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Tuesday, 31 July 2012

WWE Raw 30/7/12

- Tonight's WWE RAW kicks off with the new intro video that debuted on last week's 1,000th episode. We're live from the US Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio as Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW. Fans are still coming in because of a fire that happened inside the arena earlier. Jerry Lawler shows footage of the RAW set catching on fire earlier this evening after a pyro glitch.

- Cole leads us into a video package looking back at RAW 1000.

- The video runs for about 5 minutes and we come back to WWE Champion CM Punk coming to the ring. Punk makes his way out to a positive reaction from the crowd.

Punk says he had a RAW moment last week bigger than most people's WrestleMania moments. He wants to explain something before he gets into why he did what he did to The Rock. Punk says the way RAW 1000 went off the air left a bad taste in his mouth. Punk brings up Lawler's quote - "CM Punk has turned his back on the WWE Universe." Punk goes to ringside where Lawler is seated. Punk sits the WWE Title on the announcers table and sits cross legged on top of it, in front of Lawler. Punk says he is used to bad commentary but asks how Lawler jumped to such a bad conclusion. Punk says if anything, Lawler turned his back on Punk because the last time he checked, The Rock wasn't the WWE Universe. Punk calls Rock an extremely charismatic, deranged movie star. Punk says Rock disrespected him. Punk says Rock acted like he was invisible when he went into his tired schtick on Daniel Bryan. Punk says Rock is lucky he didn't hurt him right then and there when he was first disrespected. Punk says Rock tried to make RAW 1000 all about him and that's when Punk showed him the kind of man he will be dealing with at Royal Rumble. Punk says this isn't ballet, this is WWE and he is it's champion. Punk is still seated in front of Lawler on the table. Punk brings up how Rock has been quiet for a week. Punk accuses Lawler of having an agenda and spinning it. Punk says he ended RAW 1000 like every issue should end - with the spotlight on the WWE Champion, the best wrestler in the world. Big Show's music hits and out he comes.

Punk says Show must have came to steal the spotlight too. Show says the end of RAW 1000 was actually all about him. Show says he's the one who cost John Cena the WWE Title and caused him to fail at cashing in Money in the Bank. Show says he knocked out Cena and Punk still couldn't beat him. Show says Punk would have tapped out in the STF if it weren't for him. Show says the only reason Punk is still WWE Champion is because of him. Show vows that he will be the next WWE Champion. The crowd boos and Punk laughs at him. Punk says he is the only one winning anything between them two. John Cena's music hits and out he comes running to the ring. Cena unloads on Big Show as Punk watches. Show pushes him away and rolls out of the ring. Cena is hype as Show looks on from the floor and Punk leans against the ropes watching, shaking his head. Justin Roberts introduces AJ Lee and out comes the General Manager.

For tonight's main event, AJ announces Show vs. Cena with the winner facing CM Punk at SummerSlam. AJ leaves as everyone has words.

- Still to come tonight, a look back at last week's encounter between Triple H and Brock Lesnar. We go to commercial.

- Daniel Bryan is shown backstage approaching AJ's office.

Santino Marella vs. Alberto Del Rio

We go to the ring and out comes the WWE United States Champion Santino Marella. Ricardo Rodriguez begins the introduction for Alberto Del Rio and out he comes for a non-title match. Del Rio's car wasn't allowed in the building because of the fire that happened earlier.

The bell rings and they go at it until Del Rio drops Santino and works him over, taking control. Santino fights back but Del Rio suplexes him and stomps some more. Del Rio with kicks in the corner now. Santino makes a comeback and sends Del Rio out to the floor with a dropkick. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Del Rio is working on the arm. Santino fights out of a hold and tries for a comeback but gets beat back down. Del Rio goes back to work on the arm now. Santino fights out with a suplex and then right hands. Santino drops with the split but Del Rio kicks him in the head. Santino comes back again and pulls out the Cobra. Del Rio blocks it and throws Santino shoulder first into the ring post. Del Rio with an armbreaker and then the submission for the win.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

- After the match, Del Rio stands over Santino and says he just destroyed the US Champion like it was nothing. Del Rio says Santino is beneath him as is Sheamus and all of the fans. Del Rio says from now on, he will not compete unless it's a World Heavyweight Title match so he says he won't be wrestling until SummerSlam.

- Still to come, Cena vs. Show.

- Back from the break and Brodus Clay is in the ring dancing with Cameron and Naomi. Vickie Guerrero comes out running her mouth. She tells them to step aside and has some old school hip-hop played. Vickie starts dancing but is interrupted by Damien Sandow. Sandow says a horrible crime was committed against humanity last week. He shows us footage of DX beating him up at RAW 1000. Sandow just attacks Clay and takes his leg out. Sandow beats Clay down and hits him with a bunch of knees. Sandow continues the assault and rips Clay's necklace. Sandow poses as his music hits and Cole plays up the fact that Sandow has snapped.

- We get a look back at Dolph Ziggler and Chris Jericho getting into it 2 weeks ago. They also show Ziggler teasing a cash in on SmackDown and Jericho throwing him into the ring for a Brogue Kick from Sheamus. Jericho then hit Ziggler with a Codebreaker, while wearing a Ziggler t-shirt. Announced for later tonight is Christian and Jericho vs. Miz and Ziggler. Back to commercial.

- Back from commercial and Bryan walks into AJ's office. He asks her if she's insane for embarrassing him and leaving him at the altar last week. She tells him to shut up. She's not his bride to be anymore... she's his boss. AJ says she saw some "groomsmen" who looked like they were from a mental hospital. She wonders if he was marrying her just to have her legally committed. She's booked him in a match against Sheamus tonight. Bryan asks if it's for the World Title and she says no. AJ chants "no" in Bryan's face and he storms off.

- We get a look back at RAW 1000 with Triple H and Brock Lesnar going at it.

- Cole and Lawler tell fans to go on Twitter and vote for what kind of match Sheamus vs. Bryan will be for tonight - a No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere or a Street Fight. Josh Mathews catches up with Sheamus backstage. He likes how AJ has put the match in the fans hands. Sheamus asks Mathews is he's alright and says he's been acting a bit off. Mathews looks confused as Sheamus tells him to relax and take it easy before walking off. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Cole show footage of the arena fire from earlier again.

Street Fight: Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus

We go to the ring and out comes Daniel Bryan first. Bryan takes a mic and demands the fans stop chanting yes. He says only he is allowed to chant it. Out next comes the World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus for a non-title match. It's announced by Jerry Lawler that the match will be a Street Fight with 73% of the vote. The match starts and they go at it back and forth. Sheamus catches Bryan with a huge powerslam for a pin attempt. Sheamus with knees to the back now.

Bryan drops Sheamus into the turnbuckle and takes control of the match. Bryan works on the shoulder now. Sheamus comes back with a big shoulder and knocks Bryan down. Sheamus drops more knees for a 2 count. Bryan rolls out to the floor and Sheamus follows. Sheamus tosses him into the fan barrier a few times. Bryan gets dropped on the steel ramp as they fight up to the stage. Sheamus slams Bryan head first into the big W. Sheamus goes for White Noise but Bryan blocks it and kicks Sheamus while he's on his knees. Bryan runs and dropkicks Sheamus from the stage to the concrete. Sheamus clutches his ankle but gets up. Bryan leaps off the stage with a knee to the face and Sheamus goes back down as we take another commercial break.

Back from the break and Bryan has Sheamus down in the ring, working on his shoulder. Sheamus fights out but Bryan stops the comeback with a knee to the gut. Bryan knocks Sheamus back to the floor. Bryan leaps off the apron but Sheamus catches him and tosses him into the barrier. Sheamus puts Bryan on the barrier and hits him with a series of big forearm shots to the chest. Sheamus suplexes Bryan back on the floor and brings it in the ring. Sheamus throws in a kendo stick and steel chair but Bryan slides them back out of the ring. Sheamus clotheslines him back to the floor. Sheamus comes out but gets smacked in the head with a kendo stick. Bryan comes in the ring with more kendo shots, beating Sheamus down in the corner.

Sheamus stops Bryan with headbutts and gets the kendo stick. Sheamus wails away with it but Bryan dropkicks him back into the steel chair that he wedged in the corner. Bryan with a 2 count. They go back to the floor to brawl. Sheamus takes apart the steel steps and goes to slam Bryan on them. He blocks it but Sheamus catches him for White Noise. Bryan blocks that and rams Sheamus shoulder first into the ring post. Bryan picks up the steps and slides them in the ring. Bryan tosses Sheamus into the fan barrier again. Bryan brings him in the ring and they fight for the kendo stick. Sheamus scoops Bryan for White Noise on top of the steps but Bryan blocks it. Sheamus lays him out on top of the steps with a Brogue Kick. Sheamus covers for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

- The feed has a technical glitch before Cole shows us CM Punk speaking to Jerry Lawler earlier tonight. Still to come tonight, Show vs. Cena. We take another commercial break.

- Back from the break and Bryan is down in the ring with referees. He's yelling that he won't leave the ring until he gets a doctor. Bryan continues throwing a fit as Cole shows us footage of CM Punk John Cena and Big Show from earlier tonight.

- Bryan finally gets a doctor to come in as the WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston and R-Truth come out. Kofi tells Bryan to do everyone a favor and just leave. Truth says they have business to handle. Bryan introduces himself to Little Jimmy and then kicks the little guy out of the ring. Truth runs out of the ring to check on Little Jimmy. Bryan ridicules him for consoling an invisible child. Bryan's guys in white suits come out. They're here to take Truth away for being crazy. GM AJ comes out and says Truth isn't the one who needs help, Bryan is. She says he seems mentally unstable tonight and in the interest of a safe working environment, Bryan needs a psychiatric evaluation. AJ has Bryan escorted out of the ring by the guys in white suits. Bryan confronts AJ on the stage and just stares at her before walking off to the back with the guys in white around him. Back to commercial.

- It's announced that Vince McMahon will be on SmackDown to name a new General Manager.

Kofi Kingston vs. Titus O'Neil

R-Truth and Little Jimmy sit at ringside as Kofi Kingston waits in the ring. They air some fan videos from Tout. AW comes out next to introduce Titus O'Neil and Darren Young. It's Titus vs. Kofi here.

Back and forth to start the match. AW is mic'd up again so we have to hear him. AW makes a reference to the Kobe Bryant rape case from Colorado. Kofi comes back and drops Titus on his face after being down for a few minutes. Kofi fights back with chops and a big dropkick to the jaw. Kofi with another big shot and then the Boom Drop. Young gets on the apron but Truth lays him out. AW gets on the apron and throws his shoe at Kofi. AW runs off as Kofi throws the shoe back at him. Kofi turns around to a big slam from Titus for the win.

Winner: Titus O'Neil

- John Cena is backstage with CM Punk. Punk talks about the #1 contender match tonight. He says Cena is mad because he did to The Rock in one night what he couldn't do in a year. Punk tells Cena to get over it and get ready. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Cole says that they apologize for comments he made during the last match - the reference to the Kobe Bryant rape case.

Heath Slater vs. Randy Orton

Heath Slater is in the ring as we get a look back at his segment with the Legends at RAW 1000. Slater says the Legends have finally gone back to the retirement home so he can get his career back on track. Slater challenges any current WWE Superstar and here comes Randy Orton making his return.

The match starts and Slater takes Orton to the corner with offense. The referee backs him off as Slater unloads. Slater shows off and turns around to big clotheslines from Orton. Orton hits the powerslam and takes Slater to the apron for the second rope draping DDT. Orton drops to the mat and lays Slater out with a RKO for the win.

Winner: Randy Orton

- Daniel Bryan is backstage talking to someone. He says his neck hurts and we see the doctor. He asks Bryan questions and Bryan answers them all with yes. Bryan interrupts the doctor and just goes on a wild "yes" chanting spree.

- Still to come, Jericho and Christian vs. Ziggler and Miz. Back to commercial.

Chris Jericho and Christian vs. The Miz and Dolph Ziggler

Back from the break and out first comes Chris Jericho followed by his partner Christian. Out next comes WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz followed by his partner Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero and his Money in the Bank briefcase.

Ziggler starts things off with Christian and they go at it. Christian with an early pin attempt but Ziggler comes back. Miz comes in but Christian unloads on him and sends him right back to Ziggler for the tag. They lock up again and Jericho tags in as does Miz. Jericho drops Miz with a clothesline for 1. Jericho slams Miz and drops an elbow for another pin attempt. Ziggler comes back in and goes at it with Jericho. Jericho dumps him to the floor and tosses Miz over also. Christian goes to the top and leaps out onto both of them. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Jericho goes at it with Miz in the ring. Jericho with a 2 count. Miz comes back with a clothesline and a 2 count of his own. Miz with a headlock now. Jericho breaks free with a backdrop and makes the tag to Christian as Ziggler comes in. Christian unloads and hits the big drop down right hand. Christian with the elbow from the second rope. He goes for Killswitch but Ziggler blocks it. Christian with a roll up for 2. Christian fights off Miz in the corner but gets dropkicked by Ziggler for another 2 count. Miz comes back in and stomps away for another 2 count. Miz keeps control for another pin attempt. Christian ends up dumping Miz out to the floor again.

Miz stops Jericho from tagging and they double team Christian. Miz with a 2 count. Ziggler tags in for more double teaming. Ziggler with an elbow drop and another 2 count. Ziggler keeps Christian down on the mat as Vickie screams at ringside. Christian breaks free from a headlock but gets dropped with a neckbreaker by Ziggler. Ziggler misses the big leg drop but takes Christian to the corner for more offense. Christian finally takes Ziggler down and goes for the tag. Jericho comes in and unloads on Miz. Jericho dropkicks Ziggler from the apron to the floor and drops Miz with a bulldog. Jericho with a Lionsault on Miz for 2 as Ziggler makes the save. Christian spears Ziggler but Miz throws him into the ring post. Jericho with the Walls of Jericho on Miz but he counters it. Miz with a kick to the face. Jericho blocks Skull Crushing Finale and hits the Codebreaker for the win.

Winners: Christian and Chris Jericho

- After the match, Ziggler lays out Jericho with a briefcase shot to the head. Ziggler stands over Jericho and stares for a minute before leaving up the ramp with Vickie.

- We get another look back at the arena fire from earlier tonight before RAW hit the air.

- Another segment with Daniel Bryan and the psychiatrist backstage. They're looking at pictures and one of them is made to look like a goat face. Bryan says the only goat about him is that he's the greatest of all-time. Bryan asks the doctor if Charlie Sheen put him up to this. Bryan says if Sheen's watching, then he is the one winning, not Sheen. Back to commercial.

Tensai vs. Tyson Kidd

Back from the break and Tensai comes out to wait on Tyson Kidd. We get a look back at Kidd beating Tensai last month. Kidd strikes first with kicks but gets dropped with a big shoulder. Tensai with a splash in the corner and a big slingshot under the second rope. Tensai with a few elbow drops and strikes to the back of the head. Tensai applies the claw hold now and we see Kidd is bleeding from the head a bit.

Kidd tries for a comeback and rolls Tensai up for 2. Kidd with a big kick and a blockbuster from the top for a 2 count. Tensai comes out of nowhere with a big slam and backsplash for the win.

Winner: Tensai

- After the match, Tensai picks Kidd up for a pair of big clotheslines. He drop elbows as the referee tells him to back off. Tensai drops Kidd with a big backbreaker as Sakamoto looks on from the corner. The referee reverses his decision and Kidd wins by DQ.

Winner by DQ: Tyson Kidd

- Tensai goes back after Kidd but officials back him off. Tensai looks around and tells Sakamoto to come to him. Tensai takes out his anger on Sakamoto and slaps him to the mat. Tensai dumps Sakamoto out to the floor.

- Another segment with Bryan and the doctor. The doctor finds him to have a weird obsession with Charlie Sheen but he is indeed 100% sane. Bryan is free to go. The red light comes on and in comes Kane. Kane says he's Bryan's anger management therapist. Kane slams Bryan into the walls and leaves him laying. Back to commercial.

- Lawler and Cole hype SummerSlam and we get another look at the segment Triple H and Brock Lesnar from RAW 1000.

Big Show vs. John Cena

We go to the ring and out comes WWE Champion CM Punk for commentary. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Big Show. Show goes to ringside and has some words with Punk. John Cena is out next and the winner of this one will face Punk for the WWE Title at SummerSlam.

The bell rings and they go at it. Show knocks Cena to the mat first. Show takes it to the corners and drops Cena with a big back splash. Show slowly beats Cena around with headbutts. Punk rips on Lawler and calls his commentary awful. Cena finally fights back and jumps on Show's back with a sleeper. Show slams Cena back in the corner. Cena leaps off the ropes but Show catches him in a bearhug. Cena counters with another sleeper hold.

Punk continues to have words with Lawler on commentary as Cena brings Show to one knee with the sleeper. Show goes down and Cena gets a 2 count. We take another commercial break.

Back from the break and Cena fights back but Show knocks him out of the air. Show stands on Cena and runs his mouth to the fans. Show with another back splash in the corner. Show whips Cena into another corner but runs into boots. Cena with a bulldog. Cena tries to make another comeback but Show catches him in midair with another bearhug. Cena fights out and scoops Show but Show falls on top of him for a 2 count. Show calls for a chokeslam but Cena counters it with a DDT. Show catches Cena with a big sideslam. Show goes to the second rope for a big splash but Cena moves out of the way. Cena comes back with a shoulder and a back drop. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Show catches him with a chokeslam out of nowhere for a close 2 count. Show brings Cena back in the ring and knocks him right back out. Cena shoves Show into the ringpost. They fight at ringside and Cena gets launched into Punk and they both go down. Cena makes it back into the ring before the 10 count where Show waits. Cena finally goes for the Attitude Adjustment on Show but Punk makes the save. Punk then kicks Show in the face and lays him out. Punk takes a mic and announces that there is no winner. Punk leaves the ring and heads to the back when AJ comes out. She says both men are winners and Punk will defend at SummerSlam against Show and Cena in a Triple Threat. Punk comes back out and argues with AJ. RAW goes off the air with Punk demanding respect from AJ.

WWE Raw 30/7/12

- Tonight's WWE RAW kicks off with the new intro video that debuted on last week's 1,000th episode. We're live from the US Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio as Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW. Fans are still coming in because of a fire that happened inside the arena earlier. Jerry Lawler shows footage of the RAW set catching on fire earlier this evening after a pyro glitch.

- Cole leads us into a video package looking back at RAW 1000.

- The video runs for about 5 minutes and we come back to WWE Champion CM Punk coming to the ring. Punk makes his way out to a positive reaction from the crowd.

Punk says he had a RAW moment last week bigger than most people's WrestleMania moments. He wants to explain something before he gets into why he did what he did to The Rock. Punk says the way RAW 1000 went off the air left a bad taste in his mouth. Punk brings up Lawler's quote - "CM Punk has turned his back on the WWE Universe." Punk goes to ringside where Lawler is seated. Punk sits the WWE Title on the announcers table and sits cross legged on top of it, in front of Lawler. Punk says he is used to bad commentary but asks how Lawler jumped to such a bad conclusion. Punk says if anything, Lawler turned his back on Punk because the last time he checked, The Rock wasn't the WWE Universe. Punk calls Rock an extremely charismatic, deranged movie star. Punk says Rock disrespected him. Punk says Rock acted like he was invisible when he went into his tired schtick on Daniel Bryan. Punk says Rock is lucky he didn't hurt him right then and there when he was first disrespected. Punk says Rock tried to make RAW 1000 all about him and that's when Punk showed him the kind of man he will be dealing with at Royal Rumble. Punk says this isn't ballet, this is WWE and he is it's champion. Punk is still seated in front of Lawler on the table. Punk brings up how Rock has been quiet for a week. Punk accuses Lawler of having an agenda and spinning it. Punk says he ended RAW 1000 like every issue should end - with the spotlight on the WWE Champion, the best wrestler in the world. Big Show's music hits and out he comes.

Punk says Show must have came to steal the spotlight too. Show says the end of RAW 1000 was actually all about him. Show says he's the one who cost John Cena the WWE Title and caused him to fail at cashing in Money in the Bank. Show says he knocked out Cena and Punk still couldn't beat him. Show says Punk would have tapped out in the STF if it weren't for him. Show says the only reason Punk is still WWE Champion is because of him. Show vows that he will be the next WWE Champion. The crowd boos and Punk laughs at him. Punk says he is the only one winning anything between them two. John Cena's music hits and out he comes running to the ring. Cena unloads on Big Show as Punk watches. Show pushes him away and rolls out of the ring. Cena is hype as Show looks on from the floor and Punk leans against the ropes watching, shaking his head. Justin Roberts introduces AJ Lee and out comes the General Manager.

For tonight's main event, AJ announces Show vs. Cena with the winner facing CM Punk at SummerSlam. AJ leaves as everyone has words.

- Still to come tonight, a look back at last week's encounter between Triple H and Brock Lesnar. We go to commercial.

- Daniel Bryan is shown backstage approaching AJ's office.

Santino Marella vs. Alberto Del Rio

We go to the ring and out comes the WWE United States Champion Santino Marella. Ricardo Rodriguez begins the introduction for Alberto Del Rio and out he comes for a non-title match. Del Rio's car wasn't allowed in the building because of the fire that happened earlier.

The bell rings and they go at it until Del Rio drops Santino and works him over, taking control. Santino fights back but Del Rio suplexes him and stomps some more. Del Rio with kicks in the corner now. Santino makes a comeback and sends Del Rio out to the floor with a dropkick. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Del Rio is working on the arm. Santino fights out of a hold and tries for a comeback but gets beat back down. Del Rio goes back to work on the arm now. Santino fights out with a suplex and then right hands. Santino drops with the split but Del Rio kicks him in the head. Santino comes back again and pulls out the Cobra. Del Rio blocks it and throws Santino shoulder first into the ring post. Del Rio with an armbreaker and then the submission for the win.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

- After the match, Del Rio stands over Santino and says he just destroyed the US Champion like it was nothing. Del Rio says Santino is beneath him as is Sheamus and all of the fans. Del Rio says from now on, he will not compete unless it's a World Heavyweight Title match so he says he won't be wrestling until SummerSlam.

- Still to come, Cena vs. Show.

- Back from the break and Brodus Clay is in the ring dancing with Cameron and Naomi. Vickie Guerrero comes out running her mouth. She tells them to step aside and has some old school hip-hop played. Vickie starts dancing but is interrupted by Damien Sandow. Sandow says a horrible crime was committed against humanity last week. He shows us footage of DX beating him up at RAW 1000. Sandow just attacks Clay and takes his leg out. Sandow beats Clay down and hits him with a bunch of knees. Sandow continues the assault and rips Clay's necklace. Sandow poses as his music hits and Cole plays up the fact that Sandow has snapped.

- We get a look back at Dolph Ziggler and Chris Jericho getting into it 2 weeks ago. They also show Ziggler teasing a cash in on SmackDown and Jericho throwing him into the ring for a Brogue Kick from Sheamus. Jericho then hit Ziggler with a Codebreaker, while wearing a Ziggler t-shirt. Announced for later tonight is Christian and Jericho vs. Miz and Ziggler. Back to commercial.

- Back from commercial and Bryan walks into AJ's office. He asks her if she's insane for embarrassing him and leaving him at the altar last week. She tells him to shut up. She's not his bride to be anymore... she's his boss. AJ says she saw some "groomsmen" who looked like they were from a mental hospital. She wonders if he was marrying her just to have her legally committed. She's booked him in a match against Sheamus tonight. Bryan asks if it's for the World Title and she says no. AJ chants "no" in Bryan's face and he storms off.

- We get a look back at RAW 1000 with Triple H and Brock Lesnar going at it.

- Cole and Lawler tell fans to go on Twitter and vote for what kind of match Sheamus vs. Bryan will be for tonight - a No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere or a Street Fight. Josh Mathews catches up with Sheamus backstage. He likes how AJ has put the match in the fans hands. Sheamus asks Mathews is he's alright and says he's been acting a bit off. Mathews looks confused as Sheamus tells him to relax and take it easy before walking off. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Cole show footage of the arena fire from earlier again.

Street Fight: Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus

We go to the ring and out comes Daniel Bryan first. Bryan takes a mic and demands the fans stop chanting yes. He says only he is allowed to chant it. Out next comes the World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus for a non-title match. It's announced by Jerry Lawler that the match will be a Street Fight with 73% of the vote. The match starts and they go at it back and forth. Sheamus catches Bryan with a huge powerslam for a pin attempt. Sheamus with knees to the back now.

Bryan drops Sheamus into the turnbuckle and takes control of the match. Bryan works on the shoulder now. Sheamus comes back with a big shoulder and knocks Bryan down. Sheamus drops more knees for a 2 count. Bryan rolls out to the floor and Sheamus follows. Sheamus tosses him into the fan barrier a few times. Bryan gets dropped on the steel ramp as they fight up to the stage. Sheamus slams Bryan head first into the big W. Sheamus goes for White Noise but Bryan blocks it and kicks Sheamus while he's on his knees. Bryan runs and dropkicks Sheamus from the stage to the concrete. Sheamus clutches his ankle but gets up. Bryan leaps off the stage with a knee to the face and Sheamus goes back down as we take another commercial break.

Back from the break and Bryan has Sheamus down in the ring, working on his shoulder. Sheamus fights out but Bryan stops the comeback with a knee to the gut. Bryan knocks Sheamus back to the floor. Bryan leaps off the apron but Sheamus catches him and tosses him into the barrier. Sheamus puts Bryan on the barrier and hits him with a series of big forearm shots to the chest. Sheamus suplexes Bryan back on the floor and brings it in the ring. Sheamus throws in a kendo stick and steel chair but Bryan slides them back out of the ring. Sheamus clotheslines him back to the floor. Sheamus comes out but gets smacked in the head with a kendo stick. Bryan comes in the ring with more kendo shots, beating Sheamus down in the corner.

Sheamus stops Bryan with headbutts and gets the kendo stick. Sheamus wails away with it but Bryan dropkicks him back into the steel chair that he wedged in the corner. Bryan with a 2 count. They go back to the floor to brawl. Sheamus takes apart the steel steps and goes to slam Bryan on them. He blocks it but Sheamus catches him for White Noise. Bryan blocks that and rams Sheamus shoulder first into the ring post. Bryan picks up the steps and slides them in the ring. Bryan tosses Sheamus into the fan barrier again. Bryan brings him in the ring and they fight for the kendo stick. Sheamus scoops Bryan for White Noise on top of the steps but Bryan blocks it. Sheamus lays him out on top of the steps with a Brogue Kick. Sheamus covers for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

- The feed has a technical glitch before Cole shows us CM Punk speaking to Jerry Lawler earlier tonight. Still to come tonight, Show vs. Cena. We take another commercial break.

- Back from the break and Bryan is down in the ring with referees. He's yelling that he won't leave the ring until he gets a doctor. Bryan continues throwing a fit as Cole shows us footage of CM Punk John Cena and Big Show from earlier tonight.

- Bryan finally gets a doctor to come in as the WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston and R-Truth come out. Kofi tells Bryan to do everyone a favor and just leave. Truth says they have business to handle. Bryan introduces himself to Little Jimmy and then kicks the little guy out of the ring. Truth runs out of the ring to check on Little Jimmy. Bryan ridicules him for consoling an invisible child. Bryan's guys in white suits come out. They're here to take Truth away for being crazy. GM AJ comes out and says Truth isn't the one who needs help, Bryan is. She says he seems mentally unstable tonight and in the interest of a safe working environment, Bryan needs a psychiatric evaluation. AJ has Bryan escorted out of the ring by the guys in white suits. Bryan confronts AJ on the stage and just stares at her before walking off to the back with the guys in white around him. Back to commercial.

- It's announced that Vince McMahon will be on SmackDown to name a new General Manager.

Kofi Kingston vs. Titus O'Neil

R-Truth and Little Jimmy sit at ringside as Kofi Kingston waits in the ring. They air some fan videos from Tout. AW comes out next to introduce Titus O'Neil and Darren Young. It's Titus vs. Kofi here.

Back and forth to start the match. AW is mic'd up again so we have to hear him. AW makes a reference to the Kobe Bryant rape case from Colorado. Kofi comes back and drops Titus on his face after being down for a few minutes. Kofi fights back with chops and a big dropkick to the jaw. Kofi with another big shot and then the Boom Drop. Young gets on the apron but Truth lays him out. AW gets on the apron and throws his shoe at Kofi. AW runs off as Kofi throws the shoe back at him. Kofi turns around to a big slam from Titus for the win.

Winner: Titus O'Neil

- John Cena is backstage with CM Punk. Punk talks about the #1 contender match tonight. He says Cena is mad because he did to The Rock in one night what he couldn't do in a year. Punk tells Cena to get over it and get ready. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Cole says that they apologize for comments he made during the last match - the reference to the Kobe Bryant rape case.

Heath Slater vs. Randy Orton

Heath Slater is in the ring as we get a look back at his segment with the Legends at RAW 1000. Slater says the Legends have finally gone back to the retirement home so he can get his career back on track. Slater challenges any current WWE Superstar and here comes Randy Orton making his return.

The match starts and Slater takes Orton to the corner with offense. The referee backs him off as Slater unloads. Slater shows off and turns around to big clotheslines from Orton. Orton hits the powerslam and takes Slater to the apron for the second rope draping DDT. Orton drops to the mat and lays Slater out with a RKO for the win.

Winner: Randy Orton

- Daniel Bryan is backstage talking to someone. He says his neck hurts and we see the doctor. He asks Bryan questions and Bryan answers them all with yes. Bryan interrupts the doctor and just goes on a wild "yes" chanting spree.

- Still to come, Jericho and Christian vs. Ziggler and Miz. Back to commercial.

Chris Jericho and Christian vs. The Miz and Dolph Ziggler

Back from the break and out first comes Chris Jericho followed by his partner Christian. Out next comes WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz followed by his partner Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero and his Money in the Bank briefcase.

Ziggler starts things off with Christian and they go at it. Christian with an early pin attempt but Ziggler comes back. Miz comes in but Christian unloads on him and sends him right back to Ziggler for the tag. They lock up again and Jericho tags in as does Miz. Jericho drops Miz with a clothesline for 1. Jericho slams Miz and drops an elbow for another pin attempt. Ziggler comes back in and goes at it with Jericho. Jericho dumps him to the floor and tosses Miz over also. Christian goes to the top and leaps out onto both of them. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Jericho goes at it with Miz in the ring. Jericho with a 2 count. Miz comes back with a clothesline and a 2 count of his own. Miz with a headlock now. Jericho breaks free with a backdrop and makes the tag to Christian as Ziggler comes in. Christian unloads and hits the big drop down right hand. Christian with the elbow from the second rope. He goes for Killswitch but Ziggler blocks it. Christian with a roll up for 2. Christian fights off Miz in the corner but gets dropkicked by Ziggler for another 2 count. Miz comes back in and stomps away for another 2 count. Miz keeps control for another pin attempt. Christian ends up dumping Miz out to the floor again.

Miz stops Jericho from tagging and they double team Christian. Miz with a 2 count. Ziggler tags in for more double teaming. Ziggler with an elbow drop and another 2 count. Ziggler keeps Christian down on the mat as Vickie screams at ringside. Christian breaks free from a headlock but gets dropped with a neckbreaker by Ziggler. Ziggler misses the big leg drop but takes Christian to the corner for more offense. Christian finally takes Ziggler down and goes for the tag. Jericho comes in and unloads on Miz. Jericho dropkicks Ziggler from the apron to the floor and drops Miz with a bulldog. Jericho with a Lionsault on Miz for 2 as Ziggler makes the save. Christian spears Ziggler but Miz throws him into the ring post. Jericho with the Walls of Jericho on Miz but he counters it. Miz with a kick to the face. Jericho blocks Skull Crushing Finale and hits the Codebreaker for the win.

Winners: Christian and Chris Jericho

- After the match, Ziggler lays out Jericho with a briefcase shot to the head. Ziggler stands over Jericho and stares for a minute before leaving up the ramp with Vickie.

- We get another look back at the arena fire from earlier tonight before RAW hit the air.

- Another segment with Daniel Bryan and the psychiatrist backstage. They're looking at pictures and one of them is made to look like a goat face. Bryan says the only goat about him is that he's the greatest of all-time. Bryan asks the doctor if Charlie Sheen put him up to this. Bryan says if Sheen's watching, then he is the one winning, not Sheen. Back to commercial.

Tensai vs. Tyson Kidd

Back from the break and Tensai comes out to wait on Tyson Kidd. We get a look back at Kidd beating Tensai last month. Kidd strikes first with kicks but gets dropped with a big shoulder. Tensai with a splash in the corner and a big slingshot under the second rope. Tensai with a few elbow drops and strikes to the back of the head. Tensai applies the claw hold now and we see Kidd is bleeding from the head a bit.

Kidd tries for a comeback and rolls Tensai up for 2. Kidd with a big kick and a blockbuster from the top for a 2 count. Tensai comes out of nowhere with a big slam and backsplash for the win.

Winner: Tensai

- After the match, Tensai picks Kidd up for a pair of big clotheslines. He drop elbows as the referee tells him to back off. Tensai drops Kidd with a big backbreaker as Sakamoto looks on from the corner. The referee reverses his decision and Kidd wins by DQ.

Winner by DQ: Tyson Kidd

- Tensai goes back after Kidd but officials back him off. Tensai looks around and tells Sakamoto to come to him. Tensai takes out his anger on Sakamoto and slaps him to the mat. Tensai dumps Sakamoto out to the floor.

- Another segment with Bryan and the doctor. The doctor finds him to have a weird obsession with Charlie Sheen but he is indeed 100% sane. Bryan is free to go. The red light comes on and in comes Kane. Kane says he's Bryan's anger management therapist. Kane slams Bryan into the walls and leaves him laying. Back to commercial.

- Lawler and Cole hype SummerSlam and we get another look at the segment Triple H and Brock Lesnar from RAW 1000.

Big Show vs. John Cena

We go to the ring and out comes WWE Champion CM Punk for commentary. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Big Show. Show goes to ringside and has some words with Punk. John Cena is out next and the winner of this one will face Punk for the WWE Title at SummerSlam.

The bell rings and they go at it. Show knocks Cena to the mat first. Show takes it to the corners and drops Cena with a big back splash. Show slowly beats Cena around with headbutts. Punk rips on Lawler and calls his commentary awful. Cena finally fights back and jumps on Show's back with a sleeper. Show slams Cena back in the corner. Cena leaps off the ropes but Show catches him in a bearhug. Cena counters with another sleeper hold.

Punk continues to have words with Lawler on commentary as Cena brings Show to one knee with the sleeper. Show goes down and Cena gets a 2 count. We take another commercial break.

Back from the break and Cena fights back but Show knocks him out of the air. Show stands on Cena and runs his mouth to the fans. Show with another back splash in the corner. Show whips Cena into another corner but runs into boots. Cena with a bulldog. Cena tries to make another comeback but Show catches him in midair with another bearhug. Cena fights out and scoops Show but Show falls on top of him for a 2 count. Show calls for a chokeslam but Cena counters it with a DDT. Show catches Cena with a big sideslam. Show goes to the second rope for a big splash but Cena moves out of the way. Cena comes back with a shoulder and a back drop. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Show catches him with a chokeslam out of nowhere for a close 2 count. Show brings Cena back in the ring and knocks him right back out. Cena shoves Show into the ringpost. They fight at ringside and Cena gets launched into Punk and they both go down. Cena makes it back into the ring before the 10 count where Show waits. Cena finally goes for the Attitude Adjustment on Show but Punk makes the save. Punk then kicks Show in the face and lays him out. Punk takes a mic and announces that there is no winner. Punk leaves the ring and heads to the back when AJ comes out. She says both men are winners and Punk will defend at SummerSlam against Show and Cena in a Triple Threat. Punk comes back out and argues with AJ. RAW goes off the air with Punk demanding respect from AJ.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

WWE Smackdown Results 27/7/12

For 1000th Raw Results!!!!!!Click here
Miz makes his way to the ring to start things off and he has his Intercontinental Title belt which he earned when he beat Christian to become champion.

Miz says that everyone is looking at the new face of the Intercontinental Championship. He says that he would love to thank every one of Christian’s peeps because they voted for Christian to defend his title on Raw 1000. In that match, Christian lost. Miz says that he is the new Intercontinental Champion because he is the Miz and . . .

Christian feels that his music is more important than Miz’ catchphrase.

Christian says that Miz was going to say AWESOME in an annoying voice. Christian says that it is also awesome that he is going to invoke his rematch clause tonight in Kansas City.

Match Number One: Christian versus Miz

They lock up and Miz with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Christian backs into the corner and Miz has something to say to the former champion. Christian with a waist lock into a side head lock. Miz backs Christian into the corner but Miz with punches on the break. Christian sends Miz into the corner and he punches him.

Christian with an Irish whip and back body drop. Christian sends Miz over the top rope but Miz lands on the apron. Miz with a shoulder from the apron and then he thinks about suplexing Christian to the floor but Christian stops him and connects with a punch and then he slides to the floor and pulls Miz off the apron.

Christian with a baseball slide to Miz and he sends Miz back into the ring. Christian goes to the turnbuckles and tries for a tornado DDT but Miz escapes and then he connects with a knee to the midsection. Miz with kicks to Christian followed by a punch that sends Christian back to the mat. Christian punches Miz but Miz with an Irish whip and he hits an Awesome Clothesline.

Miz goes up top and hits a double sledge and gets a near fall. Miz with a reverse chin lock. Christian with a flapjack and Miz goes to the apron. Christian stops Miz but Miz with a back body drop that sends Christian to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Miz with a series of kicks to Christian’s chest followed by a running boot to the head for a near fall. Miz returns to the reverse chin lock. Christian with elbows and a punch. Christian with a sunset flip for a near fall. Miz hits the Reality Check and gets a near fall. Christian falls into the ropes and Miz chokes Christian in the ropes. Miz sets for another Awesome Clothesline but Christian gets his boots up.

Christian goes up top but he takes too long and Miz stops him. Miz with punches and Miz tries for a superplex but Christian fights back. Christian blocks the superplex again and he punches Miz off the turnbuckles. Christian goes for the frog splash but Miz gets his knees up and Miz gets a few near falls.

Miz says something to Christian and Christian slaps Miz and hits a drop kick from the turnbuckles and both men are down. Christian with punches and a running forearm and a drop toe hold that sends Christian to the floor and Christian with a slingshot to the floor and an uppercut. Christian drops the back of Miz’ head onto the top rope and then Christian hits a cross body for a near fall.

Christian goes to the turnbuckles again and he leaps over Miz and hits an inverted DDT but can only get a two count. Miz sends Christian into the turnbuckles but Christian tries for a sunset flip from the turnbuckles but Miz rolls through. Miz misses a kick and Christian gets a near fall with a rollup. Miz tries for the Reality Check again but Christian counters and gets a near fall with a backslide.

Christian with a back elbow from the turnbuckles and he tries for the Killswitch but Miz blocks it and Miz tries for a belly-to-back suplex. Christian lands on his feet but Miz with a DDT for a near fall. Miz goes to the turnbuckles but Christian pulls Miz off the turnbuckles and Christian sets for the spear.

Miz sees it coming and Miz rolls to the floor. Christian follows Miz to the floor and Miz with a boot. Miz tries for the Skull Crushing Finale but Christian blocks it. Christian with punches in the corner but when the referee is out of position, Miz with a thumb to the eyes followed by a rollup with a handful of tights for the three count.

Winner: The Miz

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Jinder Mahal versus Ryback

They lock up and Ryback backs Mahal into the corner. Ryback with a clean break. Mahal with forearms but Ryback with a boot to the chest. Ryback with a fallaway slam and Mahal goes to the apron. Mahal with a thumb to the eye and a shoulder followed by a knee from the apron. Mahal with a high knee and he gets a near fall.

Mahal with a kick to the head and then he connects with a knee to the head. Mahal is sent to the floor but Mahal returns to the ring and he connects with knees to the back. Mahal signals for the Camel Clutch but Ryback gets to his feet and he hits a backpack stunner. Ryback slams Mahal’s head into the mat and then he hits a spinebuster.

Mahal avoids a lariat and then he goes to the floor and the referee starts his count. The referee gets to ten and calls for the bell.

Winner: Ryback by count out

We go to commercial.

We see footage from Monday’s main event when John Cena became the first to fail to cash in the briefcase and what happened after the match with Big Show, Rock, Punk, and Cena.

Booker, Josh, and Michael discuss what happened with Punk and they are enjoying some beverages from Sonic.

Who wants to Tout about what Punk did?

Sheamus stops by to talk to Daniel Bryan. Sheamus talks to Daniel’s bad evening on Monday with the wedding, Rock, and Charlie Sheen.

Bryan says that he is not done with AJ. Rock won’t be back for six months. He doesn’t care about Charlie Sheen.

Sheamus has a present for Bryan’s wedding and he says that it might come in handy on his wedding night. Bryan is not impressed and we see that it is a book titled ‘How to Last More than 18 Seconds’.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Sheamus versus Cody Rhodes

They lock up and Sheamus backs Cody into the corner and Sheamus with a clean break. Rhodes with a waist lock but Sheamus with an elbow and Cody goes to the floor. Cody complains to the referee about the job he is doing. Cody returns to the ring and Rhodes with a kick and side head lock. Sheamus with a shoulder tackle and he gets a near fall.

Sheamus works on the arm but Cody with a kick and he starts to work on the arm. Sheamus punches Cody and then he Irish whips Cody. Cody floats over but he runs into a delayed tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Cody with a kick but Sheamus with a forearm that sends Cody to the apron. Sheamus puts Cody in the position on the apron but Cody with elbows to avoid the forearms of ten. Cody goes to the floor and Sheamus follows.

Sheamus decides to set up for the forearms of ten from the apron instead. Sheamus tries to suplex Cody to the floor but Cody is able to land on the apron. Cody sends Sheamus into the ring post and Sheamus falls to the floor.

Sheamus barely gets back into the ring and Cody kicks Sheamus. While this is going on, Dolph Ziggler’s music plays and he has his briefcase and Vickie Guerrero with him.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Cody with a key lock while Ziggler waits anxiously at the announce table. Cody with punches to Sheamus but Sheamus with a running double sledge. Cody avoids a second one and Cody with a drop kick for a near fall. Cody with a knee to the head and he gets a near fall.

Cody chokes Sheamus and then Sheamus hangs over the apron and Cody with punches and forearms to the head and neck. Cody gets a near fall and then he tries for a full nelson and he applies it. Sheamus gets to his feet and he escapes with an arm drag. Cody with a kick to the knees followed by the drop down uppercut. Sheamus with a back body drop and both men struggle to get to their feet.

Sheamus with double sledges and then he hits a shoulder in the corner but Cody knows that the knee lift is coming next so he connects with a kick to Sheamus. Sheamus holds on to the ropes on an O’Connor Roll attempt and Sheamus with a running knee lift and tilt-a-whirl power slam for a near fall.

Cody avoids a short arm clothesline and then he connects with a back elbow to the head. Rhodes with a drop toe hold into the turnbuckles followed by a kick. Cody goes up top but misses a moonsault when Sheamus moves. Sheamus with the uranage back breaker and he gets a near fall.

Sheamus gets Cody on his shoulders but Cody with elbows and he sends Sheamus to the floor. Sheamus gets back to the apron and he punches Cody and then Sheamus goes up top but Rhodes with an arm drag. Cody hits Beautiful Disaster but Sheamus kicks out at two. Cody thinks about what he has to do to beat Sheamus while Ziggler waits with the briefcase in his hands.

Cody tries for another Beautiful Disaster but Sheamus catches him and hits White Noise. Sheamus looks around and signals for the Brogue Kick and he connects and gets the three count.

Winner: Sheamus

After the match, Ziggler teases coming into the ring to cash in but he stops short. Ziggler circles the ring and gets on the apron but goes back to the floor. Ziggler takes off his shirt and he looks like he is going to cash in again.

From out of nowhere, someone in a Dolph Ziggler shirt attacks Dolph from behind and sends him into the ring for Sheamus to give Ziggler a Brogue Kick.

We see that the person who sent Ziggler into the ring was Chris Jericho. Sheamus leaves the ring and lets Jericho deal with Ziggler.

Jericho waits for Ziggler to get up and Jericho hits a Codebreaker.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Santino Marella versus Antonio Cesaro with Aksana

Santino goes for the leg but Cesaro blocks him and Cesaro with a front face lock and float over followed by a slap to the head. Santino gets to his feet and Santino pushes Cesaro. Santino with an arm drag. Cesaro offers his hand to Santino and then he tells Santino to look at Aksana and Cesaro with a forearm to the head. Cesaro with head butts to the chest.

Cesaro with a near fall. Cesaro with a deadlift side salto and he gets a near fall. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock. Santino escapes with a Saito suplex and then Santino with jabs and a forearm followed by the diving head butt.

Santino reaches for his sock puppet but Aksana gets on the apron. Cesaro tries to take advantage but Santino with a split and hip toss. Cesaro with a flapjack and Gotch Style Neutralizer for the three count.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro

We take a look back at Damien Sandow’s confrontation with DX.

Damien is walking in the back and he walks past a few wrestlers and some backstage workers as we go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the segment from Raw when we found out that Brock Lesnar will be facing Triple H at SummerSlam.

Match Number Five: Damien Sandow versus Yoshi Tatsu

They lock up and Sandow with a knee and forearm before sending Yoshi to the floor. Sandow goes after Yoshi and sends him into the ringside barrier. Sandow slams Yoshi’s head into the ringside barrier. Sandow sends Yoshi back into the ring.

Sandow with a side Russian leg sweep and then he rolls through for the Elbow of Disdain. Sandow with knees to Yoshi followed by the cross arm neck breaker and the three count.

Winner: Damien Sandow

After the match, Damien gets on the mic and he addresses the repulsive, ruffian, wretches. He says that if you enjoyed what happened to him on Monday night at the hands of those unruly Degenerates, he is their martyr.

He tells everyone ‘You’re Welcome’ and then he does the victory cartwheel.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Six: Kane versus Rey Mysterio versus Daniel Bryan versus Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez in a Number One Contender Match

The bell rings and Kane goes after Bryan while Del Rio works over Mysterio with kicks. Bryan with an elbow to Kane and then Kane goes over the top rope to the floor when Bryan pulls down the top rope. Bryan with a kick to Kane on the floor and then Del Rio tries for a running drop kick but Rey moves and Del Rio goes to the floor. Bryan with a suicide dive onto Kane.

Rey with a seated senton splash onto Del Rio from the apron. Rey with a shoulder to Bryan den then Rey goes up top and hits the seated senton. Bryan with a clothesline and Rey goes down hard. Bryan gets a near fall while Kane sends Del Rio into the ring steps. Kane charges at Del Rio but Del Rio with a drop toe hold and Kane goes into the ring post and steps.

Bryan knocks Del Rio off the apron and Rey with a rollup on Bryan for a near fall. Bryan with kicks of Yes to Rey and then he tries for a power bomb but Rey blocks it. Rey with a drop kick to the knees and Bryan miraculously falls into the ropes for a 619. Rey tries for the 619 but Del Rio with a clothesline.

Bryan with a clothesline to Del Rio. Kane with an uppercut to Bryan. Kane with an Irish whip into the corner and Kane splashes Del Rio and Bryan followed by a side slam to Bryan for a near fall.

Kane goes up top and hits the clothesline on Bryan and he sets for a choke slam on Bryan. Kane kicks Del Rio and then he grabs Rey with his other hand. Rey and Bryan block the double choke slam and they try for a double suplex but Kane blocks it and reverses it.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Del Rio punches and kicks Bryan in the corner. Bryan with a hard Irish whip and then he connects with kicks of Yes in the corner. Bryan sets for the running drop kick of Yes into the corner but Del Rio moves and Bryan hits the turnbuckles hard. Del Rio with the step up enzuigiri and then he floats over into the cross arm breaker. Bryan looks like he is about to tap but Rey with a leg drop to Del Rio from the top and gets a near fall.

Rey with a baseball slide to Del Rio’s nether region. Kane hits Rey from behind and Kane with a clothesline that sends Del Rio over the top rope to the floor. Kane with punches to Rey in the corner followed by a hard Irish whip. Kane gets a near fall on Rey followed by a drop kick for a near fall.

Kane with a rear chin lock while Ricardo checks on Alberto. Kane sends Rey into the corner and Rey with boots to Kane. Rey floats over and Kane catches Rey. Kane tries for a running power slam but Rey counters with a tornado DDT. Rey goes to the turnbuckles and tries for a rana but Kane blocks it and Del Rio with a drop kick to Rey. Del Rio punches Kane but Kane grabs Del Rio as he comes off the ropes. Del Rio with an enzuigiri followed by a lungblower but Bryan breaks up the cover.

Bryan with kicks of Yes to Del Rio but he misses a round kick and Del Rio with a rollup for a near fall. Bryan applies the Yes Lock on Del Rio but Kane prevents Del Rio from tapping out. Kane punches Bryan and connects with an uppercut.

Kane clotheslines Bryan over the top rope. Del Rio with an arm breaker and then he tries to float over into the cross arm breaker but Kane avoids it and hits a chokes slam but Rey breaks up the cover. Kane goes to the floor and Bryan goes to the apron for a running knee to the back.

Rey with a round kick to Del Rio but Alberto kicks out at two. Rey signals for the 619 but Bryan grabs Rey from behind. Rey sends Bryan into the ropes and he falls onto the middle rope. Del Rio charges at Rey but Rey with a drop kick to the knee and Del Rio falls into the ropes next to Bryan. Rey hits the 619 on both men and he goes up top for the dive onto Bryan but Ricardo pulls Rey out of the ring and Del Rio pins Bryan to win the match.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

::WWE:: 1000th Raw in History 23/7/12

- There was no YouTube pre-show despite WWE advertising it in advance.
- The 1,000th episode of WWE’s Monday Night RAW kicks off with a new intro video. We get another video that looks back at some of the many moments from 1,000 episodes. They also show some of the sadder moments like Eddie Guerrero’s tribute. The video goes on for about 4 minutes and shows a ton of clips.
- We’re live from the Scottrade Center in St. Louis, Missouri as Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW 1000. He’s joined by Jerry Lawler.
- We go right to the ring and out comes Vince McMahon.
Vince comes out and thanks the fans. They throw a “thank you Vince” chant back at him. Vince welcomes us to Monday Night RAW and introduces DeGeneration X. The DX music hits and out comes Shawn Michaels and Triple H.
Shawn says he needs to catch his breath from running around. Shawn says he feels like something is missing. Triple H agrees and they do some DX comedy. Triple H says there used to be more of them. The DX music hits again and they introduce X-Pac, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn. They come riding in the Army tank from the WCW invasion years ago. DX reunites in the ring and the crowd pops big for it.
They do crotch chops as the X pyro goes off across the ring. Road Dogg takes the mic first and does his famous intro for The New Age Outlaws. Triple H does his intro and asks everyone if they’re ready. Triple H says he will see everyone at RAW 2000 and then tells everyone to get ready to suck it. More DX comedy. They pick on Shawn for posing for Playgirl years ago. They’re interrupted by Damien Sandow.
Sandow walks to the ring and Shawn says to let him talk. Sandow says this is what WWE and society at large has turned into – degenerates. Sandow runs them down some more but acknowledges that DX could beat him down and dispose of him like trash. Sandow says he won’t be a victim if they do – he will be a martyr for anyone who appreciates a sophisticated mind. DX discusses this as a group as Sandow looks on. HBK connects with Sweet Chin Music and then Triple H grabs him for a Pedigree. They tell everyone to suck it again before the DX music hits and they celebrate some more. They disrobe Sandow and toss him out of the ring.
- We get hype for The Rock’s return to RAW tonight. Also still to come, Brock Lesnar answers Triple H’s SummerSlam challenge. Cole and Lawler also hype AJ Lee and Daniel Bryan’s wedding for tonight. They plug tonight’s WWE Title main event and we go back to DX celebrating on the ramp. We go to commercial.
- Back from the commercial and out comes Jim Ross to join Cole and Lawler on commentary.
Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara and Sheamus vs. Chris Jericho, Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio
We go to the ring and out comes Rey Mysterio to a big pop. Out next come his partners – Sin Cara and then the World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus. Out first for the other team is Chris Jericho to a nice reaction from the crowd. His partners are out next – first comes Dolph Ziggler with his Money in the Bank briefcase and Vickie Guerrero, second is Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio comes in driving a 2012 Aston Martin as Ricardo Rodriguez does the intro.
Back from a commercial and it’s Ziggler with Cara in the corner. Dolph drops a big elbow and covers Cara for 2. Jericho tags in and takes Cara to the mat with a headlock. Cara fights free and rolls Jericho up for 2. Jericho with a dropkick and some trash talking to Sheamus. Jericho slams Cara and steps on him for a 1 count. Jericho tags in Del Rio to keep up the attack on Cara. Del Rio takes Cara to the corner and kicks him to the mat for a 2 count. Del Rio with knees to the back now.
Del Rio runs into a boot in the corner. Cara hits a tornado DDT from the top and both of them go down. Cara tags in Sheamus as Jericho tags in. Sheamus runs over Jericho and spears him in the corner. Sheamus with a big knee to the head. Jericho counters a move but Sheamus catches him in the backbreaker for a 2 count as Del Rio breaks it up. Mysterio comes in and takes Del Rio to the floor. Mysterio leaps from the apron and takes Del Rio out on the floor. Cara kicks Ziggler to the floor. Jericho knocks Cara to the floor. Sheamus comes at Jericho and they counter. Jericho goes for Walls of Jericho but it’s blocked. Sheamus blocks the Codebreaker but Jericho ducks a Brogue Kick. Ziggler hits Jericho, his own partner, with a cheap shot. Sheamus knocks Ziggler back to the floor and waits for Jericho to get up. Sheamus flattens Jericho with a Brogue Kick for the win.
Winners: Sheamus. Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio
- More hype for The Rock before going back to commercial.
- Back from the break and apparently JR has left commentary. We see some Tout videos from WWE fans congratulating AJ and Daniel Bryan on their wedding.
- Cole and Lawler talk to actor Charlie Sheen live via Skype. Apparently he will be watching the show tonight and they are going to check back in with him.
- Cole leads us to a video looking back at Daniel Bryan proposing to AJ last week. AJ is backstage getting ready. She thinks she’s having a private wedding. She’s talking to Layla. Layla looks confused and asks her if she’s sure about the wedding. AJ talks about WWE being unstable. She opens her dressing room door and we see Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Then we see Roddy Piper and R-Truth playing with Little Jimmy. Mae Young appears with a man dressed up like a large hand. This is her son that was born on RAW years ago. Great stuff. Layla wishes AJ good luck and walks off. Back to commercial.
- A Sonic waitress comes down on roller skates through the crowd and gives some smoothies to Cole and Lawler.
Brodus Clay nails the splash
Jack Swagger vs. Brodus Clay
Jack Swagger is making his way to the ring. Out next comes Brodus Clay with Cameron and Naomi.
Clay takes the mic and introduces Dude Love. Out comes one of Mick Foley’s alter egos. He watches from ringside as Swagger rushes Clay. Clay dodges it and suplexes Swagger. Clay nails the splash for the squash win.
Winner: Brodus Clay
- After the match, Dude Love gets in the ring and dances with Clay. Swagger tries to attack but he gets a tie-dyed Socko in his mouth. Love, Clay, Cameron and Naomi dance some more.
- Trish Stratus is backstage with Triple H. She’s showing him some Stratusphere Yoga moves. She has him bent over when the rest of DX walks in. They leave but Waltman sticks around with Trish to flirt with her but she resists.
- We see Daniel Bryan backstage with some odd looking groomsmen. Let’s just say they aren’t dressed in tuxedos. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and Cole hypes tonight’s WWE Title match.
- We go to Jerry Lawler in the ring for the wedding. Lawler introduces the reverend for tonight and out comes WWE Legend Slick. Slick does a promo and out comes the groom Daniel Bryan. Bryan chants yes as he comes out in a white tux. “Here Comes the Bride” hits as AJ makes her way out looking good in a wedding dress.
Slick begins his speech about marriage and the crowd chants “what” at everything. Slick asks if anyone can show just cause on why these two shouldn’t be married. The crowd boos but nobody comes out to interrupt. Slick hands Bryan the ring. Bryan admits they have had ups and downs but he says he loves AJ and always will. Bryan says a new chapter will begin for the both of them and he will finally have everything he’s ever wanted. Bryan slips the ring on hr finger. Slick asks if Bryan takes AJ to be his wife and he says YES. Slick can’t finish his sentence before AJ says yes. Slick goes to wed them but AJ stops him. She wasn’t saying yes to Daniel, she says. She was saying yes to someone else – another man. AJ says this man proposed to her earlier tonight.
Vince McMahon’s music hits and out he comes. Vince says it’s not that kind of proposal. It’s a business proposal. Vince introduces the new RAW General Manager – AJ Lee. AJ smiles, Bryan looks shocked and the crowd gets riled up. AJ hands Bryan the flowers back and skips around him in the ring as her music plays. AJ leaves up the ramp as Bryan gets upset in the ring. AJ chants yes from the stage while Bryan chants no in the ring. She has left him at the altar. Bryan tears apart the wedding set as we go back to commercial.
- Back from the break and Bryan is still throwing a fit in the ring. Out comes WWE Champion CM Punk to a big pop.
Punk mocks Bryan for getting left at the altar. Punk says AJ as General Manager can’t be good for Bryan’s luck. Punk tells Bryan to continue throwing a fit while he continues to be the best in the world. Bryan goes off and yells that he is the greatest of all-time. He is interrupted by The Rock’s music. Out comes The Rock to a huge pop.
The Rock hits the ring and the crowd chants his name. Rock says Bryan doesn’t get to say who the greatest of all-time is because the fans do. More chants for The Rock. Bryan goes to cut Rock off but Rock isn’t having it. The crowd chants Boots To Asses as Punk looks on from the side. The Rock points out that he first won a WWE Title in St. Louis and the crowd pops some more. Rock knocks Bryan and says he’s here to talk about the WWE Champion. Rock announces that whoever the WWE Champion is at Royal Rumble will face The Rock that night with their title on the line. Punk says Rock is looking at who that man will be. Punk says he will beat John Cena tonight and if Rock wants a match at Royal Rumble, he wishes it was tomorrow. Punk says CM Punk vs. The Rock sounds good to him but he’s going to win.
The Rock declares that he will be the next WWE Champion at the Royal Rumble. Bryan starts chanting no and the crowd chants yes. Bryan says this is supposed to be about him. This was supposed to be the greatest night of his life. Bryan gets in Rock’s face and says someway, somehow, Rock will fight him at the Rumble. Bryan says he will be the face of WWE. Rock says Bryan is what would happen if a homeless lumberjack banged an oompa loompa. Rock wishes Punk good luck for tonight and goes back to Bryan. Rock says he got Bryan a wedding gift anyway and drops him with a Rock Bottom. Rock hits the mic one more time before leaving the ring.
- They hype Lesnar’s return and tonight’s WWE Title match before going back to commercial.
- Back from the break and Justin Roberts introduces WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart as the special ring announcer and timekeeper for the next match. Bret comes out to a big pop. Bret says one of the best moments of his career was winning the Intercontinental Title from Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig. Bret says it’s an honor to be here and does the introductions for the match.
WWE Intercontinental Title Match: The Miz vs. Christian
Out first comes the WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian. Out next comes his opponent The Miz.
The bell rings and they lock up. Christian ends up dumping Miz out to the floor and diving out from the top rope. Christian lands on his knee as we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Miz is in control. Christian fights him off and starts a comeback. Christian hits a crossbody from the corner for a 2 count. Christian goes t the second rope for a back elbow and waits for Miz to get up. Christian goes back and forth and rolls Miz up from the corner for 2. More back and forth. Miz kicks Christian in the face and covers him for 2. Miz runs into a bot int he corner and Christian catches him with a DDT for 2.
Christian goes for a spear but Miz hits him and drops the DDT for a close 2 count. Miz charges in the corner but misses. Christian goes for Killswitch but Miz blocks it. Miz goes for Skull Crushing Finale but it’s blocked. Christian lands on his bad knee and Miz hits the SCF for the win and Intercontinental Title.
Winner and New WWE Intercontinental Champion: The Miz
- After the match, Miz takes the mic and declares that he’s the Intercontinental Champion and awesome.
- Cole and Lawler go to Charlie Sheen via Skype. He’s happy to see The Rock back and talks about the Bryan and AJ wedding. We’re going back to Sheen later on.
- Cole and Lawler hype tonight’s WWE Title match. Cole is plugging Tout when he’s interrupted by a commercial break.
- Back from the break and we get a RAW 1000 video of Regis Philbin talking about how much he loves WWE. He congratulates WWE on 1,000 episodes of RAW.
- We go to the ring and out comes Triple H to to a big pop. We cut to the Slam of the Week which is actually Triple H and Brock Lesnar going at it 3 months ago.
Triple H is still dressed in his DX gear. He says he’s had his fun so it’s time to pick the intensity up. He knows Brock Lesnar is here and calls him out. Triple H wants to fight Lesnar at SummerSlam and he wants the answer right now. Lesnar’s music hits and out comes Paul Heyman.
Triple H wanted the horse’s head not his ass, he says. Heyman admits that Lesnar is here tonight. Lesnar has authorized Heyman to answer his question now. Lesnar’s answer is no. Triple H says he’s tired of the crap and says maybe he will just go backstage and find Lesnar. Heyman wonders if that’s really best for business but Triple H doesn’t care at this point. Triple H calls Lesnar a little coward, a little bully. Triple H wonders if Lesnar is afraid of him. Heyman mocks Triple H for resorting to name calling. Heyman asks if that’s what Triple H teaches his children. Triple H backs Heyman up and says not to talk about his family or his kids. Heyman apologizes and says he feels sorry for Triple H’s children. Triple H moves in but out comes Stephanie McMahon to a nice pop.
Stephanie gets in Heyman’s face and says to never speak about her kids again. Stephanie says the lawsuits are personal and brings up his failures in WCW, ECW and WWE. Stephanie says when it comes to being a visionary, Heyman is looking in the rear-view when compared to her father Vince. Not a typo. Stephanie says Heyman’s kids are ashamed of him because he’s a professional parasite. Stephanie slaps Heyman. Heyman gets upset and says it’s on – Triple H vs. Brock at SummerSlam. Heyman applauds and says Stephanie did it again. He fell for it – she always gets her way. Heyman brings up her kids again and Stephanie tackles him. Stephanie unloads on Heyman when Brock Lesnar’s music hits and out he comes.
Stephanie rolls out of the ring as Brock enters and spears Triple H into the corner. They brawl back and forth throwing big shots. Triple H knocks Lesnar out of the ring as the crowd goes crazy. Brock and Heyman look on from the ramp as Triple H stands in the ring. Lesnar yells for him to “f” off and they bleep it out.
- More hype for the WWE Title match before going to commercial.
- Back from the break and we get more Tout videos and then some hype for WWE ’13.
- We get a look back at the Steve Austin and Vince McMahon feud. Back to commercial.
Lita vs. Heath Slater
Back from the break and out comes WWE United States Champion Santino Marella and Hornswoggle. WWE Hall of Famer Howard Finkel is the special ring announcer. Heath Slater is out next. He takes the mic and says what has happened in the past doesn’t matter – only tonight matters. Slater challenges the Legends to a No DQ, No Countout match. The music hits and out comes Lita.
Slater takes the mic and laughs but accepts the challenge. She brought some protection and out comes JBL and Ron Simmons – the return of the APA. Slater leaves the ring and heads up the ramp. He’s interrupted by the LOD music and out comes all the Legends who have faced Slater in recent weeks. Animal, Sid, Vader, Rikishi, Sgt. Slaughter, Roddy Piper, Diamond Dallas Page, Doink the Clown and Bob Backlund. They throw Slater back in the ring. She hits a Twist of Fate while JBL hits a big Clothesline from Hell. Lita gets the win.
Winner: Lita
- All the Legends come into the ring to celebrate with Lita. Everything stops and Ron Simmons does a “DAMN!” at Slater. The Legends celebrate some more and taunt Slater.
- We get a look back at the wedding and Vince McMahon naming AJ the new General Manager. They show The Rock laying out Bryan with a Rock Bottom.
- Former announcer Sean Mooney is backstage with Daniel Bryan. Bryan isn’t happy about what happened or being insulted by Charlie Sheen. We go back to commercial.
- Back from the break and Michael Cole is at ringside with WWE’s 100 millionth social media fan. He talks about how he’s having a better night than Daniel Bryan. The next RAW 1000 video features Muppet Fozzie. He talks about some of the WWE catchphrases over the year and shows us a video.
- Zack Ryder is backstage with Mean Gene Okerlund and John Cena. Ryder says Gene was behind GTV, an old angle from years ago. The Rock walks up to Gene and Ryder leave. Cena says it’s been a long time. Rock wishes Cena good luck. Cena brings up The Rock and the Royal Rumble. Cena says he’s cashing in tonight and will become the WWE Champion so he can get one more shot at The Great One. Rock says he can’t begin to tell Cena how much he’s looking forward to that. Rock wishes Cena good luck again as we go back to break.
The Undertaker and Kane
- Back from the break and out comes Kane. Kane goes to do his pyro but is interrupted by Jinder Mahal. He comes out with Tyler Reks, Curt Hawkins, Camacho, Hunico and Drew McIntyre. They surround the ring but the lights go out and here comes The Undertaker.
Taker makes his entrance to the ring as Kane looks on. The other Superstars are talking at ringside. Taker takes his hood off to reveal the same hairstyle he had at WrestleMania. Kane and Taker stare at each other. The heels hit the ring but Taker and Kane fight them off. It comes down to Hawkins and Hunico but they catch chokeslams at the same time. They do the cutthroat and scoop Hawkins and Hunico up for Tombstones. The crowd chants “this is awesome” as Taker and Kane clear the ring of Hawkins and Hunico. Taker drops to one knee and poses while his music starts. Kane stands behind him and makes the pyro go off to end the segment.
- We go to video from a “be a STAR” rally in St. Louis earlier today.
- Back from commercial and the announcers go back to Charlie Sheen on Skype. They ask him about Daniel Bryan’s threats from earlier. Sheen disses Bryan and says he won’t be hiding from him. Lawler asks if Sheen is challenging Bryan to a match and he says Bryan can interpret it however he wants. Cole teases that there may be a confrontation at SummerSlam.
WWE Title Match: John Cena vs. CM Punk
We go to the ring and out comes John Cena with his Money in the Bank briefcase. Out next comes the WWE Champion CM Punk. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and they lock up. Cena drops Punk with a shoulder as the crowd does dueling chants. Cena with a headlock now. Cena drops Punk with another shoulder. Punk comes back and backslides him for a 2 count. They go to lock up again and Punk works on Cena’s arm now. They break again after more back and forth action. They lock up again and go to the corner. Punk hits Cena with chops on the ropes. Cena beats Punk over the back and turns it around. Cena takes Punk back to the mat with a headlock.
Punk powers but and kicks Cena in the back. Punk with a backbreaker for a 2 count. Cena fights out of a hold and they trade shots in the middle of the ring. Cena comes back with shoulders but Punk blocks the back drop. Punk with a kick and a clothesline. Punk ends up hitting the high knee in the corner. Cena blocks the bulldog and slams Punk on his back. Cena goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Punk kicks him in the head. Punk takes Cena down with another kick to the head. Punk goes for GTS but Cena slides out and accidentally shoves Punk into the referee. Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment and pins Punk for the win but the referee is out on the floor.
Big Show comes down and spears Cena. Cena gets up as Punk looks on and Show waits. Show drops Cena with a knockout punch and leaves the ring. Punk watches and gets up, acting unsure about what to do. He goes out to get the referee and brings him back in the ring. Punk finally covers Cena but he kicks out at 2.
Punk picks Cena up for the GTS but Cena blocks it and locks in the STF. Big Show comes back in and breaks the hold with a big elbow for the disqualification.
- After the bell, Show unloads on Cena as Punk looks on. Show stomps away on Cena after beating him down. Show continues to beat Cena up while Punk does nothing about it. The Rock’s music hits and here he comes running. Rock unloads on Big Show and takes him down with a spinebuster. Rock goes for the People’s Elbow but Punk stops him with a clothesline. A bit of a mixed reaction from the crowd. Punk waits on Rock to get up and hits him with GTS. Still a mixed reaction for Punk but more boo’s. Punk grabs the WWE Title and walks out of the ring as Rock tries to recover. More fans are booing Punk now. RAW goes off the air with Punk walking away with the WWE Title.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

WWE Smackdown Results 20/7/12

For 1000th Monday Night Raw Click here
We begin with Rey Mysterio, who makes his way to the ring in his home town.

We see footage from Rey’s return on Monday night to attack Alberto Del Rio and hit the 619 on the man of destiny.

Rey says that it has almost been a year that he was injured and it took place in this arena. He says that he never lost hope. Now it feels good to be back with all of his friends, family, and his people in his home town to officially say that he is back.

He couldn’t wait so he came back on Raw. Because Alberto Del Rio was in the ring, it made things sweeter. He says that he has to admit . . .

Alberto Del Rio’s music interrupts Rey and Alberto comes out dressed quite dapper with Ricardo Rodriguez. Alberto welcomes back the Chihuahua. He tells Rey that he made a mistake coming back because he never should have picked a fight against him. The people might not remember, but Rey remembers that Alberto took him out a year ago and almost ended his career.

Alberto makes it to the ring and he says that he could finish the job right now. Alberto gives Rey an order instead. He tells Rey to leave his ring right now.

Rey says that he ain’t going nowhere.

Alberto says that he has everything. He has the money, the power, and the titles. Alberto wants to talk about what Sheamus did at Money in the Bank.

Rey tells Alberto that Sheamus beat Alberto’s face in at Money in the Bank.

Alberto tells Rey that he hasn’t learned anything, but Rey’s return will be short. Lucky for Rey, the one who will destroy Rey’s life and career is none other than the next World Champion Alberto Del Rio.

That brings out Dolph Ziggler, Vickie Guerrero, and their love child known as the Money in the Bank briefcase. Dolph says that if the next World Champion is going to ruin Rey’s career, it will be due to him. Dolph tells Rey it is his lucky day because he isn’t out here for Rey. He is out here for Alberto.

Dolph mentions that he defeated seven other people to win the briefcase and earn the title match. He was going to cash it in on Sunday but due to Alberto, he is not the champion.

Alberto says that he does not work for Dolph and he will not do the dirty job for Dolph to help him out. Alberto says that Dolph could be working for him along with his burra.

Rey wants to bring the discussion back and he tells Dolph and Alberto if the ladies want to settle things, they should shut up and take care of each other.

Dolph agrees with Rey but he says that they shouldn’t deal with each other.

Before Alberto or Dolph can do anything to Rey, Sheamus’ music plays and they forget that he has to walk to the ring so they stop their attempt to attack Rey.

Sheamus tells Rey that it is so good to see him, fella. Sheamus tells Dolph if he makes another step, he will send him into the Pacific Ocean. Sheamus suggests they do something right now.

Dolph is ready for a fight, but Alberto leaves the ring. Sheamus with a running double sledge and Dolph falls into the ropes. Since Rey did not send him into the ropes, Dolph is not stuck in the ropes. Dolph is able to avoid the 619 and he goes to the floor and leaves.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the tag match has been made with Sheamus and Rey Mysterio facing Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio.

Match Number One: Hunico, Camacho, Darren Young, and Titus O’Neil with Abraham Washington and his headset versus Kofi Kingston, R Truth, Primo, and Epico with Rosa Mendes

Hunico and Epico start things off and they lock up. Hunico tries for a hip toss but Epico lands on his feet. Hunico with a double leg take down but Epico powers out and then he takes Hunico to the mat with an arm drag and arm bar. Hunico chops Epico and connects with a shoulder tackle. Hunico blocks a monkey flip and he sends Epico to the mat. Epico with a rana and arm drag into an arm bar.

Primo tags in and he hits a drop kick and gets a near fall. Hunico with a punch to the midsection. And he tags in Camacho. Primo with a hip toss and near fall. Primo with an arm bar. Camacho with shoulders in the corner followed by punches and kicks. Camacho misses a charge into the corner and Primo gets a near fall.

Primo with a side head lock and Truth makes the blind tag. Truth with a punch to Camacho followed by a split and then he does the dancing leg drop and gets a near fall. Camacho takes Truth into the corner and Truth escapes.

All eight men are in the ring until Hunico, Camacho, Titus, and Darren retreat to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Kofi tags in and he is sent into the corner for a splash on Camacho. Kofi with the Superman punch and then he goes for the Boom drop and hits it. Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise but Hunico grabs Kofi’s leg while the ref is distracted. Camacho with a spinebuster for a near fall.

Camacho with kicks to Kofi and Hunico tags back in. Camacho with a slam and Hunico with a slingshot senton for a near fall. Hunico with a reverse chin lock but Kofi with punches. Hunico with a knee and Titus tags in and he connects with a back breaker and then he throws Kofi towards the corner. Titus chokes Kofi with his boot.

Kofi fights out of the corner but Titus stops him and slams Kofi to get a near fall. Titus with an abdominal stretch with punches to the upper chest. Darren tags in and Kofi with a kick to Darren and then Titus misses a charge and goes over the top rope. Primo tags in and he hits a springboard punch and running back elbow. Primo with a leg drop and elbow drop followed by a cartwheel and he sends Young into the corner.

Primo with a chop but Darren with an Irish whip. Primo with a version of Whisper in the Wind for a near fall. Camacho and Hunico break it up. Truth and Epico take care of them. Young charges into boots from Young. Titus hits Primo on the turnbuckles and Young hits the gutbuster for the three count.

Winners: Titus O’Neil, Darren Young, Camacho, and Hunico

After the match, Big Show’s music plays and Titus and Darren are smart enough to get out of dodge. The other six men from the match are still in the ring. Truth goes after Show and Show pushes him down. Show grabs Epico and Truth by the throat but Kofi with Trouble in Paradise to the back from the apron and Show lets go of Epico and Truth.

Young attacks Kofi and O’Neil with a clothesline. Show with a savate kick to Camacho and then he sends Epico over the top rope to the floor. Truth punches Show but Show takes care of Truth with a punch. Show with a double choke slam on Hunico and Camacho. Show stands on Primo’s back and then he winds up and connects with a shot to the temple and Primo goes down.

Show gets on the mic and he asks and . . . what and then he leaves the ring.

It is time for a Raw 1000 Moment and it is the night that Jeremy Piven was the guest host and he talked about his night to get us hyped for SummerFest.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at John Cena’s road to the Money in the Bank briefcase and the announcement that Cena will cash in on Monday night at Raw 1000.

We go to commercial.

We are back and as Zack Ryder comes to the ring, Damien Sandow demands that everyone stop because they are embarrassing themselves by supporting this brainless broski. They should be ashamed . . .

Ryder attacks Sandow with a double leg take down and punches and that leads to our next match. The referee pulls Ryder off Sandow.

Match Number Two: Damien Sandow versus Zack Ryder

Ryder goes after Sandow but Sandow with a kick to the knee and then he kicks and chokes Ryder. Sandow with knees to Ryder. Sandow sends Ryder’s throat into the apron and then Sandow with a running elbow to the head as it hangs over the apron. Sandow pulls down the elbow pad and he connects with the exposed elbow.

Sandow puts Ryder’s head in the ring skirt and continues the attack. Sandow with knees in the corner and the referee warns Damien. Sandow with the cross arm neck breaker for the three count.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Peep Show with Christian.

Christian says that he has been in the WWE for a long time and he has seen a lot of bizarre things, but on Monday night, things were taken to an all new bizarre level.

We go to footage from Monday night’s proposal by Daniel Bryan.

Christian says that his guests will be getting married on Monday night. He brings out Daniel Bryan and the future AJ Lee Bryan. They are wearing matching Yes shirts.

Christian welcomes the happy couple and he has a lot of questions, but he wants to know how the wedding planning is going.

Daniel says that it is tough to plan a wedding in a week, but he thinks it is going real well. AJ says that they have a clip.

We see AJ and Daniel share some laughs while they get ready for Monday night.

Christian says that video package was special. He asks Daniel if he is doing the right thing.

Daniel tells Christian Yes.

Christian asks AJ if she has forgiven Daniel for everything he has done in the past. She says Yes.

Christian asks if it is true love and they both say Yes.

Christian says that he wants to asks the peeps a few questions. He asks them if Daniel and AJ should get married and most say no.

Christian asks them if they think that Daniel loves AJ. The crowd says no.

Christian asks them if they think that AJ has any idea what she is doing. They say no.

Christian asks AJ if she has any idea what she is really doing.

AJ slaps Christian in the face and they start to leave the ring. Christian says that he is a married man so he will let the Bridezilla slap go. Christian tells Daniel that he is in a match tonight. Christian tells Daniel that before you ask a girl if she wants to marry you, you might want to check if there is any baggage like a psychotic ex-boyfriend. Someone that Daniel will face now.

Kane’s pyro goes off and we see who Daniel will be facing.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Kane versus Daniel Bryan with AJ Lee

Bryan with kicks of Yes but Kane pushes Bryan to the mat. Bryan with more kicks of Yes but Kane with a knee. Bryan runs into a big boot and Kane gets a near fall. Kane with a body scissors and reverse chin lock. Bryan with elbows to the leg to escape. Bryan with kicks ot the chest. Kane with a back breaker and then he stretches Bryan over his knee. Bryan with knees to the head to get away from Kane.

Kane with boots to Bryan in the corner. Kane with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Kane with a boot and then Bryan flips over Kane in the corner and hits a drop kick to the knee. Bryan with kicks of Yes to the chest but he misses the round kick. Kane grabs Bryan by the throat but escapes the choke slam. Bryan with a running drop kick into the corner followed by a kick to the head for a near fall.

Bryan goes up top but he is met with an uppercut from Kane and Kane gets a near fall. Kane with a side slam for a near fall. Kane goes up top for the flying clothesline but Bryan grabs the arm and tries for the Yes Lock but Kane stays on his feet. Kane pushes Bryan away. Kane goes after Bryan and Bryan ducks down and AJ moves out of the way.

Bryan checks on AJ and Kane kicks Bryan in the back of the head. Kane sends Bryan into the ring steps and then into the ringside barrier. Kane sends Bryan into the announce table and then back into the ring. AJ goes up top and leaps onto Kane’s back and applies a sleeper. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Kane by disqualification

After the match, Bryan with kicks to Kane and then Kane grabs Bryan and choke slams him while AJ is still on Kane’s back. Kane gets AJ off her back but then AJ holds on and she looks like she is going to kiss him. AJ gets back to the mat and she gives Kane that look.

Bryan pulls AJ to safety and then they get to the stage and kiss.

We are reminded of what happened at the pay per view when Dolph Ziggler thought about cashing in the title but was thwarted by Alberto Del Rio. They are tag team partners later tonight.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Heath Slater is in the ring and we see his favorite Raw moment. We see the recap of what he has done with legends.

Heath gets on the mic and he says that happened to him on Raw. Now the One Man Band is on Smackdown. He says that his luck is about to change. He says that it is because it is going to.

Match Number Four: Road Warrior Animal versus Heath Slater

Slater runs into a clothesline followed by kicks in the corner. Slater with a kick and punches. Slater with elbows to the upper chest. Animal with a power slam followed by a leaping elbow drop for the three count.

Winner: Road Warrior Animal

We go to the back and Vickie yells at Ricardo for Alberto calling her a burro. They argue back and forth. Ricardo says that Vickie is jealous of Alberto because Alberto is Mexican royalty. Vickie says that she is a better manager and Ricardo tells Vickie that he is a ring announcer. Ricardo leaves and Vickie screams.

We go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that Raw was going to have its 1000th episode on Monday? It is so important that Degeneration X will start off the show at 8:00 PM Eastern. We are also reminded that the Wedding of the Millennium Episodes. Brock Lesnar and the Rock will be on Raw as well. That isn’t all because John Cena cashes in his Money in the Bank contract against CM Punk on Raw.

Match Number Five: Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio with Vickie Guerrero and Ricardo Rodriguez versus Sheamus and Rey Mysterio

Dolph and Sheamus start things off and Ziggler with a waist lock but Sheamus with a take down to escape. They lock up again and Sheamus with a side head lock take down into a side head lock. Sheamus with a shoulder tackle but Ziggler with a drop kick. Ziggler with punches but Sheamus gets Ziggler on his shoulders. Ziggler with elbows. Sheamus with a rolling fireman’s carry slam and gets a near fall. The fans want Rey and Sheamus obliges.

Rey with a springboard leg drop for a near fall. Rey with a kick to the midsection but Dolph with an Irish whip. Rey gets his boots up but Ziggler stops Rey with a drop kick. Del Rio tags in and he kicks Rey in the midsection and gets a near fall. Rey with a kick and he tries to tag in Sheamus but Del Rio stops him momentarily.

Sheamus tags in and Ziggler does to. Sheamus with an elbow to Ziggler as Del Rio stays on the floor. Sheamus sends Ziggler to the apron and he sets for the forearms across the chest and we count to ten. Ziggler falls to the floor and Sheamus goes after him. Sheamus rolls Ziggler back in and he looks at Del Rio and that distraction allows Ziggler to recover and drop kick Sheamus. Del Rio with a kick on the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Ziggler with a reverse chin lock but Sheamus tosses Ziggler away and both men are down. Rey tags in and he hits a seated senton splash followed by a tilt-a-whirl head scissors. Ziggler with a kick to Rey and then Ziggler with a sunset flip but you do not sunset flip Rey because he rolls through and kicks Ziggler in the head.

Rey with a near fall. Ziggler with a knee and he tries for a slam but Rey with a drop kick to the knee and guess where Ziggler falls. Del Rio with a kick to the back and Booker wonders if we saw it. Ziggler with a Fameasser while Sheamus goes after Del Rio. The referee is out of position and Ziggler yells at him. Rey is able to kick out at two.

Del Rio tags in and Dolph kicks Rey in the knee and Del Rio gets a near fall. Del Rio with a rear chin lock. Rey with kicks to the head to get free but Rey is caught by Del Rio and Alberto with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Ziggler tags in and he chokes Rey in the ropes. Ziggler with an arm bar and then he pulls the leg to work on Rey’s back. Rey kicks Ziggler but Ziggler kicks back and hits a neck breaker.

Del Rio tags in and he punches Rey. Del Rio stops Rey from making the tag and Del Rio with an elbow drop for a near fall. Alberto with an Irish whip and kick to the chest. Rey sends Del Rio over the top rope to the floor. Ziggler tags in and he keeps Rey from tagging in. Ziggler with a forearm. Ziggler tries for a power slam but Rey counters with a tornado DDT when Ziggler gets too cocky.

Del Rio and Sheamus tag in and Sheamus with running double sledges followed by a shoulder in the corner. Del Rio with a kick to the shoulder and then he tries for the float over but Sheamus sends Del Rio into Ziggler. Sheamus hits White Noise and then Sheamus looks around and gets ready for the Brogue Kick.

Ricardo grabs Sheamus’ leg and the referee calls for the bell.

Winners: Sheamus and Rey Mysterio by disqualification

After the match, Del Rio with a round kick to the head and Del Rio applies the cross arm breaker. Officials pull Del Rio off Sheamus.

Dolph asks Vickie for the briefcase and he thinks about cashing it in again.

Ziggler hands the case to the referee but Rey Mysterio attacks Ziggler and Ziggler falls into the ropes. Rey hits the 619 and then Dolph bounces up and gets nailed with a Brogue Kick.

We go to credits.
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