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Showing posts with label WWE show results spoilers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WWE show results spoilers. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 January 2013

The Current WWE title holders.............

The WWE Champion

CM Punk

The World Heavyweight Champion
The Big Show

The WWE Tag Team Champions
Kane and  Daniel Bryan (The Team Hell No )

The Intercontinental Champion

Wade Barrett

The United State (US) Champion
Antonio Cesaro

The WWE Divas Champion
Eve Torres


- The 2012 WWE TLC pre-show kicks off with Matt Striker and Scott Stanford at ringside as fans continue to file into the Barclay's Center in Brooklyn, New York. Striker and Stanford talk about tonight's pre-show match with the WWE Divas and then hype tonight's card.

- Michael Cole and Josh Matthews talk about the online Slammys. Brodus Clay wins the Slammy for Best Dancer of the Year. Charlie Sheen wins the Slammy for Social Media Ambassador of the Year. The Exclusive Video of the Year was Jerry Lawler returning home at the airport after his heart attack. The Slammy for Crowd Chant of the Year is "Feed Me More." The Slammy for Upset of the Year goes to Daniel Bryan for beating Mark Henry and Big Show at Royal Rumble. The Slammy for Diva of the Year goes to AJ Lee.

Santa's Little Helpers Match: Alicia Fox, Aksana, Naomi, Cameron, Tamina Snuka, Kaitlyn, Layla, Natalya, Rosa Mendes

WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres comes out for commentary. The Divas are out next and here we go. Rosa Mendes is eliminated first. Naomi and Cameron double team Aksana. Tamina eliminates Cameron next.

Aksana wastes time on the ropes and gets eliminated. Layla and Natalya go at it now. Tamina comes over and helps Natalya with the double team. Layla drops them both with boots and then hits a double crossbody. Tamina eliminates Layla after she fights with Natalya on the apron. Kaitlyn hits Tamina and Natalya. Kaitlyn and Naomi eliminate Natalya. Tamina runs over Kaitlyn and drops Naomi. Tamina with a big Samoan Drop on Naomi. Tamina and Kaitlyn tangle on the apron now. Naomi pushes them and Tamina is eliminated. It's down to Naomi and Kaitlyn. The winner gets a title shot later tonight. Eve laughs at them from ringside. They go at it. Kaitlyn misses a dropkick. Naomi dumps her to the apron. Eve runs over and slaps Kaitlyn. Naomi dropkicks Kaitlyn off the apron for the win and the title shot.

Winner and New #1 Contender: Naomi

- After the match, Eve mocks the challenger as Naomi celebrates to Brodus Clay's music.

- Back to Cole and Matthews backstage with more web Slammys. The Slammy for Insult of the Year goes to John Cena for his jokes on Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler. The Slammy for Tweet of the Year goes to Daniel Bryan for talking about his face. The Slammy for YouTube Show of the Year goes to Zack Ryder. The Slammy for Facial Hair of the Year goes to Daniel Bryan. The Slammy for Betrayal of the Year goes to Big Show for turning on John Cena at Over the Limit.

- Back to Stanford and Striker at ringside. They hype tonight's card some more.

- The 2012 WWE TLC pay-per-view opens up with Lilian Garcia. They sound the bell 26 times for the victims in the Sandy Hook Elementary school tragedy. Lilian thanks everyone and we go to an opening video for TLC.

- The pyro goes off and we're live from the Barclay's Center in Brooklyn, New York. Michael Cole welcomes us to TLC for WWE's debut in Brooklyn. He's joined by JBL and Jerry Lawler.

Tables Match for the #1 Contendership: Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes

We go to the ring and out comes Rey Mysterio for his team. Tables, ladders and chairs are set up on the way to the ring. Sin Cara is out next for his team. The winners of this match will get a future WWE Tag Team Title shot. Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes are out next. Sandow cuts a promo and disses Brooklyn. Cody rips their facial hair and a small "Cody's mustache" chant starts. Sandow says they will give everyone something to talk about tonight.

The match starts and they go at it. Sandow and Rey, Cara and Rhodes. They double team Cody and send him out to the floor. Cara leaps off Rey's back and elbows Sandow in the face. Rey and Cara toss Sandow out and they've cleared the ring early. They hit a double slide kick on Sandow and go under the ring for a table, sliding it back in the ring. Cody comes in but they drop him with the table. Sandow ducks it but they kick his legs out. They hit Sandow in the face with the table next. Rey and Cara set the table up now. Rey puts Sandow on it while Cara goes up top. Cody makes the save. Cody throws Rey out of the ring while they double team Cara.

Cody works on Rey outside now. Back in the ring for more double teaming on Cara. They go to double team Cara through the table but he counters and sends Sandow to the floor. Rey stops Cody from attacking Cody. Cara goes at it with Cody and arm drags him across the ring. Cody drops Cara's face in the corner and hits the Disaster Kick. Sandow whips Rey into the ring post. More double teaming on Cara. Sandow and Rhodes in control on the floor now. They put Cara's leg in between the steel steps and ram it with a table. They set up two tables on the floor and put Rey and Cara on top of them. Cody runs the ropes but Rey trips Sandow. Rey stops Cody and hits a senton from the top. Rey with the DDT on Sandow. Cody tries to powerbomb Rey but Rey sends him to the floor. Rey leaps from the apron to the floor and takes out Rhodes. Cara leaps in and unloads on Sandow.

Cara takes Sandow out on the floor while Rey brings Cody in the ring for back and forth. Rey goes for 619 and nails it. Rey puts Cody on the table and goes up top. Sandow knocks Rey off the top and makes the save. They hit Rey in the head with a table and he goes to the floor. Cara comes in and takes down Sandow with an enziguri. Cara limps as he sends Cody to the floor. Cara with another big kick to Sandow. Cara tries to springboard in on Sandow but Cody rushes in and shoves Cara out of mid-air, sending him crashing through a table on the floor.

Winners and New #1 Contenders: Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes

- After the match, officials and Rey check on Cara while Rhodes and Sandow celebrate in the ring.

- We get a video from earlier today from The Shield. Tonight, they're going to feed Ryback more than he can take. They also have doubts about how much of a team Kane and Daniel Bryan are. They call them a disgrace to all tag teams and say it's an injustice.

WWE United States title Match: r-Truth vs. Antonio Cesaro

We go to the ring and out first comes WWE United States Champion Antonio Cesaro. R-Truth is out next. Back and forth to start the match. Cesaro takes control and gets the first pin attempt. Cesaro with a headlock now. Truth turns it around and takes Cesaro to the mat.

More back and forth action. Cesaro with a submission now. He keeps it locked for several minutes as the crowd boo's and Truth struggles to get out. Cesaro takes Truth to the turnbuckles but Truth hulks up and fights back. Truth drops Cesaro twice and hits the big elbow off the ropes. Truth with a kick and then the scissors kick. Truth covers for 2. Cesaro looks to come back but Truth kicks him in the jaw for a close 2 count.

Cesaro comes back again. Cesaro hits an uppercut from behind and then the Neutralizer for the win.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro

- After the match, Matt Striker interviews Cesaro in the ring about the fans reaction to him. Cesaro says unlike America, he is an international superpower. Cesaro says he is the greatest US Champion in history. Cesaro says fans are booing their own country when they boo him. Cesaro goes on before hitting the turnbuckles with his title.

- We get a video for WWE's Tribute to The Troops.

- Josh Mathews is backstage with Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler talks about how tonight's match doesn't make sense. He wants Cena's career to be over if he wins tonight. Ziggler is actually glad about the match tonight. Ziggler says everything changes tonight.

- We go to the ring and out comes The Miz for another episode of MizTV. Miz brings out his guests - Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal of 3MB.

Slater isn't happy about Miz calling them a trainwreck. McIntyre disses Jay-Z. Slater knocks the Rolling Stones. Slater says tomorrow night at The Slammys, they will be performing live. Mahal picks a fight with the Spanish announce team. 3MB go down and surround them. Slater says in this country, we speak American. Drew shoves one of the announcers into the other. Ricardo Rodriguez comes down and tries talking to 3MB. They push him up against the apron and rough him up. Alberto Del Rio runs down and takes out all three members of 3MB. Del Rio unloads on them until they get the triple team in. They come in the ring and Miz helps Del Rio. They clear the ring of 3MB. Miz and Del Rio are going to find a partner to face 3MB later tonight.

- Kane and Daniel Bryan are backstage. Bryan talks about "Feed Me More" and says he hates it when someone repeats themselves over and over again. Kane asks if he's kidding. Kane doesn't care what Ryback says, what's important is what he does. Kane says bodies will be broken tonight but they will be the ones who do the breaking. Kane says if Ryback is hungry, they will feed him The Shield. Bryan chants yes over and over.

- Matt Striker is backstage with Wade Barrett. Barrett is confident that he will beat Kofi Kingston tonight. Barrett says he will mute Kofi tonight.

WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Wade Barrett vs. Kofi Kingston

We go to the ring and out first comes Wade Barrett followed by WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston. Barrett slams Kofi to start but can't get a 1 count. A chant for Barrett breaks out in the crowd. Barrett goes for another easy pin attempt and another.

Kofi makes a comeback with an elbow and a dropkick. Kofi goes on but Barrett turns it around and knocks him out of the ring. Barrett goes to the floor and works Kofi over. Barrett whips Kofi but he leaps in the ring. Kofi leaps right back out to the floor and takes out Barrett with a dive. Barrett comes back in and hits the abdominal stretch into a slam for a 2 count. Barrett slingshots Kofi off the ropes into a backbreaker for another pin attempt.

Barrett goes on and hits another backbreaker for a 2 count. Barrett goes to the corner and nails a big elbow drop for another pin attempt. Kofi counters a move off the ropes and hits a Russian leg sweep this time. Kofi unloads and hits the Boom Drop. Kofi goes for Trouble in Paradise but Barrett ducks. Barrett goes for the big sideslam but Kofi counters with a roll up. Kofi hits SOS for another 2 count. Kofi mounts Barrett in the corner with right hands. Barrett with a big boot and then the big sideslam for another 2 count. Barrett charges but Kofi kicks him in the corner. Kofi with a big crossbody from the top but Barrett rolls through and holds it for a 2 count. Kofi with another roll up for 2. Barrett nails the big sideslam again but Kofi kicks out. Barrett goes for the Bullhammer elbow but Kofi counters with Trouble in Paradise for the win.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

- After a WWE App promo, we see WWE Champion CM Punk and Paul Heyman up in their own skybox. Punk says everyone wants a status update on his knee and Heyman says, "fuhgeddaboudit." Punk says that means it's none of our business. He rips the Brooklyn fans and calls them animals. He calls Brooklyn the slums of Staten Island. Punk says the fans are just like Ryback - dumb. Punk says Ryback is dumb and lucky because he's injured. Punk goes on and says he isn't affiliated with The Shield.

TLC Match: Kane, Daniel Bryan and Ryback vs. Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose

We go to the ring and out first come the WWE Tag Team Champions Kane and Daniel Bryan. Ryback is out next to a nice pop from the crowd. The Shield are out next with their own music. They finally appear and make their way down through the crowd.

As soon as they make their way to ringside, a brawl breaks out at ringside with everyone. Kane goes at it with Roman while Ambrose tangles with Ryback in the corner. Ambrose with big chops but it doesn't phase Ryback. Ryback chops Ambrose down. Ambrose counters a slam and kicks at Ryback. Ambrose beats him to one knee and the Goldberg chants start. Ryback comes back with a Thesz press and slams Ambrose's head into the mat. The Shield rush the ring and beat down Ryback. Kane and Bryan are out. Ryback fights them off but gets knocked to the floor by Ambrose. Kane grabs a ladder but Rollins kicks it into his face. The Shield triple team Bryan now.

Bryan takes a ladder to the head. Ryback comes in and takes he Shield out with a ladder. He beats Rollins and Ambrose with it over and over. Reigns makes the save with a chair. Kane comes in and takes care of Reigns. Bryan with a ton of kicks to Reigns in the corner. Kane props a ladder up in the corner and they whip Reigns into it. Kane whips Bryan's dropkick into Reigns. Kane covers Reigns for a 2 count. Ambrose takes out Ryback and Bryan on the floor. The crowd chants for tables. Rollins comes off the top but Kane drops him for a 2 count. Kane grabs another chair and a ladder. Ambrose uses a chair on Bryan on the floor. Kane with chairshots on top of a ladder while Rollins is under it. Ambrose comes in and hits Kane with a chair. Ambrose with a DDT on the chair. Ryback comes in and rams Ambrose back into the corner. He does the same to Rollins in the other corner. Ambrose holds Ryback while Rollins shoves a ladder in his gut. They send Ryback head first into the ladder now.

Ryback finally fights off Rollins and Ambrose. Ryback sandwiches them both on a ladder and splashes into it. Ryback grabs Rollins and Ambrose for a double suplex on top of the ladder. Reigns comes in and beats Ryback down before he can punish Rollins and Ambrose any more. They triple team Ryback again with a ladder and a chair. They take Ryback to the floor and hit the triple powerbomb through the Spanish announce table. Bryan finally re-appears and leaps through the ropes, taking The Shield out. He tries to fight them but they beat him down. Kane comes over to even the odds a little bit. Bryan wit chairshots to Rollins in the ring. Ambrose stops him and slams him into the chair. Ambrose beats down Bryan and slams the chair with him. Rollins and Ambrose work over Bryan and taunt him now.

They lay a table over the top rope and work Bryan over some more. We see Ryback still down on the floor. They send Bryan mouth first into the edge of the table and he goes back down. Ambrose and Rollins put Bryan up on the table while Reigns keeps watch on the floor. Ambrose and Rollins climb on top of the table on the top rope and superplex Bryan from it. Reigns with a 2 count on Bryan as Kane makes the save. They turn it around and Kane gets beat down now. They send Kane into the edge of the table now. Now they put Kane on top of the table and climb up with him. Kane fights them off and shoves Rollins out to the floor. Kane leaps off the top and takes Ambrose down. Kane with a splash on Reigns, and another. Kane with a big sideslam and a 2 count.

Ambrose turns it around on Kane and sets up a chair. Kane counters and chokeslams Ambrose through the chair. They end up on the floor again. Reigns spears Kane through the fan barrier and it looks like they took out the timekeeper too. They stack chairs, barrier pieces and other stuff on top of Kane, burying him. The fans chant "this is awesome." Bryan has Ambrose in the Yes Lock in the ring. Roman reigns rushes the ring but gets caught in the hold. The Shield beat Bryan down again. He counters and goes for the submission on Reigns again. Ambrose breaks the hold and beats on Bryan some more. They set another chair up. Ambrose and Rollins try to double suplex him onto it but he fights them off. Bryan with kicks to both men as the crowd chants. They get the upperhand. Rollins leg drops Bryan's face into the chair. We see Kane is still down. Ryback breaks a pin and comes back in to clean house. Ryback kicks a chair into Reigns' face. Ryback with a running powerslam on Rollins. Ryback presses Rollins and tosses him out to the floor onto Ambrose. Ryback slams Reign and grabs a chair. Ryback grabs Reigns but Ambrose runs in and unloads. Ryback nails a spear out of nowhere and Ambrose goes down. Ryback drops Ambrose with the big clothesline. Ryback hits Shell Shocked on Ambrose but Rollins and Reigns break the pin.

Ryback continues brawling with The Shield at ringside. He ends up on the stage. Ambrose drops him with a chairshot to the back. More chairshots to Ryback. Rollins knocks the ladder over onto him as Ambrose hits him with chairshots. Reigns sets the table up and they put Ryback on top of it. The Shield point to a very tall ladder. Rollins climbs up high as Bryan gets up in the ring. Ryback comes to and gets up off the table. Rollins climbs up but Ryback follows. Rollins tries to jump to another ladder but Ryback pulls him off. Ryback pulls Rollins to the floor and he crashes hard through a bunch of tables. Ambrose and Reigns go back to Bryan in the ring now. They double powerbomb Bryan through a table. Reigns covers for the win as Ryback stumbles back to the ring.

Winners: The Shield

- After the match, Reigns and Ambrose head over to the stage area to check on Rollins. We see Kane is still buried under the rubble at ringside. Ryback stares at The Shield as they try to hold Rollins up.

WWE Divas Title Match: Naomi vs. Eve Torres

Back to the ring and out first comes WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres. Naomi is out next to Brodus Clay's music. Eve taunts her and strikes first. We see Brodus and Cameron watching backstage. Naomi turns it around and hits some offense. Naomi with a butt bump to the face, sending Eve to the floor to regroup. Naomi with some nice moves on the ropes. She kicks Eve back into the fan barrier and the crowd pops.

Naomi goes on and shows off some nice moves. She misses a crossbody from the top and turns it around. Eve hits her neckbreaker for the win.

Winner: Eve Torres

- After the match, Eve calls a photographer into the ring and poses over Naomi while she has her photos shot.

- We get hype for Big Show vs. Sheamus. Matt Striker speaks with Big Show backstage. Show says Sheamus hit him with 31 chair shots at Survivor Series but he's still here.

Chairs Match for the World Heavyweight Title: Sheamus vs. Big Show

Out first comes the challenger Sheamus. The World Heavyweight Champion Big Show is out next and the use of steel chairs in this match is legal.

The bell rings and they start brawling. Sheamus takes Show to the corner and unloads. Sheamus mounts Show with right hands but gets pushed to the mat. Sheamus takes the leg out and hits Show with a bunch of forearms to the chest. Show fights out but Sheamus takes his knee out. Sheamus drops knees on Big Show now. Sheamus keeps control and Show rolls out to the floor to re-group. Sheamus grabs a chair and follows. Show stops and back kicks the chair into the mouth of Sheamus.

Sheamus comes back on the floor and takes Show down with a shoulder. Show turns it around again and brings it back in the ring. Sheamus fights back but Show levels him with a big clothesline. They end up back in the ring and Sheamus unloads with chairshots. Sheamus scoop slams Show for a 2 count. Sheamus leaps from the top with a chair in hand and takes Show down again. Sheamus tries the same move but Show spears him in mid-air. Sheamus falls out to the floor and Show tries to get up. Show with chairshots to Sheamus on the floor now. They come back in the ring. Show kicks Sheamus in the head and hits him with a chair some more. Sheamus fights back but Show drops him with a knee to the face. Show keeps control and splashes Sheamus in the corner. Sheamus finally turns it around after catching Show held up on the top rope. They trade shots from their knees now.

Sheamus rams Show in the corner and nails a running knee. Sheamus goes on but Show chokeslams him out of nowhere for 2. Show goes to the floor and gets some more chairs from under the ring. Show starts tossing chairs into the ring. He comes in and kicks Sheamus before grabbing one of the chairs. More chairshots to Sheamus. Show drops the chair on top of him and goes to the second rope for the big splash. He nails it and covers Sheamus for a 2 count. Show sets up chairs for a chokeslam through them but Sheamus counters. Sheamus hits White Noise through the chairs for a close 2 count. Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick but Show moves and Sheamus gets hung up on the ropes. Show nails the knockout punch for another close 2 count. Show goes under the ring and pulls out an extra large steel chair, one made for a big man. Show cracks Sheamus in the back with the massive chair and covers him for the win.

Winner: Big Show

- John Cena is backstage when AJ Lee walks up. She apologizes for going crazy last week and thanks him for being there for her. He says to thank him later tonight when he defeats Dolph Ziggler. She say she can't wait and leaves.

Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre vs. Alberto Del Rio, The Miz and Brooklyn Brawler

We go to the ring and out comes 3MB for the next match. Ricardo Rodriguez is up next to begin the introduction for Alberto Del Rio. The Miz is out next. He says they picked their partner right here from Brooklyn. Out comes The Brooklyn Brawler, longtime WWE employee. Brawler comes out wearing a Nets jersey.

Slater starts off with Del Rio and they go at it. Brawler tags in and takes control of Slater. Jinder comes in but Brawler takes control of him too. Brawler turns around to a superkick from Slater and 3MB turns things around. Drew comes in and continues the beat down on Brawler. Drew suplexes him and covers for 2. Slater comes back in and works over Brawler. Slater misses a second rope splash and Brawler tags in Miz. Miz unloads on Mahal and knocks Slater off the apron. Miz with the big DDT and a 2 count on Mahal. Del Rio ends up diving out of the ring and taking out Drew. Ricardo gets involved. Miz hits Skull Crushing Finale on Mahal and tags in Brawler. Brawler locks in the Boston Crab for the win.

Winners: Brooklyn Brawler, The Miz and Alberto Del Rio

- We get a look at the storyline with John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, AJ Lee and Vickie Guerrero.

Ladder Match for Dolph Ziggler's Money in the Bank Briefcase: John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler

We go to the ring and the Money in the Bank briefcase is hanging high as Dolph Ziggler makes his way out first. John Cena is out next and he's met with boos from the Brooklyn crowd.

The bell rings and here we go. They lock up. Cena drops Ziggler with a shoulder first and the crowd boos him. They lock up again and Ziggler applies a headlock. They run the ropes and Ziggler shows off some. Cena with a headlock now. More back and forth but Cena takes Ziggler to the mat. More boos for Cena. A "you can't wrestle" chant breaks out now. Ziggler with a headlock but Cena breaks it. Cena with some holds and a suplex now. Cena with a monkey flip out of the corner. Cena tosses Ziggler out to the floor and stands tall in the ring as most of the crowd boos.

Ziggler with a chair shot to the gut on the floor. Ziggler brings it back in the ring and props the chair up in the corner. Cena catches him and slams him face first. Cena tries coming back in the ring with a ladder but gets it kicked into his face. Ziggler sets the ladder up in the ring but Cena stops him. Cena grabs the ladder and hits Ziggler in the face with it. Cena tosses Ziggler over the announce table. Cena grabs part of the steel steps and rams Ziggler in the head with it. Cena sets the table up in the ring but Ziggler trips him up. Ziggler sets the ladder up and they trade shots. Ziggler gets the sleeper hold locked in.

Cena climbs up the ladder while Dolph is on his back. They both fall back and crash through the table that was set up. Ziggler starts climbing back up the ladder but Cena stops him. Cena presses Dolph and the ladder over his head at the same time. Cena tries to toss them out of the ring but Dolph slides off. Cena's eye is bruised now. Cena fights back and hits his usual moves but Ziggler cuts him off and drops him face first. Cena ends up locking in the STF. Ziggler makes it to the ropes and starts tapping but that means nothing in this match. Cena sets the ladder up again.

Cena tries to use the ladder but it's blocked. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Ziggler counters and hits the Zig Zag. Ziggler goes under the ring and brings a table in. Ziggler sets it up in the corner but Cena slams him. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle and goes for the AA but Ziggler counters with a big DDT. Ziggler brings one of the taller ladders back into the ring. Ziggler sets the ladder up and starts to climb. Cena runs up and meets him at the top. They trade shots up high. Cena headbutts Ziggler to the mat. Cena climbs up for the briefcase but Ziggler hits him from behind. They trade shots on the mat now. Ziggler sends Cena into the ladder and it tips over. Cena ducks a clothesline and hits a flying head scissors, sending Ziggler crashing through a table.

Cena has the ladder but Ziggler dropkicks it in his face. The ladder falls back out to the floor. Ziggler tries to send ?Cena into a chair but Cena turns it around and makes a comeback. They end up on the top turnbuckle. Ziggler headbutts Cena down to the mat. Ziggler leaps from the top but Cena catches him and rolls through. Cena goes for the AA but Ziggler blocks it. Ziggler with chairshots, taking Cena back down. Cena counters a superkick and hits the AA but Ziggler rolls to the floor. Vickie Guerrero runs down and brings a chair in the ring. She goes to hit Cena with it but AJ comes down. Vickie swings but AJ ducks and takes her out. AJ spears Vickie and slams her. AJ hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle on Vickie. AJ celebrates as Vickie rolls out of the ring. Cena sets the ladder up as AJ watches from in the ring. Cena climbs up but AJ pushes the ladder over and Cena goes down. Ziggler looks at her surprised. AJ is upset. AJ stares at Dolph, smiles and skips away. Ziggler climbs the ladder and retrieves his briefcase for the win.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

- After the match, Ziggler celebrates as we go to replays. Ziggler heads up the ramp with his briefcase as Cena recovers in the ring. TLC goes off the air with Cena looking disappointed in the ring.

WWE Smackdown Results 1/4/13

Previously, The Shield attacked Randy Orton. Tonight, Randy Orton and his voices return to Smackdown. Last week, Big Show punched Ricardo Rodriguez and Booker T could not believe what happened. Ricardo had a shot on Monday, but Alberto Del Rio came to his aid.

This week, we are in Richmond, Virginia and your announcers are Josh Mathews and John Layfield.

Randy Orton comes to the ring and he is very deliberate in his travails to the ring. Randy says that since tonight is the first Smackdown of 2013, and since it is the in thing to . . . declare your New Year’s Resolution, he will make this short and sweet. Randy says that he wants to be World Champion. Not too long ago, Smackdown was his show.

Lately that doesn’t really seem to be the case. There is a way to change that. Randy says that he is officially announcing his entry into the 2013 Royal Rumble.

Sheamus’ music plays and he makes his way to the ring . . . fella.

Sheamus apologizes for interrupting. He says that he is not going to steal Randy’s thunder, but he is going to do the same thing. He will be in the 2013 Royal Rumble match. Sheamus says that is not the only reason he is out here. He wants to thank Randy for his help with the Shield.

Randy says that he was not helping Sheamus. The Shield attacked him last month and he did it for himself.

At the Royal Rumble, it is every man for himself.

Sheamus reminds Orton that he won last year.

Orton says that it will mean more when he eliminates the former Royal Rumble winner.

Sheamus asks if he Brogue Kicks Orton’s head over the top rope but his body stays in the ring, does that count as an elimination?

Big Show’s music plays and he goes to the stage. Show says that he was listening to them yapping about being in the Royal Rumble and winning the World Championship. Show says that if one of them survives the Royal Rumble, all they will get a shot at is his fist. Show tells Sheamus that his 2013 will end like his 2012 with him knocking Sheamus out.

Show tells Orton that he will step on the snake with his size eighteen boots and grind him into the ground.

Show says that he is the most dominant champion.

Antonio Cesaro’s music plays and he says that this is typical American talking about who is going to beat up whom.

Sheamus reminds Heidi that he is from Ireland.

Cesaro says that is worse. He does not talk, he takes action. He has been talking about soft, lazy, grotesquely obese Americans. It is something you should realize by looking in the mirror.

Orton tells Cesaro that this soft, lazy, and fat American go up there and RKO both of them.

That threat gets Booker T on the stage and he is gonna stop this before it gets out of hand. Since these four men don’t like each other, Show and Cesaro are going to have to get along. They will face Randy Orton and Sheamus in a tag match tonight.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Miz versus Heath Slater (with Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal)

They lock up and Slater with a waist lock. Miz with a wrist lock and hammer lock. Slater with an elbow to the head but Miz with a drop kick. Miz with a side head lock take down. Slater with a rollup for a near fall. Miz with a shoulder tackle and side head lock take down.

Slater backs Miz into the corner and Slater punches Miz in the midsection. Slater with a punch but Miz with a kick and punches. Miz with a hip toss and side head lock take down. Slater with a reversal but Miz pulls Slater to the mat by the hair. Mahal gets on the apron and distracts the referee. Miz with a thumb to the eye and then he takes Slater to the mat with a side head lock take down.

Miz with a shoulder tackle but he blocks a hip toss and hits a hip toss. Miz with a running knee lift but Drew trips Miz. Miz with a drop kick to Drew while he celebrates what he does. Miz sends Mahal to the floor and then Slater hits Miz from behind.

The referee has sent Mahal and McIntyre to the back for their interference.

Drew warns Slater about Miz coming from behind and he gets a near fall with a rollup. Slater goes to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Slater punches Miz and then he kicks Miz but the referee pulls Slater out of the corner. Miz with a double leg take down and he punches Slater. Miz with a clothesline and then Slater goes to the floor. Miz with a clothesline while Slater does not realize that Miz has gone to the floor.

Miz hot shots Slater on the ringside barrier and then he sends Slater back into the ring. Slater tries to escape but Miz keeps him back in the ring. Slater with a kick to the leg and then he sends Miz shoulder first into the ring post.

Slater with knees to the arm and shoulder. Miz punches Slater but Slater punches back. Slater puts Miz’ arm in the ropes and then connects with an elbow. Slater with a hammer lock. Miz with elbows and a kick. Slater wrings the injured arm and he gets a near fall.

Slater with a key lock. Miz punches Slater but Slater punches back. Miz with a sunset flip for a near fall. Slater with a leaping leg lariat for a near fall. Miz rolls to the apron and then he punches Miz. Slater hyperextends the arm and uses the ropes until the referee stop Slater.

Miz with a shoulder and he slides into the ring and gets a near fall with a rollup. Slater with a clothesline for a near fall. Slater dances and does some air guitar before returning to the injured arm. Miz with a knee to the midsection and then he hits a running boot to the head and gets a near fall.

Slater sends Miz shoulder first into the post again and then he chokes Miz with his boot. Slater wraps the injured arm around the ring post. Slater with a key lock to the injured arm. Miz with a punch and a belly-to-back suplex, but Miz holds his arm and he cannot capitalize.

Slater and Miz exchange punches. Miz with a kick and punches. Slater with a kick to the shoulder but Miz with a back elbow and clothesline. Miz with a back body drop and he tries for the Reality Check but he can only hit the first neck breaker. Slater sends Miz into the corner and hits a neck breaker for a near fall.

Slater misses a charge into the corner and Miz with the Awesome Clothesline and then Miz goes up top for the double sledge. Miz gets ready for the Skull Crushing Finale and he hits it and gets the three count.

Winner: Miz

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to take a look back at Raw when Kofi Kingston lost the Intercontinental Title to Wade Barrett.

Matt Striker is with the leader of the Barrett Barrage and the Intercontinental Champion. Matt wants to talk about Main Event. Barrett says that he is the new Intercontinental Champion. That must not be good enough for the media types because they want scandal to try to tear him down. If Matt wants some scandal, look at the real Kofi Kingston. Kofi attacked him from behind after he beat three men. Wade vows to defeat Kofi and he will be out of options and chances. When he defeats Kofi tonight, he will walk away and remain the Intercontinental Champion.

Match Number Two: Hornswoggle, Great Khali, and Natalya versus Rosa Mendes, Epico, and Primo

The women start off and Rosa pie faces Natalya. Natalya with a kick and she sends Rosa to the mat and she slams Rosa’s head into the mat. Natalya with a snap mare and drop kick to the back of the head and Natalya gets a near fall. Rosa slaps Natalya to get out of an attempted Sharpshooter.

Epico tags in and Khali is tagged in as well. Epico tags Primo in before locking up and Khali hip tosses Primo back into the ring. Khali with a clothesline to the top of the head and sends Primo into the corner for a chop. Hornswoggle wants to tag in and Khali agrees.

Hornswoggle with a chop to Primo and then he kicks him in the leg and hits a Stunner. Horsnwoggle does the same to Epico. Primo with a back elbow and then he stomps on Hornswoggle. Primo rakes the eyes with his boot and Epico tags back in. Epico with a drop kick when Hornswoggle is Irish whipped at him.

Epico puts his hand on Hornswoggle’s head to keep him from hitting him. Hornswoggle with a head butt and punches. Khali tags in and he pushes Epico away. Khali with a punch to the head and then he chops Epico. Khali with another chop and then he connects with an elbow. Primo misses a splash and hits Epico. Khali sends Primo to the floor and then Epico misses a lungblower. Khali with a chop to the top of the head for the three count.

Winners: Great Khali, Hornswoggle, and Natalya

We go to Matt Striker in the back and he is with Kofi Kingston. Matt asks Kofi about losing the title on Monday but pinning Wade on Wednesday. Kofi says that this has nothing to do with momentum. It was the moment that he saw Wade holding his Intercontinental Title over his head.

Kofi says that this might be his last shot. This isn’t anything new because he has had his back against the wall his entire life. He will fight to get the Intercontinental Title. Wade will be running into Trouble in Paradise tonight.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Kofi Kingston versus Wade Barrett for the Intercontinental Championship

They lock up and Barrett backs Kofi into the corner but Kofi switches positions and he gives Barrett a clean break. Kofi with a waist lock but Barrett with a hip lock take down. Kofi with a head scissors and Barrett escapes. Barrett with a kick to the midsection and he punches Kofi. Barrett with another punch but Kofi with a back heel kick and forearms. Kofi with a kick to the chest and back.

Kofi with an arm bar and he gets a near fall. Kofi returns to the arm bar. Barrett with a shoulder tackle and flying shoulder tackle and drop kick. Barrett goes to the floor to slow down the pace. Kofi goes to the floor and he hits Barrett from behind. Kofi sends Barrett’s head into the ring steps and then he sends Barrett back into the ring. Kofi with a springboard clothesline for a near fall.

Kofi with a chin lock on Barrett and turns it into an arm bar. Barrett with a punch to Kofi but Kofi with a kick and forearm. Barrett with a hard Irish whip and Kofi goes down. Barrett with knees to the midsection followed by punches to the ribs. Barrett with a short arm clothesline for a near fall.

Barrett with a chin lock but Kofi with elbows and a forearm. Kofi with a back slide for a near fall. Kofi with a kick and sunset flip for a near fall. Kofi with an inside cradle for a near fall. Barrett with a back heel kick but he charges at Kofi and Kofi drops down. Barrett goes over the top rope to the floor.

Kofi with a pescado onto Barrett but Barrett sends Kofi into the apron and they return to the ring. Barrett tells Kofi to count him out but Kofi goes to the floor and kicks Barrett. They return to the ring and Kofi gets a near fall with a rollup. Kofi tells Barrett that he came close to winning.

We are back and Barrett with a punch and reverse chin lock. Kofi with a kick and punches. Barrett returns to the midsection with a knee. Barrett with boots to Kofi’s ribs and abdomen. Barrett goes to the turnbuckles and hits an elbow drop and gets a near fall. Barrett with knees to Kofi while Kofi is in the ropes and Barrett with a boot to the head and Kofi goes to the floor.

Kofi struggles to get back into the ring and Barrett wants the referee to count faster but Kofi gets back in at nine. Barrett punches Kofi and sends him into the turnbuckles. Barrett puts Kofi on the turnbuckles and he punches Kofi and connects with an elbow. Barrett sets for a superplex but Kofi blocks it.

Kofi punches Barrett and knocks him to the mat with a head butt. Kofi with a cross body and he hits it but Barrett kicks out. Both men hold their ribs. Barrett punches Kofi but Kofi punches back. Barrett with a kick to gain control. Kofi with the pendulum kick and Kofi misses a springboard move. Kofi blocks a kick and then hits the SOS for a near fall. Kofi with a running kick to the head and then he hits the Boom drop.

Kofi says that it is over and he sets for Trouble in Paradise. Barrett ducks Trouble in Paradise. Kofi counters the Blackpool Slam with a sunset flip for a near fall. Barrett hits the Blackpool Slam and gets a near fall. Barrett misses a punch but Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise, but the force of the kick sends Barrett to the floor.

Kofi tries to get Barrett back into the ring since he cannot win the title by count out. Kofi with a cover but Barrett grabs the rope with his hand. Kofi runs into boots from Barrett. Barrett gets the arm ready for the Bull Hammer but Kofi avoids it. He goes to the turnbuckles for a springboard move but Barrett with the Bull Hammer and he gets the three count.

Winner: Wade Barrett

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Layla El versus Tamina Snuka

They lock up and Tamina with a clean break when they get into the ropes. Tamina stares at Layla. Tamina pushes Layla through the ropes and to the floor. Tamina sends Layla into the ringside barrier and then back into the ring. Layla with an inside cradle for a near fall.

Tamina with a clothesline and she gets a near fall. Tamina rubs Layla’s face into the mat. Tamina with a reverse chin lock and she puts Layla face first on the mat while Layla is doing a split. Layla with elbows but Tamina with forearms.

Tamina gets a near fall but Layla escapes. Layla with kicks and a drop kick to the head. Layla takes Tamina down by the hair and then she kicks Tamina and tries for the triple jump cross body but Tamina catches her and then gets Layla on her shoulders for a Samoan drop.

Tamina pulls Layla into position and hits the Superfly splash for the three count.

Winner: Tamina Snuka

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound. Dolph Ziggler and AJ Lee catch a lot of crap from John Cena.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Big Show and Antonio Cesaro versus Randy Orton and Sheamus

Cesaro and Sheamus start things off and they lock up. Cesaro with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Sheamus backs into the corner to rethink his strategy. They lock up again and Sheamus with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Sheamus with another shoulder tackle and he tags in Orton.

Orton with a kick and European uppercut. Orton with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Orton with punches in the corner but Cesaro puts Orton in the corner and he punches and kicks Orton. Orton with a kick and Cesaro with an Irish whip into the corner and Orton with a clothesline. Sheamus tags back in and he kicks Cesaro and sends him into the turnbuckles.

Sheamus runs into an elbow and Cesaro with a clothesline. Cesaro with a punch but Sheamus with a punch. Cesaro with an Irish whip but Sheamus with a clothesline. Orton tags back in and he punches Cesaro. Orton punches Cesaro in the corner and then he connects with a European uppercut. Sheamus tags back in and he tries to suplex Cesaro but Cesaro with knees.

Show tags in and he punches Sheamus. Show with head butts to Sheamus. Show swings at Orton on the apron but Orton moves. Sheamus and Orton send Show over the top rope to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Cesaro with an Irish whip but Cesaro is sent to the apron. Sheamus with forearms across the chest and then he suplexes Cesaro back into the ring. Sheamus gets a near fall. Cesaro with a jaw breaker and Show makes the blind tag. Sheamus with a back elbow to Cesaro but he turns around into a spear from Show.

Show with a hard Irish whip. The referee sees Cesaro trying to sneak into the corner to attack Sheamus so Cesaro backs up. Show with a head butt and then he slams Sheamus. Show with an elbow drop to the chest and he gets a near fall. Show with a head butt to Sheamus and it sends Sheamus into the corner. Show with punches to the midsection. Show pulls Sheamus out of the corner but Sheamus with punches. Show sends Sheamus into the corner but he misses a running butt splash. Sheamus with a kick and Show grabs Sheamus and hits a choke slam but Sheamus kicks out at two.

Show signals for the punch but Sheamus avoids him. Sheamus with a Brogue Kick and both men are down. Cesaro tags in and Orton does too. Orton with two clotheslines and he avoids a clothesline from Cesaro and he hits a power slam. Orton sends Cesaro to the apron for the IEDDT but Cesaro escapes and sends Orton to the apron. Sheamus tags in and Sheamus with two running double sledges followed by a shoulder in the corner and a knee lift. Sheamus with White Noise.

Sheamus looks around and he gets in the zone for the Brogue Kick, but Orton is not a fan of the imitation of the set for the RKO so Orton comes in and hits an RKO on Cesaro while Sheamus pounds his chest.

Orton leaves the ring and tells Sheamus to finish off Cesaro. Sheamus gets the three count.

Winners: Sheamus and Randy Orton

After the match, Orton and Sheamus have some words as Orton walks up the ramp to the stage.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

WWE Smackdown Results 12/7/12

Previously on WWE Television... The Shield made their presence known on MizTV. They took out their aggression on Daniel Bryan and Kane before Ryback decided to get involved and tried to feed on the new guys. Ryback attacked CM Punk with a ladder, a chair, and a table. What is next for Ryback and CM Punk?

As a result of what happened on Monday night, CM Punk suffered a knee injury and the match has been removed from the TLC pay per view. Ryback will join forces with Daniel Bryan and Kane to face Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins in a Table, Ladders, and Chairs match.

This week, Smackdown is in North Charleston, South Carolina and your announcers are John Layfield and Josh Mathews.

Booker T is in the ring and it is contract signing time. He says that we have watched his career and if he has some business to take care of, he will take care of that business in the middle of the ring. He might take it to the back, to the street, or to a supermarket. He says that he knows what it is like to be in a highly contested feud as a wrestler. It is his job to give us an entertaining show every week.

Booker says that it is now personal for Sheamus and Big Show and it gets physical. Tonight, he has a drastic decision to make. Booker wants us to see why he has to make this decision and we go to the footage from last month when Sheamus attacked Big Show in the garage. Then we had the chair shots from Survivor Series with the Baskin Robbins beatdown.

In nine days, Big Show and Sheamus will go one on one in a Chairs Match for the World Title at TLC. He is afraid that the match will not happen because one of these men is going to do something. Booker says that Sheamus and Big Show will sign a No Contact Clause between now and the pay per view.

It would not be enough to have this done in the back, so he is going to bring both men to the ring to make it official.

Big Show comes out first and then he is followed to the ring by Sheamus.

Booker tells Sheamus that if he wants to disobey his No Contact Clause, he can go ahead but he will lose his title shot at TLC. Booker tells Big Show that he shouldn’t be smiling because even with his ‘Iron Clad’ Contract, if he wants to disobey the No Contact Clause, he will be stripped of the World Title.

They sit at the official contract signing table and Sheamus is going to sign first, but he tells Show that since it is the holiday season. Having to wait nine more days to kick Show’s arse is like having to wait nine days until Christmas. He realized that it was worth it to wait because he will be able to beat up Show with a steel chair. Sheamus says that he will get the ultimate present, the World Championship. Sheamus signs.

Booker gives Show the contract and Show tells Sheamus that Christmas has come early for Sheamus. This contract is to make sure that Sheamus makes it to TLC in one piece. He tells Sheamus to be careful what he waits for . . . fella. Show reminds Sheamus that he got up after all of those chair shots at Survivor Series. What will happen when the giant swings the chair and hits Sheamus . . . fella? He only has to hit Sheamus once. Show tells Sheamus he should ask Booker to get out of this match.

Show tells Sheamus that he is too stupid to want to get out of this match. Sheamus will not be the same after this match. He tells Sheamus he could end his career.

Show says that he thinks things through while Sheamus is vinegar and fire and he wants to fight all the time.

Sheamus tells Show that he came into the WWE to fight. He says that the last two matches they had were the fights of Show’s career. He tells Show that he is shaking because he knows that he won’t be able to get another match out of him. He will end Show’s career at TLC.

Show pushes the table onto Sheamus and then he signs the contract and holds it up so Sheamus does not violate the contract. Sheamus dances a little and Booker warns Sheamus.

Booker tells Sheamus that if he wants to take out his frustrations on someone, he has someone to do it against. Sheamus will face Alberto Del Rio.

Booker tells Show that he should stop laughing because he will be facing the man who beat him in the ring in forty-five seconds . . . Daniel Bryan.

We go to commercial>

Match Number One: Big Show versus Daniel Bryan

Bryan with a kick to the leg as he tries to avoid Show’s reach advantage. Show with a head butt and then he connects with a forearm to the back. Show with a chop across the chest. Bryan with more kicks but Show with a forearm. Show misses the Shhhhh chop and Bryan with kicks and punches but Show with a knee to the midsection.

Show slams Bryan and then connects with a head butt. Show with another head butt. Show is able to give the Shhhh chop and Bryan goes to the mat. Bryan with chops that have no effect so Bryan decides to kicks Show. Show punches Bryan and sends him into the turnbuckles. Show with a running butt splash into the corner but Bryan with a drop kick to the knees and Show goes to the floor.

Bryan with a pescado onto Show and Show tries to catch him but Bryan avoids Show. Bryan with kicks and then he sends Show into the ring post. Bryan goes off the apron and he leaps into a chop.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Show with an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Show with an elbow to the arm and then he puts his entire body weight on Bryan’s arm. Show with another elbow to the arm. Bryan punches Show but they have no effect. Show stands on Bryan’s arm and the referee warns Show.

Show wraps the arm in the rope. Bryan with kicks to Show but Show with a forearm that sends Bryan back to the mat. Show with a head butt and then he sends Bryan to the mat with an arm wringer. Show kicks Bryan and then he sends Bryan into the corner. Show runs into boots from Bryan followed by a knee to the head from the turnbuckles. Bryan with two drop kicks into the corner and Bryan with kicks of NO. Bryan sets for the roundhouse kick but Show blocks it and he goes for the choke slam but Bryan counters with a DDT and gets a near fall.

Bryan with a round kick to the head and Bryan goes to the apron and turnbuckles.

The Shield make their way down the aisle and Show recovers and grabs Bryan on the turnbuckles and hits a choke slam for the three count.

Winner: Big Show

After the match, The Shield goes over the ringside barrier and Big Show leaves the ring.

Reigns, Rollins, and Ambrose surround Bryan and they start to kick Bryan. Kane’s pyro goes off and Kane takes his time getting to the ring so Reigns, Rollins, and Ambrose get in a few kicks on Bryan. Kane fights off the members of The Shield individually but when it becomes three on one again, The Shield gain control. They take the attack to the floor. They rearrange the announce table for the Triple Spike Power Bomb on Kane through the table.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Damien Sandow is in the ring. He demands his music to be silenced because he is about to speak. As our intellectual savior, he tried to raise the cerebral bar in the WWE for far to long. This attempt has proven to be a fruitless endeavor. He is going to give one of the people in the crowd the opportunity to be his apprentice. Who is worthy of such an esteemed position? He tells the ignoramuses to be silent as he makes his selection.

Damien has chosen a candidate and he wants everyone in the crowd to test themselves because the next time it might be them.

Damien tells his candidate that he has the opportunity to be his apprentice. Damien tells him to stand back and then reminds him that he has to answer three questions.

The first question is what is five plus five and the candidate is correct.

The second question is Who is the current president and he is correct. Damien tells the candidate to put his hands by his side when the candidate wants to get a high five. Sandow tells him that his hands are very sweaty.

The third question is What 17th century genre of art emanating from the Netherlands focused on still life painting depicting mortality and transience. The candidate did not know that it was Vanitas.

Damien tells the candidate that he has disgraced himself and the beard on his face is a disgrace to faces.

Damien tells everyone “You’re Welcome”.

Miz comes to the ring and Sandow wonders why he is coming to the ring.

Damien wonders if he can help Miz. Miz has a question for Damien. He wants to know which 21st Century WWE superstar wears his daddy’s bathrobe and gets his trunks from Victoria’s Secret. The answer is Damien Sandow.

Miz tells Damien ‘You’re Welcome” and leaves the ring.

Josh brings up Dolph Ziggler who was in a tag match with Big Show against John Cena and Sheamus and Cena pinned Ziggler to win the match.

Then Ziggler got his match against John Cena at TLC. Then the stakes were increased to put Dolph’s Money in the Bank briefcase on the line.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Brodus Clay (with Funkettes) and The Usos versus Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, and Drew McIntyre

Jey and Slater start things off and they lock up. Slater with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Jey with a leaping clothesline to Slater followed by an uppercut. Jimmy tags in and he hits a diving head butt and gets a near fall. Slater runs Jimmy into the corner and Drew tags in and he punches and kicks Jimmy. Drew sends Jimmy into the turnbuckles.

Jimmy sends Drew into the turnbuckles but Drew with boots to Jimmy and he tries to draw Clay into the ring. Clay tags in and he punches Drew after getting in the ring. Drew knocks Mahal and Slater off the apron and then he hits a splash into the corner followed by the Sheeeeplex. Clay tags in Jey and goes up top.

Mahal and Slater pull Clay off the apron. Jimmy takes care of Mahal. Jey is distracted by Slater and Drew crotches Jey on the top turnbuckle. Drew hits the Future Shock DDT and gets the three count.

Winners: Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, and Drew McIntyre

We are back and Matt Striker is with Wade Barrett in the locker room. Wade tells Matt that Randy does not have to be worried about the Shield. He needs to worry about Wade Barrett. It was a year ago that he sent Randy down some stairs. He will finish him off tonight. Randy will have to worry about the Bullhammer.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston has joined Josh and John at the announce table.

Do you remember what happened last week when Randy Orton kept Brad Maddox from realizing his dream of being a WWE Superstar. Then the Shield attacked Orton after the match.

Match Number Three: Randy Orton versus Wade Barrett

They lock up and Orton with a side head lock. Orton with a shoulder tackle. They lock up again and Barrett with a waist lock and Orton with a standing switch. Barrett backs Orton into the corner and Barrett with a few elbows and punches. Barrett with an Irish whip into the corner but you don’t do that to Randy Orton and Orton with a clothesline out of the corner. Orton with a head butt.

Orton with an Irish whip but Orton runs into a boot and Barrett with a kick to the midsection. Barrett punches Orton and then he tries for a knee drop but Orton moves out of the way. Orton sends Barrett through the ropes to the floor and they fight in front of the announce table. Barrett and Orton try to send the other into the ring steps and Orton succeeds.

Orton sends Barrett into the ringside barrier and then he sends Wade back into the ring. Barrett rolls through the ring and Orton follows. Barrett with a kick and elbow to the back of the neack. Barrett with an Irish whip that sends Orton into the steps.

They return to the ring but Orton with a few kicks and he sets for the IEDDT but Barrett gets back into he ring and he sends Orton to the apron with a back body drop. Barrett with a back heel kick that sends Orton to the floor.

Barrett has something to say to Kofi as we go to commercial.

We are back and Barrett with a reverse chin lock. Orton with a European uppercut but Barrett with a boot to the chest and he gets a near fall. Wade chokes Orton in the ropes. Orton with punches but Barrett with a boot to the chest that sends Orton to the floor. Barrett points to Kofi and signals that he will give him the Bullhammer before he goes after Orton on the floor. Barrett runs Orton’s back into the apron and then he sends Orton back into the ring.

Barrett gets a near fall. Barrett with a knee drop to Orton’s upper chest and then he kicks Orton in the head. Barrett goes to the turnbuckles but he misses an elbow drop. Orton with two clotheslines and then Barrett misses a clothesline and Orton with a power slam. Barrett rolls to the apron and then he sets for the IEDDT and he hits it.

Orton looks around for the proper place to twist to the mat for the RKO push ups. Orton tries for the RKO but Barrett holds on to the ropes. Barrett tries to remove the turnbuckle pad but Kofi gets on the apron to distract Barrett. Barrett turns around into an RKO and Randy gets the three count.

Winner: Randy Orton (with an assist from Kofi Kingston)

Josh reminds us of CM Punk’s knee surgery.

We see Great Khali and Natalya walking in the back. They stop to pick up Khali’s tag team partner, Hornswoggle. We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Great Khali and Hornswoggle (with Natalya) versus Epico and Primo (with Rosa Mendes)

Khali and Primo start things off. Primo avoids Khali and he punches Khali followed by a drop kick but Khali with a punch to the top of the head. Khali sends Primo into the turnbuckle ena he connects with a chop to the chest and Primo bounces around the ring in pain. Rosa gets on the apron and she yells at Khali. Rosa leaves the apron and shimmies on the floor but then she falls over Hornswoggle, right in front of Epico. Rosa chases after Hornswoggle but Natalya with a clothesline and punches to Rosa.

They fight on the floor while Khali waits to chop Primo again and Primo shows the pain of the hold. Khali with an Irish whip and he misses a boot into the corner and Khali falls over the top rope to the floor. Primo grabs Hornswoggle while Natalya checks on Khali.

Epico tags in and they push Hornswoggle around even though Khali is still the legal man int eh ring. Hornswoggle hsows that he has a short temper and he Ultimate Warriors the ropes and goes through Epico and Primo’s legs. When they turn around they are met with a double clothesline from Khali. Khali with chops to Epico and Primo. Hornswoggle tags in and he hits the Frog Splash on Epico for the three count.

Winners: Hornswoggle and Great Khali

After the match, The New Oddities celebrate in the ring.

We go to the Raw Rebound, featuring the lie detector test and its aftermath.

Josh reads the statement from Vince McMahon about TLC.

We go to a video feature on The Shield. The introduce themselves and they say that they know injustice. CM Punk, the champion for more than a year, was disrespected with a lie detector test by the Miz. Welcome to consequences. Randy Orton took advantage of a young, defenseless Brad Maddox. Welcome to payback. They shield the WWE from injustice. Team Hell No . . . nobody says no to The Shield. Ryback has been handed success on a silver platter. He has been put on a pedestal, but they have knocked him off the pedestal. They welcome Ryback back to reality.

They do not work for anyone. They do not work for Paul Heyman or CM Punk. They work for each other. They welcome everyone to the Shield of Justice. Bring ladders, tables, and chairs to TLC. They will bring the sword.

We go to commercial.

Antonio Cesaro is in the ring and he is dressed to talk to the citizens of the United States of Antonio. He says that he has learned so much about America. He has learned that America is weak. America used to be a super power. There was a thing called an American Dream where anyone can achieve anything.

He says that no one will amount to anything. He says that they used to pursue the American Dream. Now they look like the American Dream and we hear Dusty’s music and his photo is placed on the TitanTron.

He says that no one knows the meaning of sacrifice and hard work. He loses faith in this country. Their children and grandchildren will be more pathetic.

R Truth interrupts the United States Champion and he makes his way onto the stage. Truth wants to know ‘What’s Up’. Truth tells Cesaro that he does not need a new purse or a Ricola. Cesaro needs a dose of the truth. He realizes that Cesaro is not from around here. Around here, the truth will set you free.

When he looks across America, he sees a bunch of good, hard working people rising up in the face of hard times. He sees people busting their butts to make ends meet. He sees people looking trouble in the eyes and when the time is right, they will kick trouble in its Little Jimmy. Truth tells Cesaro that it sounds like he is picking a fight with America. Truth says that if you pick a fight with America, America fights back.

Cesaro tells everyone to shut up because the United States Champion is talking. He tells Truth that he is everything that is wrong with America. He talks trash and he cannot back it up. He calls Truth delusional and it has nothing to having an imaginary friend. It has everything to do with him trying to take his United States Championship and he will fail miserably.

Truth gets to the ring and he wants to know if that is the truth. Truth tells Cesaro that when you kick his dog, he is going to kick his cat.

Truth takes Cesaro down and Antonio goes to the floor with his Swiss Satchell. Truth puts the title belt in the center of the ring for Cesaro to get it back. Truth does a split and we go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez) versus Sheamus

They lock up and Del Rio backs Sheamus into the corner and Sheamus with a side head lock and take down. Sheamus punches Del Rio and kicks him to the floor. Ricardo checks on Del Rio on the ramp and Del Rio returns to the ring. Sheamus sends Del Rio into the turnbuckles and punches him. Del Rio with a knee and punch.

Del Rio with a savate kick in the corner and then he hits a running boot to the head. Del Rio chokes Sheamus with his boot and the referee warns him. Del Rio runs into boots from Sheamus and Sheamus with a neck breaker for a near fall. Sheamus with a kick and knees to the chest. Del Rio with a kick to the back and Del Rio wraps Sheamus’ arm in the ropes.

Sheamus with a knee and punch. Del Rio with a kick to Sheamus but Sheamus with a back elbow and Del Rio goes to the floor. Sheamus goes after Del Rio and he slams Del Rio’s head into the announce table. Ricardo backs off from trying to help Del Rio. Sheamus sends Del Rio back into the ropes and Sheamus with a shoulder. Sheamus sets to suplex Del Rio to the floor but Del Rio blocks it and he drops Sheamus on the top rope. Del Rio with a baseball slide to the knees and Sheamus goes to the floor.

Big Show makes his way onto the stage to watch his TLC opponent.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Del Rio with an arm bar. Sheamus with a knee to the midsection but Del Rio with a back heel kick. Del Rio with a boot to the back of the head. Del Rio with a slam to Sheamus and then Del Rio with a moonsault for a near fall. Del Rio with a suplex and he gets a near fall.

Del Rio with a chin lock and then he turns it into an arm bar. Sheamus with a head butt and punch to the midsection. Sheamus puts Del Rio on the turnbuckles but Del Rio applies a cross arm breaker while in the ropes. Del Rio releases the hold. Del Rio goes up top but Sheamus with a double sledge when Del Rio comes down. Both men are down while we see the view from the stage.

Del Rio with a punch but Sheamus with a forearm. They go back and forth with punches and kicks. Sheamus with two double sledges and then he hits a shoulder in the corner followed by a running knee lift. Del Rio tries for a splash in the ropes but Sheamus moves. Sheamus with the crossfaces on the apron and then he suplexes Del Rio back into the ring.

Sheamus goes up top for a shoulder tackle and he connects. Sheamus gets a two count. Sheamus sets for the uranage back breaker but Del Rio with a lungblower for a near fall. Del Rio signals for the cross arm breaker but Sheamus is able to counter. He gets Del Rio on his shoulders but Del Rio escapes.

Sheamus misses the Brogue Kick and Del Rio with a step up enzuigiri and he gets a near fall. Del Rio with a kick to the back and he goes to the turnbuckles for a moonsault but Sheamus moves. Del Rio lands on his feet but Sheamus with the uranage back breaker. Sheamus applies the Cloverleaf and Del Rio tries to get out of the hold, but he has to tap out.

Winner: Sheamus

After the match, Show makes his way to the ring and he applauds Sheamus’ performance against Del Rio. Show enters the ring and he puts the title belt in the ropes. Show wants Sheamus to hit him. Sheamus thinks about it but he does not want to give up his title match. Show grabs Ricardo and throws him into Big Show’s nether region.

We go to credits.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

WWE Monday Night RAW Results 12/3/12

- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with hype for Sheamus vs. Big Show and Dolph Ziggler vs. John Cena. We see footage of all four men from Friday's SmackDown. Cena and Sheamus vs. Show and Ziggler will happen tonight. They shift focus to The Shield.

- We're live from the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina as the pyro goes off and out comes the WWE Tag Team Champions Kane and Daniel Bryan. Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW and he's joined by Jerry Lawler.

Kane and Daniel Bryan vs. Darren Young and Titus O'Neil

The champs hi9t the ring and we see Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns watching from the top of the crowd. Kane takes the mic and challenges them to come down to the ring. A "you suck" chant breaks out at The Shield. They keep staring at the ring as Darren Young and Titus O'Neil make their way out.

Kane and Titus start things off going at it. Kane fights Titus off and Young. Kane cleans house and sends them both to the floor as we see Dean Ambrose looking on. It looks like Rollins and Reigns have left the skybox. Bryan and Young go at it now. Bryan unloads with kicks in the corner and another tag to Kane. Kane keeps control of Young and covers for a 2 count. Kane goes back to work on Young and works on his arm. Kane tags in Bryan for some double teaming. Bryan works Young over and covers for another 2 count. We see Reigns at a different part of the crowd now.

Kane comes back in and Young turns it around on him. Titus tags back in and beats Kane down in the corner. Kane sends Young to the floor and tags in Bryan. Bryan leaps off the apron onto Young as it appears The Shield are moving closer to the ring. We still don't see Rollins as Reigns and Ambrose make their way down the steps in the crowd. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Titus is going at it with Kane. Titus drops him with a clothesline for a 2 count. Young and Bryan come in now and Young keeps control. We see Reigns and Ambrose at the fan barrier now. Kane and Bryan get distracted. Young shoves Bryan into Kane and rolls him up for 2 but Bryan counters it and gets the win.

Winners: Kane and Daniel Bryan

- After the bell, Ambrose and Reigns attack Kane on the floor. Bryan comes for the save in the ring but Rollins enters the ring and stops him. Reigns and Ambrose trap Kane's arm between the steel steps and go to town on it. Rollins beats Bryan down. Reigns and Ambrose come in and help Rollins to continue the attack on Bryan. The fans chant for Ryback. The Shield lay out Bryan with the three-man powerbomb and leave the ring, going through the crowd. We go to replays as Kane rolls back in the ring to check on Bryan.

- John Cena and Sheamus are backstage talking. Sheamus thanks him for his help on SmackDown. They converse and get ready for tonight's tag match.

- AJ Lee is walking backstage and she will be in action up next. Back to commercial.

Tamina Snuka vs. AJ Lee

Back from the break and Tamina Snuka waits in the ring as AJ Lee makes her way out to the ring.

The bell rings and AJ immediately ducks a clothesline. AJ gets on her back and they tangle. Tamina tosses AJ across the ring but she comes back for more. Tamina rams AJ back in the corner. AJ counters and goes to the top. Tamina pulls her to the mat by her arm. Tamina works AJ over on the mat now. Tamina with more offense and a 2 count. Tamina takes AJ to the top and puts her in a modified rack. AJ goes down but comes back fighting. AJ with kicks but Tamina drops her with an elbow.

Tamina with another pin attempt and more offense. Tamina with a big headbutt. Tamina drags AJ over and goes for the top but AJ rolls her up out of nowhere for the win.

Winner: AJ Lee

- Cole and Lawler are talking about Ryback when WWE Champion CM Punk comes out with Paul Heyman.

Back from a break and Heyman has a copy of the new WWE Encyclopedia. There isn't enough content about CM Punk in it he says. Heyman points out that Punk will surpass John Cena on the WWE Champion list this week. Heyman goes on and says Punk should be front and center on WWE's Mt. Rushmore. Punk takes the mic and talks. He talks about beating Ryback at Hell In a Cell then Ryback and Cena at Survivor Series. Punk wonders why he's being forced to defend at TLC against Ryback, again. Punk starts ripping into the fans. Punk brings up The Shield and how people are saying thanks to them, he's still WWE Champion. Punk says that is a lie.

Punk goes on and says he is the reason the fans are here tonight. Punk says if it weren't for him, we wouldn't have anything to look forward to on these dismal three-hour RAW shows. Punk says he had nothing to do with Brad Maddox and has nothing to do with The Shield. Punk says he is the hottest thing going in WWE today. He dares fans to change the channel. He then dares the fans in the arena to get up and leave. The music hits and out comes The Miz to interrupt from the stage.

Miz comes out and plays up to the fans. Miz says Punk lies and nobody believes him. They keep arguing and Punk challenges him to come to the ring and take a GTS. Miz says that's exactly why he's out here. Miz challenges Punk to come on an episode of MizTV and prove that he has nothing to hide by taking a lie detector test. Punk says the Guilford County Sheriffs have gave him the equipment needed. Heyman speaks now and mentions that Punk thinks bad of Miz behind the scenes. Miz calls Heyman a human walrus. The crowd starts chanting walrus at Heyman. Punk demands that the fans apologize to Heyman right now. They go on for a few more minutes and we're set for later.

- Still to come, Sheamus and Cena vs. Ziggler and Show. Back to commercial.

John Cena and Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler and Big Show

Back from the break and out comes John Cena. Out next comes his partner Sheamus. Dolph Ziggler is out next followed by his partner, World Heavyweight Champion Big Show.

Sheamus and Ziggler start things out. They go at it and Sheamus takes Ziggler to the mat. They run the ropes and Ziggler dropkicks Sheamus before applying a headlock. Cena comes in and unloads on Ziggler before taking him to the mat. Ziggler drops Cena with a right hand and tags in Show. They lock up and Show sends him to the corner. Cena comes back but Show knocks him out of the air. Show stands on Cena and works him over in the corner some more.

Show with more big chops in the corner. Cena ducks the next chop and goes for a scoop slam but Show falls on top of him for a 2 count. Ziggler tags in and drops a bunch of elbows on Cena. Ziggler with a 2 count. Sheamus and Show come in now. Sheamus unloads and goes to the top. Sheamus goes for the battering ram but Show spears him in mid-air. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Show continues to beat Sheamus up. Ziggler comes in and dropkicks Sheamus for a 2 count. Sheamus fights out and hits the Irish Curse backbreaker. Cena tags in and knocks Show off the apron. Cena unloads on Ziggler and goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Show runs in and breaks it up. Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick but Show catches him. Sheamus hits White Noise on Show while Cena hits the AA on Ziggler for the win.

Winners: Sheamus and John Cena

- We see footage from earlier tonight where CM Punk denied being aligned with The Shield, then the interruption by The Miz where he wants Punk to take a lie detector test tonight. That will happen later tonight. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes Damien Sandow. He cuts a promo on the way to the ring and has decided to let one of the fans in the crowd try out to be his apprentice. Sandow asks him some questions but he doesn't know the third. Sandow rips into him and orders him to leave the ring.

Damien Sandow vs. Santino Marella

Out comes Sandow's opponent, Santino Marella. Santino comes out and tries to ask Sandow a question. Santino tries to hit him with a microphone but Sandow lays him out. Santino gets up ready to fight as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Santino is going at it with Sandow. Santino does some power walking and covers Sandow for 2. Sandow turns it around and drops knees to the gut. Sandow with knees to the head now. Sandow hits the Elbow of Disdain and covers for a 2 count. Santino counters with another roll up. Santino comes back with right hands and the hip toss. Santino pulls out the Cobra but Sandow leaves the ring and runs back in. He attacks Santino as he comes in and stomps away. Sandow throws the Cobra out of the ring but Santino drops him over the top rope. Santino goes up high and comes down but Sandow moves. Sandow hits The End for the win.

Winner: Damien Sandow

- Ziggler is backstage venting to Vickie Guerrero about how he had to tag with Big Show. Vickie says she's starting to lose a little faith. Ziggler wants a rematch against Cena at TLC. Ziggler goes to hug Vickie but she's hesitant. Vickie walks in her office and there's Brad Maddox with his personal cameraman. Maddox says he's here to make sure nobody will ever forget his name. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Vickie is backstage arguing with Maddox. Maddox convinces Vickie to put him on TV tonight. If he wins, he earns a WWE contract.

Sin Cara vs. Alberto Del Rio

Sin Cara makes his way to the ring followed by Alberto Del Rio. They go back and forth to start the match as Ricardo Rodriguez looks on. Del Rio goes to take the mask off in the corner but nails Cara with shoulder thrusts. Del Rio with more offense and a 2 count. Cara springboards back into things and unloads on Del Rio.

Cara unloads with kicks and works on the arm for another 2 count. Del Rio turns it around and covers Cara for a 2 count. Cara tries to fight back but Del Rio slams him to the mat. Del Rio ends up on the apron and gets kicked in the mouth. Cara runs off the apron and sends Del Rio into the fan barrier. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Cara is in control. Cara tries to springboard in but Del Rio shoves him off the apron and to the floor. Del Rio goes to the floor and works Cara over, throwing him into the fan barrier. Del Rio brings it back in the ring and tries to take the mask off again. They go back and forth. Del Rio with a big back suplex for 2. Cara ends up hitting the big DDT out of the corner. They trade shots now. More back and forth. Del Rio ends up hitting the cross armbreaker for the win.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

- Vince McMahon is walking backstage. He stops a staffer and tells him to inform Vickie Guerrero that he wants to chat with her in the ring right now. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a look back at the segment with The Miz and CM Punk earlier tonight.

- We go to the ring and out comes RAW Managing Supervisor Vickie Guerrero to boo's from the crowd.

Out next comes Vince McMahon to a nice pop from the crowd. Vickie sucks up to him and asks the fans to clap for Vince. Vickie brings up Cena vs. Ziggler for TLC and says it will be epic. Vince says the match needs a stipulation of some kind. Vickie says it should be a No DQ match. The crowd boo's. Vince whispers to Vickie and he has a Ladder Match in mind. Vickie says that's impossible because Cena and Ziggler aren't champions and you have to have something to reach for if you're going to climb a ladder. Vince suggests Ziggler's briefcase be hanging above the ladder and the crowd cheers.

The match is made. Vince tells Vickie she can have a good rest of the night. Vickie goes to dismiss Vince and here we go. Vince brings up the lie detector test that Punk will take tonight and suggests some action be taken against him if it's found that he's been lying. It looks like it will be Paul Heyman vs. Ryback if Punk is found to be a liar later tonight. Vince's music hits and he makes his exit.

- Brad Maddox is walking backstage as we go to commercial.

Brad Maddox vs. Randy Orton

Back from the break and out comes Brad Maddox to no music. If Maddox wins this match, he will earn a WWE contract. Out comes his opponent Randy Orton to a huge pop.

The bell rings and Maddox stalls. He goes to the apron but Orton grabs him and hits him with forearm shots. Orton gets caught with an elbow in the mouth and gets pissed. Orton goes to the floor and clotheslines Maddox. Orton brings it back in the ring and takes Maddox to the apron for the second rope draping DDT. Orton hits a RKO for the easy win.

Winner: Randy Orton

- After the bell, The Shield hits the ring and beats Orton down. Orton tries to fight back but they beat him back down. They hit the three-man powerbomb and lay Orton out as the crowd boo's.

- Still to come, CM Punk will be on MizTV. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Vickie is yelling at referee Charles Robinson and then she gets it into it with Ziggler. Ziggler says she's becoming just like AJ and storms off. Paul Heyman comes in and goes face to face with Vickie. Heyman leaves and in comes Cena. Cena gives Vickie props for making the match at TLC. He thanks her and she just keeps getting more upset. Cena says when he gets the briefcase again, he will be champion and won't fail this time. Cena thanks Vickie again and walks off. She stops him. She had the Divas locker room cleaned out last week and they found AJ's hair bows with Cena's face in the middle. Cena says Vickie has wasted everyone's time for weeks now. They go on and Cena walks out.

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. Wade Barrett and Antonio Cesaro

We go to the ring and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston. His partner waits in the ring as does Wade Barrett and United States Champion Antonio Cesaro. Before the bell, Teddy Long comes out and makes it a Fatal 4 Way Championship Match. Teddy asks who's title will be on the line - Kofi's IC Title or Antonio's US Title. Teddy leaves it up to the fans on Twitter with a RAWactive poll. The options are #WWEUS and #WWEIC. Back to commercial.

WWE United States Title Match: Kofi Kingston vs. R-Truth vs. Antonio Cesaro vs. Wade Barrett

Back from the break and it's revealed that the match will be a Fatal 4 Way for the United States Title. Cesaro kisses his title and hands it off as we get ready to start.

Barrett and Truth get sent to the floor while Cesaro and Kofi go at it. The two champions go back and forth. Cesaro runs his mouth but keeps control of Kofi. Barrett with a big clothesline on Truth on the floor. Cesaro runs into a kick from Kofi and Barrett sends Cesaro to the floor. Barrett and Kofi go at it now. Barrett with a big pumphandle slam and a 2 count. Kofi ducks a clothesline from Barrett and dropkicks out of the ring to take out Cesaro. Truth comes in and goes at it with Barrett, sending him out to the floor now. It's down to Kofi and Truth in the ring. They face off, shake hands and go at it.

Barrett and Cesaro fight their way in now. Kofi ends up sending Cesaro back to the floor. Barrett goes back to the floor. Kofi leaps to the floor and takes out Barrett. Truth springboards out but Cesaro moves. Cesaro rams Truth back into the fan barrier. Kofi runs around the ring and leaps off the steel steps at Cesaro but Cesaro knocks him out of the air with a big uppercut. Cesaro brings Kofi back in the ring as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Cesaro goes at it with Kofi. Cesaro swings Kofi around and turns it into a half Boston Crab. Truth comes in and goes at it with Cesaro now. Truth with a facebuster but Barrett sends him out to the floor. Cesaro uppercuts Barrett and they trade shots. Cesaro nails a big uppercut but Kofi leaps off the top with a crossbody for a 2 count out of nowhere. Barrett nails a big slideslam on Kofi for a 2 count. Truth comes in and hits the big kick on Barrett for another pin attempt. Barrett mule kicks Truth and works him over. Barrett takes Truth to the top for a superplex but Truth fights him off and to the mat. Cesaro runs over and fights Truth in the corner. Cesaro climbs up but Kofi runs up and takes him to the mat. Barrett runs back to Truth but Truth blocks the superplex. Kofi comes over and powerbombs Barrett and Truth at the same time. 2 count as Cesaro breaks the pin. Cesaro blocks SOS and drops Kofi for another close 2 count. Truth catapults Cesaro and sends both of them out to the floor. Barrett goes to work on Kofi. Kofi counters and unloads. Kofi hits the Boom Drop and calls for Trouble In Paradise. Cesaro pulls him out of the ring and comes in. Cesaro grabs Barrett for a Neutralizer but Truth breaks it up. Barrett nails the Bullhammer Elbow on Truth. Kofi nails Trouble in Paradise on Barrett but Cesaro breaks it. Cesaro with the Neutralizer on Kofi for the win.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro

- Cole and Lawler talk about the lie detector test CM Punk has to take tonight on MizTV. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and MizTV is set up in the ring. Miz has a man there from the sheriffs department to administer the lie detector test on CM Punk. Miz brings out his guest and here comes the WWE Champion with Paul Heyman.

Punk comes out and gets strapped in for the lie detector test. Miz explains the test and Punk cuts him off. Punk rips into the fans, Miz and his WWE Title reign. Miz reminds everyone that Heyman has to face Ryback next week if Punk is found to be lying. Miz asks some basic questions to get the lie detector going. We see the test scrolling up on the big screen. Miz asks if Punk thinks he can beat Ryback by himself. Punk answers yes and the test shows he could have been lying. Punk says that doesn't mean anything because it was an opinion. Miz asks if Punk worked with Maddox at Hell In a Cell and The Shield at Survivor Series. Out of nowhere, Rollins pulls Miz out of the ring and beats him down as Reigns and Ambrose tear the MizTV set up apart. The Shield beat Miz down now.

They lay Miz out with the three-man powerbomb. Kane and Daniel Bryan run down and go at it with The Shield. Reigns takes Bryan in the corner while Ambrose and Rollins work over Kane. Ryback runs down and cleans house of The Shield. Ryback dumps Ambrose to the floor and comes out after him. Ryback tosses Ambrose into the crowd and beats him around. Kane and Bryan are going at it with Reigns and Rollins now. Punk is now alone in the ring. He taunts Miz and stomps on him before kicking him out of the ring. Punk's music hits and he celebrates. Punk turns around to Ryback. Ryback kicks him and nails Shell Shocked. Ryback goes under the ring and brings a ladder and a steel chair in the ring. Ryback hits Punk with the ladder and then the chair. Ryback goes back under the ring and brings a table out. Ryback sets the table up in the ring and powerbombs Punk through it. RAW goes off the air with Ryback and fans posing, chanting "Feed Me More."

WWE Smackdown Results 11/30/12

The cheesy voice over guy can be heard so it must be time for Smackdown. John Cena’s music hits and makes his way to the ring. A clip is shown from Raw of Cena’s win over Ziggler. Cena says he knows something seems mysterious and tells fans not to adjust your sets, he is John Cena and he knows he is not a regular on Smackdown but he is here and he is excited for the main event. He says that tonight’s main event involves Mr Money in the bank, Ziggler. He says he is focusing on Dolph since Dolph had focused on him and his business. Cena says that since Dolph has pointed the finger at him, tonight he points the finger back at him. Cena says Ziggler’s greatest accomplishment is being the champ for 2 minutes and his greatest fear, apart from people discovering he is a teenage girl stuck in a man’s body, is losing the ‘Money in the Bank’ briefcase. Cena says losing the briefcase would cause him to lose his identity. He says he beat Ziggler on Raw. He says tonight Ziggler is not in a match but in a fight and he is going to have to survive Sheamus. Alberto Del Rio’s music hits. He is on the ramp with Rodriguez. He says Cena should not be concerned with Ziggler, he should be worried about him. He says this is his house and his show. Cena says this is a WWE broadcast and the show belongs to the WWE Universe. Del Rio says Smackdown is his show and Cena is a ‘stupid gringo.’ Del Rio says before Cena forgets, he is a former Money in the Bank winner and a Royal Rumble winner, as well as a former 2 time champion. Most importantly, he asks Cena if he has forgotten the last time they were in the ring when he beat him. Del Rio tells Cena to leave his show and leave his ring right now. Cena says he remembers all that stuff but he says he can’t go since he is very interested in tonight’s main event. Cena says since he is here, he figured he would have a match and he does, right now, with Del Rio. Cena then hits Del Rio with a suckerpunch that send him out of the ring. Cena takes off his shirt ready to fight

That match is up after the commercial break

John Cena v Del Rio

Lock up as Del Rio gets in a headlock. Del Rio gets pushed in to ropes and rebounds off as Cena leapfrogs him and hits a hip toss. Del Rio slides out and holds his back out of the ring. Del Rio drops Cena on to the ropes. He kicks Cena as he is down. Cena goes ringside. Del Rio kicks Cena by the announcers table. He slams Cena on table, then throws him back in to the ring. Del Rio lands on Cena off the top rope for a cover and 2 counr. Del Rio goes to work on Cena in the turnbuckle. Cena bursts out with an attack of his own but Del Rio puts him in to the turnbuckle. Del Rio mocks Cena, then kicks him in the face to knock him down. Another kick to the face takes Cena down again. Suplex from Del Rio gets a 2 count as Ziggler is shown watching the match on a monitor backstage. Del Rio has Cena in an armlock. Cena gets kneed in the gut and punched down to the ground. Cena blocks a suplex and hits a suplex of his own. Del Rio is in the corner. Cena runs at Del Rio but misses and runs in to turnbuckle. Del Rio takes Cena down with a kick. Del Rio has Cena in the ropes. Del Rio flies off the turnbuckle and knocks Cena down. Cover gets a 2 count. Another armbar locked by Del Rio.

Commercial break

Del Rio is taken down with shoulder blocks by Cena. Suplex from Cena on Del Rio. 5 knuckle shuffle from Cena. He goes for the AA but Del Rio with a backstabber and 2 count. Kick to Cena by Del Rio. Del Rio looks for a cross armbreaker but Cena hits a neckbreaker. Del Rio with a scissor kick to Cena on the turnbuckle and the cover for a 2 count. Del Rio goes for another scissor kick in the turnbuckle but misses as Cena moves. Backbreaker from Del Rio gets a 2 count. Del Rio flies off the ropes but takes a dropkick. Cena goes for the AA but Del Rio counters in to a cross armbreaker, then Cena counters in to the STF, but Del Rio gets to the ropes. Del Rio [while on the apron] locks in an armbreaker on Cena in the ropes. Del Rio gets lifted in to the AA position from the apron, but fights out of it and hits Cena with a German suplex in to a pin for a 2 count. Del Rio kicks away at Cena who is hung upside down in the turnbuckle. He runs at Cena but runs in to steel as Cena lifts his body up on to the turnbuckle. Cena with a fame-ass-er off the turnbuckle to the back of Del Rio followed by a cover for the 3 count.

Winner John Cena

As Cena is celebrating his win at the top of the ramp, Ziggler attacks him with his ‘Money in the Bank’ briefcase.

Kane and Daniel Bryan stare at each other backstage. Kofi Kingston shows up and says he knows they are not going to magically get along but the 3 of them have a 6 man tag match later and wants to know if they will be on the same page for it. Daniel Bryan says why not. He says his partner is a powerful force. Kane says his partner is one of the most dangerous submission wrestlers ever. He says people are about to see how dangerous and lethal they can be. Kane says can they get along? The answer is yes! Kane and Bryan start to chant yes to each other, then walk off.

John Cena is with Booker backstage. He is angry at what happened. Booker says he knows he is upset but does not want the show breaking down tonight. He asks Cena not to do anything in the main event, just this once, for him. Cena agrees.

Khali [with Hornswoggle] v David Otunga

Otunga poses. Otunga tries to attack Khali who knocks him out of the ring. Hornswaggle attacks Otunga at ringside by sitting on him. Otunga chases Hornswoggle at ringside but walks in to a clothesline from Khali. Otunga gets in to the ring. He tries to attack Khali as he is climbing up on to the apron but Khali pushes him away. Khali gets in to the ring and hits a Brain Chop that takes Otunga down. He covers him for the 3 count.

Winner Khali

Khali and Hornswaggle celebrate in the ring after the match.

Darren Young, Titus O’Neil and Barrett v Kane, Daniel Bryan and Kofi Kingston

Kane and Bryan make their way to the ring together for this match.

Kane starts off with Young by attacking him in turnbuckle. Right hands from Kane. He chokes young out with his boot. Bryan is tagged in in as Kane whips Young in to the turnbuckle. Kicks from Bryan in the turnbuckle. Kane with a dropkick to Darren Young gets a kickout after 2. Kane works on Young’s arm. O Neil is in. Big boot to the face of O Neil. Kane clotheslines O’Neil out of the ring. Bryan leaps at him from the apron on the outside.

Commercial break

Kofi with a dropkick and cover on Young for a 2 count. Kofi brings Kane in who kicks Darren Young. Kane kicks Young then tags in Bryan and they hit a double slam. Bryan covers for the 2 count. Elbows from Bryan. Kicks from Bryan but Darren Young whips him in to O Neil’s out stuck boot by the ropes. O’Neil tags in and kicks away at Bryan. Bodyslam from O’Neil. Tag to Young and a double team. Knee drop from Young. Backbreaker from Young for a 2 count. Young has Bryan in a submission hold. Waistlock from Young. Bryan is getting double teamed at the turnbuckle. O Neil tags in Barrett who goes in and punches Bryan in gut. Barrett with a pumphandle slam for a 2 count. Rear chin lock from Barrett. Bryan fights out, Barrett puts him in the turnbuckle but Bryan hits an elbow to head. Barrett with a lateral press for the 2 count. O Neil tags himself in. O Neil sticks his knee in to Bryan’s face. Young now attacks Bryan from the outside. O Neil with a [move]. O Neil drops Young on to Bryan for a 2 count. Chin Lock from Young. Both men slug it out. Right hands from Bryan. Suplex from Young and bridge cover for the 2 count. O Neil is in again. 2 back breakers from O’Neil on Bryan, then he just throws him down. O’Neil runs at Bryan in the turnbuckle but right in to Bryan’s feet. Bryan tags in Kane as Young gets tagged in. Kane knocks Young down and then runs in to him in the turnbuckle, then the other turnbuckle, before knocking Barrett off the apron as well. Side Slam from Kane gets a 2 count. Kane goes up top. Top rope clothesline from Kane followed by a cover but O Neil breaks it up. Kofi jumps off the turnbuckle on to O Neil, then dropkicks Barrett off the apron. He runs at Young who ducks and sends Kofi to the outside. Young then drops Kane on the ropes and climbs up top. He jumps off the turnbuckle but Kane catches him by the throat and hits him with a Choke Slam. Tag to Bryan who hits the Flying Goat off the turnbuckle and then locks in the No Lock as Young taps out.

Winners Kane, Daniel Bryan and Kofi Kingston

Striker is backstage with Sheamus who says that the positive news for Ziggler is that Cena will not interfere in the match. The bad news is he has to face Sheamus. He says he is not facing Dolph. After all the weeks of cheating from the Big Show, every opponent that he now faces looks like the Big Show to him. He says because of this, he now fights even harder. He says once he is done with Ziggler he is going to beg for Cena to put him out of his misery. He says Ziggler is a show off but after he is finished with him, he can walk around and show off his head because he is going to kick it right off his shoulders.

Sandow makes his way down the ramp with a mic in hand. Sandow says for the last few months he has attempted to better people, but to no avail. He says he is going to select a member of the audience to be his apprentice. He picks a young guy. Sandow tells the audience member he has a great privilege to be his apprentice. They get in to the ring and Sandow says he will be asking him 3 questions. First question. How many wheels on a tricycle? The fan answers 3. Sandow congratulates him on the correct answer. Second question. How often does the US hold presidential elections? The fan answers every 4 years. Sandow says he is smarter than he looks. 3rd question. What is the orbital velocity of Jupiter’s moon Europa? The fan says he has no idea. Sandow says the answer is 13.74 kilometers. Sandow tells the fan he is an embarrassment with his knowledge and his haircut and tells him to leave the ring, leave the arena, leave town and leave the United States of America. He then tells the fans ‘you are welcome.'

Damien Sandow v Tyson Kidd

Kicks from Tyson Kidd. Sandown is beating Kidd down at ringside. Kicks from Sandown to Kidd back in the ring. Sandow with a Russian legsweep. Elbow of distain from Sandow on Kidd and cover gets him a 2 count. Now an armlock from Sandow. Crossbody off the ropes from Kidd. Kicks from Kidd. Dropkick to Sandown by Kidd. Kick to the back of the head from Kidd in the turnbuckle. Kick to gut from Kidd. Dropkick to the legs and cover for a 2 count. Kidd dives out through the ropes in to Sandown at ringside and then throws him back in to the ring. Elbow drop off the turnbuckle from Kidd but Sandown gets his knees up to block it, then hits a neckbreaker for the 3 count.

Winner Damien Sandow

Backstage Striker asks Ziggler if he feels he has something to prove after his loss to John Cena. Ziggler says it was not a loss. He says it was like a handicap match when AJ got involved in his business and John Cena had no problem taking advantage. He says tonight will probably be another handicap match for him since he is sure Cena will interfere once again. He says Cena is a liar and he will get what is coming to him, a shot to the back of the head. He says he is so damn sick of being so damn sick. Ziggler says that Sheamus says he sees Big Show in his opponents but this time when he looks at his opponent he is going to be seeing a future World Heavyweight Champion.

Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal [with Drew McIntyre] v The Usos

The Usos go to work early on Slater. Eventually Slater turns it around and kicks away at Jimmy Uso. Mahal is in. Butterfly suplex in to a cover gets a 1 count. Headlock on Jimmy Uso. Clothesline from Jimmy Uso. Tag to Jay Uso who knocks Slater off the apron. Kick to gut of Mahal. Big Samoan Drop from Jay Uso who then runs, ass first, in to Mahal in the turnbuckle. Cover gets only a 2 count as Slater breaks it up. Jimmy Uso knocks Slater out of ring. Slater kicks Jimmy Uso and Mahal hits the full nelson slam for the cover that gets a 3 count.

Winners 3MB

Sheamus v Ziggler

Lock up. Sheamus has Ziggler in the corner but Ziggler slides out. Waist lock from Ziggler. Takedown from Sheamus. Shoulder block from Sheamus and clothesline back from Ziggler. Right hands from Sheamus in the turnbuckle. Sheamus whips Ziggler in to the ropes but takes a kick on the return. Shoulder block from Sheamus knocks Dolph down. Right hand from Sheamus. Bodyslam from Sheamus on Ziggler. Elbow drop from Sheamus gets a 2 count. A suplex from Sheamus is unsuccessful as Ziggler blocks and throws Sheamus through the ropes out of the ring. Sheamus catches Ziggler on his leap from the apron and hits a fallaway slam in to the barrier. Ziggler tries to crawl away up the ramp but Sheamus grabs him and throws him in to the ring. Sheamus is on the apron and headbutts Ziggler in the gut. Ziggler drops him throat first in to the ropes then kicks him off the apron.

Commercial break

Ziggler kicks away at Sheamus in the corner. Big running splash and pin for a 2 count from Ziggler who beats away at Sheamus. Big elbow drop for a 1 count for Ziggler. Headlock from Ziggler. Sheamus gets to his feet and hits a back suplex. The 2 men slug it out. Sheamus takes his opponent down to the canvas. Kick to face from Ziggler and cover gets a 1 count. Ziggler is choking Sheamus with his boot at the bottom of the turnbuckle. Kicks from Ziggler. Heabutts from Ziggler in the turnbuckle. Sheamus flips Ziggler over the ropes then grabs him on apron and hammers away with 10 shots across the chest. Suplex to Ziggler in to the ring from the apron. Now Sheamus goes up top but Ziggler moves away and avoids what was coming up. Sheamus misses a dropkick. Ziggler hits a DDT for a 2. Ziggler motions for Sheamus to get up. Sheamus is up, avoids an attack and hits a backbreaker for a 2 count. Kick from Ziggler. Roll up from Ziggler gets a 2 count. Sheamus hoists up Ziggler but Ziggler fights out and rolls him up again but Sheamus reverses it and locks in a Texas cloverleaf. Big Show is on he apron and headbutts Sheamus who goes over to him. Big Show gets in the ring and beats away at Seamus. Both Ziggler and Big Show are attacking Sheamus. Cena runs down to the ring. He goes for Big Show, then hits an AA on Ziggler who runs over. Big Show grabs Sheamus and Cena but the throat but they fight out and double suplex him. They then both knock him out of the ring.

Winner No contest

Cena and Sheamus raise each other’s arm as Smackdown goes to credits.


Reporter's Notes


Best match
The opener, hands down. Probably makes you wonder why it was the opener and not the main event but I suppose it was for storyline purposes.

Worst match
Khali v David Otunga
That’s twice that Otunga has had to job to the man with no move set. I think that the post match dance took more time than the match itself. On the bright side, it’s easy to count Khali’s moves and perhaps a nice way for babies to start learning to count. They won’t need to get past 2. In this match he hit a clothesline and a chop. That was it. Then again if you want your child to learn you might want to get it counting someone else’s moves.

This week the show was okay [being generous though]. Once again no Teddy Long and no divas but also no Randy Orton and no Miz. I for one was relieved not to have to sit through a ‘Miz Show’ kicking off Smackdown. The storylines are not gripping me much right now, but at least the wrestling is at a fairly high standard [most of it].
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