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Saturday 28 July 2012

WWE Smackdown Results 27/7/12

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Miz makes his way to the ring to start things off and he has his Intercontinental Title belt which he earned when he beat Christian to become champion.

Miz says that everyone is looking at the new face of the Intercontinental Championship. He says that he would love to thank every one of Christian’s peeps because they voted for Christian to defend his title on Raw 1000. In that match, Christian lost. Miz says that he is the new Intercontinental Champion because he is the Miz and . . .

Christian feels that his music is more important than Miz’ catchphrase.

Christian says that Miz was going to say AWESOME in an annoying voice. Christian says that it is also awesome that he is going to invoke his rematch clause tonight in Kansas City.

Match Number One: Christian versus Miz

They lock up and Miz with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Christian backs into the corner and Miz has something to say to the former champion. Christian with a waist lock into a side head lock. Miz backs Christian into the corner but Miz with punches on the break. Christian sends Miz into the corner and he punches him.

Christian with an Irish whip and back body drop. Christian sends Miz over the top rope but Miz lands on the apron. Miz with a shoulder from the apron and then he thinks about suplexing Christian to the floor but Christian stops him and connects with a punch and then he slides to the floor and pulls Miz off the apron.

Christian with a baseball slide to Miz and he sends Miz back into the ring. Christian goes to the turnbuckles and tries for a tornado DDT but Miz escapes and then he connects with a knee to the midsection. Miz with kicks to Christian followed by a punch that sends Christian back to the mat. Christian punches Miz but Miz with an Irish whip and he hits an Awesome Clothesline.

Miz goes up top and hits a double sledge and gets a near fall. Miz with a reverse chin lock. Christian with a flapjack and Miz goes to the apron. Christian stops Miz but Miz with a back body drop that sends Christian to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Miz with a series of kicks to Christian’s chest followed by a running boot to the head for a near fall. Miz returns to the reverse chin lock. Christian with elbows and a punch. Christian with a sunset flip for a near fall. Miz hits the Reality Check and gets a near fall. Christian falls into the ropes and Miz chokes Christian in the ropes. Miz sets for another Awesome Clothesline but Christian gets his boots up.

Christian goes up top but he takes too long and Miz stops him. Miz with punches and Miz tries for a superplex but Christian fights back. Christian blocks the superplex again and he punches Miz off the turnbuckles. Christian goes for the frog splash but Miz gets his knees up and Miz gets a few near falls.

Miz says something to Christian and Christian slaps Miz and hits a drop kick from the turnbuckles and both men are down. Christian with punches and a running forearm and a drop toe hold that sends Christian to the floor and Christian with a slingshot to the floor and an uppercut. Christian drops the back of Miz’ head onto the top rope and then Christian hits a cross body for a near fall.

Christian goes to the turnbuckles again and he leaps over Miz and hits an inverted DDT but can only get a two count. Miz sends Christian into the turnbuckles but Christian tries for a sunset flip from the turnbuckles but Miz rolls through. Miz misses a kick and Christian gets a near fall with a rollup. Miz tries for the Reality Check again but Christian counters and gets a near fall with a backslide.

Christian with a back elbow from the turnbuckles and he tries for the Killswitch but Miz blocks it and Miz tries for a belly-to-back suplex. Christian lands on his feet but Miz with a DDT for a near fall. Miz goes to the turnbuckles but Christian pulls Miz off the turnbuckles and Christian sets for the spear.

Miz sees it coming and Miz rolls to the floor. Christian follows Miz to the floor and Miz with a boot. Miz tries for the Skull Crushing Finale but Christian blocks it. Christian with punches in the corner but when the referee is out of position, Miz with a thumb to the eyes followed by a rollup with a handful of tights for the three count.

Winner: The Miz

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Jinder Mahal versus Ryback

They lock up and Ryback backs Mahal into the corner. Ryback with a clean break. Mahal with forearms but Ryback with a boot to the chest. Ryback with a fallaway slam and Mahal goes to the apron. Mahal with a thumb to the eye and a shoulder followed by a knee from the apron. Mahal with a high knee and he gets a near fall.

Mahal with a kick to the head and then he connects with a knee to the head. Mahal is sent to the floor but Mahal returns to the ring and he connects with knees to the back. Mahal signals for the Camel Clutch but Ryback gets to his feet and he hits a backpack stunner. Ryback slams Mahal’s head into the mat and then he hits a spinebuster.

Mahal avoids a lariat and then he goes to the floor and the referee starts his count. The referee gets to ten and calls for the bell.

Winner: Ryback by count out

We go to commercial.

We see footage from Monday’s main event when John Cena became the first to fail to cash in the briefcase and what happened after the match with Big Show, Rock, Punk, and Cena.

Booker, Josh, and Michael discuss what happened with Punk and they are enjoying some beverages from Sonic.

Who wants to Tout about what Punk did?

Sheamus stops by to talk to Daniel Bryan. Sheamus talks to Daniel’s bad evening on Monday with the wedding, Rock, and Charlie Sheen.

Bryan says that he is not done with AJ. Rock won’t be back for six months. He doesn’t care about Charlie Sheen.

Sheamus has a present for Bryan’s wedding and he says that it might come in handy on his wedding night. Bryan is not impressed and we see that it is a book titled ‘How to Last More than 18 Seconds’.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Sheamus versus Cody Rhodes

They lock up and Sheamus backs Cody into the corner and Sheamus with a clean break. Rhodes with a waist lock but Sheamus with an elbow and Cody goes to the floor. Cody complains to the referee about the job he is doing. Cody returns to the ring and Rhodes with a kick and side head lock. Sheamus with a shoulder tackle and he gets a near fall.

Sheamus works on the arm but Cody with a kick and he starts to work on the arm. Sheamus punches Cody and then he Irish whips Cody. Cody floats over but he runs into a delayed tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Cody with a kick but Sheamus with a forearm that sends Cody to the apron. Sheamus puts Cody in the position on the apron but Cody with elbows to avoid the forearms of ten. Cody goes to the floor and Sheamus follows.

Sheamus decides to set up for the forearms of ten from the apron instead. Sheamus tries to suplex Cody to the floor but Cody is able to land on the apron. Cody sends Sheamus into the ring post and Sheamus falls to the floor.

Sheamus barely gets back into the ring and Cody kicks Sheamus. While this is going on, Dolph Ziggler’s music plays and he has his briefcase and Vickie Guerrero with him.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Cody with a key lock while Ziggler waits anxiously at the announce table. Cody with punches to Sheamus but Sheamus with a running double sledge. Cody avoids a second one and Cody with a drop kick for a near fall. Cody with a knee to the head and he gets a near fall.

Cody chokes Sheamus and then Sheamus hangs over the apron and Cody with punches and forearms to the head and neck. Cody gets a near fall and then he tries for a full nelson and he applies it. Sheamus gets to his feet and he escapes with an arm drag. Cody with a kick to the knees followed by the drop down uppercut. Sheamus with a back body drop and both men struggle to get to their feet.

Sheamus with double sledges and then he hits a shoulder in the corner but Cody knows that the knee lift is coming next so he connects with a kick to Sheamus. Sheamus holds on to the ropes on an O’Connor Roll attempt and Sheamus with a running knee lift and tilt-a-whirl power slam for a near fall.

Cody avoids a short arm clothesline and then he connects with a back elbow to the head. Rhodes with a drop toe hold into the turnbuckles followed by a kick. Cody goes up top but misses a moonsault when Sheamus moves. Sheamus with the uranage back breaker and he gets a near fall.

Sheamus gets Cody on his shoulders but Cody with elbows and he sends Sheamus to the floor. Sheamus gets back to the apron and he punches Cody and then Sheamus goes up top but Rhodes with an arm drag. Cody hits Beautiful Disaster but Sheamus kicks out at two. Cody thinks about what he has to do to beat Sheamus while Ziggler waits with the briefcase in his hands.

Cody tries for another Beautiful Disaster but Sheamus catches him and hits White Noise. Sheamus looks around and signals for the Brogue Kick and he connects and gets the three count.

Winner: Sheamus

After the match, Ziggler teases coming into the ring to cash in but he stops short. Ziggler circles the ring and gets on the apron but goes back to the floor. Ziggler takes off his shirt and he looks like he is going to cash in again.

From out of nowhere, someone in a Dolph Ziggler shirt attacks Dolph from behind and sends him into the ring for Sheamus to give Ziggler a Brogue Kick.

We see that the person who sent Ziggler into the ring was Chris Jericho. Sheamus leaves the ring and lets Jericho deal with Ziggler.

Jericho waits for Ziggler to get up and Jericho hits a Codebreaker.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Santino Marella versus Antonio Cesaro with Aksana

Santino goes for the leg but Cesaro blocks him and Cesaro with a front face lock and float over followed by a slap to the head. Santino gets to his feet and Santino pushes Cesaro. Santino with an arm drag. Cesaro offers his hand to Santino and then he tells Santino to look at Aksana and Cesaro with a forearm to the head. Cesaro with head butts to the chest.

Cesaro with a near fall. Cesaro with a deadlift side salto and he gets a near fall. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock. Santino escapes with a Saito suplex and then Santino with jabs and a forearm followed by the diving head butt.

Santino reaches for his sock puppet but Aksana gets on the apron. Cesaro tries to take advantage but Santino with a split and hip toss. Cesaro with a flapjack and Gotch Style Neutralizer for the three count.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro

We take a look back at Damien Sandow’s confrontation with DX.

Damien is walking in the back and he walks past a few wrestlers and some backstage workers as we go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the segment from Raw when we found out that Brock Lesnar will be facing Triple H at SummerSlam.

Match Number Five: Damien Sandow versus Yoshi Tatsu

They lock up and Sandow with a knee and forearm before sending Yoshi to the floor. Sandow goes after Yoshi and sends him into the ringside barrier. Sandow slams Yoshi’s head into the ringside barrier. Sandow sends Yoshi back into the ring.

Sandow with a side Russian leg sweep and then he rolls through for the Elbow of Disdain. Sandow with knees to Yoshi followed by the cross arm neck breaker and the three count.

Winner: Damien Sandow

After the match, Damien gets on the mic and he addresses the repulsive, ruffian, wretches. He says that if you enjoyed what happened to him on Monday night at the hands of those unruly Degenerates, he is their martyr.

He tells everyone ‘You’re Welcome’ and then he does the victory cartwheel.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Six: Kane versus Rey Mysterio versus Daniel Bryan versus Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez in a Number One Contender Match

The bell rings and Kane goes after Bryan while Del Rio works over Mysterio with kicks. Bryan with an elbow to Kane and then Kane goes over the top rope to the floor when Bryan pulls down the top rope. Bryan with a kick to Kane on the floor and then Del Rio tries for a running drop kick but Rey moves and Del Rio goes to the floor. Bryan with a suicide dive onto Kane.

Rey with a seated senton splash onto Del Rio from the apron. Rey with a shoulder to Bryan den then Rey goes up top and hits the seated senton. Bryan with a clothesline and Rey goes down hard. Bryan gets a near fall while Kane sends Del Rio into the ring steps. Kane charges at Del Rio but Del Rio with a drop toe hold and Kane goes into the ring post and steps.

Bryan knocks Del Rio off the apron and Rey with a rollup on Bryan for a near fall. Bryan with kicks of Yes to Rey and then he tries for a power bomb but Rey blocks it. Rey with a drop kick to the knees and Bryan miraculously falls into the ropes for a 619. Rey tries for the 619 but Del Rio with a clothesline.

Bryan with a clothesline to Del Rio. Kane with an uppercut to Bryan. Kane with an Irish whip into the corner and Kane splashes Del Rio and Bryan followed by a side slam to Bryan for a near fall.

Kane goes up top and hits the clothesline on Bryan and he sets for a choke slam on Bryan. Kane kicks Del Rio and then he grabs Rey with his other hand. Rey and Bryan block the double choke slam and they try for a double suplex but Kane blocks it and reverses it.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Del Rio punches and kicks Bryan in the corner. Bryan with a hard Irish whip and then he connects with kicks of Yes in the corner. Bryan sets for the running drop kick of Yes into the corner but Del Rio moves and Bryan hits the turnbuckles hard. Del Rio with the step up enzuigiri and then he floats over into the cross arm breaker. Bryan looks like he is about to tap but Rey with a leg drop to Del Rio from the top and gets a near fall.

Rey with a baseball slide to Del Rio’s nether region. Kane hits Rey from behind and Kane with a clothesline that sends Del Rio over the top rope to the floor. Kane with punches to Rey in the corner followed by a hard Irish whip. Kane gets a near fall on Rey followed by a drop kick for a near fall.

Kane with a rear chin lock while Ricardo checks on Alberto. Kane sends Rey into the corner and Rey with boots to Kane. Rey floats over and Kane catches Rey. Kane tries for a running power slam but Rey counters with a tornado DDT. Rey goes to the turnbuckles and tries for a rana but Kane blocks it and Del Rio with a drop kick to Rey. Del Rio punches Kane but Kane grabs Del Rio as he comes off the ropes. Del Rio with an enzuigiri followed by a lungblower but Bryan breaks up the cover.

Bryan with kicks of Yes to Del Rio but he misses a round kick and Del Rio with a rollup for a near fall. Bryan applies the Yes Lock on Del Rio but Kane prevents Del Rio from tapping out. Kane punches Bryan and connects with an uppercut.

Kane clotheslines Bryan over the top rope. Del Rio with an arm breaker and then he tries to float over into the cross arm breaker but Kane avoids it and hits a chokes slam but Rey breaks up the cover. Kane goes to the floor and Bryan goes to the apron for a running knee to the back.

Rey with a round kick to Del Rio but Alberto kicks out at two. Rey signals for the 619 but Bryan grabs Rey from behind. Rey sends Bryan into the ropes and he falls onto the middle rope. Del Rio charges at Rey but Rey with a drop kick to the knee and Del Rio falls into the ropes next to Bryan. Rey hits the 619 on both men and he goes up top for the dive onto Bryan but Ricardo pulls Rey out of the ring and Del Rio pins Bryan to win the match.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio
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