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Tuesday, 6 November 2012

WWE Monday Night RAW Results 11/5/12

- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with a look back at last week where Team Punk vs. Team Foley was made for Survivor Series. We see footage from earlier today with The Miz and Paul Heyman backstage. Miz isn't happy about CM Punk ditching their team last week. Heyman calls it a strategic retreat. Heyman says Miz and the rest of Team Punk need to get on the same page, for their own good. Miz says Heyman and Punk are full of crap. Miz doesn't need either of them, he says. Miz quits Team Punk and walks off. We go to the RAW opening video.

- We get videos hyping the storylines with John Cena, Vickie Guerrero, AJ Lee and Brad Maddox.

Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara and R-Truth vs. Darren Young, Titus O'Neil and Antonio Cesaro

Michael Cole, joined by Jim Ross, welcomes us to RAW as Rey Mysterio makes his way out. Sin Cara and R-Truth wait in the ring. Out next comes WWE United States Champion Antonio Cesaro followed by his partners Darren Young and Titus O'Neil.

Cara starts the match off with Cesaro. Cesaro slams him first and goes to work. Cara makes a comeback and tags in Truth. They go at it and Cesaro gets the upperhand with uppercuts. Cesaro tags in Young now. Truth keeps control and tags in Mysterio. Mysterio with a leg drop for 2. Mysterio takes Young to the corner and works him over. Young turns it around and tags in Titus. Rey takes Titus down and tags in Cara for some double team kicks. Cara with a 2 count.

Truth comes back in with a dropkick and 2 count on Titus. We go to commercial and come back with Truth dropkicking Young. Cara comes back in and takes control. Cara with some offense and a tag to Rey for some double teaming. Rey goes for 619 but Cesaro tags himself in and hits a backbreaker on Rey, blocking 619. Cesaro works Rey over and tags Titus back in. Titus presses Rey high and turns it into a series of backbreakers. Titus tags in Cesaro for some double teaming on Rey. Cesaro with a big suplex for another 2 count. Cesaro keeps Rey from tagging as Truth rallies the crowd. Rey fights all three off and drops Cesaro. Rey with a DDT on Cesaro and in comes Truth. Truth and Cesaro go at it now. Truth with clotheslines. Truth takes out Young on the apron and goes back to work on Cesaro. Titus gets dumped to the floor. Truth with a jawbreaker to Cesaro but Young breaks the pin. Cara comes in and unloads on Young. Cara sends him to the floor. Cara drops Cesaro for 619 and Rey nails it. Truth gets the win on Cesaro.

Winners: Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara and R-Truth

- Still to come, Brad Maddox and Vickie Guerrero will speak. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see last week's in-ring segment with Vickie Guerrero and John Cena. Cole tells us Vickie will have more evidence tonight. We go to the ring and out comes Managing Supervisor of RAW, Vickie Guerrero.

There's tons of heat for Vickie as she heads down the ramp. Vickie says she's proud of herself. Vickie shows us recaps of the history between Cena and AJ Lee. Vickie says it didn't end with AJ and Cena getting on the same elevator. She's interrupted by John Cena's music and out he comes to a big pop.

Vickie says she runs a clean show. Cena says Vickie running a clean show is like him learning another wrestling move - it's not happening. Cena jokes on himself and then brings up all of Vickie's abuses of power. They argue some and Vickie shows us hotel security footage of AJ wearing a robe and walking down a hotel hallway. She knocks on a hotel room door, someone opens it and she walks in. It doesn't show Cena open the door. Cena says that's not evidence and means nothing. Vickie says she has more footage. There's another camera angle and we see Cena wearing a towel at the door putting a "Do Not Disturb" sign on it. Vickie says that must have been a heck of a business meeting. Cena says that footage came from two different cameras and he was hanging that sign on there just because he did not want to be disturbed. Vickie calls AJ out to the ring.

We wait but AJ doesn't come. The crowd starts chanting "we want AJ" and she appears on the big screen looking upset. AJ says Vickie doesn't want her to come out to the ring because if she has to come out and explain herself, she will give Vickie the beating of her life. AJ says then she will be fired and not able to do what she wants to do. Ziggler appears and puts his arm around AJ. He says we all know what AJ loves to do and Vickie starts laughing. Cena leaves the ring and heads to the back. Vickie thanks the fans and they boo her some more. Back to break.

- Paul Heyman is backstage talking to Wade Barrett about The Miz quitting Team Punk. Heyman says Team Punk needs someone like Barrett. Barrett says he refused Heyman last week and he's refusing him now because he doesn't trust him. Barrett goes to walk away but re-considers. Under one condition - Heyman owes him.

Daniel Bryan vs. Cody Rhodes

We go to the ring and out comes the WWE Tag Team Champions Kane and Daniel Bryan. Cody Rhodes waits in the ring and we see Damien Sandow at ringside. They lock up and go to the corner. Cody beats Bryan down and stomps away. Bryan turns it around and hits a big clothesline. Bryan with kicks now.

Bryan ends up dumping Cody to the floor. Kane stares him down until Sandow attacks from behind and takes Kane out. Bryan dives through the ropes and takes out Sandow. Cody with a Disaster Kick on Bryan. Cody brings Bryan back in the ring and hits Cross Rhodes for the win.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

- After the match, Cody takes a mic at ringside as he celebrates with Sandow. Cody says Sandow could beat Kane just as easy as he beat Bryan. Kane looks on from the ring and pulls Sandow in the ring by his hair. Sandow slides out of the ring but Kane chases him up the ramp as we go to commercial.

Kane vs. Damien Sandow

Back from the break and Kane is working Sandow over in the corner. Kane drops a big elbow and covers for 2. Kane with a backdrop and more shots in the corner. Kane keeps stopping Sandow and hits a big right followed by a big boot. Cody gets on the apron for a distraction but Bryan comes over for a brawl. Bryan chases Cody through the ring. The referee sends Cody and Bryan to the back. Sandow pleads with Kane. Kane punches him and clotheslines him in the corner. Kane with another clothesline and a big sideslam. Kane goes to the top and hits the big right hand. Kane with a chokeslam for the win.

Winner: Kane

- Still to come, Brad Maddox will speak. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Michael Cole is in the ring. He brings out suspended WWE referee Brad Maddox. Maddox gets boo'd as he comes out.

Cole shows us footage from Hell In a Cell of Maddox hitting Ryback with a low blow. Cole asks Maddox what he told the Board of Inquiry and asks if he's working with CM Punk and Paul Heyman. Maddox says no, that was all him. It was all his plan, he says. Maddox says all his life, he's wanted to be a WWE Superstar. Maddox says for years he tried to get in WWE but everyone shut the door in his face. Maddox says he's been to all the WWE events, sent tapes in and even paid $2,000 for a WWE tryout. Maddox says finally he was given a chance with a developmental contract but apparently he wasn't good enough there. Maddox wonders if that's because of his size, because he's not a freak, because he doesn't have a mo-hawk or wear a mask. The crowd chants "you can't wrestle." Maddox said officials told him he would never make it to the main roster but his dream didn't die. Maddox says he wants to be somebody. Maddox says he made a vow to himself that he would do whatever it takes to get to WWE and that's why he became a referee. Maddox says he only needed one chance to make an impact. He admits what he did was wrong and says it was all him, CM Punk had no idea. Maddox says he made an impact. Maddox yells that he's famous now and people know his name. Maddox says his dream is to be a WWE Superstar. He wants a contract and a match with Ryback. The crowd chants for Ryback. Ryback says nobody will forget him now and goes to end it but out comes Vince McMahon to a big pop.

Vince stops on the stage. He says it's one thing to be famous and it's one thing to have a death wish. Vince thinks Maddox is lying and believes Maddox is working with Punk and Heyman. Vince says he will get to the bottom of it. Vince says Maddox can have a million dollar contact if he can beat Ryback on RAW next week. Vince tells Maddox to get out of his ring. Vince goes to the back and comes back out with Vickie Guerrero. Vince asks why Vickie letting Punk hide behind his team at Survivor Series. Vince suggests Punk defend his title at Survivor Series. Vince suggests Vickie give a title shot to Ryback and she catches on. The crowd pops. Vince then suggests a Triple Threat with Cena and the match is on. Sheamus comes out and embraces Vince before heading to the ring. We go back to commercial.

Sheamus vs. The Miz

Back from the break and out comes The Miz as Sheamus waits in the ring. World Heavyweight Champion Big Show comes out for commentary. Back and forth match with Show arguing with Cole on commentary. Sheamus ends up getting Miz on the apron and beating him with the forearms to the chest before sending him to the floor. Sheamus stares down Show. Miz pushes him into the announcers table and then the ring post. Miz brings it in the ring and turns things around.

Back from the break and Miz clotheslines Sheamus in the corner. Miz with a shot off the top and a 2 count. They end up on the floor and Miz sends Sheamus into the steps. Miz brings it back in for a pin attempt. More back and forth action. Sheamus makes a comeback and unloads on Miz. Miz turns it around again but Sheamus powerslams him for 2. Sheamus with the battering ram for 2 now. Miz with offense and a pin attempt now. Sheamus counters a shot with a roll up. Miz ducks a Brogue Kick and goes for Skull Crushing Finale but Sheamus fights out. Sheamus catches Miz in White Noise and then hits the Brogue for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

- After the match, Show holds up the title at ringside as Sheamus stares back at him.

- Dolph Ziggler is pacing outside of Mr. McMahon's office. Vickie Guerrero comes out and reveals Dolph is the new leader of Team Punk at Survivor Series. Punk is out next and says Vince is just trying to screw him. Punk is upset about the Triple Threat. Punk says Vince is an ego-maniac and now Vince is getting revenge for their recent match. Vickie reveals tonight's main event is Punk and Ziggler vs. Cena and Ryback.

- They air a vignette for what appears to be a new Superstar.

- William Regal and Sheamus are backstage talking. They're going to go have a pint together.

- Cole and Ross show us the footage from Vickie Guerrero that was shown earlier tonight.

Aksana and Eve Torres vs. Layla and Kaitlyn

We go to the ring and out comes WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres. Her partner Aksana is out next as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Layla. Her partner Kaitlyn is already waiting in the ring. Aksana and Layla start things off. Aksana strikes first but Layla goes for a quick pin. Layla with another pin attempt. Eve hits the ropes and Layla goes down in the corner. Aksana works her over. Layla turns it around but gets shut down again. Eve finally comes in and chokes Layla in the corner. Eve drops an elbow and keeps Layla on the mat. They go on until Kaitlyn comes in with offense on Eve. Aksana comes back in but Layla stops her. Eve with a neckbreaker on Layla. Kaitlyn comes with an inverted DDT on Eve for the win.

Winners: Layla and Kaitlyn

- Ricardo Rodriguez is backstage with Alberto Del Rio talking about Team Punk. Del Rio bumps into Rosa Mendes before walking off to the ring. Back to commercial.

Kofi Kingston vs. Alberto Del Rio

Back from the break and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston. His opponent Alberto Del Rio is out next as Ricardo Rodriguez does the entrance. Lots of back and forth to start the match. The end finally comes when Kofi hits the Boom Drop and calls for Trouble in Paradise. Del Rio ducks it and goes for the armbreaker but Kofi hits SOS for a 2 count. Del Rio looks to put Kofi away but Randy Orton's music hits and distracts him. Kofi takes advantage and rolls Del Rio up for the win.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

- After the match, Orton comes through the crowd and lays Del Rio out with a RKO.

- Cole goes over what happened with Brad Maddox earlier.

Santino Marella and Zack Ryder vs. Primo and Epico

Ryder and Santino make their way out as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and out come their opponents Primp and Epico with Rosa Mendes. Santino and Primo start things off trading holds. Santino does some comedy before tagging in Ryder. Ryder unloads on Primo for a pin attempt. Primo turns it around and tags in Epico as they beat Ryder down in the corner.

Winners: Ryder and Santino

- We go to commercial.

Brodus Clay vs. Wade Barrett

They lock up and Clay pushes Barrett away. Barrett with a kick but Clay with a punch and kick. Clay with a knee lift and Sheeeplex on Barrett. Clay with a leg drop and he gets a near fall. Barrett with the Blackpool Slam on Clay and then he punches Clay. Barrett kicks Clay and then he connects with knees to the head.

Barrett gets a near fall. Barrett with a reverse chin lock. Barrett with a knee to the midsection. Clay with a clothesline or two. Clay with a head butt to the midsection followed by an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Clay with another Irish whip but he goes for a second splash but he misses. Barrett with a back heel kick and then it is time for the Souvenir for the three count.

Winner: Wade Barrett

- We go to commercial.

Heath Slater vs. Jey Uso

Slater plays a few chords but Jey with an uppercut and head butt. Jey with a slam. Jey with a running forearm to Slater. Slater with a kick and punches. Jey returns fire with punches. Slater with boots to Jey’s head and then he kicks Jey in the ribs. Slater with an elbow to the neck followed by a reverse chin lock.

Jey with a punch but Slater sends Jey to the mat and Slater plays a few more chords. Slater with an Irish whip to the sternum and he gets a near fall. Slater with a reverse chin lock. Jey with punches but Slater with a kick to the head for a near fall. Slater with a reverse chin lock.

Jey with an uppercut followed by a savate kick and Jey points to the turnbuckles and he goes up top but he hits Slater’s boots when he goes for the Superfly Splash and Slater with the Smash Hit for the three count.

Winner: Heath Slater

- Back to commercial.

- CM Punk and Paul Heyman come to the ring. Punk brags about beating Ryback. Punk says they had nothing to do with what Brad Maddox did. Punk goes on about his WWE Title reign and says it won't end at Survivor Series. Out comes his partner Dolph Ziggler for the main event.

CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler vs. Ryback and John Cena

John Cena is out first for his team followed by Ryback. We go to commercial.

Cena and Punk start things off. Back and forth until Ziggler comes in. Ziggler turns it around but Cena hits the bulldog. Punk comes back in and Cena keeps control. Punk takes back control and they keep Cena in their corner. Cena finally hits an Attitude Adjustment. Ziggler tags in and stops the tag. Punk comes back in for more of the same. Ryback and Punk finally come at the same time. Ryback cleans house and hits Ziggler. Ryback slams Punk and throws Ziggler into the corner before pressing him on top of Punk. Ryback clotheslines Ziggler to the floor and then clotheslines Punk. Ryback hits Shell Shocked on Punk for the win.

Winners: Ryback and John Cena

- After the match, Ryback gets the fans to chant "feed me more." Cena comes in the ring and they meet in the middle. Ryback gets the chant started again. RAW goes off the air with Ryback chanting while staring Cena down.
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