titus comes in but Clay headbutts him out of the ring. Young comes in but Clay tosses him. Kidd and Gabriel go at it with Primo and Epico now, tossing them out. Kidd and Gabriel leap out onto the floor and then goes Rey and Cara. It's down to Tensai and Clay in the ring. They go at it. Clay tries to toss Tensai but drops him on his face as he can't get him up and over. Tensai runs over Clay with a big shoulder. Tensai with a backsplash for the pin. Brodus Clay is eliminated.

Gabriel comes in and kicks Tensai. They go at it and Tensai levels him. Titus comes in and works over Gabriel now. Titus with an abdominal stretch. Titus with a big overhead throw as he taunts Gabriel's partners. Gabriel fights back but Tensai comes in as Titus hits a backbreaker. Tensai with another big backsplash and 2 count on Gabriel. Gabriel ends up back sliding Tensai and he's gone. Tensai is eliminated.

Tensai levels Gabriel before he leaves the ring. Titus and Young work on Gabriel now. Epico comes in and he takes Gabriel from corner to corner. Epico with a close 2 count and headlock on Gabriel. Gabriel fights out but misses an enziguri. Epico misses an elbow and Gabriel tags in Kidd. Kidd springboards in with a dropkick and unloads on Epico. Kidd gets knocked off the apron and to the floor. Primo works him over now. Primo rams Kidd back into the barrier and brings him back in for a 2 count. More offense from Primo and a 2 count. Titus comes back in and keeps control of Kidd. Titus gets hung on the top rope and Kidd hits a big kick to the head. Kidd rolls Titus up and he's gone. Titus O'Neil is eliminated.

Young comes in and takes control of Kidd. Epico tags in and keeps Kidd down. Kidd ends up going for the Sharpshooter and locking it in. Epico taps out and he's eliminated. Primo with a headlock on Kidd now. Primo and Young work on Kidd now. Primo comes off the top but Kidd takes him out in mid-air. Kidd crawls and tags in Rey. Rey and Primo go at it. Rey with a head scissors takedown and a shot to Young. Primo comes back but gets kicked in the face. Rey with a close 2 count. Rey goes to the top but Primo stops him. Primo climbs up for a superplex but Rey blocks it. Rey sends Primo to the mat with a headbutt. Rey with a senton and arm drag into the ropes. Rey misses 619 but dodges a Backstabber. Rey rolls Primo up and he's gone. Primo is eliminated.

Darren Young comes in and goes at it with Rey but gets hit with 619. Cara tags in and hits a swanton from the top. Gabriel tags in and hits a springboard moonsault. Kidd with an elbow off the top. Rey comes back off the top with a splash for the win.

Winners: Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara, Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd

- Kaitlyn is walking backstage when she's attacked by a woman in a blonde wig. They brawl and Kaitlyn reveals it to be Aksana. Eve Torres walks up and expresses concern for Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn shoves her to the floor.

WWE Divas Title Match: Kaitlyn vs. Eve Torres

We go to the ring and out comes Kaitlyn with the blonde wig in hand. Out next comes the WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres.

The bell rings and Kaitlyn goes to work on Eve, taking her to the mat and unloading with wig in hand. Kaitlyn with kicks and an elbow in the corner. Kaitlyn slams Eve on the back of her head and stomps away. Eve finally crawls out of the ring to regroup but Kaitlyn follows and works her over on the floor. Kaitlyn throws Eve into the announcers table before bringing it back in the ring. Eve crawls right back out and runs away. Eve tries to escape through the crowd but Kaitlyn throws her into the apron. Kaitlyn with another shot into the apron and another. Kaitlyn brings it back in the ring and mounts Eve, slamming her head into the mat.

Eve finally turns it around and kicks Kaitlyn in the head, sending h er to the mat. Eve with more offense and a 2 count. Eve smacks Kaitlyn now. Eve with more offense and some waves to the crowd. Eve drops an elbow for a 2 count. Eve with a nice head scissors takedown into a submission. Eve keeps control and goes to the top but slips. Kaitlyn takes advantage and shoves her to the apron and then to the floor. Kaitlyn turns it around and Eve begs for her to have mercy. Kaitlyn smacks her and tosses her by her hair a few times. Kaitlyn with a big clothesline and another drop on her face. Kaitlyn gets Eve on her shoulders and drops her with a gutbuster. Kaitlyn with a close 2 count.

Eve suckers Kaitlyn to the floor and turns it around. Eve brings it back in the ring and hits her big neckbreaker for the win.

Winner: Eve Torres

- We get a look back at the YouTube pre-show where Dolph Ziggler named David Otunga as the replacement for Cody Rhodes.

- Randy Orton is backstage as The Miz argues with Kofi Kingston and Daniel Bryan argues with Kane. Mick Foley walks in and gets them to stop. Foley gives them a pep talk and wants everyone to do a hand touch and "bang bang" on 3. Orton doesn't participate. Foley asks if he's with them. Orton says he hates Foley and walks off.

WWE United States Title Match: R-Truth vs. Antonio Cesaro

We go to the ring and out first comes WWE United States Champion Antonio Cesaro. Cesaro speaks on his way to the ring and talks about how Thanksgiving makes no sense. Cesaro rips the US and says the only thing we have to be thankful for is him. R-Truth is out next.

They go at it and Truth goes for the win early. Back and forth action with Truth going for another pin attempt. Truth catches a kick and taunts Cesaro. Truth takes it to the corner and unloads with right hands. Cesaro with a big headbutt and now he turns it around. Cesaro unloads in the corner as the referee backs him off. Cesaro with a big kick and more offense. Cesaro with a clothesline in the corner and shoulder thrust. Cesaro with a scoop slam and stomp on the chest for 2. Cesaro keeps Truth on the mat now.

More offense with Cesaro in control. Cesaro with the big gutwrench slam for another 2 count. Truth starts to make a comeback with a rollup for 2. Cesaro drops him with an uppercut for another 2 count. Truth makes another comeback but runs into a big boot in the corner. Truth nails the heel kick to the jaw but Cesaro kicks out. Truth with a suplex into a jawbreaker for another 2 count. Truth misses the scissor kick and Cesaro nails a big uppercut. Cesaro with the Neutralizer for the win.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro

- AJ Lee comes to the ring and talks about what's been going on with Vickie Guerrero. AJ calls Vickie a bunch of names and calls her a witch, or a word that rhymes with witch. AJ says the best way to hide a secret is to accuse someone else and that's exactly what Vickie has done. Vickie comes walking to the ring and she's pissed.

AJ say she was minding her business at home when someone sent her a photo of this - we see Vickie out eating burritos at dinner with Ricardo Rodriguez. AJ shows another photo of Vickie and Jim Ross having some BBQ together. AJ asks what Vickie has to say for herself. Vickie says none of this is funny and none of it is true. Another photo shows Vickie in a leopard print bathing suit dancing with Brodus Clay. Vickie says she has had enough and this is ridiculous. AJ says what is ridiculous is Vickie and her evidence that has proved nothing. AJ says Vickie created the scandal with John Cena. They have more words and AJ laughs at Vickie. AJ mentions that they both will get fired if they touch each other. Tamina Snuka suddenly attacks from behind and lays AJ out. Tamina unloads on AJ and climbs to the top. Snuka nails a big Superfly Splash on AJ as Vickie looks on surprised. Tamina leaves the ring as Vickie laughs at AJ.

- Josh Mathews is backstage with Paul Heyman. Mathews asks what tricks CM Punk has left to retain against Ryback and John Cena tonight. Heyman puts over Punk's title reign and says Punk is the best of the three competitors, hands-down. Heyman calls Punk the best in the world and walks off.

- We get a promo video for tonight's World Heavyweight Title match.

World Heavyweight Title Match: Sheamus vs. Big Show

We go to the ring and out first comes Sheamus followed by the World Heavyweight Champion Big Show. we get formal ring introductions before we start. Sheamus strikes first and they start trading hands. Show knocks Sheamus down and takes control, beating him around the ring, Show with a big chop in the corner.

Sheamus comes back and ties Show up in the ropes. Sheamus unloads with forearm shots to the chest. Show escapes to the floor but Sheamus leaps off the apron and takes him out. Sheamus unloads on the floor now. Sheamus comes off the top rope but Show knocks him out of the air with a big spear. They go to the floor and Show whips Sheamus into the steps and ring post. Show brings it back in the ring and scoop slams Sheamus. Show continues the attack and works on the arm some.

Show throws Sheamus head first into the turnbuckles and keeps control. Show continues the assault on Sheamus, wearing him down. Show with a big sideslam. Sheamus ends up on Show's back with a sleeper now. Show tosses him off. Sheamus comes back with a clothesline and rights and lefts. Show with the elbow drop on the neck for another 2 count. Sheamus gets Show on his shoulders and falls back with him. Sheamus covers for a close 2 count as the crowd pops big for the move.

Sheamus and Show trade right hands from their knees now. They get up and go at it. Sheamus takes Show to the corner and hits a high knee. Sheamus takes Show down twice with shots to the head. Show catches the Brogue Kick and goes for a chokeslam. Sheamus blocks it and hits White Noise for a 2 count. Sheamus goes for a Brogue again but Show pulls the referee in the way and the Brogue hits referee Scott Armstrong. Dr. Sampson comes in to check on Armstrong as other referees come down. Sheamus also checks on Armstrong and says he's sorry. Sheamus gets up and turns around to a knockout punch from Show for the win.

Winner: Big Show

- After the match, a referee goes to Justin Roberts. It's announced Show has been disqualified and Sheamus wins.

Winner by DQ: Sheamus

- After the announcement, Show goes back over and gets in the referees face. He calls him a dumbass. Officials are still checking on Scott Armstrong in the ring. Show continues to bully the referee as Sheamus grabs a steel chair. Sheamus hits Show with the chair and unloads on him with it. Sheamus wails away on Show as he begs for him to stop. Sheamus takes several shots at Show's leg. Show begs again for Sheamus to back off. Sheamus drops the chair and lays Show out with a Brogue Kick. We go to replays.

- We see Big Show crawling to the back as the crowd chants "we want Ziggler."

Traditional Survivor Series Match: Alberto Del Rio, Damien Sandow, David Otunga, Wade Barrett and Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane, Daniel Bryan, Kofi Kingston, the Miz and Randy Orton

We go to the ring and Ricardo Rodriguez begins the introduction as Alberto Del Rio comes in driving a 1953 Rolls Royce. Damien Sandow is out next followed by David Otunga, the replacement for Cody Rhodes. Wade Barrett is out next followed by Team Captain Dolph Ziggler. Team Captain Mick Foley is out to represent his team. Foley walks to ringside and waits on everyone else. The WWE Tag Team Champions Kane and Daniel Bryan are out first for their team. WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston is out next followed by The Miz. Randy Orton is out last for Team Foley and he gets a big pop from the crowd.

Otunga starts things off with Kofi. Kofi takes him down first but Otunga comes back with a knee to the gut. Otunga ducks a big kick and retreats to the floor. Kofi leaps out onto him and brings it back in the ring for a 2 count. Bryan tags in and kicks Otunga. The crowd chants for Bryan but Otunga powerslams him. Otunga tags in Sandow. Sandow with a leg sweep and the Elbow of Disdain on Bryan. 2 count by Sandow. Sandow with a headlock now. Bryan fights out and hits a clothesline. Bryan hits a dropkick in the corner and a bunch of kicks to the chest. Sandow goes to the floor and tells everyone else good luck. Sandow walks out but Kane brings him back and tosses him in the ring. Bryan kicks him in the head and tags in Kane. Kane grabs Sandow and chokeslams him for the pin. Damien Sandow is eliminated.

Kane and Bryan argue in the ring now. They shove each other. Kane sends Bryan to the floor. Ziggler comes in from behind and lays out Kane for the pin. Kane is eliminated. Orton and Miz argue about who's coming in now. Orton ends up taking Ziggler to the corner and they go at it. Orton with a slingshot suplex for a 2 count. Kofi tags in and goes at it with Ziggler now. Kofi tosses Ziggler across the ring and covers for a close 2 count.

Bryan comes back in and goes at it with Ziggler but he turns it around. Barrett tags in and works Bryan over in the corner. Bryan drops Barrett's face in the corner. Bryan rushes but misses a dropkick in the corner. Barrett unleashes with knees now. Del Rio with a cheap shot as Barrett sends Bryan out to the floor. Barrett rams Bryan into the apron and brings him back in for a 2 count. Otunga comes in and ends up in the No Lock. Otunga taps and is eliminated.

Del Rio comes in with a pin attempt on Bryan. Del Rio with a big backbreaker. Del Rio charges in the corner but Bryan sends him flying out to the floor. Ricardo comes over to check on Del Rio. Bryan tags in Kofi and he unloads on Del Rio. Kofi hits the Boom Drop and calls for Trouble in Paradise. Ziggler comes over but Kofi knocks him off the apron. Kofi hits a crossbody on Del Rio for a close 2 count. Barrett tags in and Ziggler distracts Kofi again. Barrett with the big tilt-a-whirl sideslam on Kofi. Barrett hits his Bullhammer elbow for the pin. Kofi is eliminated.

Orton comes in and takes control of Barrett. Barrett with a big boot in the corner when Orton charges. Orton blocks a suplex and counters. Orton drops a knee on Barrett's chest and covers for 2. Bryan comes back in and hits a dropkick on Barrett for 2. Bryan with kicks to the chest now. Barrett sends Bryan to the floor and tags in Del Rio. Del Rio brings Bryan back in the ring but Bryan gets him in the No Lock. Bryan can't get it locked and Del Rio turns it around. Del Rio with a big kick in the head and the cross armbreaker. Bryan taps and is eliminated.

Miz comes in and goes at it with Del Rio. Miz hits an elbow to the jaw and tags in Orton for a bit of double teaming. Orton stomps away on Del Rio as Foley looks on from ringside. Orton with a 2 count. Del Rio turns it around and gets a 2 count before tagging in Ziggler. Ziggler stomps away on Orton and drops an elbow for 2. Ziggler with a headlock now. Orton fights out and drops Dolph on his face from way up high. Ziggler tags in Barrett as Miz comes in. Miz knocks Del Rio to the floor and unloads on Barrett in the corner. Miz with a clothesline in the corner and boot to Ziggler on the apron. Barrett blocks the Skull Crushing Finale and hits a big shot to the gut. Barrett goes for Wasteland but Miz counters and hits SCF for the pin. Barrett is eliminated.

Miz drops Del Rio as he comes in and gets a close 2 count. Del Rio turns it around and bridges a suplex for 2. Del Rio falls hard on the back of his head coming out of the corner. Miz misses a clothesline in the corner and Del Rio kicks him in the back of the head for the pin. The Miz is eliminated. It's down to Orton vs. Ziggler and Del Rio. Orton and Del Rio trade shots. Ziggler gets knocked to the mat. Del Rio drops Orton for a 2 count. Del Rio takes Orton back to the corner and tags back in Ziggler. Ziggler with a neckbreaker and a 2 count. Another tag to Del Rio. Del Rio with a chest stomp. Del Rio comes off the top but Orton takes him out in mid-air. Orton with clotheslines and a powerslam. Ricardo gets on the apron. Orton grabs him and goes for the draping DDT but Del Rio kicks him in the back of the head for a close 2 count. Foley lays out Ricardo at ringside and hits him with Mr. Socko.

Ziggler comes in and accidentally dropkicks Del Rio. Orton sends Ziggler to the corner. Orton counters the armbreaker and nails a RKO on Del Rio for the pin. Del Rio is eliminated. Ziggler is still stuck in the corner as Orton looks at him. Orton drops and hits the mat. Ziggler blocks the RKO and hits the Zig Zag for a close 2 count. Ziggler goes for the leg drop but Orton blocks it and takes him to the apron. Orton nails the draping DDT and drops down again. Orton's mouth is bleeding and Ziggler looks to be laid out. Orton hesitates and looks to be thinking something over. Orton backs up across the ring for the punt kick but Ziggler superkicks him for the pin and the win. Ziggler is the sole survivor.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

- Cole leads us into some Tout videos from WWE fans on who they think The Rock should face at Royal Rumble.

- We get a promo for tonight's WWE Title match.

Triple Threat for the WWE Title: John Cena vs. Ryback vs. CM Punk

We go to the ring and out first comes John Cena for tonight's main event. WWE Champion CM Punk is out next with Paul Heyman right behind him. Out last comes Ryback and we get formal ring introductions from Justin Roberts.

The bell rings and Punk goes to the floor. Cena chases him and then Ryback chases Punk around. Cena decks Punk and Ryback takers Punk to the corner. Ryback beats Punk down. Cena pulls Ryback off and unloads on Punk. Ryback pulls Cena off now and Punk attacks Cena from behind. Ryback drops Punk with a big boot and slams his head on the mat. Ryback picks Punk up high but Punk kicks him. Cena with a bulldog on Punk. Ryback clotheslines Punk to the floor as Heyman looks on. Ryback and Cena face off now.

Cena drops Ryback with a shoulder and goes for the Attitude Adjustment but can't. Ryback drops Cena with a shoulder and takes him to the corner. Ryback beats Cena down and whips him hard across the ring. Cena goes to the floor and in comes Punk. Punk takes control of Ryback and suplexes him. Punk wastes time and Ryback comes from behind. Ryback with a big press into a fallaway slam. Punk goes to the floor and in comes Cena. Cena with a 2 count on Ryback. Cena applies a headlock. Punk comes off the top and breaks the headlock with a shot. Cena ends up on the floor. Punk goes back to the top and comes crashing down on Ryback. Punk goes to the top again but this time Ryback catches him and rams him back into the corner. Ryback with shoulder thrusts in the corner. Ryback charges but Punk dropkicks him. Cena comes in with a roll up on Punk for 2. Cena goes for the AA but Punk blocks it and hits a DDT for 2.

Punk with a submission on Cena but Ryback grabs him and slams him. Cena slams Ryback and calls for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Ryback stands right up. Ryback and Cena trade shots now. Cena with a shoulder on Ryback. Punk pulls Cena out to the floor and sends him hard into the steel steps. Punk springboards in and clotheslines Ryback. Ryback turns it around and unloads on Punk. Ryback readies as the crowd chants "feed me more." Ryback runs over Punk with the big Meathook clothesline. Ryback goes for Shell Shocked on Punk as Heyman screams. Cena breaks the move and locks the STF on Ryback in the middle of the ring. Punk goes to the top and elbows them both, breaking the STF. All three are hurt after that one.

Punk goes for GTS on Cena but it's blocked. Cena and Punk trade rights now. Ryback hits a double clothesline and tosses Punk out of the ring. Ryback tosses Cena out of the ring next. He goes to the floor and says it's time to finish it. Ryback grabs Cena and Punk for a double Shell Shocked on the floor. They fight him off and beat him down at ringside. Punk and Cena team up to take apart the announce table. They hit a double suplex on Ryback and put him through the table. The table looks as if it came down on Punk's leg. Punk and Cena both are down as Ryback lays on top of the destroyed table. Cena and Punk re-enter the ring. Cena with shoulders and the back drop. Cena calls for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and nails it on Punk. Cena goes for the AA but Punk slides out. Punk nails GTS on Cena for a close 2 count.

Cena gets up and hits the AA but Punk kicks out at 2. Punk and Cena go at it some more. Cena goes for the STF but Punk struggles and kicks him off. Punk with the high knee in the corner. Punk goes for the bulldog but Cena blocks it and goes for the STF again. Cena locks it this time. Ryback pulls Cena out of the ring and nails the big clothesline on the floor. Ryback enters the ring and the crowd chants for him. Ryback hits his clothesline on Punk and goes for Shell Shocked again. Ryback nails it and covers Punk but Cena breaks the pin. Cena goes for the AA but Ryback slides out. Ryback nails Shell Shocked on Cena but all of a sudden three guys dressed in black rush the ring. They beat Ryback down and roll him out of the ring. It's NXT stars Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. They powerbomb Ryback through the other table. Punk crawls up in the ring and covers Cena for the win.

Winner: CM Punk

- After the bell, Punk celebrates with Heyman as Cena stumbles to the back. Punk yells "365 days" as he holds the WWE Title up. Heyman and Punk head to the back as we see Ryback trying to recover at ringside. We go to replays. Survivor Series goes off the air with Punk and Heyman bragging about the win.
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