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Saturday 11 August 2012

WWE Smackdown Results 10/8/12

Dark Match:

* Wade Barrett returned to defeat Zack Ryder.


* General Manager Booker T kicks off the show to a big hometown pop. He talks about Sheamus taking Alberto Del Rio's Ferrari on RAW. Booker thinks Sheamus should apologize. Sheamus comes out and apologizes. Del Rio comes out and threatens trouble with the police for Sheamus taking his car. Del Rio is upset with Booker for not punishing Sheamus. Booker grants Del Rio a World Heavyweight Title shot for tonight's main event.

* Sin Cara beat Cody Rhodes in a fairly quick match. Rhodes kept trying to take off Cara's mask.

* Christian defeated Antonio Cesaro with a spear. Cesaro attacked Christian after the match and beat him around the ring.

* Randy Orton beat Jack Swagger in another quick match.

* Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins walk in on Booker T and Teddy Long in the back. Booker says only the best are welcome to perform on Friday nights. Reks tries to plead his case but gets ignored.

* Jinder Mahal squashed two local wrestlers. He attacked them after the bell but Ryback ran out and chased him off. Ryback came back in the ring and hit the Shellshock on the two local wrestlers. Ryback got a bigger pop than he has been getting.

* Chris Jericho hosts The Highlight Reel with Vickie Guerrero. For some reason Dolph Ziggler isn't with her. Jericho shows footage of Ziggler losing to Alex Riley and Vickie challenges him to a SummerSlam match. Jericho says he's bringing back Y2J and accepts the match. Ziggler ran through the crowd, rushed the ring and laid Jericho out with the Money in the Bank briefcase. Ziggler stood over Jericho before leaving.

* Backstage segment with Eve Torres and Booker T, who refuses to hire her again. Kaitlyn comes in and gets a job. Booker makes Eve vs. Kaitlyn for next week with the winner getting the job of his assistant.

* Darren Young and Titus O'Neil beat Primo and Epico by DQ in a #1 contenders match. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth interfered from commentary after AW threw a drink on them. Primo and Epico argued with Kofi and Truth after the match.

* They air the Wade Barrett return promo.

* Rey Mysterio beat The Miz in a non-title match.

* Backstage segment with Daniel Bryan walking around yelling no.

* The Miz is still in the ring complaining until Triple H comes out for an off-camera segment. He hit a Pedigree on Miz and that was it.

* Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring and calls AJ Lee out but Kane comes instead. AJ eventually comes out and it ended with Kane knocking Bryan out. They brawled until Kane chased Bryan through the crowd.

* They re-tape some footage of AJ coming out and skipping.

* Lilian Garcia announces that RAW will come to Houston on January 14th, 2013.

* Police come to the ring but Alberto Del Rio stops them because he wants his title shot. Sheamus tries to fight the cops away but they get the best of him. Del Rio join in and beat Sheamus down, working on his arm and applying the cross armbreaker. Trainers came out to help Sheamus to the back as SmackDown ended.
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