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Friday, 29 March 2013

WWE SmackDown Results - March 29, 2013

Smackdown opens with a video hyping the return of the WWE Champion, The Rock, to the blue brand. It transitions into highlights of the feuds between Jack Swagger and Alberto Del Rio, as well as The Shield and Randy Orton, Sheamus, and The Big Show.

We go into the arena in Hershey, Pennsylvania and The Rock’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring. The Rock takes us back a month and helps us remember “Story Time with The Rock,” and then he continues on with the story and talks about how he was fifteen and living in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He does the “Finally” bit and mentions how he came up with the catchphrase “Kicking your candy ass.” He says he will beat John Cena at WrestleMania. He says he kicked Cena’s candy ass on Raw, and he will do it again in front of the millions (and millions) at WrestleMania, before John Laurinaitis’ music hits and he interrupts The Rock as we go to a commercial.

We’re back and The Rock asks Johnny who he is. Johnny says everyone knows who he is, and introduces himself to The Rock. The Rock says he doesn’t care, but Johnny says Teddy Long gave him permission to come speak to him. Johnny says The Rock is the People’s Champion, and he created People Power. Johnny says John Cena is the reason he got fired, and is now the reason he is back. Laurinaitis offers to be in The Rock’s corner at WrestleMania. Laurinaitis says there is no way Cena will beat The Rock if he is in his corner. The Rock asks the people if they want Laurinaitis in his corner, and they say no. The Rock says they can send Cena a message together, though. Laurinaitis says he likes that. They shake hands, but The Rock won’t let Laurinaitis go. The Rock drops him with a spinebuster and a People’s Elbow and ends with “If you smell what The Rock is cooking.”

We see that Sheamus, Randy Orton, and The Big Show will take on Antonio Cesaro and Team Rhodes Scholars later tonight, and are reminded that Ryback and Mark Henry will be in a Bench Press Challenge later tonight.

Chris Jericho vs. Wade Barrett

he Miz is on commentary for the match. They tie up and Barrett gets Jericho in a headlock. Jericho sends him off the ropes, but Barrett takes him down with a shoulder block. Jericho comes back and takes advantage and sends Barrett to the floor. Jericho connects with a baseball slide and tosses Barrett back into the ring. Jericho delivers a stiff kick, but Barrett comes back and pummels Jericho in the corner. Barrett elevates Jericho to the apron, but Jericho connects with a right hand. Jericho goes up top, but Barrett knocks him down to the floor as we go to a commercial.

We’re back and Barrett is in control. Jericho delivers some elbow shots and takes Barrett down with a couple of shoulder tackles. Jericho goes up top and sledges Barrett down to the mat. Jericho goes for the Lionsault, but Barrett moves. Barrett takes Jericho down with the Winds of Change, but Jericho kicks out at two. Jericho comes back and hits a cross-body for a two count. Jericho catches Barrett and goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Barrett fights out. Barrett charges at Jericho, but Jericho tosses him over the top rope. Jericho goes up top again, but Barrett catches him and knocks him to the floor. Barrett and The Miz mouth each other, and Barrett gets back into the ring and gets caught with the Codebreaker. Jericho gets the pin fall.

Winner: Chris Jericho

After the match, Jericho says he would like to savor this victory with all of the fans, but he notices Fandango’s entrance is set up. Jericho butchers Fandango’s name a lot of times before Fandango finally comes to the stage. Fandango and his dancing partner walk towards the ring, but Jericho gets on the apron and invites him in. Fandango backs away and leaves with his dancing partner.

We see that will take a look at the No Holds Barred Match between Brock Lesnar and Triple H, as well as get an interview with Paul Heyman after the commercial break.

We’re back and we take a look at the happenings in the feud between Brock Lesnar and Triple H. We see and exclusive interview with Paul Heyman. Heyman says when Lesnar destroys him at WrestleMania, all Triple H will be able to do is watch the wrestlers from his office, because he will never be able to again. Heyman says people will hate Triple H when that happens. Heyman says Triple H is no match for he or Brock Lesnar.

We see that the Bench Press Challenge between Ryback and Mark Henry is up next.

We are back and Booker T and Teddy Long are on the stage for the Bench Press Challenge. Booker brings out Ryback, tries to introduce Mark Henry, but Teddy Long interrupts and introduces Henry himself. Henry and Ryback get in each others faces, but Booker stops them. Booker tells Ryback to go first, but Teddy interrupts and said they flipped a coin and Henry goes first. They play up that the record is 51 repetitions. Henry breaks the record with 53 reps. Ryback goes next, and gets to 53 before Henry shoves the bench press bar down onto Ryback’s throat. Ryback collapses on the stage and gets helped to his feet as we go to commercial.

Mixed Tag Team Match: Daniel Bryan and Kaitlyn vs. Dolph Ziggler and AJ Lee
Bryan and Ziggler tie up, and Ziggler takes Bryan to the mat. Bryan comes back and works on Ziggler’s arm before Kaitlyn tags in. AJ takes Kaitlyn down with a neck-breaker and gets a two count. AJ kicks Kaitlyn away, but Kaitlyn takes her down with a shoulder block. Kaitlyn tags in Bryan. Ziggler and Bryan go up top, and Bryan takes Ziggler down with a hurricanrana, but Ziggler rolls through and gets a two count. Langston provides a distraction, and Ziggler gets a two count on Bryan. Kane takes Langston down, and Ziggler baseball slides Kane. Ziggler tags in AJ. AJ takes Kaitlyn down in the ring and goes to the outside. AJ gets back into the ring, only to get a Spear from Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn gets the pin fall.

Winners: Kaitlyn and Daniel Bryan.

We go backstage and we see The Shield. The members of The Shield says Randy Orton, Sheamus, and The Big Show will fail at WrestleMania. They say Orton’s team will implode. The Shield says the final chapter will be written by them at WrestleMania, and everyone will believe in The Shield.

Jack Swagger (w/Zeb Colter) vs. The Great Khali (w/Hornswoggle and Natalya)

Khali shoves Swagger into the corner. They tie up again and Khali takes Swagger to the corner. Khali tries to chop Swagger, but Swagger reverses. Swagger comes off the ropes, but Khali clubs him to the mat. Khali gets Swagger to the corner and finally chops Swagger. Khali delivers another chop, but Swagger kicks him in the knee and delivers high knees to the midsection. Swagger backs away and charges, but Khali delivers a big boot. Khali takes Swagger down with a series of clotheslines and goes for the Khali Chop, but Swagger rolls out of the ring. Khali tries to come out after him, but Swagger drapes Khali’s leg over the top rope. Swagger takes out Khali’s leg and Khali rolls to the outside. Swagger goes out after him and goes for the Patriot Lock, but Khali kicks him away before Swagger finally locks it in as the referee counts both men out.

Match Result: Double Count-out.

After the match, Swagger slams Hornswoggle into the barricade. Ricardo Rodriguez tells Swagger to attack him again, but Alberto Del Rio attacks Swagger from behind. Del Rio locks in the cross arm-breaker and Rodriguez nails Colter with one of his crutches. Rodriguez tosses the crutch to Del Rio, who swings it at Swagger. Swagger ducks and gets out of the ring. Swagger and Colter retreat up the ramp as Del Rio tells Swagger to come back and fight.

We take a look at the Raw Rebound, which focuses on the feud between CM Punk and The Undertaker.

We go backstage where a new interviewer is with Randy Orton, Sheamus, and The Big Show. We take a look back to Monday night when they finally joined together against The Shield. Orton says they have a common enemy and Sheamus says they all know they need to be on the same page. Sheamus and Show argue a little bit, but Orton calms them down again.

Six-Man Tag Team Match: Antonio Cesaro and Team Rhodes Scholars vs. Randy Orton, Sheamus, and The Big Show

Sheamus and Cesaro are in the ring and trade the offense back and forth. Sheamus tags in Show and Cesaro tags in Rhodes. Show tags Rhodes back into the corner and then slams him to the mat as we go to a commercial.

We’re back and Cesaro and Orton are battling it out. Cesaro is in control and takes Orton down to the mat. Cesaro tags in Sandow. Sandow comes into the ring and keeps control. Sandow hits the Cobito Acquiet on Orton and gets a two count. Orton comes back on the offensive and hits a clothesline. Orton delivers a back-breaker. Show runs over and knocks Cesaro off the apron as Orton tags Sheamus and Sandow tags Rhodes. Sheamus catches Rhodes on the apron and delivers the vintage ten clubbing shots. Sheamus then delivers the ten clubs to Sandow and Rhodes attacks him from behind. Sheamus grabs Rhodes and delivers White Noise. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick, but Sandow gets into the ring. Show KO Punches Rhodes and tosses Sandow into an RKO. Sheamus delivers the Brogue Kick to Rhodes and gets the pin fall.

Winners: Sheamus, Randy Orton, and Sheamus

After the match, The Shield’s music hits and they begin to descend from the crowd. Before they can, Sheamus, Orton, and Show go after them in the crowd. Sheamus, Orton, and Show dominate The Shield and sends them scrambling. Orton, Sheamus, and Show stand high over the WWE Universe as Smackdown comes to a close.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

*SPOILERS* WWE SmackDown Tapings for 3/29/13

* The Rock kicks off SmackDown and gets a massive pop from the crowd. Rock tells a story about Hershey from when he was younger and cuts a promo on John Cena. He's interrupted by John Laurinaitis. Rock asks who the hell Laurinaitis is. Laurinaitis says Teddy Long gave him permission to come out.

Laurinaitis says John Cena is the reason he was fired and he wants to be in Rock's corner at WrestleMania. Rock says we'll let the people decide and they boo. Rock says he and Laurinaitis should send Cena a message together but they need a handshake first. Rock lays Laurinaitis out with a spinebuster and a People's Elbow. Rock pulls a giant Hershey bar from under the ring, signs it and gives it to kids in the crowd.

* Chris Jericho defeats Wade Barrett. Jericho speaks after the match and says he would love to face the Intercontinental Champion at WrestleMania but guesses he will face Fandango instead. The Fandango silhouette drops down on the stage. Jericho picks on Fandango's name. Fandango comes out, walks to the ring but turns around and leaves.

* While they set up for the weight lifting competition, an interview from earlier in the day with Paul Heyman talking to Matt Striker about Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H is shown.

* Booker T, Teddy Long, Ryback and Mark Henry come out for the weight lifting challenge. Ryback is up first. Henry and Ryback get the same score. Booker reminds them of a no-contact policy. Henry drops the weight bar across Ryback's neck and Ryback rolls around choking.

* Dolph Ziggler, Big E Langston and AJ Lee vs. Kane, Daniel Bryan and Kaitlyn is up next in mixed-tag action. Kane gives the boot to Big E and Kaitlyn pins AJ for the win.

* The Shield cut a promo on the big screen.

* Jack Swagger and The Great Khali wrestle in what was said to be a very bad match. They both get counted out. Swagger puts the Patriot Lock on Hornswoggle when Ricardo Rodriguez comes out and tells Swagger to come and get him. Alberto Del Rio sneaks in the ring and puts the armbreaker on Zeb Colter. Del Rio holds Zeb and Ricardo hits him with the crutch. Swagger comes back and Del Rio hits him.

* Backstage interview with Sheamus, Randy Orton and Big Show.

* They show Arnold Schwarzenegger's tweet talking about inducting Bruno Sammartino.

* Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow and Antonio Cesaro vs. Sheamus, Big Show and Randy Orton is up next. Orton, Show and Sheamus get the win. The Shield appears but get chased into the crowd. Orton, Show and Sheamus beat them up bad and pose at the top of the stairs.

Monday, 25 March 2013

WWE Monday Night RAW Results 3/25/13

- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with a video for John Cena and The Rock. Both will meet tonight on RAW.

- RAW kicks off with CM Punk and Paul Heyman coming to the ring. Heyman has the urn in hand.

Punk talks about how people say The Undertaker's Streak is unbreakable and how The Deadman is unstoppable at WrestleMania. Punk talks about the urn and what "they" say it means to Taker's powers. Punk says "they" don't know what they're talking about. Punk says he's the only one that matters. Punk says Taker's career is now being re-written by the best in the world. Heyman applauds Punk and a small "ECW" chant breaks out. Punk says this is The Undertaker's fault. Punk juggles the urn and says it means everything to Taker but nothing to him, before throwing it to the mat. Punk says for the first time in his life, Taker is at a psychological disadvantage and he's scared. Punk says Taker could have kept The Streak alive but it's him Taker's dealing with now. Punk goes on and says he's waiting, here he is. He's waiting for the lights to go out and those magic words, "rest in peace." Punk says at WrestleMania, Taker and his perfect record will... rest... in... the lights go out and the bells toll. They come back on and Taker is in the ring. Taker unloads on Punk and beats him down in the corner. Heyman grabs the urn and runs to the back with it. Punk escapes and runs up the ramp as Taker paces around the ring. Heyman comes back out with the urn and hands it to Punk. Punk taunts Taker with the urn as his music plays. Taker cuts his own throat and looks on from the ring.

- Still to come tonight, John Cena and The Rock will do a Q&A with current and future Hall of Famers. Also, Fandango will finally make his debut. We go to commercial.

Fandango vs.

Back from the break and out comes Fandango with his dancer and their own entrance. Fandango takes the mic and says his name but is interrupted by Chris Jericho. Jericho runs down and spears Fandango. Jericho unloads and Cole mentions this was not the scheduled match. Fandango escapes out of the ring and heads to the back with his dancer. Jericho is hype and looks on from the ring as his music hits. Cole mentions Jericho was scheduled to face Dolph Ziggler later on. Dolph's music hits and out he comes with AJ Lee and Big E Langston.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho waits as Ziggler, AJ and Big E make their way down to the ring.

Jericho tackles Dolph to start the match. Jericho with a back elbow that sends Ziggler to the mat. More offense from Jericho as AJ looks on. Ziggler with a big kick to the face to turn it around. The crowd chants for Jericho and he fights back. Ziggler blocks Walls of Jericho but runs into an elbow. Jericho climbs to the top and comes down with a big crossbody for a 2 count. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Ziggler is in control after Big E laid out Jericho during the commercial. Jericho with a roll up for 2 now. Ziggler dropkicks him for another 2 count. Ziggler with a splash in the corner. More back and forth. Jericho comes off the top with a double ax handle and a clothesline. Ziggler runs into a big boot. Jericho with the bulldog. Big E gets on the apron but Jericho dropkicks him. Ziggler with a big DDT for a close 2 count. More back and forth. Ziggler taps out to the Walls of Jericho.

Winner: Chris Jericho

- After the match, Big E runs over Jericho and lays him out with his finisher. They leave and out comes Fandango with his dancer. They dance around Jericho before Fandango attacks him and unloads. Fandango screams for Jericho to say his name as the crowd chants "you can't wrestle." Jericho tries to fight back but Fandango lays him out. Fandango shows an aggressive side here. He goes to the top rope, poses and hits a big leg drop. Fandango takes the mic and says his own name before heading back to the back.

- Back from the break and Matt Striker is backstage with Sheamus. We see what happened on SmackDown with tension between he and Big Show. Striker asks if Sheamus and Randy Orton have buried the hatchet with Show. The Shield interrupt and attack Sheamus from behind. They beat him down but Orton makes the save with a steel chair. Orton also gets beat down until Big Show arrives to clean house and make the save. The Shield retreats.

Mark Henry vs. The Usos

We go to the ring and out comes Mark Henry for a handicap match. Henry heads to the ring as we go to commercial.

We're back and The Usos are out now. Henry locks up with one of the Usos and sends him to the mat. Henry tosses Uso across the ring and he tags in his brother. Henry keeps control until they double team him with a dropkick and a few superkicks. Henry goes down and gets hit with a big Superfly Splash for a 2 count. More double teaming but Henry fights them off. Henry sends one Uso flying from the apron into the fan barrier. Big clothesline for the other Uso. Henry hits a World's Strongest Slam for the win.

Winner: Mark Henry

- After the match, Henry goes to ringside and grabs the fallen Uso. Henry brings him in the ring hits another World's Strongest Slam. Henry with another slam on the other Uso. Henry hits the ropes and drops a big splash on the other Uso, saying that nobody splashes him and gets away with it.

- Cesaro vs. Del Rio is up next. We go to commercial.

Antonio Cesaro vs. Alberto Del Rio

We go to the ring and out first comes WWE United States Champion Antonio Cesaro. Justin Roberts goes to introduce Alberto Del Rio but out comes Ricardo Rodriguez on crutches. He says his legs are weak but his voice is strong. Out next comes the World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio.

They lock up and Cesaro works on the arm. They trade holds and Del Rio also works on the arm. Cesaro makes it to the ropes and breaks the hold. Cesaro takes Del Rio to the corner and works him over now. Del Rio fights back and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Zeb Colter comes out to the stage and distracts Del Rio. Cesaro attacks from behind and takes back control. Cesaro with more offense in the corner. Cesaro with a headbutt to the jaw. Cesaro goes up top but Del Rio cuts him off. Del Rio climbs up for a superplex and nails it.

Jack Swagger appears at ringside and attacks Ricardo. Swagger rips Ricardo's protective boot off. Del Rio gets up and leaps out of the ring, taking Swagger out. Del Rio unloads on Swagger and fights him into the crowd. Del Rio with a big kick to the jaw. Del Rio gets counted out.

Winner by Count Out: Antonio Cesaro

- Del Rio comes back in the ring and interrupts Cesaro's celebration. Del Rio puts him in the cross armbreaker before breaking it and pointing at the WrestleMania 29 sign. Del Rio goes to ringside where trainers are checking on Ricardo's leg.

- We see what happened earlier with CM Punk and The Undertaker.

- Still to come, a Q&A with John Cena, The Rock and WWE Legends. Team Hell No are walking backstage as we go to commercial.

Titus O'Neil and Darren Young vs. Kane and Daniel Bryan

Titus O'Neil and Darren Young wait in the ring as the WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No make their way out. Kane starts off with Titus. Kane with an early pin attempt. Bryan comes in and unloads with kicks on Titus. Kane comes back in and they double team Titus in the corner. Kane drops Titus with a right hand for a 2 count. Titus fights Kane off and tags in Young for some double teaming in their corner.

The match goes on and Young works over Bryan now. Ziggler, AJ and Langston appear on the stage to watch the match. Titus comes back in and stomps on Bryan. More double teaming by The PTP. Young with a 2 count on Bryan. Lots more back and forth. Kane and Bryan get the win.

Winners: Kane and Daniel Bryan

- After the match, Team hell No have words with Ziggler, AJ and Langston, who are still on the stage.

- Still to come, The Shield will be in six-man action. Also, Triple H will speak. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a preview for Lesnar vs. Triple H at WrestleMania 29.

- Triple H comes out and talks about he can never compete if he loses at WrestleMania 29. HHH puts over how much of a beast Brock Lesnar is. Triple H says he has fought in the ring like his life depended on it. Triple H advises Lesnar to show up at WrestleMania like his career is on the line, like his life depend son it because it very well might. Triple H isn't coming to WrestleMania to wrestle or fight, he's coming to kick Lesnar's ass. He drops the mic and exits the ring but stops when Wade Barrett's music hits and out comes the Intercontinental Champion. They meet on the ramp and have a staredown. Barrett motions for Triple H to get to the back. Triple H kicks him below the belt and looks up at the WrestleMania sign. Triple H keeps walking and heads to the back.

Wade Barrett vs. The Miz

Back from the break and Barrett is still trying to recover from the Triple H kick. Out comes his opponent The Miz.

Miz quickly hits an atomic drop and goes for the Figure Four but Barrett escapes the ring. Barrett comes back in and Miz with more drops and a Skull Crushing Finale attempt. Barrett escapes again and stalls on the outside. They go at it and Miz has control until Barrett hits a big boot on the top rope. Barrett with forearm shots now. Barrett with a high knee to the gut and a 2 count. More back and forth. Miz with another roll up for 2. Miz with the backbreaker but Barrett blocks the neckbreaker. Miz dumps Barrett over the top and to the floor. Miz leaps off the apron with an ax handle and brings it back in the ring for a 2 count. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Barrett is in control with a pin attempt. During the break, Barrett threw Miz into the barrier outside of the ring. Barrett chokes Miz on the ropes now. Barrett with knees to the face. Barrett sends Miz to the floor with a big knee. The crowd boos Barrett. Barrett brings it back in for a 2 count. Barrett works on the lower back now. Miz makes a comeback and sends Barrett into the turnbuckles. Miz with a crossbody and a high knee. Miz hits the running clothesline in the corner and goes to the top. Miz comes crashing down on Barrett for another 2 count. Barrett blocks Skull Crushing Finale and hits Winds of Change for a 2 count. Miz slides out of Wasteland and blocks a big kick. Miz goes for Figure Four but Barrett turns it into a 2 count. Miz sweeps Barrett and goes for the Figure Four again. Barrett kicks him into the ring post. Barrett rolls Miz up for 2. Barrett with a big kick to the head and a 2 count. Barrett goes for the Bullhammer Elbow but Miz ducks and rolls Barrett up for 2. Barrett tosses Miz to the apron. Miz ducks and Barrett gets hung up on the ropes. Miz drops Barrett and applies the Figure Four for the non-title win.

Winner: The Miz

- Kane and Daniel Bryan are backstage having a little argument. Kaitlyn comes in and hushes them up. She says they need to move on from AJ Lee. AJ walks in and listens as Kaitlyn talks about AJ's past with them both. Kaitlyn rips into AJ while she listens. AJ attacks from behind and beats her around the room. Kane and Bryan pull her off and take her out of the room.

- Still to come, Legends will ask questions to Rock and Cena. Also, The Shield will be in action. Back to commercial.

The Shield vs. Zack Ryder, Justin Gabriel and The Great Khali

Back from the break and The Great Khali is in the ring with Zack Ryder and Justin Gabriel. Out comes Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns through the crowd.

Rollins and Khali go at it. Khali takes him to the corner and hits a big chop before tagging in Ryder. Ryder and Rollins go at it. Rollins runs into double knees but sends Ryder to the mat from the top. Rollins stomps away on Ryder mounts him with right hands. Ambrose comes in and they double team Ryder. Ambrose works over Ryder and hits a dropkick against the ropes. Reigns comes in and decks Ryder. Reigns tosses Ryder into the corner and beats him down.

Ambrose comes in for more double teaming on Gabriel now. Khali gets knocked off the apron. Ambrose holds Gabriel in a surfboard type move as Rollins comes crashing off the top for the win.

Winners: The Shield

- After the match, The Great Khali comes in and attacks The Shield but they beat him down and hit the triple powerbomb. They pose but Sheamus' music hits and out he comes to the stage. Randy Orton's music hits next and out he comes to stand beside Sheamus. Orton and Sheamus head to the ring for a fight. Big Show comes through the crowd and they have the ring surrounded. Show, Orton and Sheamus hit the ring and a brawl breaks out. They clean house and The Shield retreats through the crowd. Sheamus, Orton and Show look at the WrestleMania sign as Show's music plays.

- Still to come, the Rock and Cena Q&A.

- We get a look back at Chris Jericho and Fandango from earlier. Backstage, Jericho walks out of Vickie Guerrero's office and Josh Mathews stops him for comment. Jericho says when you've done what he has in WWE, you become a target. Jericho says Fandango has kicked his ass twice in a row and it means nothing, he's proven nothing. Jericho says Fandango will now get his chance at WrestleMania 29. Jericho vs. Fandango is official.

- Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow come out ripping Philadelphia. They introduce The Bella Twins and out they come to walk Rhodes Scholars to the ring.

Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow vs. Brodus Clay and Tensai

Back from the break and Brodus Clay, Tensai, Cameron and Naomi are dancing in the ring. It's going to be Clay starting things out with Sandow. Sandow strikes but Clay runs over him. Clay with a clothesline in the corner and a tag to Tensai. They double team Sandow with a big slam. Tensai misses in the corner but hits a big shoulder. Cody tags in and goes at it with Tensai. Sandow comes back in for some double teaming and stomps on Tensai. Sandow with an elbow and a 2 count.

Cody comes back in and keeps Tensai in control. Cody comes off the top but Tensai drops him with a right hand in mid-air. Clay comes in and works over Cody. He knocks Sandow off the apron. Clay with a big overhead suplex and splash in the corner. The Bellas pull Cody to safety but Cameron and Naomi attack them. Sandow gets a cheap shot on Clay and Cody hits the Disaster Kick for the win.

Winners: Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow

- We get a promo for GI Joe 2 with WWE Champion The Rock.

- Ryback is walking backstage. He will face 3 Superstars up next after commercial.

Ryback vs. 3MB

Back from the break and Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal are in the ring. Out comes Ryback for a 3-on-1 handicap match.

Ryback starts off with Slater and the crowd starts chanting "feed me more." Ryback goes after Drew and Jinder while Slater attacks him. Ryback hits a Thesz Press and then slams his head into the mat repeatedly. Ryback with a splash. Slater tags in McIntyre. Ryback rams him back into the corner and hits some chops. Ryback knocks Slater off the apron and clotheslines Mahal. Ryback turns around to a big kick from McIntyre. Drew tags in Mahal. He stomps away on Ryback. Slater comes back in and they keep Ryback in the corner. Slater with a big knee for a 1 count. Drew comes back in with a clothesline and pin attempt. Drew keeps Ryback on the mat now.

Ryback slams Drew but Mahal tags in and gets a 2 count. Slater comes back in for some double teaming but Ryback counters it. Ryback tosses Drew and Mahal to the floor. Slater fights but Ryback knocks him out of the air with a shoulder. Ryback with spinebusters for Slater and Mahal. Ryback hits a double Shellshocked on Mahal and Slater for the win.

Winner: Ryback

- After the commercial will be Kaitlyn vs. AJ Lee.

- Back from the break and we get the news of Arnold Schwarzenegger inducting his friend Bruno Sammartino into the WWE Hall of Fame this year.

AJ Lee vs. Kaitlyn

We go to the ring and out comes AJ Lee. WWE Divas Champion Kaitlyn is out next for a non-title match.

The bell rings and Kaitlyn attacks AJ, taking her to the mat. Kaitlyn whips her into the corner and hits a back elbow, sending her back to the mat. Kaitlyn whips her hard into the other corners again. AJ slaps Kaitlyn but Kaitlyn takes her back down. Kaitlyn hits the gutbuster and AJ rolls out to the floor. Kaitlyn follows with a kick to the face. Kaitlyn goes for the spear on the floor but AJ side steps and Kaitlyn crashes into the barrier. AJ laughs and comes back in the ring as Kaitlyn tries to get up but can't make it before the count.

Winner by Count Out: AJ Lee

- Up next, WWE Legends will quiz The Rock and John Cena. Back to commercial.

- Jerry Lawler is in the ring to moderate the Q&A with John Cena, The Rock and the WWE Legends. Lawler introduces Booker T, Mick Foley, Dusty Rhodes and then Bret Hart. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and the Legends are seated at a table and Lawler is moderating from a podium. Lawler introduces WWE Champion The Rock and out he comes to a big pop. Rock shakes the hands of the Legends and hugs them. Out next comes John Cena to a bit of a mixed reaction. Cena also greets the Legends and poses for the fans while his music plays. Rock and Cena both stand at their podiums. Lawler says each Legend will ask either Rock or Cena a question. Once they respond, the other will also have a chance to respond. Mick Foley is up first. Foley mentions teaming with The Rock at WrestleMania 20. Foley asks if Cena is prepared to live with the type of regret that would go with another loss this year.

Before Cena can speak, the crowd tells him he sucks. Cena says whether he loses or wins, April 7th will change the face of WWE forever. Cena says he's aware that losing is a very real option for him this year. Cena brings up former Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb never being able to win the big one. Cena says if he loses, he will carry the legacy of McNabb, state to state, city to city, arena to arena - he will get a reaction of disdain. Cena says statistically he will be good, but he will never be able to win the big one. Cena says he can handle failure but Rock knows nothing of failure, not yet but he soon will. A "boring" chant breaks out in the crowd. It's The Rock's turn to respond and the fans chant his name.

Rock says he does know about failure. He talks about being broke when he was younger, before he got his big break with WWE. Rock says he flopped 6 months later with a knee injury. Rock says he worked his ass off and came back. He asked for one thing - a mic. Rock says two years later, he became the youngest WWE Champion and main eventing WrestleMania in this very city. Rock says finally, he has come back to Philadelphia. Rock says he was riding high but got his ass kicked by Steve Austin Rock says he sat alone in the locker room thinking about the failure but made a decision he would come back and be the hardest working ever, one of the greatest of all-time. Rock says those failures led him to be the man he is today, the man who will whip Cena's ass at WrestleMania. A "Cena sucks" chant breaks out in the crowd.

Bret Hart is up next. He wasn't happen last year when they both were overcame with bad blood. He says it almost became a Shawn Michaels-Bret Hart thing. Bret says they're different now and asks what happened. Rock answers and says last year, it was just two guys going at it for 30 minutes in the ring. Rock says Cena took that loss like a man and he respected that. Cena talks about calling Rock out in an interview a few years ago. Cena goes on and says he respects Rock. Cena says in 13 days, we will see how Rock handles his loss. Booker T is up next. He asks Cena why he thinks he can beat Rock at WrestleMania. Cena says because he has to, that's it - he has to. The crowd boos. Rock mocks him and asks what kind of weak answer is that. Rock tells him to wipe a monkey's ass with that answer. Rock tells Cena to tell the truth about why he thinks he has to win. Cena says because Rock didn't beat him. Rock can't beat him. Cena says he beat himself. Cena says he has never said that publicly but that's fact. Cena says one bad decision, one personal moment he got caught up in. The crowd boos Cena. Cena says Rock is the only person that clouded his judgment enough to make a dumb decision. Cena says he watched the match over and over - he had Rock beat but made a stupid move by trying to use Rock's own move. Cena says that will never happen again. Cena says he will do things his way on his terms at WrestleMania 29. Cena says he knows he is better than The Rock. That's his reason.

Cena says Rock knows he is better also. Rock says if Cena had him beat, he would have won. But he didn't. Rock says he had an answer for everything Cena came with. Rock quotes Ric Flair and says, "to be the man, whoo, you gotta beat the man." Rock says Cena can't beat the man because he's not the man. Dusty tries to speak but Rock holds him off. Rock says Cena will never, and he means ever, be the man. Dusty says Cena and Rock need to take the gloves off. WrestleMania isn't about respect or redemption, it's about winning and losing. Dusty says there aren't guarantees in this business. Dusty asks them what they really want on April 7th. Cena says he wants to win the big one and dominate The Rock. Cena wants Rock to be looking up at the open air at MetLife and finally realize that Cena belongs. Cena says Rock will realize that Cena is better than The Rock. Cena wants to hand Rock a loss so devastating that it haunts him for the rest of his life. Rock asks Cena who the hell he thinks he's talking to. Haunt for the rest of his life? Rock says he's not wired that way. Rock will wake up the day after WrestleMania still The People's Champion while Cena wakes up stuffing his face with Fruity Pebbles. Rock says Cena brings it like no other in the locker room but challenges him to prove him wrong right now. Rock drops the mic. Cena takes his hat and shirt off as Rock readies for a fight. They come face to face in the middle of the ring. Cena does his gesture in Rock's face. Rock shoves him. Cena goes for an Attitude Adjustment but Rock lays him out with a Rock Bottom. Rock grabs the WWE Title as his music starts up and he heads up the ramp. Rock stands with the WWE Title as Cena looks on from the mat, in front of Lawler and the Legends. RAW goes off the air with Cena looking upset.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

WWE Smackdown Results 3/22/13

The Shield thought that they knew their three opponents for Wrestlemania, but Vickie Guerrero and Teddy Long threw a monkey wrench in that equation and pulled Ryback from the match so he could face Mark Henry. It appears that the Big Show is poised to fill that gap, but is he the man who Randy Orton and Sheamus want to be on their side against Ambrose, Reigns, and Rollins? What is the next step in the build to the World Title Match? Ricardo Rodriguez had his ankle broken by Jack Swagger. Will Alberto seek revenge for what happened to his ring announcer and friend?

We are in Cincinnati, Ohio and your announcers are Michael Cole, Josh Mathews, and John Layfield.

There is an upside down W hanging above the ring and we have carpet and furniture so that means we are starting with a promo. Miz has two guests for MizTV and they are Sheamus and Randy Orton.

Miz asks them about their reaction to Ryback being pulled from their team and who will take his place?

Randy says that his choice is the same man who came to the ring on Monday night and helped them when the Shield was about to pounce on them. That man is The Big Show.

Sheamus does not look to be on the same page as Orton. He says that if Show did not come to the ring, they probably would have had their arses kicked. Sheamus says that he doesn’t trust Show.

Orton says that he doesn’t trust Show and he doesn’t trust anybody. The Shield has beaten everyone they have faced but Show needs them as much as they need Show. He says that it is better to be with the Devil You Know than the one you don’t. Orton says that he wants the big, bad, angry giant on his side.

Miz brings out his surprise guest, the Big Show.

Miz asks Show about Sheamus’ issues about trusting him and Miz reminds Show the way that he treated him when they were a tag team.

Show says that Miz’ comments would matter if he cared about what Miz says. Show says that he has been able to do something that neither of them have been able to do. He knocked out a member of the Shield. They don’t have to be friends and he does not like either of them. If they work together, no one can stop them.

Sheamus reminds Show that they have gone through war in the ring. Show is one of the toughest opponents he has faced. He is also one of the most devious people he has ever dealt with. Will Show tuck tail and run.

Show says that if he tucked tail and ran, he wouldn’t have beaten Sheamus for the World Title.

Orton separates Show and Sheamus and says that they need to get along.

Miz reallys and points out that Randy Orton is the voice of reason.

Sheamus says that this is not going to work.

Show says that this is going to work if Sheamus gets his head out of his . . .

Booker T’s music plays and the newest Hall of Fame inductee makes his way to the stage.

Booker tells everyone that he needs to know if this can work and if they can co-exist. Can they find a way to get along? We will find out tonight. Show, Sheamus, and Orton will be in a six man tag match tonight.

Booker wants to know if we can dig.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Mark Henry versus Zack Ryder

Henry throws Ryder into the corner and connects with a forearm and follows with a hard Irish whip. Henry with another hard Irish whip to Ryder. Henry tries for a slam but Ryder escapes. Ryder tries for a cross body and Henry catches him and hits the World’s Strongest Slam for the three count.

Winner: Mark Henry

After the match, Henry picks up Ryder and hits another World’s Strongest Slam. Henry picks up Ryder and while the fans chant ‘Feed Me More’ he gives Ryder another World’s Strongest Slam and then he asks Ryder how many he can take.

Ryback’s music plays and Henry does not look impressed as Ryback makes his way to the ring.

Ryback and Henry stand across the ring and Henry tells Ryback that he calls the shots and he owns Ryback. He says that he will destroy him.

They charge at each other and it is Henry who goes to the mat. Henry leaves the ring while the crowd wants to be fed more along with Ryback.

Booker T is in his office and Teddy Long asks Booker if he is proud of him. He talks about the Ryback/Henry match for Wrestlemania.

Booker says that he likes the match, but he does not like the way that Teddy handled his business by consulting with Vickie Guerrero. Booker tells Teddy that he works for him.

Teddy says that Booker needs to rethink what he just said because he works with Booker and not under Booker.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to see the Booker T Hall of Fame video package.

Michael Cole wonders how Booker will go into the Hall of Fame and John Layfield suggests that he go in as King Booker.

AJ Lee has joined John, Josh, and Michael at the announce table and she takes a seat on the announce table.

Match Number Two: Dolph Ziggler (with AJ Lee and Big E Langston) versus Kofi Kingston

Kofi with kicks to Ziggler and the referee pulls him out of the corner. Ziggler with a neck breaker to Kingston and then he kicks Kofi in the shoulder. Kofi with a forearm followed by a chop and drop kick. Kofi with the leaping clothesline and he hits the Boom Drop.

Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise but Langston gets on the apron and that distracts Kofi long enough for Ziggler to recover and hit a drop kick and Ziggler gets a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kofi with punches and forearms to Ziggler. Ziggler with an Irish whip but Kofi with a pendulum kick. Kofi goes up top but Ziggler crotches Kofi and he falls to the mat. Ziggler with a near fall. Ziggler kicks Kofi in the back. Kofi with punches to Ziggler. Ziggler with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Ziggler with a reverse chin lock.

Kofi gets to his feet and he kicks Ziggler but Ziggler kicks back. Ziggler with punches and a face wash. Ziggler misses a shoulder tackle in the corner and hits the post when Kofi moves. Kofi with chops to Ziggler followed by a drop kick. Ziggler backs into the corner and Ziggler moves when Kofi leaps into the corner.

Kofi with a double jump cross body for a near fall. Kofi tries for a springboard twisting splash but Ziggler gets his knees up and Ziggler gets a near fall. Ziggler holds on to the ropes to avoid Trouble in Paradise. Ziggler with a sleeper on Kingston. Kofi backs Ziggler into the turnbuckles and snap mares Ziggler to escape.

Kofi with an SOS but Ziggler holds on to the ropes to stop the count. Ziggler rolls to the floor. Kofi sets for a dive to the floor but Langston gets in the way. Kofi goes up top and hits a cross body onto Langston.

Ziggler with a Fameasser to Kingston on the floor and Ziggler tries to roll Kingston back into the ring. Ziggler sets for the Zig Zag and hits it and gets the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match, AJ goes into the ring to celebrate with Ziggler. Langston joins them in the ring but he keeps his focus on Kofi Kingston. Langston takes the straps down and he picks up Kofi and hits the Big Ending.

We take a look back at Chris Jericho’s introduction to Fandango on Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound with the CM Punk/Undertaker situation.

We go to the locker room where Sheamus, Randy Orton, and Big Show are arguing. Sheamus talks about Show earning their trust. Sheamus tells Show to stay on the apron. Show tells Sheamus to stay on the apron. Orton tells them that they need to get along or they will be sitting ducks for The Shield. Orton leaves.

We take a look at what Jack Swagger did to Ricardo Rodriguez on Raw.

Michael tells us that Alberto Del Rio is not here tonight because he is taking care of Ricardo Rodriguez.

Jack Swagger has a mic and he is going to use it. He welcomes his fellow Americans to Jack Swagger’s America. He gives the mic to Zeb.

Zeb says that it is a beautiful day in Jack Swagger’s America. What happened to Ricardo Rodriguez was unfortunate but necessary. It is nothing compared to what is going to happen to Alberto Del Rio at Wrestlemania. In Jack Swagger’s America, if bones need to be broken, they will be broken.

What happened to Ricardo should not only be a warning to Alberto Del Rio, but to anyone who disagrees with what they say . . . including Jack’s opponent tonight, Chris Jericho.

Jack gives us a few ‘We The Peoples’ before Chris Jericho’s music plays.

Match Number Three: Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) versus Chris Jericho

Jericho with forearms and punches to Swagger followed by a back elbow. Jericho with a running clothesline into the corner. Jericho with chops and forearms. Swagger goes to the floor and Colter gives him some advice. Jericho with a baseball slide to knock Swagger off the apron.

Jericho sends Swagger into the ringside barrier and he chops Swagger. Jericho sends Swagger back into the ring and then he glances at Colter. That distraction allows Swagger to connect with a shoulder to the knee. Swagger kicks and punches Jericho. Swagger with a running shoulder tackle and then he hits another shoulder tackle.

Swagger taunts Jericho but Jericho with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Jericho with a kick to the midsection. Swagger catches Jericho and sends him into the turnbuckles. Swagger with punches and knees but the referee pulls Swagger off Jericho.

Swagger with a punch and he puts Jericho on the turnbuckles. Jericho with a slap and kick but Swagger with a kick and then he sets for a superplex. Jericho blocks it and Jericho head butts Swagger off the turnbuckles and to the mat. Jericho with a cross body and he gets a near fall.

Swagger goes to the floor again and Jericho with a pescado and he punches Swagger. Jericho kicks the steps to keep Colter away.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Jericho with a chop but Swagger with a boot to the chest and Swagger gets a near fall. Swagger with a front face lock and hammer lock while he connects with forearms. Swagger wraps the arm in the ropes. Swagger wraps the arm in the ropes and Swagger with forearms to the ribs.

Swagger with a punch and Irish whip that sends Jericho shoulder first into the turnbuckles. Swagger misses a splash into the corner. Jericho with shoulder tackles. Swagger tries to send Jericho over the top rope to the floor but Jericho lands on the apron and then he goes up top for a double sledge to Swagger.

Jericho punches Swagger in the corner and then Swagger tries for a power bomb but Jericho tries to counter with a rana. Swagger counters with an ankle lock. Jericho is able to escape and he sends Swagger to the floor. Jericho with a springboard drop kick that sends Swagger off the apron and into the ringside barrier.

From out of nowhere, we have an episode of Dancing with the Superstars and Fandango comes through the golden shower curtain. He dances with his dance partner and then they move towards the ring. Swagger with a power slam to Jericho for a near fall. Swagger with a running knee into the corner.

Jericho avoids a short arm clothesline and Jericho with a crucifix for a near fall. Swagger catches Jericho on a Codebreaker. Jericho rolls through and he tries for the Walls of Jericho. Jericho decides to catapult Swagger into the ropes and Jericho with a bulldog. Colter gets on the apron and distracts the referee. Jericho tries for the Lionsault but Fandango kicks Jericho in the head. Swagger with the double jump Swagger Bomb for the three count.

Winner: Jack Swagger

After the match, Fandango leaps into the ring and he kicks Jericho and punches him. Fandango wants Jericho to tell him his name. Fandango removes his vest and he looks to the turnbuckles. Fandango goes up top and he hits a leg drop on Jericho.

Fandango gets a mic and he tells Jericho how to pronounce his name.

Big Show is in the interview area with Matt Striker. Matt asks Show if it is going to be hard for them to get along in their six man tag match. Show says that Randy is right that they need to be on the same page. They have all been attacked by The Shield. Show says that he is going to put his heart into this and they will be able to trust them.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Rock and John Cena video package.

The Rock will be on Raw on Monday night.

Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, and The Bellas are in the ring. Cody says that although they don’t deserve it, the Intellectual Savior of the Masses, the Essence of Mustachioed Magnificence bring to everyone a special gift.

Damien demands SILENCE. He says that his best friend Cody Rhodes and him are more than proud to present to everyone the class of the Divas Division. The only two women with enough beauty and intelligence to accompany the Rhodes Scholars . . . the Bellas.

Match Number Four: Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes (with The Bellas) versus Brodus Clay and Tensai (with the Funkettes)

Rhodes and Tensai start things off and Cody avoids Tensai and gets a few shots in. Tensai with an uppercut. Rhodes with a drop down uppercut but Tensai with a clothesline to Rhodes. Tesnai misses a splash and then Tensai kicks Cody away and Clay tags in. Clay with clotheslines to Rhodes followed by a head butt to Sandow.

Clay with a splash into the corner. The Bellas try to distract Clay and then Cameron and Naomi take care of the Bellas. The catfight continues on the floor and Tensai and Clay try to break it up so that means that Sandow and Rhodes have to do the same. The referee calls for the bell.

No Contest

The men separate the women and the Divas’ recreation of the Xavier/Cincinnati rivalry has been stopped.

We go to Matt Striker in the back and he is with Randy Orton and Sheamus. Matt asks them if they are on the same page as Big Show. Sheamus says that they are united. They trust each other and they trust the Big Show as much as he trusts them. Sheamus tells Matt to trust him.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Wade Barrett is at ringside to watch the Miz in action.

Match Number Five: Antonio Cesaro versus The Miz in a Non Title Match

They lock up and Cesaro with a side head lock. Miz with an O’Connor Roll for a near fall. Cesaro with a knee to Miz for a near fall. Cesaro leaps onto Miz’ chest and gets a near fall. Cesaro with a dead lift side salto and he gets a near fall. Cesaro yells at the referee for his slow count.

Cesaro with a cravate and he keeps Miz on the mat. Cesaro with a knee but Miz with punches. Miz with an elbow to Cesaro followed by a knee lift and boot to the head. Miz with the Awesome Clothesline and Miz goes up top and hits a double sledge. Cesaro kicks Miz into the turnbuckles. Cesaro with a knee into the corner but Miz moves and Cesaro hits the turnbuckles. Miz with a drop kick to the knee and he applies the figure four leg lock. Cesaro taps out.

Winner: Miz

After the match, Miz stares at Barrett and Barrett wants to know what Miz is staring at.

Miz puts Cesaro back in the figure four leg lock. Barrett gets up from the announce table and Miz releases the hold.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at how Triple H’s career is on the line at Wrestlemania.

Match Number Six: Randy Orton, Sheamus, and Big Show versus Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, and Drew McIntyre in a Can Sheamus trust Big Show Match

Orton and Mahal start things off and Mahal with a kick and punches. Orton with two clotheslines and then he sends Mahal into the turnbuckles. Orton punches Mahal in the corner. Orton tags in Sheamus and they hit a double back elbow. Orton with a boot to the leg and then Sheamus with a forearm and knees in the corner.

Mahal with a kick and punches to Sheamus. Sheamus with a boot after the referee pulls Mahal off Sheamus. Sheamus with an Irish whip and shoulder followed by a knee lift. Sheamus with a rolling fireman’s carry slam. Sheamus with a shhhhh chop to Mahal and Big Show gets a laugh out of it.

Show tags in and Drew tags in as well. Drew with a kick and punches but Show with a head butt and then he puts McIntyre on the apron for the ten forearms across the chest. Mahal tags back in and Show brings him in from the apron. Slater is tagged in and Show brings Slater into the ring.

Orton tags in and he hits the leaping knee drop on Slater. Slater with a kick but Orton with a power slam. Orton sends Slater to the apron for the IEDDT but Mahal interferes and Slater drops Orton on the top rope. Slater with a spinning heel kick to Orton for a near fall. Slater with a kick to the back and punches.

Drew tags in and he kicks Orton. Mahal tags in and he kicks Orton and chokes him. Mahal with a swinging neck breaker and Slater tags in and gets a near fall. Slater keeps Orton from making the tag and applies a front face lock and rolls Orton away from his corner. Slater with a knee drop and then he goes to the turnbuckles but Orton with a drop kick as Slater comes off the turnbuckles.

Show and Mahal tag in and Show with clotheslines to Mahal followed by an Irish whip and butt splash into the corner and a spear to Mahal. McIntyre with a boot to Show and he falls into the corner. Sheamus tags in and Show with a knockout punch to McIntyre. Sheamus with a Brogue Kick to Mahal for the three count.

Winners: Big Show, Sheamus, and Randy Orton

After the match, Show wants to know why Sheamus tagged in since he did all of the work. Orton tells them to calm down.

The Shield’s music plays and they make their way through the crowd and they stand in the aisle. They make their way down to the ring.

Show pushes Sheamus out of the way and then they go back and forth. Show grabs Sheamus by the throat and Show pushes Orton down. Orton pushes Show and then Sheamus pushes Show.

The Shield surround the ring and they tease getting into the ring, but maybe they are trying to see if the men in the ring can work together.

The Shield go back into the crowd.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Undefeated winning Streak of the Undertaker at Wrestlemania

1. Undertaker vs "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka Wrestlemania VII 1991
2. Undertaker vs Jake "The Snake" Roberts Wrestlemania VIII 1992
3. Undertaker vs Giant Gonzalez Wrestlemania IX 1993
4. Undertaker vs King Kong Bundy Wrestlemania XI 1995
5. Undertaker vs Diesel Wrestlemania XII 1996
6. Undertaker vs Sycho Sid Wrestlemania 13 1997 (WWE Champion)
7. Undertaker vs Kane Wrestlemania XIV 1998
8. Undertaker vs Big Bossman Wrestlemania XV 1999 (Hell in a Cell)
9. Undertaker vs Triple H Wrestlemania X-Seven 2001 (No Holds Barred match)
10. Undertaker vs Ric Flair Wrestlemania X-8 2002 (No DQ)
11. Undertaker vs Big Show and A-Train Wrestlemania XIX 2003 (Handicap Match)
12. Undertaker vs Kane Wrestlemania XX 2004
13. Undertaker vs Randy Orton Wrestlemania 21 2005
14. Undertaker vs Mark Henry Wrestlemania 22 2006 (Casket Match)
15. Undertaker vs Batista Wrestlemania 23 2007 (World Heavyweight Champion)
16. Undertaker vs Edge Wrestlemania XXIV 2008 (World Heavyweight Champion)
17. Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels Wrestlemania XXV 2009
18. Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels Wrestlemania XXVI 2010 (Streak vs Career Match)
19. Undertaker vs Triple H Wrestlemania XXVII 2011 (No Holds Barred match)
20. Undertaker vs Triple H Wrestlemania XXVIII 2012 (Hell in a Cell)

If Undertaker defeats CM Punk Wrestlemania XXIX 2013 his undefeated streak at Wrestlemania will remain Unbreaked 21-0.

*SPOILERS* WWE SmackDown Tapings for 3/22/13

* The Miz kicks off SmackDown with MizTV. His guests are Randy Orton and Sheamus, talking about the six-man match at WrestleMania 29 and how they need a partner. They talk about Big Show and here he comes. Booker T ends up coming out and says tonight, Sheamus, Orton and Big Show will team up to see if they can get on the same page.

* Mark Henry squashed Zack Ryder. After the match, Henry hit Ryder with more World's Strongest Slams until Ryback came out and stared him down. Ryback send Henry flying out of the ring with a clothesline.

* Teddy Long and Booker t have words backstage about Teddy working with Vickie Guerrero on RAW to make Ryback vs. Mark Henry at WrestleMania.

* Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston is up next. AJ Lee joins JBL and Michael Cole on commentary. Kofi ended up taking out Big E Langston on the floor but Ziggler got the win. After the match, Big E laid Kofi out.

* Backstage segment with Sheamus and Big Show arguing.

* Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter come out and talk about Ricardo Rodriguez getting injured on RAW. Chris Jericho interrupts Swagger and their match is up next.

Fandango interrupted during the match with his big lit-up display. He appeared on the stage and distracted Jericho. Fandango comes down and hits Jericho while the referee is distracted, allowing Swagger to get the win. After the match, Fandango came in and beat Jericho up. Fandango hit a top rope leg drop to end it.

* Backstage interview with Big Show talking about tonight's main event.

* Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes come out with The Bella Twins. Tensai, Brodus Clay, Cameron and Naomi are out next. The match ends in a no contest when The Bellas interfere. Naomi took them out and danced.

* Backstage interview with Orton and Sheamus talking about the main event.

* Wade Barrett comes out for commentary. The Miz defeated Antonio Cesaro by submission. Barrett teased Miz with the Intercontinental Title.

* Randy Orton, Big Show and Sheamus vs. Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal is up next. Sheamus got the pin and sort of upset Big Show. They got into it and out comes The Shield. Orton, Sheamus and Show regrouped and stopped them from entering the ring to end the show.

WWE Monday Night RAW Results 3/18/13

- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with a look at Brock Lesnar from last week. We also get a look at CM Punk interrupting The Undertaker's tribute to Paul Bearer.

- We go to the ring and out comes John Cena to kick off RAW.

The #1 contender talks about how we have 20 days left to pick a side - Cena or The Rock. Cena has a message for all The Rock's fans tonight. Cena points at a sign and says your time is up, our time is now. Cena is met with mostly boos. Cena says he won't make the mistake he did last year by predicting victory but he says he is focused and ready for WrestleMania. The music interrupts and out comes Titus O'Neil and Darren Young. Titus is wearing an afro and what looks like pajamas. Titus says The Primetime Players are also ready for WrestleMania 29. Rufus Pancake Patterson is O'Neil's new character. He says Titus is his nephew. This goes nowhere until Titus brings up Darren looking like Cena. Rufus says Darren should be on the cover of Cocoa Pebbles since Cena is on the front of Fruity Pebbles. Rufus says he would come to the ring but his gout is flaming up. Rufus says Darren would be happy to face Cena. Darren says Cena will be crying and weeping like the loser he is after tonight. They taunt Cena and he gets serious now. Cena challenges Young to step into the ring. Cena says he will show him what it means to be in the main event of WrestleMania. Cena gets ready for a fight and here comes Young and a referee.

Darren Young vs. John Cena

The bell rings and Cena goes to work on Young.

Titus pulls Young to safety after Cena unloads. We take a commercial break.

Back from the break and Cena is still in control. Cena hits shoulder blocks and the big slam. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle and the Attitude Adjustment for the win.

Winner: John Cena

- Still to come tonight, The Undertaker will return.

- Michael Cole shows us footage of The Shield interrupting Mark Henry vs. Ryback on SmackDown. We also see Henry beating Ryback up. Ryback is walking backstage as we take another commercial break.

Ryback vs. David Otunga

Back from the commercial and out comes Ryback while David Otunga poses in the ring. Ryback rams Otunga back into the corner and beats him down to start the match.

Otunga tries to fight back but Ryback clotheslines him. Ryback comes back and slams Otunga to the mat. Ryback hits the Meathook clothesline and Shell Shocked for the win.

Winner: Ryback

- After the match, Ryback cuts a promo but out comes Mark Henry. Before he can come down, Teddy Long and Vickie Guerrero come out to stop him. Vickie says she's taking Ryback out of the six-man match at WrestleMania. Vickie announces Ryback vs. Henry for WrestleMania. Ryback lays Otunga out with another Shell Shocked to send Henry a message.

Fandango vs. The Great Khali

Back from the break and out comes Fandango with his dancer. They dance at ringside and he places her up on the apron before posing in front of her. They also dance and pose in the ring. A lit up silhouette of Fandango appears in the air. Out next comes The Great Khali with Natalya.

Fandango says Khali is far too stupid to pronounce his name correctly. Fandango calls Natalya a Canadian slice of heaven and wants to let her try to say his name. Natalya messes up the name on purpose and tells Khali to get him. Fandango runs out of the ring and walks away with his dancer. He says tonight was the night where we almost got to see the debut of Fandango. A "you can't wrestle" chant breaks out.

- Still to come, the Intercontinental Title Triple Threat. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a plug for Brock Lesnar in Muscle & Fitness magazine.

R-Truth vs. Damien Sandow

We go to the ring and out first comes R-Truth. Damien Sandow is out next. Sandow cuts a promo on the way to the ring and tells everyone they're welcome. Truth has some poetry of his own and says Sandow is going to get got.

The bell rings and they go at it. Sandow takes control with an early pin attempt. Sandow with a headlock now. Truth fights back and rolls Sandow up for 2. Sandow with a clothesline and right hands. Sandow with a suplex and another 2 count. Sandow with a side Russian leg sweep and the Elbow of Disdain for another pin attempt. Truth comes back with clotheslines and right hands. Truth with a big head scissors and a kick to the jaw. Truth hits the scissors kick but Sandow rolls out of the ring. Sandow walks up the ramp and to the back, getting counted out.

Winner by Count Out: R-Truth

- The Bella Twins are backstage hanging on Cody Rhodes. Kaitlyn comes up and tells Cody she has something going on later so they can't hang out. The Bellas say nobody cares. Kaitlyn says they can have Cody's mustache and he can have theirs.

- Up next, The Undertaker is coming for the urn. Back to commercial.

- Back from commercial and out comes The Undertaker to the ring.

Taker says CM Punk sealed his fate by making this personal. Taker says he is going to hurt Punk bad at WrestleMania 29. Taker says Punk has one chance to save himself - bring the urn out now. We hear someone impersonating Paul Bearer. Punk appears on the big screen and apologizes for not being able to hit the high notes Bearer once did. Punk acts like Bearer is speaking to him through the urn. Punk talks about Taker and juggles the urn around while he speaks. Punk says he is a higher power. Punk says he is the one man in the world who can shoulder the burden of snapping The Streak. Punk says he's ready to walk through hell and receive whatever pain Taker inflicts on him. Punk says he's the one that will end The Streak. Punk drops the urn and says, "oh shit!" That's pretty much it.

- Still to come, Triple H and Brock Lesnar's contract signing. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see footage of CM Punk with the urn just now.

Primo and Epico vs. Kane and Daniel Bryan

Primo and Epico are in the ring with Rosa Mendes. Out next comes the WWE Tag Team Champions Kane and Daniel Bryan for a non-title match.

Kane starts off for his team and works the other over. Bryan tags in and Primo attacks him from behind. Bryan makes a comeback and hits a big knee for a 2 count. Epico comes in and Bryan takes him down with an armdrag. Bryan with a big back bodydrop. They distract Bryan and send him out to the floor. Bryan is rolled back in for a 2 count. Epico and Primo keep Bryan in their corner with quick tags now.

Kane finally gets the tag and cleans house. Kane runs into a boot but catches Primo with a big sidewalk slam. Kane knocks Epico off the apron and climbs to the top for a big right hand. Kane calls for a chokeslam but out comes AJ Lee skipping around the ring. Kane gets rolled up for a 2 count as he was distracted. Epico tags in for some double teaming but Bryan makes the save. Kane chokeslams Epico for the win.

Winners: Kane and Daniel Bryan

- Kane and Bryan stare at AJ confused after the match. AJ skips away to the back.

- Chris Jericho is backstage with Josh Mathews. Jericho brags about his history with the Intercontinental Title and says he will make it 10 times tonight. Fandango interrupts and shows Jericho how his name is said. Jericho calls him Fan-Dumbo, Fan-Dunghole, Fan-Dodge Durango and a bunch of other funny names. Fandango says Jericho will learn to pronounce his name properly.

- Still to come, Sheamus and Randy Orton vs. 3MB. Also, Alberto Del Rio vs. Cody Rhodes. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a video about WWE working with Nothing But Nets to fight malaria in Africa.

Cody Rhodes vs. Alberto Del Rio

We go to the ring and out comes Cody Rhodes for the next match. Ricardo Rodriguez is out next to begin the introduction for World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio.

The bell rings and they go at it back and forth. Del Rio with an early roll up. Cody drops down and nails the right hand. Cody takes Del Rio to the corner now and works him over. Cody works on Del Rio's hurt knee now. Cody keeps Del Rio on the mat until he backdrops him. Del Rio charges in the corner but Cody moves and Del Rio hits the ring post. Cody goes back to work on Del Rio and takes him to the corner. Del Rio turns it around and kicks Cody in the back. Cody kicks Cody from the apron to the floor and he hits his head on the way down. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Cody is in control of Del Rio now. Del Rio scoop slams Cody and goes to the top. Del Rio misses a moonsault as his knee buckles. Cody runs over Del Rio and starts stomping on him. Cody with a 2 count. Del Rio finally makes another comeback and hits the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Del Rio with a big kick to the mouth for a close 2 count. Cody blocks the cross armbreaker and fights Del Rio off. Cody hits a moonsault for 2. Del Rio dumps Cody to the apron and hits a series of shots to the lower back. Del Rio with a backstabber for 2. Del Rio misses in the corner but counters Cody and locks in the cross armbreaker for the win.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

- After the match, Jack Swagger comes out and attacks Del Rio from behind in the corner. Swagger beats Del Rio down. Ricardo tries to make the save but Swagger stops him and tosses him out of the ring. Del Rio fights back on Swagger and they tumble out of the ring. Del Rio with a big superkick. Del Rio throws Swagger into the fan barrier. Del Rio approaches Zeb Colter and Zeb pleads with him. Del Rio grabs Zeb but Swagger makes the save from behind. Swagger sends Del Rio into the steel steps and tells him to never lay a hand on Zeb. Swagger tosses Del Rio over the announce table and a "USA" chant breaks out as Swagger looks up at the WrestleMania 29 sign. Swagger and Zeb head to the back but stop when they see Ricardo. Swagger runs and hits a huge clothesline. Swagger locks in the Patriot Lock on Ricardo as Zeb looks on. Swagger twists Ricardo's ankle up and he screams on the floor. Trainers check on Del Rio and Ricardo as Zeb and Swagger head to the back.

- Back from the break and we get replays of what just happened. During the break, Ricardo was stretchered out. The announcers play up the seriousness of the situation.

- Cole announces Booker T for the 2013 WWE Hall of Fame. They air a video looking back at Booker's career.

- Still to come tonight, the Intercontinental Title Triple Threat.

Randy Orton and Sheamus vs. 3MB

We go to the ring and out comes Randy Orton. Orton takes his time getting to the ring and we go back to commercial.

Back from the commercial and out comes Sheamus to team with Orton. Out next comes 3MB's Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal. Drew and Sheamus start the match off. Drew tries to take control but Sheamus lays him out. Orton tags in to a big pop. Orton drops a knee but runs into an elbow in the corner. Orton dropkicks Drew and tags Sheamus back in. Sheamus hits Drew with the forearm shots on the apron. Sheamus hits a battering ram for a 1 count.

Sheamus keeps control until Slater tags in and they beat Sheamus down in the corner. Slater and McIntyre with quick tags now. Sheamus fights out on Drew but catches a kick to the face. 2 count by Drew. Slater comes back in to keep up the attack on Sheamus. They try to double team but Sheamus fights them off and knocks Drew out of the air. Sheamus tags in Orton. Orton unloads on Slater and hits the powerslam. Orton tosses Slater to the apron and hits the draping DDT. Sheamus runs in with a Brogue for Jinder and Drew. Orton nails the RKO on Slater for the win.

Winners: Sheamus and Randy Orton

- After the match, The Shield music hits and here comes Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose through the crowd. They surround the ring until Big Show comes out. Show runs down and joins Orton and Sheamus in the ring. The Shield decides not to rush the ring and they leave back through the crowd. Show looks up at the WrestleMania sign and points at it. Show leaves the ring as Orton and Sheamus stare at him.

- Michael Cole leads us to an exclusive look at The Rock in GI Joe 2.

Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler

Back from the break and out comes Kofi Kingston. Dolph Ziggler is out next with Big E Langston and AJ Lee.

They lock up and trade holds to start the match. Ziggler takes control but Kofi leaps and hits a back elbow. Kofi gets hung up on the top turnbuckle and Ziggler covers for 2. Ziggler with a dropkick and another 2 count. Ziggler does a headlock headstand and shows off. Kofi fights out but Ziggler cuts him off. Kofi comes back with chops and a dropkick. Ziggler goes for the sleeper but it's blocked. Kofi with a springboard crossbody for a close 2 count. Kofi with a big right hand and the Boom Drop. Kofi goes for Trouble in Paradise but Ziggler catches him. Kofi slides out and kicks Ziggler in the face. Kofi goes to the top but AJ gets on the apron and distracts the referee. Kofi runs the apron at Ziggler but Langston knocks him out of the air. Kofi lands hard outside of the ring. Ziggler brings Kofi back in the ring and nails a Zig Zag for the win.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

- After the match, Kane and Daniel Bryan come to the stage. Bryan congratulates Ziggler and Big E for getting them on the same page finally. Kane says he isn't in a good place right now. Kane wants to see what Big E Langston can do inside of the ring. Langston likes the sound of this. Kane proposes Ziggler and Big E vs. Team Hell No. AJ interrupts and accepts the challenge, only if the tag titles are on the line and it's at WrestleMania 29. They accept.

- Back from the break and we see what happened with CM Punk and The Undertaker earlier tonight.

- WWE airs another special preview for John Cena vs. The Rock at WrestleMania 29.

Triple Threat for the WWE Intercontinental Title: The Miz vs. Chris Jericho vs. Wade Barrett

We go to the ring and out first comes The Miz. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and WWE Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett is already out. Chris Jericho comes out next to a nice pop. The match starts with Barrett decking Jericho then hitting Miz. Jericho comes over and drops Barrett with an elbow for a 2 count. Jericho clotheslines Barrett to the floor. Miz rolls Jericho up for 2 from behind. Jericho and Miz go at it now. Miz dropkicks Barrett through the ropes. Jericho leaps out onto both of them with a crossbody. Jericho brings Barrett in the ring and hits a knee to the head. The crowd chants for Jericho now. Barrett fights him off but gets dropkicked. Jericho with a 2 count. Miz pulls Jericho out of the ring and rams him into the apron. Miz rolls Barrett up for 2. Another roll up for 2. Miz keeps control of Barrett and clotheslines him in the corner. Miz takes Jericho back down to the floor. Barrett cuts Miz off on the top and works him over. Barrett with a high running knee to the gut.

Jericho comes in and catches them both in the corner with a super superplex. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Barrett is in control of Jericho. He knocks Miz to the floor. Barrett with a big knee to the gut for a 2 count on Jericho. Jericho fights back but Barrett hit another knee. Barrett runs into a boot and Jericho makes a comeback. Jericho hits the bulldog. Miz blocks the Lionsault and sends Jericho to the floor. Miz comes off the top on Barrett and unloads on him with offense. Miz gets caught in Winds of Change and Barrett covers for 2. Miz dropkicks Barrett's leg and goes for the Figure Four and locks it. Jericho breaks it with a Lionsault and a close 2 count on Miz. Jericho goes at it with Barrett and locks in the Walls of Jericho. Miz breaks the hold and goes for a Skull Crushing Finale. Jericho fights him off. They dump Barrett to the floor. Jericho rolls Miz up for a close 2 count. Jericho hits a Codebreaker on Miz.

Barrett pulls Jericho to the floor and steals a pin for 2. Jericho pulls him out and sends him to the barrier. Jericho covers Miz for a close 2 count. Miz plants Jericho with a DDT for 2. Miz misses a clothesline in the corner. Jericho dropkicks Barrett to the floor from the apron. Miz drops Jericho with a kick to the face for another close 2 count. Jericho with chops on Miz. Jericho misses an enziguri. More back and forth. Jericho with a roll up for 2. Miz catches Jericho and hits a Skull Crushing Finale. Barrett runs in and breaks the pin, rolling Miz up for the win.

Winner: Wade Barrett

- After the match, Barrett grabs his title and heads to the ramp to talk some trash. We go to replays.

- We get footage from the world premiere party for WWE Studios' The Call.

- We see some fan Touts for the Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H stipulation. Triple H is headed to the ring as we go back to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes Triple H for the WrestleMania 29 contract signing. The ring is set up with the usual table and chairs. Triple H stands and waits for Brock Lesnar to come out. Paul Heyman comes down with three security guys instead. Triple H says he thought Lesnar was the kind of guy who would come look him in the eye. Heyman says we all know Lesnar is fearless. Heyman says he is afraid of Triple H because Triple H realizes the predicament they have put him in. Either he disappoints the fans by taking away the match they want to see or he signs the contract not knowing what the stipulations are. Heyman thinks Triple H doesn't know what to do yet and is very frustrated. Heyman doesn't want those frustrations taken out on him so that's why he has security with him. Triple H knocks the quality of Heyman's security. Heyman shows that Lesnar has already signed the contract. He says he will reveal the stipulations only after Triple H signs.

Triple H is ready to do this and asks for the contract. Heyman says he wants to take a minute and really enjoy this. Heyman says they have spent time watching one piece of footage over and over again. Heyman shows footage from three weeks ago when Lesnar and Triple H brawled at ringside, leaving Lesnar busted open. Heyman asks how do you top that? Heyman says he knows and it will be Triple H blindfolded at WrestleMania. Nah, he says. Heyman says it will be Triple H with his hands cuffed and ankles shackled in the match. Nope, not that one either. Heyman says Lesnar is letting him pick the stipulation. Heyman says the winner of the match gets Stephanie McMahon. Heyman says no, that wouldn't work. It would be more fitting if the loser gets Stephanie. Triple H grabs Lesnar and pulls him over the desk. Security attacks Triple H but he fights them off and tosses them out of the ring. Triple H grabs Heyman by his hair and slams his face into the table. Triple H rips Heyman's shirt over and hits him in the chest. Heyman screams for Lesnar's help. Triple H says he knows Brock isn't coming out until he signs the contract so he's going to take his time and enjoy this. Triple H smacks Heyman around as he screams for Lesnar.

Triple H signs and makes it official. He stabs the pen into Heyman and tells him to bring out Lesnar. Triple H dumps Heyman off the table. Triple H kicks Heyman out of the ring and tosses a chair onto him. Lesnar's music hits and out he comes with a steel chair. Lesnar is going insane at the top of the ramp. Triple H grabs a sledgehammer. Heyman begs Brock not to enter the ring as Triple H waits. Lesnar laughs and tosses the chair into the ring. The crowd boos. Heyman tells Lesnar that they won this round and talks him down as he walks around the ring. Lesnar points at the WrestleMania sign. Heyman is beat up and looks to be bleeding but smiling. Heyman says that beating was worth it to get Triple H to sign the contract. Heyman reveals a No Holds Barred stipulation. He adds that Triple H's career will be on the line. RAW goes off the air with Triple H looking on from the ring.

Predictions of Wrestlemania 29 by WWEshowresults

Wrestlemania 29. (April 7, 2013)
1. Opening match would be Team Hell No vs Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston for tag team titles. Still world tag team champions team hell no.
3. Nikki Bella would Be New WWE Divas Champion
4. Wade Barret Would be still Intercontinental Champ
5. Triple H will win no hold's match against Brock.
6. The shield will keep pressure at Randy and sheamus and big show
7. Ryback will win his match against Mark Henry
8. CM Punk will break Undertaker's streak Of wrestlemania. Taker will lose.
9. Rio will defeat Jack Swagger for World Title, then Dolph will cash his Money In The Bank contract and Dolph Ziggler would be New World Heavyweight Champion.
10. And Last Match John Cena would be New WWE Champion and Rock will lose.

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Saturday, 16 March 2013

WWE Saturday Morning Slam Results - March 16, 2013

We begin with an ominous video for the search for a GM of the show. A decision will be made today and a new era will begin. The very course of Saturday Morning Slam changes forever.

- We go to the ring where Booker T asks the crowd how their morning is. Booker says he has found the GM and introduces Mick Foley. Foley comes down in a suit. Heath Slater is on commentary with Josh Mathews.

Mick Foley stands in the ring alone and says SMS will be more fun, exciting, and unpredictable as ever under his watch. He is interrupted by Daniel Bryan with his wet combed hair and a single Superman "S" curl on his forehead. Bryan can't believe they chose Foley over him as GM. Foley says it is probably due to Bryan's anger issues. Bryan steams that he doesn't have anger issues. Foley proposes that Bryan be his assistant. Bryan is excited but Dolph Ziggler and his cohorts interrupt.

Ziggler gets in the ring and says the only thing worse than Foley as GM is Foley as GM with Bryan as his assistant. AJ says this is a farce and she and Dolph should be running the show. They have a "No/Yes" session with Bryan. Foley stops it and says his first act as GM will be Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler, right now. We go to commercial.

- Alberto Del Rio brings us this week's PSA to not try this at home.

Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler

They go back and forth and Ziggler dips to the floor to regroup with AJ and Big E. Ziggler gets back in and Bryan takes him down. They grapple on the mat and Bryan does a headstand to escape Ziggler and kicks him in the head off-camera. Bryan stretches Ziggler in a surfboard and releases. Bryan hits a series of No Kicks but the camera is zoomed so we don't see them and they show Big E.

Ziggler and Bryan have a beautiful exchange as they run the ropes. Bryan finally breaks the stalemate with an armdrag that sends Ziggler to the floor. We go to commercial.

We're back as Ziggler has regained control in the ring. He does situps using Bryan's body as an anchor. Bryan rolls him up for 2. Bryan mounts a comeback and hits a hurricanrana to steal the sudden win.

Winner by pin: Daniel Bryan

- Mick Foley tells Tensai and Brodus Clay in the back that their dance is lacking something. Foley rips off his dress shirt and reveals the Dude Love tie-dye shirt. He starts to do the 'knee-dance.' Rosa Mendes and Primo & Epico show up and Rosa tells them off in Spanish and they leave. Foley says she either said that she admired the moves of the 3 dancing bears, she couldn't bear to watch it, or that they could barely dance. Brodus and Foley have a laugh and continue the bear/bare puns but Tensai isn't pleased. That was the most personality Clay has shown in a promo or any verbal segment.

- Back from a break as Tensai & Brodus make their entrance with the Funkadactyls. Heath Slater makes fun of Tensai and Clay at on commentary. Primo & Epico are already out there and Rosa is wearing sleeves and her chest is covered.

Brodus Clay & Tensai vs. Primo & Epico

Tensai starts off with Epico. Epico gets knocked on his butt and tries to slam Tensai but can't lift him. Tensai slams Epico. Epico hits some offense but Brodus tags in and goes to work. Primo breaks the pin and Tensai throws him to the floor. Epico gets pancaked in between Clay and Tensai and they hit a simultaneous splash. Clay gets the pin.

Winners by pin: Brodus Clay & Tensai

Clay, Tensai, and The Funkadactyls dance in the ring as we go off the air.

WWE Smackdown Results 3/15/13

We see footage from Raw when The Shield attacked Randy Orton and Sheamus after their tag match.

Brad explains why he is on Smackdown doing commentary tonight.

Damien and Cody have something to say before their match. What happened on Monday on Raw was nothing short of a managerial and professional abomination. Not only was their sure fire victory over the New Age Outlaws taken from them. Not only was their post match endeavor with the Bella Twins postponed. They were put in a match that they were neither physically or mentally prepared for against these vulgar barbarians in the ring.

Damien says that his uncle Minos Sandow told him something.

Cody says that they don’t deserve the story. Cody says that they ruined their date and night so it is time for them to ruin Randy and Sheamus.

Match Number One: Sheamus and Randy Orton versus Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes

Cody and Sheamus start things off and Sheamus with a side head lock take down. Sheamus with a shoulder tackle but Cody with a kick and punches. Sheamus with an Irish whip and Cody tries to float over but Sheamus catches him. Cody escapes and he tags in Damien. Damien has a kick blocked and Sheamus sends Damien to the mat and connects with an elbow drop.

Sheamus with punches but Damien with punches and kicks. Sheamus with an Irish whip and shoulder into the corner. Sheamus with a running knee lift and a running double sledge or two. Sheamus gets Damien up for White Noise but Damien escapes.

Sheamus sends Damien over the top rope to the apron and it is time for forearms across the chest. Sheamus with an elbow to Cody when he tries to interfere. Damien drops Sheamus on the top rope and then he pulls Sheamus to the floor.

Sheamus punches Damien but Cody with Beautiful Disaster off the announce table and we go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus punches Cody but Cody with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Cody with punches to the back while Sheamus is in the ropes. Damien tags in and he punches Sheamus and follows with a head butt. Damien with forearms and punches to Sheamus while hanging over the apron. Sheamus with head butts and Cody tags in and he keeps Randy from tagging in. Cody with a boot to the chest and then he punches Sheamus. Cody with a front face lock and he kicks Sheamus in the ribs. Sandow punches Sheamus and applies a front face lock. Sheamus with knees and punches.

Sandow with kicks in the corner and the referee warns Sandow. Sheamus with punches but Damien with a kick and punches. Sandow runs into boots from Sheamus and Sheamus pulls himself onto the turnbuckles and he hits a flying shoulder tackle and both men are down.

Orton and Rhodes tag in and Orton with two clotheslines. Cody misses a clothesline and Orton with a power slam. Orton with an Exploder suplex and he sends Rhodes into the ropes and he hits the IEDDT. Sandow hits Orton from behind but Sheamus with a Brogue Kick to Sandow. Orton goes for the RKO push ups and then he hits the RKO for the three count.

Winners: Sheamus and Randy Orton

After the match, The Shield’s music plays and they appear on the TitanTron. Dean tells Randy and Sheamus to relax. Dean says that they don’t have to be afraid. Seth says maybe they do. Roman says that they don’t have to worry about tonight.

Dean says that they should know that the ring that Randy and Sheamus are standing in is their. They can ask the Big Show. They served justice to the Big Show just like they have to every major star in the industry. They mention Ryback, Sheamus, Orton, Cena, and Rock.

Seth says that brings up an interesting point. They have taken John Cena and the Rock multiple times and they have been laid out in the center of the ring. Roman says that it was like roadkill.

Seth says that they are criminals and they take from the Shield because they are in the main event at Wrestlemania. They don’t even have a match at Wrestlemania and that is an injustice.

Dean tells Randy and Sheamus to find a partner, any partner they want.

Randy says that he is in.

Sheamus says that he will see them at Wrestlemania.

Seth says that the Showcase of Immortals now becomes the Showcase of Justice.

Dean says that at Wrestlemania you will believe.

Roman says to believe in the Shield.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Fandango will be here tonight . . . will he wrestle?

Michael Cole reminds us about Triple H making the challenge to Brock Lesnar two weeks ago. On Monday night, Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar gave their answer.

Michael says that this is the ultimate form of blackmail. The announcers wonder what type of conditions Paul and Brock will place on the match. On Monday night, Triple H will respond.

Sheamus and Randy Orton are in the back and they say that they have made the right decision.

Big Show arrives and he says that they could use a tag team partner.

Sheamus wants to know if Show wants to be their partner.

Show says that he does not trust them, but they need someone brutal, merciless and vicious who can bulldoze anyone who comes their way. He says they need a tag team partner who is the ultimate destroyer.

Orton agrees with them and Sheamus says that is why they have picked . . .

the camera pans and we see Ryback.

Show breathes heavily at Ryback and walks away.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Tamina Snuka and Aksana versus Kaitlyn and Layla El

Layla and Tamina start things off and they lock up. Tamina sends Layla into the corner and Layla hits the turnbuckle with her head. Layla with kicks but Tamina does not move on an Irish whip. Layla with a few kicks but Tamina blocks a kick and pushes Layla to the mat.

Tamina tosses Layla by the hair and then she chokes Layla with her boot. Tamina sends Layla into the turnbuckles a few times. Aksana tags in and she kicks Layla. Tamina tags back in and she kicks Layla. Aksana tags in while Naomi and Cameron watch on the monitor. Aksana with a side Russian leg sweep and then she puts Layla in a bow and arrow.

Aksana gets a near fall. Aksana with an Irish whip and Aksana crawls to make the tag. Tamina with a suplex and she floats over to get a near fall. Tamina with a punch but Layla with forearms. Tamina works on the shoulder and Irish whips Layla into the corner. Tamina misses a splash into the corner and Layla gets a near fall.

Kaitlyn and Aksana tag in and Kaitlyn with a clothesline and flying shoulder tackle. Kaitlyn with an inverted DDT for a near fall. Tamina with a forearm to the back of the head as Kaitlyn comes off the ropes. Kaitlyn pushes Aksana into Tamina and Tamina falls off the apron. Kaitlyn with a spear but Layla tags herself in and she hits the triple jump cross body and gets the three count.

Winners: Layla El and Kaitlyn

After the match Layla celebrates but Kaitlyn is not that interested in the amount of celebrating.

Cameron and Naomi discuss what Layla did in the match and then they turn around and the Bellas are standing there. They exchange small talk and Naomi tells them that the Bellas are influences of their.

Nikki wants to make sure that they heard that they were the influence for a couple of hoochie mamas to come to WWE and shake their butts for a dancing dinosaur and his friend who thinks that he is Japanese.

Brie says that they didn’t want to disrespect them but they wanted to introduce themselves. The Bellas attack Cameron and Naomi in the back and referees and officials make their way to break into the area to break things up.

It is time for the Raw Rebound with a look at the tribute paid to the passing of Paul Bearer and CM Punk’s comments. We then see what happened when Kane faced CM Punk and the post match attack by Punk and the stealing of the urn.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Kane (with Daniel ‘The Dazzler’ Bryan) versus Dolph Ziggler (with Big E Langston and AJ Lee)

Kane backs Ziggler into the corner and Kane with knees and an uppercut. Kane with a kick and then he punches Ziggler in the corner and follows with another uppercut. Kane with another punch and kicks. Kane with a shoulder in the corner followed by an uppercut. Kane with a biel to Ziggler.

Kane with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and Kane with an uppercut and Ziggler goes to the floor. Kane follows and Ziggler tries to punch Kane but Kane blocks it. Ziggler with a kick to the leg and punches but Kane with a boot to the head. Kane with a slam and then he gets Ziggler up for another slam.

Ziggler with an elbow and punches to Kane. Ziggler with a kick and punches to Kane. Kane back body drops Ziggler but he lands on the apron. Ziggler with a punch and then he drops Kane on the top rope. Ziggler with a missile drop kick from the top turnbuckle and h gets a near fall. Ziggler kicks Kane in th had and punches him. Ziggler with a leaping elbow drop for a near fall.

Ziggler with a reverse chin lock into a front face lock. Kane picks up Ziggler and tosses him across the ring. Kane charges at Ziggler but Ziggler with a drop toe hold that sends Kane into the turnbuckles and Ziggler with a DDT for a near fall. Ziggler punches Kane in the head.

Kane with an uppercut but Ziggler with kicks. Kane with a clothesline and kick to the midsection. Kane with a delayed vertical suplex followed by a drop kick for a near fall. Kane with an Irish whip and clothesline. Kane with a second clothesline after an Irish whip but Ziggler counters the side slam and Ziggler with a sleeper.

Kane backs Ziggler into the turnbuckles but he runs into a boot. Kane with an uppercut when Ziggler comes off the turnbuckles and Kane gets a near fall. Kane goes up top for the flying clothesline and he connects. Kane signals for the choke slam but AJ distracts Kane. Langston and Bryan fight outside the ring and Bryan is bieled into the timekeeper’s area. Kane with a boot to Langston on the floor.

Ziggler with the Fameasser to Kane when he comes back into the ring and Ziggler hits the Zig Zag for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match, Ziggler stands over Kane and taunts him. Kane grabs Ziggler by the throat but Langston makes the save with a body block to Kane. Langston hits the Big Ending on Kane.

Langston, Ziggler, and AJ leave and survey the damage they did to the tag team champions.

We take a look at Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez’ parody of the Zeb Colter videos. We have a new subject this week. It is borders.

R Truth and Chris Jericho laugh at what Alberto and Ricardo did. Jack and Zeb enter and Jack asks Chris if he thinks that was funny. Jack asks Chris if he thought it was funny when Jack beat Chris and four others to get the match at Wrestlemania and he has the weight of the nation on his back. He is fighting for the soul of this country.

Chris is no different than Del Rio. He came across this border from Canada and he is trying to take something from real Americans.

Chris says that he grew up in Canada, but he was born in America so he is a real American. Chris says that Zeb is a cross between Rush Limbaugh and Yosemite Sam. Chris tells Jack to worry about Wrestlemania and his title match. He also reminds Jack that he has a match against him tonight. Until Jack and Sam can beat him, he tells Jack to shut the hell up.

We go to commercial.

We are back and are you ready to Fandango?

Great Khali and Natalya are in the ring dancing and Fandango’s music starts to play again. Khali and Natalya dance along in the ring while Fandango makes his way onto the stage.

Fandango tells everyone to be quiet and he has them stop the music. He says being a professional interpreter of the language of dance, that is unacceptable. It is obvious that Khali cannot dance at all. He tells stretch to see if he can pronounce his name correctly.

Khali introduces him but he does not do it up to Fandango’s standards. Fandango says that was horrible and he tells Khali that he better have a lot of money because they will have to reimburse everyone who is going to miss out on the debut of Fandango.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to take a look at the John Cena and Rock video package.

Matt Striker is in the interview area and he lets us know that the six man tag match is official. The Shield will face Randy Orton, Sheamus, and Ryback.

Matt is with Sheamus and Randy. Sheamus says the odds are in their favor now. Randy says that the Shield will see what Ryback can do when he faces Mark Henry. A blur comes at Sheamus and it is Roman Reigns who spears Sheamus. Rollins and Ambrose attack Orton. They send Orton into the metal door a few times. They turn their attention to Sheamus and tehn send him through a table.

Officials tell the Shield to leave and they call for Booker.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Teddy Long and Booker T have joined the medical staff checking on Sheamus and Orton. Ryback makes his way into the area and he asks what happened. Teddy says it was the Shield. Booker tells Ryback that they will take care of Randy and Sheamus. He tells Ryback to focus on his match with Mark Henry.

Match Number Four: Mark Henry versus Ryback

They charge at each other and lock up and neither man can get an advantage as they go around the ring. The Shield’s music plays and they stop.

The Shield come through the crowd and make their way to the ring.

They do not go over the ringside barrier at first and then Mark Henry leaves the ring and The Shield go after Ryback and Ryback with a clothesline to Ambrose while Rollins is on his back. Ryback clotheslines Reigns. The Shield use Mark Henry to distract Ryback and they pounce on Ryback and triple team him.

No Contest

Ambrose and Rollins pick up Ryback for the Cerberus Power Bomb and they send Ryback to hell.

Mark Henry picks up Ryback and hits the World’s Strongest Slam. Henry picks Ryback up again and hits another World’s Strongest Slam.

Henry tells the referee to get out of the ring and then he picks up Ryback for a third World’s Strongest Slam and he hits it. He tells Ryback that is what he has in store for him. He will not run through him like the other punks Ryback has dealt with. He welcomes Ryback to the Hall of Pain.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of the attack on Ryback by the Shield and then by Mark Henry.

Match Number Five: Chris Jericho versus Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

They lock up and Swagger backs Jericho into the corner but Jericho pushes Swagger after the break. They lock up again and Swagger with a waist lock. Jericho with a standing switch and take down to the mat. Swagger with a reversal. Swagger runs Jericho into the corner and Swagger punches Jericho on the break. Swagger kicks Jericho in the ribs. Jericho with kicks and chops followed by a forearm. Jericho with a kick to the midsection followed by a clothesline and knee to the chest.

Jericho with a forearm. Jericho sends Swagger to the apron and then Jericho with the springboard drop kick to knock Swagger off the apron. We go to commercial.

We are back and Swagger with an Irish whip and a running knee into the corner. Swagger with boots to Jericho and he stands on Jericho’s chest. Swagger stretches Jericho while yelling ‘We the People’. Jericho gets to his feet but he hits a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down.

Swagger with a clothesline to Jericho and he gets a near fall. Swagger rubs his forearm across the back of Jericho’s neck while his face is against the canvas. Swagger with a front face lock. Jericho gets a near fall on Swagger and he kicks Swagger in the ribs. Jericho punches Swagger and then connects with a forearm.

Swagger with an Irish whip and Swagger goes for the leg and he applies the ankle lock but Jericho kicks Swagger away and gets an inside cradle and a near fall. Swagger with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. We go to commercial.

We are back and Swagger with a running clothesline into the corner. Swagger gets Jericho up but Jericho counters with a DDT and he gets a near fall. Jericho with kicks to the head and chest. Swagger sends Jericho chest first to the mat and then he tries for the Doctor Bomb but Jericho blocks it and he tries for the Walls of Jericho.

Swagger blocks it and he puts Jericho in the ankle lock. Jericho reverses and he applies the Walls of Jericho. Colter gets on the apron but Jericho does not release the hold but Swagger is able to get to the ropes. Jericho has something to say to Colter. Jericho with a baseball slide to Swagger and Jericho goes to the floor.

Jericho Irish whips Swagger into the ring steps. Jericho sends Swagger back into the ring and he goes up top and hits a cross body but only gets a two count. Jericho with knees to the head but Swagger sends Jericho into the turnbuckles but he misses a splash. Jericho tries for the Codebreaker but Swagger counters and sends Jericho into the turnbuckles. Swagger with the Doctor Bomb for the three count.

Winner: Jack Swagger

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